Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 May 1929, p. 40

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WILMETTE LIFE May 31. 1929 M News of Interest to the Church-Goers of Our Village beth Blaylock, president, John Dern. ehl, hav~ a surprise in store for 'those who vice-president, and Wi n if re d D mg Ie .. attend. \\·ilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette secretary-treasurer. The next interesting Herman W. Meyer, pastor event for this group is the annual boat The Fellowship service will be held on -406 Prairie avenue, telephone 1396 ride June 15 for which fourteen are Wednesday night at the usual hour of Church tel~hone 3.111 already enrolled. 8 o'clock. s h( m m S«: = St. Joh"'n's Lutheran 2 o'clock at the home of 1008 Oakwood avenue. ~rs. L. E. Blunt, 'The Board of Trustees will hold its regular monthly meeting at 7:30 Monday E'!Vening in the church parlor. The various circle~ of ' the church are having their annual business meetings with election of officers. . The following circles will hold annual business meetings next week: The North End circle will meet at 12 :30 Monday with Mrs. F. L. Koontz, 1121 Ashland avenue. Mrs. A. M. Antrim, Mrs. F. H. Cornell, Mrs. R. R. Lippin~ott and Mrs. Rush Smith are assisting hostesses. · The Cozy Corner circle will meet at 2 o'clock Thursday at the home of Mrs. A. E. Klunder, 909 Chestnut avenue. A social hour will follow the business meeting. The Central A venue circle will meet Friday, June 7, at the home of Mrs. L. t.. Perry, 1127 Greenwood avenue. Luncheon will be served at 12 :30. Wekeacafila Camp Fire Girls, Roose~ velt Troop No. 2, Boy Scouts, and Sea Scout Ship No. 7, are meeting at the regular times on Tuesday. tr: m SERVICES First Sunday after Trinity 9:30 a. m.-Sunday school and Bible classes. 9 :45 a. m.-First service and sermon. 10 :45 a. m .-Confessional service for communicants. 11 a. m.-Second service and Holy Com-· muniou. On the coming Sunday niorning the Lord's Supper will be celebrated in the 11 o'clock service the confessional or preparatory service for communicants beginning at 10:45. All those who wish to receive the Sacrament will kindly announce this to the ·pastor at the parsonag~ on Friday afternoon or evening (today). The newly confir·med, fifteen in number will receive their first communion. The names of the b.oys and girls of the class confirmed are: Hilmar Bakkemo, Henry Paulsen, Daniel Cassell, Lucille Kein, Robert Cramer, Hazel Prochnow, William Sorsen, Fleeta Freeman, Lester Kossow, James Dewar·, and Rudolph Kaspar. There wer·e four adults in the class. On Friday last, May 25, one of the early ruembers of St. John's Luther·an church was laid to rest at Memorial Park cemetery, Conrad Schmeisser, who for· over twenty-five years had been a member of th~ church council of his church. Mr. Schmeisser passed a way after an illness of several months at the age of 58 years. His wife and three children survive him. G: Look for the Lighted Cross at Wilmette Since Sunday, June 9, is Children's and Forest a venues. It marks the loca- day in the church, this year· th.e regular tion of a friendly and busy church. , You ~chool service will be held at 9 :30, and are welcome to come and to help us in the special service of worship at 11 our worship and work. · o'clock. Parents are especially invited to attend the church school session and remain- for the following service. Part of the morning service will be a processional by the Church sch9ol. As thE\ First Sunday after Trinity 9:45 A. M . ... .. ...... : . . .. . Sunday school proce~sion passes the pulpit, the diplomas will be awarded for those who are graduJoseph Johnson, superintendent. 11 A. M. .... .. .. . ....... Morning worship ating from one department to another. At the same time a class will be received Sermon : "Bridging the Gulf." from the high school into church membership. Following this program, the pastor Ne:x;t Sunday afternoon at 3 P. M. we will preach a sermon suitable to the day. will break ground for the new church. This is the day for which we have been The annual June Girl Scout Court of anxiously waiting. The Rev. Paul E. Bishop, president of the Chicago Con- Awards will be held Thursday evening ference of the United Lutheran church at the beach. All Girl Scouts and their in America, will be the speaker at this families ar_e invited to atten<t. and each service. The actual ground breaking will family is asked to brine; their own supbe done by Charles F. Brandt assisted by per. A brief program and the awarding the pastor. Bring your friends and help of badges and attendance stars will take us fittingly celebrate this outstanding place around the cam1)fire following the !;Upper. event in the church's history. de w. English Lutheran H F K T D \'l H Sl D I< w le D n B :H S4 a; Sunday, June 9, ts "'hildren's Day. The children of the Sunday school are preparing the service for that memorable day. It is their· day and they "ill lead us in our worship. The parents are cordially invited to be pr·esent and helP' make this OJ.le of the best services we have ever had. The Building committee meets at the chureh Fr·iday night, May 31, promptly The Sunday school picnic and outing at 8 o'clock. This is a very important The Blue Birds will meet on Friday Next Sunday, June 2, will be the first of St. John's Is