Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 May 1929, p. 70

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WILMETTE LIPS ... May. 24, 1929 said Court (docket No. 256) the final hearing thereon will be had on the lOth day of June, A. D. 1929, at ten o'clock A. · M. (Daylight Saving Time) or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. · All persons desiring may file objections in · said court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make theh· defense. Said Ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment in ten (10) annual installments with annual interest then·on at the rate of six percentum per annum as provided by law. Dated Wilmette, Illinoi s, :\lay 24, A. D. 1929. ' CHARLES N. EVANS Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improve ments of the Village of Wilme tte, Cook County, Illinoi s, to make sa id assessment. L35-2tc FOR RENT-FURNISHED FOUR ROOM VILLAGE OF WILMETTE SPECIAL SUMMER COTTAGE WITH GARASSESSMENT NO. Iii AGE, FISHING, BATHING AND BOATING, GRASS LAKE, NEAR NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons BELLAIRE, MICH. ADD RES S interested that the President and Board · GEORGE N. TATE, BELLAIRE, MICH. of Trustees ot the VIllage of Wilmette, (Continued from page 69) 82LTN35-4tc in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, having ordered that the first SUMMER COTTAGE FOR RENT AT alley south ot Greenleaf Avenue fr,o m 48 FOR SALE-VACANT Post Lake, near Pelican Lake, Wis. the west curb line of Seventh Street to Good fishing, boating, golfing. For the east curb line of Eighth Street be reservations phone Winnetka 2878. improved by grading and paving with 82LTN35-ltc r e inforced Pol'tland cement concrete and 80 acres of park for your FRONT YARD. Tht> gn~at open space forever proothf'l'wise improved; the ordinance for ANTIQUES teeted at the end of a private drive. !f9 the same being on file in the office of All the ad \'antages of a country estate~ -~-R-S-._H_A_L_U_N __ H_A_S_G_E_N_r_u_I_N-.E-·_A_N_T_I-- the Village Clerk of said Village and said . with all the conveniences of the Vih Village having applied to the County lage. The premier location in Winque mahogany 3 piece bedroom set. 1 Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an netka for the finer home. 358x165 or !'Osewood parlor chair. Must be sold assessment of the cost of sa id improvewill divide, at a reasonable price, to immediately. Tel. Greenleaf 1120. m e nt, according to benefits , and an acceptable purchaser only. Write Wil' 99LTN35-1tc assessment therefor having bee n made mette Life B-32. 78LTN26-tfc and returned to said Court (Docket No. 255), the final hearing the reon will be 1------------------100 FOR SA.Ll~ -llSEHLD. GOODS BARGAIN-WINNETKA had on the lOth day of June, A. D. 1929, SPECIAL ASSESSJIENT NOTICE SOUTH at ten o'clock A. M. (Daylight Saving EAST Time ) or as soon the r eafter as the busi\'ILLAGE OF WILMETTE SPECIAL CORNER HOTPOINT ELECTRIC STOVE, SIX n ess of th e Court will permit. ASSESSI\IENT NO. ~ii4 WILLOW burners, two large· baking ovens, one All lJerso n s desiring may file objections AND HIBBARD heating oven, one broiler, o\·en h eat in said court before said day and may NOTICE is hereby giYen to all person:-~ ALSO BEAUTIFUL ACRE HO:\lESITE regulator, hood, in exce lle nt condition appear on the hearing and make their Interested that the President and Board PHONE KENILWORTH 165 and cheaply priced. Box 414, Lake d efense. Forest. 100LT:N35-ltc 78LTN35·1tp Said Ordinance provides for th e collec- of Trustees of the Village ·of Wilmette, tion of said assessment in ten (10) an- in the County of Cook and State of FOR SALE-RARE ORIEXTAL RUG. nual installments with annual inte rest rllinois, having ordered that the first Exceptional value. 12x1S. B e::t utiful thereon at the rate of six per centum per alley south of Spencer Avenue from the west curb line of Fifteenth Stree t to Persian design. Sullivan, 1326 Arthur annUJll as provided by law. Avenue. Near Loyo la fitation. · Dated Wilmette , IllinoiH, May 24, the east curb line of Sixteenth Street he improved by grading and paving with HERE IS ONE OF THE MOST BEAU· 100LTX35-ltc A. D., 1929. reinforced Portland cement concrete and Uful lots left of the few remaining In CHARLES N. EVANS Winnetka. Bullding restriction. On a FOR SALE-MAHOGA~Y LOVE SEAT. Person appointed by th e Presi- otherwise improved ; the ordinance for quiet drive-no trees but a beautiful Upholstered in Cherry silk damas k. dent of the Board of Local the same being on tile in the office of the outlook at a price at least $30 a foot Bargain, $25. Winnetka 2243. Improvements of the Village of Village Clerk of said Village and said under anything comparable. Address 100LTN35-1t!! Wilmette, Cook County, Illinoi s . Village having applied to the County Talk A-221. 