Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 May 1929, p. 1

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.: WILMETTE Published weekly by Lloy<l Hollistet· Inc., IZJZ-1ZJ6 Central Ave., Wilmette, lllitloiB. Entered as secon.d class matter March JJ, 1924, at the post office at 'Wilmette, IUinois. Uftde1· the Act ot March 1, 1879. Subscription price sz.oo a year. VOL. XVI,U, NO. 36 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, MAY 24~ 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS · Invite Villagers to Mem.orial Day Observance TWO,NEW APPOINTEES . FOR MUNICIPAL POSTS Brautigam Named ·Police Chief and Dr. W. W. Hawkins is New Health .Commissioner Village President Earl E. Orner announced his selections for the appoint!ve Village offices Tuesday nigh! of thts week at the regular meeting of Village board. The appointments were confirmed by the board. Fire Chief Walter Zihble, who has served the village for twenty-six years,· -twenty-four as chief-was again reappointed. Mr. Zibble began his long term of service on April 3. 1906. C. C. Schultz, superintendent of public works since August 7, 1918, also E. H. Kerr was was reappointed. named Village collector, a pu5ition which he has held since March 7, 1922. Capt. Henry Brautigam, who has been a member of the Wilmette police department since May 7, 1919. wi11 henceforth be known as C h i e f Brautigam. He was named superintendent of police to succeed Charles W. Leggett, who resigned recently after serving the Village three years. Dr. W. \V. Hawkin5 has been appointed health commissioner of \Vilmette to succeed Dr. Edward E . .Moore. Walter Zibble Dr. Moore resigned recently owing to Henry Brautigam (Fire Chief) (Police Chief) poor health after serving the Village for many years . . These handsome chaps were appointed last Tuesday evening by President Earl E. Orner, as supervising offiOffer $4,000 an Acre cers of important departments in our for Incinerator Site municipal government All are veteran Village Attorney Jackson has been village workers and all, with the exce;:>instructed to draw up an ordinance tion of Police Chief Brautigam, have authorizing the superintendent of pub- served the communitv in their relic works to negotiate with property spective posts for many years, Fire owners in the western section of \Vil- Chief Zibble boasting almost a quarter mette to buy land on which it is pr.o- of a century as the directing genius ')f posed to build a garbage incinerator his department. (Photos by Staff for the village. The ordinance will Photographer). provide that C. C. Schultz, the superintendent of public work;, offer the Dr. C. H. Searle Elected property owners $4,000 an acre for the Shawnee Club President incinerator site. If the offer is not accepted condemnation proceedings. are Dr. C. H. Searle was elected presito be started. The garbage inciner- dent of the Shawnee Country c1ub at ator site has been designated as lots .21, the annual meeting of that organiza22, and 23 in the county clerk's division tion Thursday, May 16, for the year of the west one-half (except Segers ending June 30, 1930. Other officer'3 addition) ·5ection 33, township .42 north, elected were: C. M. McDonald, vice range 13, east of the third principal president; P. 0. Dittmar, secretary, . and meridian. E. B. Knudtson, treasurer. The following governors were chosen to serve Board Opposes "Wig-Wag" for three years beginning July 1, 1929: R. Farmer, A. ]. DeBerard, \V. P. · Rail Crossing Signals F. Reed, and A. E. Taylor. Notice has been served by the secretary of the Illinois Commerce commission that a hearing in the matter Post Office Closed on of the Chicago and North Western Memorial Day, May 30 railroad's application for permission The \Vilmette post office will be to substitute "wig-wag" signals for closed all day Thursday in observance crossing gates at the Forest and Elmwood avenue crossings in Wilmette of Memorial Day, it was announced has been set for Wednesday, morning, this week. The lobby of the post May 29, at 10 o'clock in the office of office building will remain open and the commission in the City Hall Square mail will be dispatched as usual, but building, Chicago. At the meeting of there will be no deliveries. In the the Wilmette Village board Tuesday matter of collections the Sunday night Village Attorney J ackso~ was schedule wilt be followed, with one colinstructed to appear at the hearmg on lection in the afternoon The Kenilbehalf of the