Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 May 1929, p. 52

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52 WILMETTE LIFE May 24, 1929 of ,Interest to the Church-Goers of Our Village p. m.-1018 Lake avenue. Examiner: Mrs. H. G. Smith. HOSTES.S-Tuesday, May 28, 3 :30 p. m. Vere V. Loper, Minister 1606 Lake avenue. Examiner: Mrs. G~orge William E. McCormack, Associate H. Schilbach. NATURE BADGES-Monday or TuesTonight at 8 the first meeting of day, May 27 or 28 at . the Central school. the Young Married People's club will be Examiner: Miss Brown. held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tucker, 1717 Highland avenue. A SteerThe Annual June Court of Awa~ds of ing committee consisting of G. H. .R eddlflg, Albert Tucker and Mrs. F. R Kil- the Girl Scouts will be held ThursdaY. ner, will make a rel}ort, inclq9ing nomina- evening, .{une 6, at the beach. All Giri tions for the various offices of the club. Scouts and their families are Invited to attend. On Sunday the various departments of A special committee is at work planthf' Church school wm meet as scheduled : 9 :30 a. m ., Beginners' department, Pri- ning the equipment for the new Church mary department, Junior department, school building. The effort is being made Intermediate department; 10 :45, Cradle to secure equipment in keeping with the Rc;>ll department; 12, noon, Senior depart- high standards of the building itself. The Beginners' room is to be furnished a~ ment. a memorial to little Bobby Ives. It 1s hoped that this work can be completed This w.lll be the final Sunday for Mr. in the near future to show the possibility Loper in the pulpit for several weeks. of such uses. The service of worship, at 10:45, wlll be a Communion service, with special emPlans are under way for the observance phasis upon the thought of Memorial Sunday. The Communion address will of Children's day on Sunday, June 9. be, "The Cloud of Witnesses." "The Gepiu~ of Prohibition," an address There was a fine attendance at the delivered by the pastor which has been Ladles' Night meeting of the Men's club printed by the National Woman's Home last Monday night. Dr. T. W. McElveen Missionary society, will be ilistrlbuted at of the Pilgrim Congregational church of the service Sunday morning. The first consignment of 500 copies have already J.~vanston, was the principal speaker of the evening, and his message was much b~en used and another secured. appreciated. 'fhe Friendly Cir·cle will hold its regular monthly meeting Tuesday evening, On Tuesday Wekeacafila f:amp Fire )'lay 28, in the Children's house. As this Girls will meet ip the church at 4 :~0 p. m . is the annual election of officers and the final meeting of the season, all members Roo~;evelt Troop No. 2 Boy Scouts will are urged to be present. meet at headquarters at 7 :30 p. m. Sea Scout Ship No. 7 will meet in the' Forecastle at 7:30 p. m. First Cong,l Church and missionary gifts of $3,846·, a total of $25,267. A building committee was authorized to look into the plans and estimated costs of a new educational plant, to make recommendation to the church with a method of financing the' same. Old time songs were sung by a quartet consisting of Miss Parmele, Mrs. Guthridge, Mr. Youngberg and Mr. Haas, and there were solos by Madame Gilderoy Scott. reaffirmation of faith is extended to !lll those without present church affiliation. The Ses~ion will meet at the close of the service to receive new members. Communion of the Lord's Supper, baptism of children and reception of new m~mbers will be observed June 2. Prave·r meeting, Wednesday at 8 P. )1. Contin.u!ng studies in the New Testament. "The Gospel of Luke." You are inYited to this devotional and study hour. English Lutheran 'l'rinity ~unday 0n Friday the Blue Birds will meet in Sunday school ............. 