Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 May 1929, p. 50

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so WILMETTE LIFE May 24, 1929 Sports · and Other Wilmette Recreation Board ·News Concurring with the precedent established 16 \'Car_ ago. the second Tucsda\' in ·June-or June 4-ha's heen d~signaterl by Superintendent J. R. Harper as the date for the annual School PlaY DaY whei1 the 1.600 school children will g~ther at Vattman park and on the Village Green for a pr.:>gram of folk dances. games and athletic contests. An all day holiday from the daily school routine is granted and the teachers and children report at the regular school hour. 9 o'clock. at Vattman park wh\'re the Physical · Education departments of the various schools will denron t rate the folk dances. games and . tunt. taught during the vear. Daniel \f. Da\'is. director of recreation. with the assistance of his staff member!' has planned the programs for both morning and afternoon . The afternoon program will consi _t of an inter-school track me ·: t at the \.illage Green when the best athletes of each room will Yie againo;;t the athlete . of other room~ in their grades. · This program will begin c.t 1 :30 'clock. education instr~ctor but had. deAnnual Play Day Isical voted most of her time to other subfor School Pupils jects. During the years of our country's Is Set for June 4 participation in the World war, the SPORTS CALENDAR May 24--6 p. tn.-Women's swiming class, Sovereign hotel. ' May 27-7 :30 p. m.-Men's playground ball, Village Green. May 27-7:30 p. m.-\Vomen's playground ball, Village Green. May 28-7:30 p. m.-Men's horseshoe league, Village Green. May 29-9:30 a. m.-\Vomen's swimming class, Evanston Y. M. C. of C. Baseball Nine Opens Season With Easy Victory By AI. Schaefer C nder frigid weather conditions, and with appropriate opening day c'eremonies, the \Vilmette Chamber oi Commerce baseball team met the strong Edgewater Coals at the Village Green Sunday afternoon, and defeated the visitors by a count of 10-3. The Drum and Bugle corps of the \Vilmette American Legion Post ~athered on \Vilm ette avenue a~ 2 :3~ ')'clock and marched to the strams ot martial music to the ball park, Yia Lake avenue and Ridge road. ~[otor cvcle Policemen Peter Schaefer ·and Louis Koppel escorted the corps and several machines followed. At the ball field the Legionnaires marched around the diamond and then came to attention before the enthusiastic crowd oi rooters. They played several number:-. and were heartily applauded. \ illage Trustee Ernest C. Ca?el, a loya l booster for all local affairs, wa . . chosen to toss the first hall. The visitors garnered a run in the opening frame on a walk and a hit and held their s lim lead until the · third int~ing ·when the locals tied the count. A barrage of hits. beginning \vith Rorrc's triple. added three to the \Vilmette score in the fourth inning. Two hits an error and a sto len base brought in ~nother trio of runners home in the fifth. Edgewater scored again in the sixth on two hits. but \Vilmette came back in the la st half and again three runners crossed the plate. (~rant Phillips, who had been hurling very effectively for the first six ~tanzas, gave way in the se,·enth to Kennedy. a left-bander with lots oi stuff. The new-comer, although touched for two hits and a run. fanned two and otherwise made a ven· favorable impression on the manage ment and fans alike. He will probably be retained. as the squad needs another good twirler. The game was called at the end oi the seventh b ecause of the extreme cold. Box score: Wilmette C. of C. AB P.. }[ Burmeister, rf. :~ 1 0 JanE>tz, rf. 1 0 0 Porterfield, cf. ~ 1 1 ., Smith, If 2 0 ,, Borre, 3b. 1 1 Liepe, ss. 4 1 ,, Tagtmeir, 1b. 1 1 ., Baker. 2 b. 1 ,, Robinson, c. 0 1 Phillips, p.-rf. 2 1 .1 Kennedy, p. 0 0 0 .) !o.f rs . Le . ter F . Hall and ~r rs. Gt:rtrude Fanckhoncr. phy=-icaJ education directors in charge ni the girls at ~tolp and H o ward sc hool~ . re~pectin·ly. haYc charge of th e primary grade demonstration. and a!. o the demonstrations gi,·en hy the seventh and eighth grade g-irls. Demon . tratinn~ 1)\· sc\·enth ancl ~ighth grade hoy s ha,·e -been directc·d ln· Dudle,· C. Stone and Clen \ \ ·. r:athercoa't. phy~ical training in st ructors at Stolp and J fl)\\·ard. re!