scheduled for Saturday, meeting and should be$in on tirrre. It Sunday after Trinity. There will be Holy at 3:30 p. m. June 15, at the Gletl\'iew Forest Preserve. ean if the memben> of th committee Communion at 8 a. m., church school~ The grounds just west of the golf pavilion will report prom»tly. A Yrmng Married People's club was and Bible classes at 9 :45 a. m., and Holy have been stcured for thi~ purpose. A crganized at a meeting held last Friday Communion with address at 11 a. m. Yery tine, interesting program of game:-; The Women's Misl'iionary socie ty will night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert and contests is being arrang~::d. We hope mt-et at the church Thun;day, June 6, at Next Sunday being the first Sunday Tucker. that the fathers and mothers and older 2 :30 P. M. This is the q~gular monthly The following officers were elected : A. sisters and brothers will also come out meeting of the society. \Vomen of the in the month will be the Corporate Com- L. Garniss. president; J. E. Graham, Mn;. that afternoon and make a real picnic community who have no active ehun.: h munion Sunday for the Boys' and Girls' Albert TuckE>r, and Mrs. F. R. Kilner. of it. The main feature will be fun for affiliation in \\'ilmette are urged to at- Communion leagues. vice-presidents; and H. S. Davidson, secthe youngsterl3, but there will also be a tend this me~ting. The last session of our Church schools retar·y-treasurer·. The club will hold its number· of thing~ to keep the other·~ inbefore the summer will be held on Sun- next meeting Friday, June 28. All youno· terested and occupied. So, remember the The Church council will meet for their day morning, June 9, Sunday after next. married couples of the church who are 15 of June and plan to be there. rt>gular monthly meeting \Vednesday eve- Uur Church schools always adjourn for not above an average age of thirty-eight ning, June 5, at 8 P. M. Every council- the summer on th Sunday before the are invited to join the club. The mf'mThe classes for the Christian education man should be present for this meeting. ~rade sehools close and begin the autumn bership roll will be closed at the meeting of children have been closed for the session on the Sunday after the grade June 28 and a waiting list created, so present sehoul year. They will be rethat the group may be kept to a size The Sunday school picnic will be an :-:chouls open. opened at the beginning of the new school event of early June. Last year we had which will permit the use of homes a~-1 year in September or early October. Par- the large~t and best picnic ever held by The rector has been selected to me:ting places. The first hour of the ents will please bear this in mind and our Sunday school. This Yt'<H we are r('present the Diocese of Chicago at a monthly meeting will be devoted to study when the new term Qpens have their chil- olanning upon breakin" last year':-; record . l'om·ention of relig·ious education leaders and the remainder of the evening to · dren enroll. The member:-; of the c-hurch are invited in Cleveland next week. Immediately social acth·ities. to join the Sunday school in their an- following this con\'ention he will attend The Synodical convention of the Mis- nual picnic. a t;Ollege reunion in Toronto, Canada, as souri Synod of the Lutheran church will presid~::nt uf his class. open its ten-day sessions Wednesday, "Wor:::;hip in Wilmette." ~inth street at Greenleaf avenue June 19, at the River Forest Teachers' The rector gave the annual address at college, Harlem and Augusta boulevard. the DiQcesan A~sembly of the Brothet·- Rev. Clyde Randolph Wheeland, B. D. 534 ShE>ridan road, Evanston A 2~5-page booklet presenting the overhood of St. Andrew held at the Church tures has just been issued and sent to Df the Redeemer. Chica§9, last Monday Sunday, June 2, Fellowship Communion ever.¥ pastor and delegate within synod. · The following note appeared on the night. will be observed at the morning service, During the days of synod a Daily Con- bulletin la~t Sunday: vention ref'ord will also be pr·inted giviug The gu~st of honor for today is Mr. As president of the examining chaplains 11 a. m. There will be reception of new all the interesting news of the convention Frank Briggs, the one man in the church for the Diocese of Chicago, the rector membf'rs and baptism of children. It will be sent to all dt>sir·ing it daily for who has the proud distinction of wearing will conduct examinations next Monday Hecognition of the place of children in the sum of twenty-five cents. Please "The Little Bronze Button." Mr. Briggs f,Jr all young men preparing for ordinathe kingdom will be the theme of Chilleave your name and address with one ser\'ed three years and six months during tion in the diocese. rlren':-; day, June 9. of the deacons if yuu \vish this record. the Civil War, having enlisted three different times. He began as a private in The Sunday school picnic will be held the Fourteenth Ohio Regiment, Company .June 15 at the Glen ,·iew Forest Preserve. I, and ended his service as Captain of the Vere V. Loper, minister Sixty-Seventh Ohio Regiment, Company 'Villiam E. McCormack, associate A cordial invitation to unite with this \Vilmette and Forest a venues H. He was engaged in forty-fi\'e skirchurch by letter, confession of faith or mi~hes ahd battles, taking part