9: -&a A. M. the church at 3:30 p. m. .lost-ph Johnson, superintendent Morning \\'0rship .. .... ...... 11 A. l\'1. Sermon: "Th(' :\fystery of l :odlines:::" A committee has b('en appointed to arrange a reception in honor of Mr. McContl·acts for th e en.-ction of the Cormack, who has recently accepted a new church Nlifice wi II IJe let this week. pol"ition as director of the Pilgrim Foun- Ground-breaking will be an t! VI:'nt of the dation at the University of Illinois. The very near futun~. date set for this reception is Friday June 7. ' Tile Lnt1H:I1' le(l[}lle will med . unday evening at (i :30 p. 111. for its Biwt-ekly Tea and l t>Yotional s··n·ict· . Methodist Church Th(' lVomc11's Jlissiollril'l! The sen-ice next Sunday morning will be in keeping with the idea of Memorial day. The one remaining veteran in the church, Mr. Frank Briggs, will be the ;;uef<t of.. hollor. The church will be decorated . to call attention to the meaning of the day. The new flags and co lor!'~ of the Girl Scouts will be utilized for this purpose. The pastor's sermon will ct-nter around the them., of "Memorit:>s." The mu!"ic will be al'l follows: "011en Our Eyes ," by th(· <'hoir, aml a solo, "TIH' Trumpeter" by Dix will be sung-. will hold a spc·cial meeting at tlw hom'e of Mrs. Frank ~J. Hayson, Thursday afternoon of this Wt>t.'k. The lllillois Sllllotl iH hnhling its annual meeting ii1 the \Voodlawn Tmmanuel Luthern church, r, Hh ~tr et and \\'oodlawn avenue this Wt'ek beginning Tuesday evening. Pal-\tor l·:mpson is in :1ttendance. socict,, Children'.<; I>a.11 is tlH· St·emHl Runday in .June . Our chi ldrPn art' preparing- a !'JH'cial program of worship for that day. The pastor will JH't·ach a <'hildren's ~er Plan to attt:>tHl tlw ChilThe Senior H..i!rh league will have a mon a lso. Progref<SIYe dinner S: turday t:>vening. The dren's ])n,y servict>s in our <'hapel. You art' welcome to any of our St' n ·ir···s and group will m eet n.t the chm·ch at 6 :~0. will f ee l at hnme among· our J)C'ople. Tf .\·nu h:l\'P no C'hurch homt' in "-iln10tt r. The la~t meeting of this y ea 1' for the rnal' e your ('hur!'ll home with UR. Senior High leaguP will be held Sunday \\.ORR HIP rx \YTL:UETTI~ eYening. They will met:·t at 5 :30 at the church and will th<>n go to the heach for a camp fire sen·ice. The tht·me will be "Th£- Song Js Ended-\Vill the Melorly \Yilnwtte ancl Forest av~>nt1f'S Llngt:>r On?" The Seniors will giv the H.PV. George D. Allison, pa~to1· talk!-'. Sunclay morning, 1Iay ~6. at 1l o'clock, Tht> .Tunior Tligh league lwld its last Wt' f-lh:111 han' another inspiring 8ervict' mt:> eting of the year last Sunday ev ning. CJf worship, led by tlw chorus choir · under Four captains were chMen to lead the the rlireetion of Madame Gilderoy Scott, group next year-Betty Smith and Jane and with organ numbers by Miss Lydi<l Moore for the girls, and Albert Acker- Knch . Dr. Allison's themt:> is to be "Qpmann and Bob Hermanson for the boys. portunitie:o:;, Perennin,l and PeremtJt ory." A fint:> time was had at the supper for !'receding this ~en·ice there be the the gn1up, and the enthusiasm ~hown ses:--ion of the Church school n.t 9 ::~0 in Sf:'em~ to guarantee a larger number and ('ha··ge of Supt. Earl C'. Carlson. an eYt-n more enthu~iastic spirit in the fall. Ht>g-ular mN tings of the Young Peoplt>'s f'Ocit>ty and of th "Fellowship' nnd ThP <·oming of Mt·morial (lay on Thurs- ~en·icp" g-roup will be ht:>ld Sundav afday <1 f thi~ Wl:<'k will curtail the week's te!