Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 May 1929, p. 49

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May 24,1929 WILMETTE LIFE 49 JUNIOR LIFE .Many Paren'ts at School to View E~hibit of Arts Surprising How Many Birds One Can Find WE>dnesclay. May 15. the 7B pupils went on a walk to look for birds. We ju~t took a short walk up Lake avenue and back. Th e first bird we :-:aw was a thrush in some bushes T)ear thE> Howard SC'hool then we saw two purple grackles flying owr the fields. ThE> following hircls we RaW or heard: hlue jn:v, rose breasted grosebeak, chestnut sided warbler, catbirds, wren reelstart, meadow lark, wild canary, scarlet tanag('r, Maryland yellow throat, brown thrash Pr. Som(' of the birds sang their songs for us which we 1ikPd very W('li . )Jargery Taylor .. 7B Howard. · Half of Personality- The Eyes The Logan school was a scene of interel"t Thursday night, May 18, from 7 to 9 o'clock. A great crowd came out to see what the children had made for the Art Exhibit. All the rooms had interesting things to show. The drawings and paintings were very good, especially the paintings of winter scenes in Miss Van Horne's room. They looked so natural and real. It was surprising what the children in kindergarten made, aprons and stool:-:. In second grade they had charts showing t)le work each child had done during th e year. In the other second grad e the 'ThE' Pighth grncles of Stolp and Howaril circus tent and animals were well ar· !"c·hools rt>hf'arsecl "ThE> Dryad's Kisses" ranged.-Howard Ball , 6B Howard. with Mr. B t>attie of the Music FE>stiYal n!"sociation 1a!"t Tuesdav afternoon In !\Trs. f'lark's room at ~toip f;chool at 1:15 o'clock. "The ·Dryad's Kisses" was written by Otto :\ft>isner for th e Chilflren's chorus of The eighth grades of Howard and tht> Musi c F t>s tival which will be held Stolp are writing for Memorial Day Saturda:v aft E> rnQon, June 1. essays. The subject is "!\lemorial Day OnE> hundred boys anrl girl!" will h<' and What It 1\leanl'i to )IE>." But th C'hospn from \.YilmHte and 100 from GlenAmerican Legion ha~ changed it thi~ coe. ThirtE>f' n hundred wil1 he cho!"E>n year. Mrs. Stalling and Mr. Todd took from the Evanston schoo1s.-Lawrence the highest test papers from 8B and re- Buc·lm1a:<tf'r, SB ~tolp . qut-sted that tho!<e people write the e~says. They are as follows: Jame~ RF.f;JSTF.R J \T ~RW TitTER Kraft, Jane Sundlof, Spencer ~orring 'Thf' ei,:!·hth gradE's of ~tolp an(! Howard ton, Ruth Bersch, Marjorie Paterl-'on, Lee ~C'hnnl!" in \\.i1mt>ttt> and JMeph Sear!" Blaylock, and Bill Grant. Anybody ell'e in KPnilwnrth went to Xew Trier High who wants to write may also.-Bettye K . S('hoo1 Thursday. 1\Jay 16, at 2 o'clock tn J<irwan, 8B Howard. rPgister· for the fa1l term. \Vhen the pupils got tro Xew Tri r. tht>y wE>nt i·' ('A'fCHER IS I~JL"UED the auditorium and were seated a1pha.Tame~ De\Var, the catther of the vic - hPtically. an(! dhi<'lE>d into sma1l groups. torious 8B baseball team, sprained his Then one of tht> faculty ta 1kefl to each ankle on the e\;e of the championship boy and girl indi,·idually about the subg-ame with the equally famous 8A Stolp ject~ he or she wal'! taking. The pupil~ tf>am. Mrf'. Stalling drm·e OYer to his were fre e to look around thE> ~chooi. house after school in h er car and got him. Lawrence BuckmastE'r, SA Stolp. He g-ot out of the car on a cane.-Jame:< Krnft, 8B Howard. "H.-\ R11LE!'iS' B.-\CTERI :\ 1fonda:r. -:\Jay 13, l\fiss SteYens was J,JKES Jt:\('J~G-J,OYES F..\ Tln:n. wr,rking- at her desk and !"he had somf' Today we were radng. I wa s third. ha ctf'ria in a glass and it fell oYer and T hope I will be first th e next time. I th E>' room was fu11 of millionR of bacteria think I will win . )fy father will le t m e ~erms . 1Iiss ~teYens said that it would go on field day. I l_ove my father.- IH1t d o any harm.-Kenn eth Rahn, 6B Roberta ~1izener, second grad e, La_ u_ r_ e l...,.. · __I _-f_r,,_ ,·_a_n_ l._ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - Children Rehearse for Music Fes-tival Singing Eighth Graders Write Memorial Day Essays That's Why Rimless Glasses are in Vogue The rimless kind do not detract. Heavy shell rimmed glasses did. That's why they've so widely been discarded. Today the simple, unobtrusive but symmetrical rimless styles with white gold mounting~ by Almer Coe, are seen everywhere. Select from these new and more becoming styles. For those who require rims, a wide selection of finely designed white gold rimmed frames are available. AlmerCoe &Company Scientific Opticians I Orrington at Clzurdl 64 5 Orrington Ave., Evanston PATRONIZE OUR ·ADVERTISERS We wish to thank you We appreciate your cooperation in going along with us during our moving week. It's over now! We are all settled in perfect order ready to serve you as before. Two stores now instead of one. When Golfing - You Can Now Wear Stylish Shoes and Have Foot Cqmfort Too! A favorite golf pattern now on display in tan Elk with brown saddle or white Elk with tan sadd le. At 1567 Sherman These four departments are housed here until the ne\'\' building is finished. At 630 Davis St. All departments below are in their original location giving you the same service as before The Gift Shop It will be real shopping pleasure for you to visit the new spacious Gift Shop. Stationery Department F ourttain Pens-Kodaks Text Books Sporting Equipment Art Dep~tment The Book Department What more could a booklover want than cozy corners to browse around, books thought· fully classified and an expert to help you select. ,,1 at the Home of Toy Department Typewriters The latest and newest in sporting goods is in. Do see the new Spalding Swimming Suits. Better than ever! FooT SAVER SHoEs Children's Book Nook Office Equipment Graduations! Weddings! Almost here-let us help you with many lovely gift suggestions. 630 Davis Street 1567 Sherman Ave. Chandler's University 123 Wilmette 724 634 CHURCH ST. UNIVERSITY 971 EVANSTON

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