78LTN13-tfc Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an to make said assessment. FOR SALE-DIN. TABLE AND CHAIRS, L35-2tc a~sessment of the cost of said improve1 sewing machine, small icebox, % bed ment, according to benefits, and an \ co mplete, other hou sehold goods, cheap. assessment therefor having bee n made XHERE ARE STILL AVAILABLE TWO Phone Wilmette 962. 100L35-ltc and returned to said Court (Docket No . SPECIAL .\SSESSJlR~T NOTH.m beautifully wooded half acre plots for 254), the final hearing the reon will be those wbo prefer trees, in Westmoor BAB}" GRAND PIANO, ALl\IO. T NEW, WIJ;l\fETTE SI,ECL'\L ASSESSJlE'X'I' had on the lOth day of June, A. D. 1929, Trail. Permanently protected, unusual standard make, mah. finish. ·will sell at ten o'clock A. M. (Daylight Saving ~0. ~t2 privacy, highly restricted, the right for less than half. Leaving city this Time) or as soon thereafter as th e busi'kind of Winnetka neighbors. Priced week. Ph. Glencoe 945. 100LTN3.5-1 t c IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ness of the Court will permit. much less than anything of comparAll persons desiring may file objection:-; able desirability. Phone Winnetka 1016. FOR SALE- LAUNDRYETTE WASH- ASSESSMENT OF THE VILLAGE OF \VILMETTE for the improvement con- in said court before said day and m a y ·Glen C. Bull. 78LTN26-tfc ing machine, porch shades and por h s isting of grading and paving with con- appear on the hearing and mak e their chairs. All priced ve ry r eas. Ph. Win- c rete and otherwise improving the" first defense. netka 1491. 100LTN35-ltc alley southwest of Park A venue from the Said Ordinance pro\·ides for the collecBEAUTIFUL HOMESITE ADJOINING FOR SALE. _ PORCH FURNITURE. southeast curb line of Washington Ave- tion of said assessment in t e n (10) an· Deere Park. Close to transportation davenport, Ivory Mullins radiator nue to the northwest curb line of Cen- nual installments with anntlal interest thereon at the rate of six per centum I> e·· .and Ravinia Park. Illness compels sale. cover, gateleg tabl e. Ph. \Vilmette 288. tral Avenue, in the Village of Wilmette, annum as provided by law. ook County, Illinois, Special Assessment Dated 'Vilmette, Illinoi s, tooLa5-ltp No. · 242, in the County Court of Cook May 24, A. V. 1929. County, Illinois. 418 Linden Ave. Wilmette 698 FOR SALE- HOT POINT AUTOMATIC CHARLES N. EYANS NOTICE IS HEREBY given to all per7SLTN35-ltc e lectric range. Used a few months. sons interested that the Board of Local Person appointed by the Presi----------------Reas. Ph. Wilmette 4261. 100L35-ltc Improvements of said Village has heredent of the Board of Local . LOT 60xl60 AT FLORA PLACE, RAImprovements of the Village of tofore filed in said Court, in said cause, vtma terrace, east of Green Bay Rd . FOR SALE- 1 DAVENPORT AND a certificate showing the cost of the imWilmette, Cook County, Illinois $1)0 a ft . Ea~y t e rms. Winnetka 1334. overstuffed chair. Ph. Highland Park pr·ovement, and the amount reserved for to make said assessment. ' 78LTN33-3tp 1544. 100LTN35-lte interest, leaving a deficiency of Si)\ L35-2tc Hundred Dollars ($600.00) to be raised by FOR SALE-CHEAP S PIECE DINING ,.;upplemental Sl FOR SAI~F.-f'E:~l.F.'fERY LOT8 assessment levied on th e room set. Phone ·wilme tte 451. PROPOSAL property benefitted by said imp··ove m e nt 100LT35-ltc as provided by law, and also that said FOR ~ALE-T\VO 4 GRA YE CEMEBids will be recPived by the Superintery lots, 1\femori:'l.l Park. One directly improvem en t has . b een co mplet ed in sub- t endent of Public Works of the Village in front. of chapel. \Vrite \Vinn. Talk FOR SALE-CHILD'S FLAT TOP DESK. stantial conformity to the require ments of Wilmette, Illinois, for th e purchase of B-96. 1LTN35-ltc Reas. Ph. Wilmett 3417. 100LTN35-ltc of the original ordinance th e refo r, and Incandescent l\lazda Lamps for th e has applied to said court to con:;ider and Street Lighting Department. Bids to 101 WTD. TO DUY-HSEHLD. GDS. REAL EST .\T}; d e t e rmine whether or not the facts stated e~ver requirements for one y ea r, beginin said certificate are true, and tha t said nmg the first day of June, 1929. Bid s WANTED TO BUY- SECOND-HAND court has fixed Monday, June lOth, A. D . must be in th e hands of the Superinfurniture and other household good~ . 