·noon nt 5 :30. On Wednesday ·at 8 pr<,~r:1m for the · ~urch. Many of the o'l'lock, Wt' hold our midweek pt·ayet· and pec.ple will hf· away, and most of the conferenc~ meeting. nwt-ti11gs will ther fore b omitted. Those who have not found a church home in Wilmette ar~ cordially invited to make us a visit SundaY . morning or Boy Scouts, Troop 5, will meet Monday Wednesday night. We have a varied pro- at 7 :30 P . M. Fm.nl< Reynolds, Scoutgram with a place for all. Look for the master. lighted cross at the corner of WilmP.tte and Forest avenues. Pre:::;byterian hospital Auxiliary memberf<hip renewal!'; will be received this week Ly Mrs. Raymond A. Smith, 1334. ElmwoCtd a Yenne, Wil. 2350. Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette Herman W. Meyer, pastor Spoke meetingr-; of the Woman's ~o 406 Prairie avenue, telephone 1396 ciety will he held Tuesday, May 28, in the Church telephone 3111 following home~: Spoke l, with Mrs. P. W. Post, 635 SJ~ItVTCES Park avenue. Spoke 4. with Mrs. Wilfred C. Gillie!>, Trinity Sunduy !\ :=:o a . m . -Sunday school and Bible 1729 Washington avenue; assisting hoc:te~s. Mrs. T... G. Lawrence. classes. Spoke 7, with Mrs. G. C. Lowell, 900 11 a.m.-Regular se1·vice and Confirmation. Ashland avenue, Wednesday, May 29. Sermon : "The C'all to Loyalty." Spoke 10, with Mrs. D. W. Smith, 337 Washington avenue. JJF.ETJNGS Spoke 12. with Mrf<. Fred C. Winzen~ftHlday at 'i :::10 p. m.-Choir rf:'hear~al. The senices next Sunday will be of burg, 82!1 Lin.{len avenue. a Yl'l'Y impressiYe eh;ll'acter. Those who The musical program for Memorial han' het>n prPparing for confirmation and who were examined publicly last Sunday Sunday, May 26, is as follows: wili pres-.·nt themselves for the solemn rite Organ Prelucle- "l\lemories" .... Dickin~on of confirmation. '!'he children in the Anthem"God of Our Fathers" ....... Schnecker class :ue: Henry Paulsen, Hilmat· Bakkemo, Daniel C'assell, Lucille Kine, Lester Anthem"There J~ 1'\o Death" . . . . .... O'Hare Ko:--sow, Hazel Prochnow, William Sorsen, .Tames Dewar, Fleeta Freeman, Rob- Offertory Duet"The Unknown Soldier" . Schubert-O'Hare ert Cramer, Rudolph Kaspar. EveryMrs. Gannon and Mr. Otis one iR very cordially invited to th1s l'en·ice. "Taps" .. . ............. Custance As usua 1 lhe picture of th e con firnwrl Organ Postlude-"Credo" . . .... ... Haydn will be taken immediately following- the QuartetCatherine Bu~house, soprano confirmation f-ler\'iCe upon thf' church .John B. Miller, tenor grounds. All th e cntlfinned art> t'NJUested Rose Lutiger Gannon, contralto to remain . Edward Otis, bass Erma Rounds, organist and director The .Junior \Valther l eag-ue society is planning a rN·eption for the newly confirmed to he given Friday evening, JunP 7. at 7 :45 o'clock, at the church. A verv ~~_,.:== St~ fine pi·ogram is in preparation for tht's Sunday, l\fay 2ti, will be Trinity Sunmeeting ~o which all th e n ewly confirmed day. Ther will be Holy Communion at will be :-:pe<:ia lly ilwited. 8 o'vlock in the morning. Church l s and bible classes will commenc·~ A littlt:> outing was g·i ven by th e church schoo· at 9 :45, and Holy Communion with adto lhose who this year attended the week- dresH will be at 11 r,·ctock. day classt'S for the Christian education 0f children. The Sunday school outing A number of women of St. Augustine's will be hehl in the early part of Jun e. attended the Annual Presentation :o-Hvi('e of thP 1'nited Thank Offering of the Women of the Dioce~w of Chicago yesterday at St. :\fark's church, EYanston, 'HliiU'H OF THL.: HOLY CO~IFORTER at 10::10 o'clock in the morning, follO\Hd The H e \'. Lt' ian<l Hobart Danforth, r e<.:tor by a joint lun<'h~>on. St. John's Lutheran Augustine's Kenilworth Episcopal Wilmette Baptist Trinity fiundar, ~ray 21i. marks t!H' Tht:> rt:>ctor i1" to he the speakt~r at the t'f"\'elation uf tlw natun· of God a~ a ttnity-Fath er. Son and Holy !