Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 May 1929, p. 30

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30 WILMETTE LIFE May. 31, 1929 June Brings Beginning ·of Society's Summer .Regime Dundee Country Club Board Supper Dance Is to Give Luncheon June 12 Next Large Event The officers and directors of the · at Vista del Lago Dundee Country club have issued inBY JEAN TEN BROECK I Betrothed I Wilmette Garden Club Will Have Spring Exhibit The stir of the opening of a new season i:-- felt at the Cluh \ ' ista del Lago, that colorful ~pan ish club that fits into the hluff and beach at No Man's Land, offering its members and guests unobstructed access to sand and lake and sunlight. \\lith a membership now of more than four hundred per son-5, it awaits summer's coming to enjoy to its utmost the unique facilities it can otTer. A dance and supper will make the evening of Saturday, June 1, festive at the club, and a fashion show is scheduled for the following Saturday. Friday, June 7, will be the occasion of a special bridge luncheon which inaugurates the summer season. Mrs. Herman H. Engelhard of \\'innetka is chairman. The club has pass·ed, succe3sfully through its reorganization days, we are informed, and is anticipating all of the forthcoming activities which will make it a bright spot in the social life on the north shore. During the winter weekly bridge luncheons for women members and their guest.;, charming affairs for children, dinner bridge events in the eve~ nings, and dances have kept the club a hospitable spot, and it has been the locale of man~ varties, both large and small. Among the n.umerous men who are taking keen interest in the club and its affairs are Melvin Martin, E ugene Hm"·ard, Henry \Vatt s, and Brayton Witherell. · Committee_, arc being formed to plan and arrange the many phase~ oi activity in the varied life of Club \'ista dd Lago. 1une 12, vitation s to a · luncheon Wedntsdav at the Casino club at 12 :30 o'clock. during which important club business will he discussed. .The officers for the organization, which is an attractive, exclusive golf cluh for women, are: Mrs. Charles A. Koltz of Winnetka, president; Mrs. Pettit Watson of Winnetka, vice-president; Mrs. \V. \V. Haerther, secretarv; Miss Ernestine Pearce ·of Winnetka, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Paul Walker, treasurer. Directors of Dundee Countrv cluh include Mrs. Raymond M. Ashcroft, Mrs. A. F. Burrage, Mrs. Robert Cutting, Mrs. John Douglass, Mrs. Cyril P. Mertens. and Mrs. \V. W. \Viltits. Three men compose the adviso:-y committee. Robert Cutting, Robert Gardner. and Robert Cpham. · U t W "II Ml.ss·.Cia u dra p on . l Speak at Mothers, Club 1liss Claudia Upton, as istant instru~to_~ ' at .· the . . Art> ~~1stitute, who specmhzc~ \\tth children::. groups, \nil be the st>cak"r at tl· , , ·t . . , '" lc ncx regu 1 .. tr meetmg of the Young Mothers' club on Monday cycning, June 3. The talk will be_ illustr~tcd _with lantern slidL·s. SpecJal mustc wtlt be furnished bv Mrs. 1\ed Tingley, wh 1 i~ a lllL'Illi>e-r of the K a rleton Hackett trio of Chicago. The meeting will he held at the honH· of llrs. Ceorge Lamb, 115 \Yoodhiue a\·cnue. !\frs. F. L. Larson and \fr.-;. A. \". Gruhn will assist the hostess. mencc dancing to Cope H an·ey music in the ballroom. Sundav dinner \\·ill he served from 1 until R as usual. hut no music hour wilt he held . M onrla\· afternoon will he the occasion of an afternoon bridge tea for women members and their guests. £t will he partner daY. and the · game witl he progressive. Tea will he sernd at .t o'clock. The regular Thur:-~rlay en~ni1_1g huffct dinner was sen·ed }.{emonal day. Class A-A rtistir A rru n~ement Exhibit 1-Gar·den flow e r~ in vase or basket. (a) Large effe('t. (b) Small effel..'t. Exhibit II-Wilfl ftowt>n~. ~pray::;, \·ines. from the woods. in vase or basket. Exhibit III-Miniature Reck Garden. Exhibit IV-Flowering shrubs and \'in es. Class R-Jo'lowt>r Pt·rft.