. . . . .. -- -· .-;.· .. . . Living Trusts How to Use Them '. _)' They may be created for the benefit of: I--:-_ YOURSELF:. Under a trust agreement, a portion of your property may be turned over to the State Bank and Trust Company, thereby assuring you a present incoine and future competence~ 2-YOUR FAMILY: Money or property may be set aside in trust-tl)e income and principal to be paid as you direct. A fund to insure the education of your children and a .good start in life for them; a wedding gift to your daughter in· the form of money or property that will always insure her financial indepe·ndence; and many other plans for the benefit of your family can be made effective through a living trust. · 3-YOUR CHARITIES: You may create a Trust Fund for the benefit of an institution or movement with whose purposes you are in sy~pathy. We can relieve you of every detail of managing the Fund.' Let our trust officers explain the advantages of such a trust to you. TRUST DEPARTM·ENT G. H. Tomlinson, Vice President F. 0~ Potter, Secretary STATE .BANK and TRUST . CoMPANY Orrington at Davis Evanston, Illinois .. ,·' ' .... ' . i ·