~host. Spring Assemhly of the Brotherhood ,,f Serdces on this day will be as u~ua.l : St. Andrew in the Diocef-le of Chicago, Holy Cotnmunion at 8 o'clock. Children':,; ~ronday t-VPning next at the f'hurch of >;er\'i('f' and Church :,;J.·hool at J ::w o'clo<'k. tlw ned ('e llll 'r, C'h~eago. and Hol~· C'ommunion and sermlln at 11 o'clnC'k. The rectot· will prea ~ h. .T. ~f. Thi'Ockmorton, a memb(·r of tht> n·str~· of . St. Aug·ustin 's church, died DUt' t11 )Iemorial Day servicef-1 to bt" suddt'nl~· 'f'U( · ~<la~· e\·ening- at his homt·. h eld on Trinity Sunday. the date of the t '·11Url'h sdlOol'~ vh;it to t ·niun church. 'l'he n ·C'lo r ('Ollducted the fun eral re!"has bet>n po~tponed until .Junt~ 2, at whielt time our school will h·a\·t· the chureh lt'l'day aftt>rnoon at Rosehill cemt>h:·rv of the Holy C'omfortt"r at 10 u'cloc·k to of 1frs. 1r. Hilton, one of the oldf-!-'.t bt> guests of the Sunday school of l.:nion memht>r!-' of the parish. church. Dr. 'Villt·tt will talk to tlw c hildre n of th e tw11 ('hur('h sc,lools. T~1c \\·oman's "\uxiliary !wid a large meeting at St. Mark's ehurch, Evanston and presl·ntC:d tht> Thank Off··ring at th~ morning sen·ict>. Tlw Hev. neorge CraigThe orchestras and glee clubs of the Stewart, of Rt. Luke'~. preac hed tlw Wilmette Public schools will present a sermon. ,.,.ill Music Organizations of Schools to Give Concert Ad,·a1we notice is ~dven Both th Girl Scout!-l and B< 'Y Scouts will join In the> paradt> organized by the outing of the church and school which is being planned for Saturday afternoon, American l<'gion on Thursday. June l, and of the Children's day obs('rvTh Girl ~eouts may !';fill pass a few ance in the cllurch session on Sunday, more m rit hadges before the first of June ~June when all work must be completed and all rceords fll<·d. The schedule of th e. A ln.rg company attended the annual ftw r~maining badgt·s is as follows: meeting of the church. A fine banquet LAU~DRERS-This afternoon at 3:30 was ser\'ed under the direction of Mrs. J.n tht 'hildr~n·s houl'ie of this church. 0. \V. Schmidt. Community singing was E1am1nE:. : Mrs. Ralph Moulding. led by Arthur Scott. In the absence of t:."Yt::'LIST-Saturday, May 25, 10:30 a .· Moderator \V. 1\L Burns, Harvey A. Bush m.-At the Llndtn Crest Garage, 3321 pre~ided. The treasurer reported curlAI.td4:-r. avenut. Examiner: Mr. Kirkwood. rent expenses for the year 1928-1929 of ~Qll£ll.AKER-llonday , May 27, 3:30 $12,953, building fund payments of $8,468 concert at the Howard - school aymnasium Friday evening. June 7. '"'The orchestras are under the direction of Xinth stn' et at Greenleaf ::t\'enue Miss Catherine Grandqui.;t. The bovs' Re\·. f'lyrle Randolph Wheeland, B. D. and gids' glee clubs are supervised by ;):q Sheridan road, Evanston Mrs. Stella Maher and ~Irs. Agnes 1\lem11ria I Sunday, May 26, morning of the annual worship at 11 o'clock. Dr. 1VhE;>eland's Clark. First Presbyterian topic \Yill be "There Is No A cord ial im·itation to strangers :tnc! ~ll who haYe not a church home m \\ 1lnwtte to worship with us. You are alwa~·s welcome at the P1·esbyterian church. school at for all ag·t> group~. ~U!Hlay ~~ sermon Death." Wilmette Library Closes All Day on Memorial Day The Wilmette Public library will he all day next Thursday, :Met;lDrta! day, Miss Anne L. Whitmack, ltbranan, announced this week. The library will be open as usual on \\Tednesday evening. There v· .r ill be no other holiday s at the library until July 4, Miss \Vhitmack announces. clos~d :30 A. 1\I. Clas!;eS Chri!"tlan Enclen.\'or will meet at 5:30 P. 1\f. A cordial invitation to unite with this church by letter, confession of faith or

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