Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 May 1929, p. 48

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atro del L&IO in --No IAntl·· Shtti4·n Roatl Jim~· Reviews . I ·~- ·-·-·-·-r_r_ -·- -- -·-r- -·-- -a·a-·-·-r-·-·-a- -·0 WILMETTE LIFE May 31, 1929 ---~~-a-·_a_a_a_a_ I' 'A t t h e N 0 r t h SHOW "THE LETTER~' Varsity to Present Film Starring Jeanne E'agela at Nor· ahore Next Week; Chicago Board of Cenaors Saya "Adult· Only" Jeanne Eagles gives the first ~ig t-motional performance of the talkmg pictures in "The Letter/' N?rs~ore a.!traction for the week begu~nmg thts Saturday, June ~· The ptcture, by action of the Chtcago Board of Censors is for adults only. S~merset Maugham wrote "The ~et ter" as a stage play, and it moves n~to a sound film almost intact. The w.tfe of a British plantation manager kt_lls her lover, but by blackening ~er v~c tim's character she succeeds 111 wnggling out of the crime on the sta~d. Acquittal is just ah~ad when an- mcriminating letter, wntten by the murderess to the dead lover, turns up. And that's the kernel of the story. Miss Eagels plays the unf31ithful wife who shoots her lover down m cold blood. The woman 1s utterly unworthy. and Miss Eagels plays her as such. The part of the friendly British lawyer who saves the woman is admirably taken by 0. P. Heggie. The locale of the picture is near Singapore and the atmosphere of a far Eastern rubber plantation is excellently maintained, according to the report of leading critics. "Frivolities of 1929" 1s to be the Norshore stage attraction next week. Lou Kostoff and the Jazz Collegians, supported hy a ·group of clever entertainers, will be on hand to furnish appropriate syncopation. . ~J~-~D-~,--·JM-~J--~UM-~~~~----G-~D~-~~~-~-~~~--~~~--~~~"--~~~~~--~~~~~~~~Me-~D-~--~J~-~O lt·_a_a_a_a_a_a_a~ -~~-a-a ,/ .. Pb. IC.tnilwo~h ·~gBo-].981 &tWHn Wilmett' tm4 IC.tnilworth MATINEES l B ·ll-0-Fare. · - Doon Open 1 :JO Show Starts at 2 p. m.· Continuous SATURDAY. SUNDAY SATURDAY a SUNDAY Eoming1 During W rei Doort Op,n 6:3 o Show Start· 7 p. m. PROGRAM STARTING JUNE 1 Saturday, June 1 HELEN TWELVETREES and CHARLES EATON (100% Talkl«') "N t'Wiy,·t>d's ExC'use" Newlywed's Comedy Marion Harris Singing AC't Pathe Re,·lt>w and At'sop's Fables In Sound tttt'fBE GHOST TALKS" .. · · .~aturday, .June 1 "The Pagan . .. .. .. .. ........... Varsity " The Ghost Talks" . .. . ..... .'. . Teatro "The Letter" . . . . .. . ........ Norshure Sunday, June ! "The Iron Mask" . . . . . . . . . . ... Teatro ' 'The Letter" .. ...... . . .. . ..... Norshore 1\Ionday, June 3 "Nothing But the Truth" . . . . . . Varsity "The Letter" . .... . ............ N orshore "The Iron Mas k" . . .. ............ Teatro Tuesday, June -l "True Heaven" ...... Community House "The Godless Girl" . . . . . . . . Tea.tro "The LettE!r" . . . . . . . N orshore " Nothing But the Truth" ........ Varsity We41nf.'sdu.y, June u "The Letter" . . . . . . . .. .. N orshore "Nothing But the Truth" .. Varsity "The Godlesl'i C'4-irl" . ..... TeatN Thnrsdny, June 6 "The Hole in the Wall" . ... ... . Teatro "The Letter" .... ~orshore }'rl41ny, Jun .. 7 "The Canary :\lurder O:a~e" Community House " The Leth. ' r" . . . . Norshore "The Hole in the Wall" . . .. ..... . Teatro Sanday and 1 \fonday, Junf' 2·3 DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS "THE IRON MASK" (Sound and Talk) "M~onshln.-"-Jamt>s Barton Act Dally Nt-ws anti Klnogm.m Xews T ... ~day and Wt>dnt>sdny. Jun.- 4·a CECIL JJ. DE~fTLLE Srnsatlonal 1\lf'lodrama IT'S AN ALLURING NAME The allurinR' name "Broadwav" is again to be used in a forthc~min ~ movie. This time it is to be "Broadway Babies/' ·with Alice \Vhite in the title role. Sally Eilers and Charles Delaney will have important parts. THAT GOOD LOOKING LAD Neil Hamilton, that good looking lad. will have one of the featured roles in "The Woman Who Needed Killing." Baclanova will add zest to the film. UTHE GODLESS GIRL" (Sound and Tnlk) "Thin Twins" f'harlt>s Chose Con1t'dy "SC'IIUbt>rt's Inspiration" Fnmous f'ompost>r St>rlt>s Parnmount News Tuesday Kino~ram Nt>ws Wednesday LET~FREDDIE FROG"ttEEP YOUR GARDEN POOL FILLED HTLY LACQUERED CAST AWMINUM· 5in.t.iqlt-l6in.pipe CBnMCtion POSTPAID lf'HE TRIGGS MFG.CO.,HUNTINGTON,IND. $300 Thursday and Friday, June 6·7 CI.. ATT DETTE COLBERT and EDWARD G. ROBINSON DAVEY LEE POPULAR Davey Lee, four year old star of "The Singing Fool" and "Sonny Boy," appearing in person at one of Chicago'.