->pe c tireiy . The field day program. ~f r. Harper points out. takes the place oi the o ldfashioned ~fay fete. \\'hich \\'as apt to he nothing more than an artificial show. and the original spirit of informality wh erei n the \\'ilmette ch;tdren ga t hered for games and sports has not been deviated from all through the sixteen ~· ears the Fidd DaY has been a \'illage custom. The fir. t ticld day was planned by Mrs. Julia Davenport. the former ] ulia Pitkin. who is a member of the faculty at Logan school. in 1913. when she had been employed by the \\.ilmette \\~oman's club to teach certain recreational actiYit ies to schol children in the afternoons. The history of the Field flay in \\'ilmette is simu-ltaneous with the. deyelopment of physical education as a part of the school _ c urriculum . play day program was just that. The entire program was directed play and' some racing. During this time Miss May Theilgaard had charge of both boys' and girls' classes in physical education in all schools since all men instructors were in service. However, C. A. in April, 1919, L. F. Todd. the present May 29-7:30 p. m.-~[en's playprincipal of Howard school. became a ground ball, Village Green. member of the facult\' to teach both May 30-7:30 p. m.-Men's horsephysical training and ·manual training shoe league, Village Green . and in the succeeding year. 1919-1920, May 31-6 p. m.-\Vomen's swimL. J. Mitten. who had been given a ming class, Sovereign hotel. leave of absence for overseas service, May 31-7:30 p. m.-Men's playreturned. and during the following year ground hall, Village· Green. both men were in charge of all phy] une 4-9 a. m.-Physical educasical training acti\'itics in each school tion demonstration, Field day, Vattfor hoth hoys and girls. m~n Park. The 1922 physical training staff, conTunc 4-1 :30 p. m.-Inter-grade 14 -.isting of a man and woman. staged a school track meet, Field day, Village demonstration program during the C.reen. field da\' exerci . es. using enry child June 12- 9 :30 a. m . -Last women's in . om~ part of the program. The s\\'imming class, Evanston Y. ~L races and sports t\·ents were inaugC. :\. urated in a track meet and medals .1 une 17-9 a. m.- Opening sum\\'err gin· n tn the winners that year. mtr playgrounds. Village Green. .\I iss Helena ~f ickc·" wa . the in. trueCentral chool. and Vattman Park. tor of the girls an~! L. F. Todd, the IHW . · instructor. "\f r. Todrl \Ya:- part tir~e manual training in . tructor in addition tl) his physical training work. T\\'o fulltime instnrctt·r..; \\'Crt employed in 1925-.?1) ior the first time when ~~ i~ .· Olga ~topka and Dudley ' l'..: nni~ courts on the \ ' illagt Green C. Stone. lH·th member:; of the present " ·ill he rtad,· for use within the next -.taff . became faculty members deYOt- l\\' fl \\'l'Ck s. Daniel ~f. na,·is. director ing- th~.· tntirc time t( physical train- ni rerreaticm. stated this \\'eek in re ing cla-.:-.e.; in all sc hools. In 192i the -. 1w 11 ;-;c to a number of inquiries that prt:sent plan of organization became han· hetn made at the recreation oi- · effectin· \\'ith iour instructors in fict>. cha rge of a direct or \Yho also acts as Tbe court wiJI be open to the IJUhlic director of adult recreation for the all day and \\'ill be open c\·ery day the ,-illage. j weather pi::rmits. :\"o charge is madt· ior their usc or ior the use of the nets. Pla~·ers \\'ill han: only to furnish halls and rackets. Tennis Courts to Be Ready Shortly, Davis Announces Playground Ball ~r onday e,·en1ng saw the start oi tlh.· summl·r sports sponsored hy the \\'ilmrtte Playgro\rnd and Recreation board ushered in by the first games pbye<i in tht> playground ball league. Tweh·e team . are in the league ,..c·prest·nt ing hu:-.i ne=-=- places. clubs. fraternal orders. and churchc=- in the ,·illagc. Th(' roster of teams includes man~· new teams as \Yell a:> old ones and .some old teams with entirely new member hip-;, all of which are competing fo~ ~h t championship cup to he awarded at the clo. e of the season. Six of the teams played la. t }fonday l'\·ening. The Junior .