in the Rev. George D. Allison, pastor President J. D. Brownell of Northland reaffirmation of faith is extended all those ~eige of Charleston, Petersburg and RichWe hQnor ourselves today by C:)llege will be the speaker at the Sunday without present church affiliation. The The closing communion service of the mond. season will be held on Sunday in con- honoring him. At the close of the serv- morning worship service at 10 :45. Presi- Ses~ion will meet at the close of the ne~tion with the regular morning wor- ice, members and friends will wish to dent Brownell is an old friend, having oc- ~en·ice to receive new members. shrp at 11 o'clock. Dr. Allison will preach greet this veteran of the Grand Army of cupied this pulpit on previous occasions, and he is always heard with real apprePrayer meE>ting, Wednesday at 8 p. m. a sermon on the theme ··standing by the rhe Republic. ciation. He is guilding the destinies of Continuing studies in the New Testament, Master." The Sunday school . session will be h~ld at 9:30 as usual. The following The Official board will meet next Mon- one of the most interesting of the smaller "'!'he Gospel of John." You are invited to this devotional and study hour. Sunday, June 9, will be observed a:i Chil- day night to consider two important mat- colleges in this country. dren's day with a combined service at ters. The first of these will , be the The absence of Mr. Loper this Sunday The ChriRtian Endeavor will meet at 11 a. m., the program to include baptis- program for the opening service in the mal sen-ice, a pageant and the gradua- new church building, which will be held is due to the fact that ' he is attending 5 :30 p. m. for devotional hour which intion e~rcises of the school. sometime during the month of July. The the National Council of Congregational cludes the study by Dr. Wheeland on second item will be the plans for the church.:·s bt;ing held in Detroit. Earlier "Ho:w We Got Our Bible." Thursday. June 6, there will be a bus larger progran1 to be developed in the session~ of the council were rep.resented Boy Scouts Troop 5, will meet Monday tour of th~ Baptist Institutions of Chi- building at the beginning of the new frum this church by Mr. McCormack, Mrs. at 7:30 p. m. F. L. Joy and Mrs. A. H~ Howard. cago. Any wishing to participate in this year in September. Spoke 2 will meet Thursday, June 6, Interesting and informing trip may inThe Senior depar·tment of the Church with Mrs. A. R. Ford, 427 Central avenue. qui!<' of Mrs. W. S. Campbt>ll. The ' an!lual meeting and election of, school is planning a trip on Sunday The musical program for Sunday, June otfi--ers of the Ladies' Aid society will Pastor George D. Allison Is teaching l>e held Thur~day afternoon at 2 o'clock afternoon to hear the North Shore Festi- 2, is: part of Bach's B Minor Organ Prelude, "Communion in G" . . .. this week in the Foreign Pastors' Insti- at the church. Mrs. W. I. Cable of val chorus sing tute. being held at the Northern Baptist E\·anston will he the readE>r, and Mrs. Mass in the beautiful new Chicago uni......... . ... . ................. . Batiste semrnary, 3040 WeM \Vashington boule- F. D. Anderson will sing. At the meeting versity chapel. To hear the most out- Anthem, "Praise the Lord" . .. . Randegger vard. the reports for the past year's work will standing portions of the mass sung by Anthem, "The Lo§t She.ep" . ... .. Jordan great chorus in such appropriate sur- Offertory Solo, "Hear My Prayer". Dvorak iJe heard. There is evet·y indication that this The Northern Baptist connntion meets these reportl'l from the divisions and the roundings will be an ~xperience not easily Mr Otis June H to 19 · at D~>nver, Colo. It Is general society will surpass all previous duplicated. Members of the department Organ Postlude, "Allegro" ...... . . . . Blair expected that Wilmette will be represented records. Following these annual reports will meet at the church at 2 :30 and drive Quartet by pastor and delegates at these se sions. the officers for the ensuing year will be to the Chicago University campus. Catherine Bushouse, soprano .John B. Mil!er, tenor f'lected and inRtalled. A very unique proThe W. C. T. U. of Wilmette and WinThe Young People's society has chosen gram Is being de\·eloped for this part of Rose Lutiger Gannon, contralto netka is holding its annual business meetaa Its officers for the coming year·, Eliza- the meeting. The pastor and committee Edward Otis, bass ing and election of officers on Monday at Erma Round~. organist and director The Boys' club will meet at 3 :30 p. m. The annual meeting of the W. H. M. S. on Thursday. Junior choir rehearsal at of Northern district will be held at Lib- 4. ertyville Tuesday, June 4, at 10. At 6 :30 p. m. on Thursday the Senior The Wilmette and Winnetka W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. L. E. Blunt, 1008 department annual banquet and election Oakwood avenue Monday at 2 o'clock. of t)fficers will be held. This will be a business meeting and the Friday, June 7, is the date Ret for the officers for next year will be ele<.:ted. farewell reception honoring- Mr. McCormack, to be held in Pilgrim Hall at 8 o'clock. ll p St. Augustine's a 4 ~ E \1 .A F '] Q 'J 11 9 1 Presbyterian Church ~ 1 ~ A1ethodist Church Wilmette Baptist First Cof!;g'l Church a

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