1929, at ten o'clock A. .:\f. (Daylight t end ent of Public \Vorks by June 4 at Highes t prices for l';ame. C rost Furni- Sa.Ying OFFER Tim e ) or a~ soon there- 7 :30 P. M., at the Village Hall Wilm~tte ture store, 1004-6 Emerso n St., EvanR- after as the bu s iness of th e court Illinois. The Superintendent ' of Publi~ 200 ACRE F ARl\I ton, ll1. Ph. Uni\'. 189. i01LTN48-tfc NEAR CRYSTAL LAKE will permit, at the room of said Countv \Vorks reserves the right to reject any ~,LL EXCHANGE FOR 11\lPR VED Court in the County Building, in th Ci ty and all bids. north ~hore property or vacant hul';i- ·102 FOR SALE-~IISC. of Chicago, in said Cook County, as the C. C. SCHULTZ ness. An exct-llent dairy farm. on good time and place for the hea ring on sa id Supe rint endent of Publi c Work;-;. gravel road with 8 room houl';e, new F01l SALE KIMBALL UPRIGHT application. All per~on s deR iring· may L35-lt c barn, silo, tool sheds. spring fed pond, piano and b ench $50; 9 tube Supe r file objections in said co urt be fore said running water in house and barn. Heterodyne radio,~ loop aerial and wall day, and may appear on the h eari ng and Priced at $35,000. Ownet·'s equity, type cone speaker $15; radio cabinet $15. make their defense. $15,000. Tel. Wilmette 2157. 102L35-ltc Dated May 21, 1929. EARL E . ORNEr!. 100 LB. ICE BOX, WHITE, SPALDING ERNEST C. CAZEL rowing mach. R eas. Winn. 109. ALBEHT L . GHINNELL For rent, Furnished or For Sale. 7 room 102LTN35-1 tp C. MILES McDONALD house with bath, hot water heat, garSTANTON VAN INWAGE~ age, lot 85x330, on paved street, two SALE - PRACTICALLY NEW HANS von REINSPEHG blocks from stores and depot. Beauti- FOR girl's Iver Johnson bicycle, full size, $12. ' GORDON WILSON fully landscaped. $65.00 per month . Ph. Wil. 1939. 102LTN35-1 tc Price $14,000.00 Board of Local Improvem e nts 40 acres with 1h mile frontage on two of the Village of Wilmette. roads with farmhouse and outbuildingl'i FOR SALE--BOY'S BLUE KNICKEH L35-2tc suit, size 12-14. Flannel shirts-camp In good condition. Strategically located equipment. Winnetka 2208. 102L35-ltc at intersection of two paved roads. :SPECI.\L ASSESS}IENT NOTICE Land level and well drained with· good FOR SALE- GIRLS' LEATHER AND black soil. Priced at $45,000. Reasonable cloth coats, size 14-16. Phone Winn. VILLAGE OF WIL~IETTE SPECIAL terms. 3129. 102LTN35-ltc ASSESSI\IENT NO. 258 For Sale, 5 room brick bungalow, hot air heat, l-ear garage, landscaped, $9,500.00, CONOVER DISHWASHER FOR SALE, NOTICE is hereby given to all persons ~asy terms. not used more than 2 months, $50. Ph. interested that the President and Board Call Sam N. Campbell, Northbrook ·Wilmette 4280. 102L35-ltc 155-193. of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette in the County of Cook and State of Illinoi8, having ordered that the first 103 WANTED TO BUY-JIISC. alley north of Elmwood Avenue from the 7 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, 4 BEDROOMS, extra lavatory first fioor, 2-car garage, WANTED-USED OUTBOARD MOTOR, west curb line of Fifteenth Street t o the cheap, call Glencoe 323. 103LTN35-1tc east line of Sixteenth Street be improved lot 57.5x185. A good Investment at by grading and paving with reinforced $12,000.00, only $2,000.00 cash; balance CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, ~ortland cement concrete and otherwise l8t mtge. and reasonable monthly pay- WANTED lOc per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wil- tmproved; the ordinance for the same ments. mette. 103LTN48-tfp being on file in the office of the Village Iaeorporate4 Ia 1111 Clerk of said VIllage and said Village Tlaircl Floor, Otis Baildiq having a pplied to the Cou n ty Court of REAJ.. TORS Cook County, l lllnois, for an assessmen t Wau.kecan Road or 127 N. Dearborn St. of the cost of saJd imp rovement, accord Glenview 81 Central 3921 ing to benefits, and an assessment t herePhoae 84LTN35-ltc for h aving been mad e a nd returned t o ·Classified 81 SUMMER BESOBTS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Advertisements I I \T acant·Winnetka For Sale-Electric Stove VACANT-12Sx160 WINNETKA acant-Winnetka RIPARIAN RIGHTS PJ\UL SCHR01£DER & CO. WYAT'r & cooxs· A'f NORTHBROOK AT GLENVIE\V TRUST .CO. Fi'aDidia z· HEITMAN WYATT & COONS PATRONIZE ·ouR ADVERTISERS II S. La Salle St., Cbicqo

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