>C'tion The installation of ne\\. officers \\·t!t At lt-ast three blossoms in eac-h entry. he the event of especial interest at A glass container. prt>ferahly a mason Shawnee Country . cluh when it givts jar. must b e nrovif! d for each entry. Exhibit 1-Jris. its spring- party Saturday evenin~. (a) Purple. June 1. Guests at the event. a gala (b) Blue tonN;. Gibson Casebeer Studio one in cluh annals. will wear sports (··) Yellow. attire. The,· ,,·ill dine at 7 o'clock. inRobert 0. Berger of Kenilworth an(d) White (e) Pink ton~·s . duct their -new officers inunediateh·. nounce_;; the engagement of his daugh(f) Any not listt-<l. afterwards, and then. at <) o'clock, coni- ter. Ethel Betty, to Charles Henry Exhibit IJ- Peony. The Wilmette Garden club has decided upon Friday, June 7, as the tiri1e of its annual spring flower show which will open at 2:30 o'clock, at the home of Mr5. Roscoe L. Roberts, 808 Green- . wood avenue, Wilmette . Mrs. C. R. Bixby is general chairman of the event and Mrs. R. L. Sonneborn of Evanston will he the speaker of the afternoon. She has chosen as her topic, "Care and Arrangement of Cut Flowers." Flowers are to be exhibited in two classe3, for artistic arrangement and for flower perfection. The classes, with their sub-divisions, and the rules set for exhibitors, follow: Shawnee Club to Induct New Officers on June I Cih . on, son of Mr. and ~Irs. Clinton E. Gibson of Chicago. (a) Red. Engagement Is Announced During a Dinner and Tea ~r iss Rummage Sale in ·June The alumnae of Kappa Alpha Theta are c~nducting a · rummage sak June 4 and 5. at 1561 Sherman avenue, Evan . ton. Articles to he sold ma\' be taken t\) the BoPk . hl1p. 1555 Sherman avenue. or the,· wilt he rnllecte1l ii the donor:-. wiJ( telephone ~f rs. L. F.. Mitten at \\'innetka 2168. \\' · . .·, \' f 1 \\"1 1e s sot tc t n t H' 1B oman .- 1 1 ··11 1 1 t . - fi .. mett~ apt~:-t c 1urc 1 " 1 _11~ c 1ts _11 ..,t: meetml! of the sea::;o:1 on l·ncla,· attl'r t_ won. June_, 7. at ~- o cl~)ck ,at the _Pflr_sonage. lO_R Forc:-.t a\enm . _ \fr:--. \~. S. ~amphell. the ne\\" pre-;1dent. \\'111 prestde. Dr. George D. Alli~nn will ~-j\"L' ~ slwrt inspirational addn'.::s on the sub.i ect. "~faintain ·the Spiritual Gh\\' ... ~frs. Georg-e B. \\'iltiams wilt ..:peak nn o11r "Perennial Oppnrtunitie:-;." Tlwrt' will abo he appropriate musical num l·c ,~_,_' :\11 POUIH'elllent:-; of lle\\' "Li 11 k" lead,, ,..._ will h l' made .' to :.rcther " ·it h names ,, r 1111.'111hcr:-; of each . "link." Fntlo\\'illl! the business meeting and program there ', ·i 1' 1' e a s :->ria I 111 c e tin~- an cl rei r ~· ~ h111('11 t s. Tl . . Baptrst Church Soctety Opens New Season June 7 Entertains at Shawnee ~Irs. Leland \'. Pierson, 80-t Fnrest a,·emte, entertained at a luncheon Jnd bridge on \\"ednesda,· o.f la st \Hek at Sha\\·nce in honnr of Mrs. Carl \\.idne~· of \Vinnctka, who is mo\·ing nut of town. and Mr3 . Robert \\'noden of na,·enpnrt. Jnwa. ~frs. \\'ooclen \\·as the fl)rmcr Ruth ~[ouldin~. daughter oi ~( r. and ~~ r . Thoma:-; C'. ~[oulding. lGO-l Greenwood ~n·enue. \Yilmettc. The \\'oodens are planning to make their home in \Vinnctka. . Having Series of Parties !\Irs. Valentine Smith has issued invitations for a luncheon and hridge to be given at her h:->me, 1309 Chestnut a\'enue, on Tuesda\'. ~~ r. and ~trs . Smith entertained t~,·e nty-eight fricn<ls at dinner and hridge la:-.t \\'edne ;;day evenin.l! at their home. Dinner for Bride-Elect Mrs. Celena Friend, .tlO \Ya sh in ~t,m avenue, will be hostes· .