Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 May 1929, p. 47

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May 24,1929 high above their heads and pitched him head first into the burning inferno. Our only theater is a marionette show which has not varied, it is said since the t~irteenth c~ntury. Sitting on boards m the smoke and garlic scented atmosphere we witnessed probably th<: fiercest conflict in the memory. of man, Saracens, Moors, dragons, devils, all were beheaded, una by one · by the sword of our jerky but un~ daunted hero. The ropes were all vis, ible, so were the large hand s which worked them, and now and then the performa..nce flagged while a guttural voice asked in Sicilian "what shall we do now?" The only unflagging mem ber of the troupe is the one- legged piper who murdered his wife. but she must have deserved it for he its there pi ping merrily. and looking a ,·critahle · incarnation of Pan. The most beautiiul spot in the world" was what people told us oi Taormina, and it sounded no more convi ncing than those "grand prizes" that your marmalade announces it took in London in 1712. But 110\Y with sunlight streaming over Etna's snow fi eld . . "·ith blue and green shadO\\'s on the :'ea I know it is as tru e as that this fresh honey that has just come with my breakfast is superior to all the marmalades in the world! 40 WILME'TTE LIFE 47 'THE GEORGIAN I Paul Swan Exhibit Is Continuing at Georgian Announcement is made that th e I.'Xl,ibit of portrait , mural paintings. anr 1 "·all tap estries by Paul ~\Yan at the (:eorgian hotel will continue uDt il the end of the \\'eek. gi,·ing th o~c \\· ~10 ha ye not y<:t cen thi s fine exhihiti 11 a last oppo rtunity t o Yi<.:w it hc·t· ·r<.: the art objects arc reni OYed tt~ ::\ n'.· York Cit\·. Thev can he :-l'l' ll in t !w French r~om anci lohh\· of Th<: ( :L· tlr~ ian. A painting of loca l intcr<: st i.., that of ~Irs. Garnett Ste.~cr, daught er 1 nf Mr. and ~frs. Cnu s Carnett. whic h I · has just been finish~d by ~~ r. S\\·:tn and ,,·hich is nO\v hanging in The FrL·nch room. This will be on < ·xhihition for I a few days, a ftcr " ·hich it \\·iJl he transferred to one of the large Art galleries on Michigan a\·enue in Chicago. An Interesting Pla~ to Actually "Sample" Georgian Hospitality B E OUR GUEST for a whole afternoon .or evening at this delightful place to live. Bring your book, a bit of sewing, or a trio of friends for a rubber of bridge. You will be made at home in a room, a suite, or spacious apartment . . . there to lay aside your wraps, settle down, and leisurely enjoy and fully appreCiate just what Georgian comfort and Georgian hospitality mean. No charge whatsoever . . . and this offer is open to all desirable Evanston and North Shore families contemplating apartment hotel residence or seeking a change to newer, brighter quarte,r s. The Georgian is so infinitely more pleasant ... so much more beautifully appointed and carefully serviced that to test its many advantages in -.his way is proof positive. Harper and Todd Attend Roundtable at Evanston ]. R. Harper, superintendent of the \Vilmette schools, and Lowell F. T odcl. prinicpal at the Howard school. attended the monthly meeting of th~ Superintendents' roundtable at the new Nichols school in Evanston last Friday. An in3pection tour of the new huilding, conducted by Frank A. Childs and William J. Smith, of the firm of Childs, Smith, and Breidert. architects, was the principal feature on the day's program. The meeting was attended by fifty superintendents, principals, and members of various hoards of education. Following lunch·eon at the Nichols sch{)(l l cafeteria the grouo was taken on tour of other Evan"3tOn school bui .gs. Figuratively speaking "Pack Your Bag" now for a happy journey to The Georgian where you will discover new values and greater return for your rental dollars. Tea will be served to visiting guests, Edythe Paterson, hostess. By way of suggestion get friend husband in on this by having him meet you in your "Georgian" apartment for dinner. Business Women's Club Is Giving Card Party The ways and means committee nf the Business and Professional \Vom en's club of Wilmette is giving a card party this evening at 8 o'clock, in the ~{asonic temple. Miss Myrtle Sorenson of Winnetka, general chairman, has been ass·isted in making arrangements for the event by Miss Emma Schreiner, past president o.f the. club, and the committee. A pnze wtll be given for each table and refreshments will be served. Mrs. Albert V. Sieren. 114 Fifth street, who has been on a Mediterran"'an cruise and traveling in Europe for the past four mo.nths, returned to her home last week. The ~·eorgian "An Address o/ Distinction" DAVIS STREET AT HINMAN AVENUE EVANSTON B. E. MuRG Manager DE Telephone GREENLEAF 4100 RENTALS . DIRECT I 0 N 0 F T H E 0. E. T R 0 NNE S 0 R G A N.I Z AT I 0 N

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