-\thletic club team deieated the \YIDfETTE LrFE t tam 27 to <1. The Ridge Electric team, rhampions ior three con. ecutivr years, had to play hard to defeat the strong Schultz and Xord entry. fmally coming out on the long end of a 17 to 12 count. The \Yilm ette Ic e team had little diffic.ultv in winning their game from tl1e Haptfst., 11 to 4. The remaining teams in the league made their first appearance \Yednesday eYening. Lineup~ in ~fonday's g-ames were: WilmE>tte Ice (11) Rat>tist (4) \Ym . Reimer F'rank Guthridge Arthur ~Ieier AI Ga\'en Ed lfnffman George ·wil liams Richard ChE>ster Marvin Olson ~lax Reim r Bertram Herrens George Thalman Earl McDow Ed Bauer Walter Haas .-\1 Eding-berg Earl Carlson <'laret1<'e Stefft'ns Wm. Kendrick John Davis Aero Club Terminates First Season of Work The last meeting of the season for the \\.ilmette Aero club was held in the Central School ~[anual Training ~hops last evening- and Glen \\·. Gathercoal. recreation assistant in charge of the group. anounced that the first season of model airplane work had met with enthusiasm and was more than successful. ~Iemhers of the club constructed 1il , ,·pes of model airplanes during the Year inciuding in the group R. 0. G.'s, R. 0. \Y. 's. Indoor Pushers, Indoor Endurance tractors, and manv ne\v planes of Yarious de signs. The last meeting \\as devoted to demonstration flying by the club members and each boy was allowed to fly any plane con;;tructed h~· him during t)1c year. The \\ ilmette Playground and Recreation board. which sponsored the club. was so pleased with the first season's success that it has determined to re . ume the meetings at the beginning of schoo l next year. Earl l\Iiller Ed Sehildgen ,Joe Steffens Jake Hoffman Adam Phillips Benja_min Thalnwn Wm. Thalen Wilmette Life (9) C'a rl Linder William Fleming Ed Blum Joe Ht>ns larence Blum George Noble Grant Blasdell Ed Miller Robert Blasdell Ed Huck l\T oe De Haye ·l .. ·J ·l 2~ A short re~mnr of this histon· was given by ~f r. Harper in discussit;g the plans for the 1929 program. About 1.000 children participated that first Field da \' which was held ~t I\orthwestern uni~·crsitY field. and so succes. ful was the occasion it was determiner! to hold it again the foiJowing year. ~frs. DaYenport .had help in planning the next program for L. J. Mitten. who had been employed to teach manual training in the school, was abo ginn . ome classes for hon ·after school and so . ports were added to the next fitld da\'. This time, as in se,·eral ucce sive ~·cars. the program wa held at ~ ew Trier Township High school field. The 1917 festi,·al was the first to be held in \\'ilmette and was a more elaborate program than tho~e preceding it because physical education had become a regular part of the school program with Miss Ethel Burtnett as the first all-time physical education instructor. \RVidgeSEhl~ t ric (1 i) Rchultz and Nord (12) 1 Robert Evans . E 'd E' h dunng . } m . c mer M ISS ~111 IC orn t 1e pre- . James Schaefgen Arthur Sommerfeld ceding year had been part time phy- Nick Spi s Edwin Udell :n Edgewater Coals :\fyers, ss. Harrison, 2b. Young, rf. Fritc:hie, 3b.-p. Hite, lb. Welsh, If. Bolitin, cr. ~ichols, c. IIofferth, p. AB 3 4 4 4 <I " <j 10 R 1 0 R H 1 1 .2 E 1 0 o· 1 0 0 0 2 0 1. ,, 'l <I 2 1 0 2 0 0 0 (}" \) 3 3 0 1 0 1 ,, 30 9 S(·nr(' hy Innings Wilmette C. of C. 0 0 1 3 3 3 x-10 Edg-ewater Coa ls 1 0 0 0 0 1 1- 3 Ump ire-Simpson .. Ed Hartman \Vm. Huck George Huck everal members of the \Vilmette Paul Braun Optimist club drove the Boy Scouts of John Cassell Troop 10 to a north shore rally at Junior A . c. (27) Highland Park last Mondav evei1inP". Jack Chapen Troop 10 was awarded a trophy for Hen!·y SPcht being fully subscribed to Bov's Life. DJckWaters Huck th e o ffi eta . 1 S cout pu bl' . .Th e asRobert 1catton. Leonard Wolff sembly was entertained by the Drum Bob Brown and Bugle corp of the Wilmette Leonard Carlson 1I · p ost, I)y a s h ort movte · on Lee Blaylock .eg._on. Arthur Cramer pat;t?t.tsm, and by a program of Scout Donald 1\Iclntyre acttv1t1es. Optimists Join Scouts in N orlh Shore Rally Event S

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