-; at a d111ner party for twenty-four guests tomorrow evening in honor of ~(is s L~rayne Greenebaum, whose engagement to Mrs. Friend's son, Kurt Charles Friend, was announced last week. Gives Farewell Luncheon ~1rs. John \\'elt on Fischer, Jr .. entntained at a farewell luncheon on TttL·sd~\- of this week in hono~ of Mrs. Carl \\'idney of \\'innetka. who is lltOving soon to ~ ew York . Lilli·_, Price of ~I org-an Park to Emerson A. Armstrong nf La Grang-e ·G. dd. Wa:\ ma(k \\' ednesclay C\'Cning of la~t 0 tVe e ~ng ecepflon week at ~ dinner pa~ty gi\'ell by, ~[ rs.-1 at Edgewater Beach June 1 Charlc=- Larison. ~f1ss Lulu \\ nght. , . . · and ~lis.; Helen ~[elone\· at Sha\\:nee 1 h~c . \\·eddmg of ~ftss (,race £yan~ Country club. and abo ~t a tea giyen nf. l hJcag-1) to G~rald . Harbaugh ot h,· \fi . ..,.; Price's parents. \[r. and \h:=; . \\dayneshor?, Pa .. 1s t akmgr l~(l)ac~' sa t1 F I. Price ni \f oro·a 1' Park "t tl 1 1 . ur ay cvrmng, 1une 1' at 8 :J o c 1 llC ..:. ' " · ,... c r 1 Cl I f I A . h 111 t last Friday aiternoon. at t 1e 1urc 1 o t 1e_ .toncment 111 . . . · Roger..; Park. The hncle s uncle and \l_"'s Pnce. ts a t~acher. of mat he- aunt. \[ r. and \f r.:;. R. R. ~f arquarclt of 1 ~\tttc:-; at ~~,,- Tner ~tgh schlwl. ?18 \\'nodhine a\'enue, will be ll::>st and \_·:ere. :-.l:e ha~ hee~J, _a .member - ~ f tl~c l~oste:->.; at the \\·edding reception at .the ~.tc~dt~ 10 ; mne !car::.. She 1.~ al..,o l·.dge\\'ater Btiach hotel whtch will tolJtltllnr . adnsor ~ha~rman. he \nil not ),)\\' the ceremony. re~mne her teachtng next y~ar. Xo ~!iss Edith Marquardt. \\·hn is to he date has been set for the weddtng· · 1esma1·ct .; 111 · 1 · ·s ... · one ot- t 1 ~~~ 1 >rtc H.' r cnusm \Yedding party. is entertatntng at ·a rehearsal dinner this evening. Al_ TJha Phi's .Will Hold ~Irs. \\'. H. B. Stephen'.'· 619 Ct·nA~nnual Luncheon June 8 tral an: nue, entertained at a luncheon The Chicago Alumnae chapter d Tuesday at the \\'oman's l' niver..;ity Alpha Phi \Yilt hold its annual reunion dub in hcmor oi ~I iss E' ans. luncheon meeting at the Korthwester11 chapter hou::;e on the campus Saturclay. June R. at 12 :30 o'clock. A pm- Engagement Announced :\fr. and 11rs. \\'alt~r E. Ingcr -nl! of gram reminiscent of the past will he St. Pctl'rshurg·, Fla .. formerly of \\'il- ) a feature of the occasion. \frs. C . H. Young of 2002 Colfax ml'tte, announce the engagement of street, Evanston. l'nin:- rsit\· 8229. i" their daughter, Gertrude, to \\'illiam in charQ"e oi resen·ations ,,·liich are t ·) Erne:;t \Vimpey of ~t'\\' York. ~fiss be made hefore 10 o'clock. Frida,· Ingersoll is a graduate of X ew Trier High school and Sweet Briar colleg~. moming. June 7. it is announced. ~I r. \\' i111pey wa·.; graduated from Oklahoma universitv and is associated with Is Hostess' at Tea the Amalgamated Bank of New York. ~frs. \\'alter Clark of 418 Xinth The wedding date is unde!ermined. "trt·et was ho. te.·.;; at a tea at her home la:'t \\\'dne:->(ta\· in honor of \fr;,. Cart Edging-ton \\.idney of \\'innetka, fnrm- Opens Home for Benefit erly of \\.ilmette, who. with \fr. \Viet Mrs. M. Schmitz opened her home :1ey ami their son. is leaYing s~)n to at 500 Greenleaf avenue, Glencoe for residL' in XC\\' York. the .Mothers' Relief association, for a · benefit luncheon and bridge, Friday, ~f rs. R. S. Bogie and her daughter- :\fay 2-t . . Thirty tables were filled by in-law, ~frs. Mord ~I. Bogie of Evans- representatives of the North End club, ton, enterta ined at luncheon and hriclge the Tuesday Art and Travel club, and last ~fondav at Shawnee Countrv club the Mothers' Relief association, of in honor of ~liss Helen Seng of \Vii- which Mrs. Charles A. Danz is nresimette w~o is to be married to Marshall dent and Mrs. Schmitz, a memb.er <'f Ct)rns on June 19. the board. (h) ""Whitt'. (c ) Light pink . (d) Dark pink. (e) Any not li:sted. Exhibit IIT-Columhi1w. Exhibit IV. - Pyrt>thntll!. P.xhihit \'-H!:'SJlt>l'iS (~\\" ·t t l!·w k t t ). Exhibit Yf-Pan~it>s. Announcement of the engagement of Exhibit Yli - Any 1111t !i!-'t t·!l a!J . ,,·P . T . W R . . C

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