~ leading loop theaters for the last week, has been attracting large crowds there; it is reported. . The Varsity theater is presenting Ramon Novarro in "The Pagan." this Saturday, June 1, for one day only "The Pagan" is a beautifully made South Sea romance with fine work by Novarro, Renee Adoree, and Do1othy Janis. Novarro gives profound understand ing and pagan grace to his character ization of a half-caste youth whose "only god is nature, and whose only law is love." Miss Jan is, a new screen find, plays her first big role as Ramon's native sweetheart, combining the warmth ·of the tropics with irresistible appeal. John Russell wrote the story of "The Pagan," and W. S. VanDyke, who had a share in the direction of "White. Shadows of the South Seas," directed this one alone. "Nothing But the Truth," screened from the gay stage play in which Wil liam Collier, Sr., played, will be the Varsity offering for Monday, Tuesd. / and Wednesday, June 3, 4, and 5. Mr. Collier himself supervised the produc tion of the picture in which Richard Dix has the role formerly played by Collier. The story of "Nothing But the Truth" is about ·a young man who, for certain reasons, bets $10,000 with his partner (who is the father of his fiancee) and h\' O acquaintances. that for twenty-four hours he can tell the truth-and nothing BUT the truth and still live and be loved. Whereupon Mr. Dix as Robert Bennett gets into a great deal of hot water. Be emerges, winner of the bet, but determined to tell ANYTHING but the truth from that time on. Helen Kane, Dorothy Hall, Berton Churchill and others ap pear in supporting roles. "The Pagan," South J Sea Film, Satur ay "'THE ROLE IN THE WALL" (All Talklf') "On Gnard"-Collt>glll'hs (All Tnlklt>) Parnmount Nt>ws Saturday, June 8 "BEHIND THE GERMAN LINES" Ofnt'lal GPrman War PiC'turt> (Syn('hronlzPd Only) "Cloflf' ShaTf'!I"-GPorge Comt>dy Mlllt>r and J,yle Sln~lna- Aet Pnthe Rt'\'lt>w In Sound Sunday. Junt> 9 "SY'Xf'OP ATION" l\' arlng'R 'Pt>nnsylvanlnns 'falling, Singing . and 1\fuslr Jfondav and ToPsday, .June 10·11 "SPl~ .\ K'EA~Y"-J,ola Lant> 100% All Talkie W.-d ·· Thur. and Fri ·· Jun.- 12·U·U "THF. WILD PARTY"-Ciara Bow All Talkie Saturday, .Junt> l i "THE PAGAN"-Ramon Novarro Sound, Talking antl . sln~ln~ -COMING SOONWUUam Halnts In "The Duke Steps Out"-Holmf'" Ht>rbf'rt In "Tile Charlatan"-Rit'hord Dix In -Notltln.- But the Tratll"--JunP Jrasll In "Strangt> Cargo"-Lon Clla·ey In "East 18 West"-Ba('· laaoTa In "The Dang.. rous Woman" -William Boyd In "The Lf'atheraeel" - Laara LaP Ian t f' In "8eaadal"-lean Ilfnholt In "Come A.eross"-Mary Brian In "The Man I Lon"-Baster Keaton In "Spite . .rrla.-e" - M&I'J Pltllord In --c.t·d~." I GARDEN of ALLAH I ~ ~ Waukegan Rd. & Lake Ave. Reservations-Phone GlenView 94 I t""""""""""""""""l ~ The New and Beautiful . . ~ ~ ROGERS LEAVES STAGE It is reported that Will Rogers wdl leave the stage after June 1 for two years in favor of the talking pictures. Mr. Rogers has been taking the place of Fred Stone in a musical show in Pittsburgh, Stone having been injured . in an airplane accident. ~ ~ I I I ~ I ·:· ·:· ·:· NOW OPEN Featuring and his orchestra . I ~ ~ JIMMY GREEN EDDIE CLIFFORD Cecile Lehman Babe Payne Ercelle Sister· Farnsworth and Vorhees Walter Bradburg I I I ~ I ~ ~ STAGE ACTORS IN MOVIE Mary Eaton and Oscar Shaw, who were seen several months ago in Chtcago in the musical comedy, "The Five O'Clock Girl," will bid for the approval of t(!lking movie fans in a picture entitled "The Cocoanuts." WHITEMAN TO MAKE. FILM Paul Whiteman and his orchestra will be featured in a Universal film called "The King of Jazz." Mr. Whiteman and his musicians played a Chtcago concert Tuesday night of th1s week at the Auditorium. NEWCOMER TO PLAY LEAD Sally Starr, a newcomer, will play the lead in "College Days," forthcoming all-talking film of campus life. Elliot Nugent and Robert Montgomefy of the sta,ge, also are to be in the picture. I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I DINNER $2~ -. - I L.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-1 NIGHTLY WBBM BROADCASTING I ~ GRETA GARBO TALKIE Greta Garbo, whose fans rejoiced when she returned to America after a visit to her native Sweden, will make her first talking picture appearance in "Anna Christie." ' "The Green Goddess" is to be remade as a talkie_, with George Arliss and Alice Joyce pl~yjng the leads.

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