board and oppose the worth post office also is to be closed all ·day on Decoration day. gtanting of the railroad's reques.t. Village Workers MEMORIAL DAY PLANS Died in World War PAY ·TRIBUTE TO HERO· Peter J. Huerter Post, No. 669, AmeriDEAD NEXT THURSDAY · can Legion to Honor Comrades Who ' Street Procession and Program in Lake Front Park Features ctivities Day's A. :Members of Peter ]. Huerter Post No. 669 of the American Legion have been reminded in letters mailed this week of the plans for the Memorial dav observance in Wilmette. The members of the organization at the last meeting agreed that they would not have a parade, but would conduct fitting exercises at the cemetery . . The following program has been announced for the members of the post: Meet at Hoffma·n 's hall, Ridge and Washington avenues, at 10 o'clock. School children will escort us to the cemetery where we will place flags and flowers on the graves of all veterans buried there. A short speech-the blowing of taps -and the salute of the firing squad. At 11 o'clock all face East in silent tribute to those who sleep on foreign soil. In order to. offset the expense of the Memorial day exercises the members of the post at the last meeting decided to hold a dance this Saturday evening. May ~5, at Hoffman's hall, Washington ·and Ridge avenues, with Joe Schneider's orchestra furnishing thr music. Wilmette's annual observance of Memorial day this year again incl4des the customary street procession followed by a program at the scene of the Memorial Elms in Lake Front park at the foot of Washington avenue. The ceremonies will be under th~ supervision of \Vilmette Post, No. 46, of the American Legion, of which Harve~· M. Hopp is commander. · The Memorial Day procession \vilt assemble at 9:30 o'clock next Thursday morn ~ .tg on the streets flanking the Village Hall. The address of the day in Lake Front park will be given bv Ninian H. Welch. master in chan..: eery, who has gained a wide reputation as a speaker on patriotic occasions. The Memorial Day procession formation has been announced as follows : LOCATION OF UNITS Section I .w ar Veterans Head of columi1 at North Shore line tracks facing west on Wilmette avenue: Marshal and Staff, Police Escort, Grand Army of Republic, Spanish War V eterans American Legion, Home Guard Units, Reserve Officers, Reserve Officers' Training Units, American Forty-Five Pupils Will Auxiliary. Graduate at Sears School Legion Section I I Social Organizations The Joseph Sears school, in KenilHead of column on Central avenue . worth will graduate a class of ap- at \Vilmette avenue. proximately forty-five, the largest in Section Ill Junior Organizations the historv of the school. at the anBov Scouts and Sea Scouts on nual · comrnencement exercises to be twelfth street, head of column at Cenheld in the new Kenilworth ~emorial tral avenue, facin~ south. Girl Scouts gymnasium Friday evening, June 14. and Camp Fire Girls on Wilmette aveNames of the graduates will be printed nue. head of column at Central avenue in a ·s ubsequent issue of \VJL-:\fE'l'TE facing west. _ LI~t. An information table will ·be placed on the front steps of the Village hall at 9 :15 o'clock. Procession Route The route of th.:: procession wilt be as follows: Wilmette avenue west to Park avenue; north on Park avenue, to Lake avenue; east on Lake avenue to sixth street; south on sixth street to Linden avenue; east on Linden avenue to fourth street; north on fourth street to Central avenue; east on Central avenue into south end of park; north through park to speakers' stand. The program at the park will be Your b e s t oppor· completed at noon. tunity to save on Poppy Day Message Since the World war, Poppy day your winter's fuel bill has become a custom introductory to the Memorial day observance. It is is right now, and the therefor appropriate that Commander Hopp of the Legion Post should direct fuel advertisements a Poppy Day message to the villagers. rhis message follows : iri this issue are your "Now that you are asked again to contribute to service funds of variotts best guide~ to satis· veterans' organizations by purchasing poppies on May 28, I feel that a partial factory service and explanation of the use of this money is due you. dej>endable quality. "The majority of poppies are made in hospitals by veteran patients who receive one cent for each complet~d (Continued on page 4) 1 Fuel Prices Will Advance Soon

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