Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 May 1929, p. 40

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WILMETTE LIFE May 24, 1929 M Society's Interest Concerned With Diversity of Events Parish Building League President Fund to Benefit· .__________ by Party May 25 Several beautiful prizes have been donated for the large evening affair the Woman'·3 Catholic club of Wilmette is giving Saturday evening, May 25, at the Evanston Country club, for the benefit of the building fund for the St. Francis Xavier parish. Miss Jaunita and Miss Virginia Thorne, in their dances in costume, will give the third part of the program for the evening's entertainment, which was announced last week, and George Arns Orchestra will play for the dancing. Many dinners are to precede the event which will be one of social importance. The rest of the program, given in re~ume, consi5ts of a sketch entitled, "Six Cups of Chocolate," with Wilmette girls and young matrons, in its cast, and a mu5ic program by Eugene Sweitzer and Susanna France Sweitzer. Mrs. John Boylston is general chairman of the event, and Mrs. Charles A. Barton and Mrs. Frank Oelerich are chairmen of arrangements for the program. Refreshments will be served at the dose of the evening. ·. I April Bride I R Home and Garden Club to Conduct Plant Exchange er Cl pe ha Photo by Tolotr Mrs ~ Frank O;Brien of Winnetka re- cently was elected to serve as president of the North Shore Catholic Woman's league. She is succeeding Mrs. William F. Schildgen of EvansThe North Shore Wellesley circle ton. closed its regular season of monthly meetings last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Ralph Brown, 722 Prospect ave- Wilmette Woman Heads nue, Winnetka. The afternoon was Associated Opera Clubs 8;ven over to the election of officers A number of Wilmette residents atand a music program, with a social tended the initial banquet at the Stevhour following. Mrs. George E. Bliss of Highland ens hotel Monday evening of the AsPark was elected chairman; Mrs. sociated Civic Opera clubs, which James P. Fleming of Winnetka, vice- recently has been organized under the chairman; Miss Mary Louise Scheiden"' direction of the Civic Concert Service, helm of Wilmette, recording secretary; inc. of which Miss Dema Harshbarger Mrs. T. 0. Morgan of Evanston, cor- of Wilmette is president. Besides the occupants of the speakers' table, who responding secretary and treasurer. Mrs. David Mackie of Chicago included '3ingers who are members of played a program of piano selections the Chicago Civic Opera company, and before the guests adjourned for re- various citizens interested in the opera, freshments. Mrs . Fleming and Miss there were present some seven hunScheidenhelm presided at the tea and dred delegates from metropolitan Chicago, representing forty-two newly coffee urns. organized civic opera clubs, whose purpose is to stimulate interest in the Have Housewarming opera and ·3el1 subscriptions. The Paul R. Leaches who have Among the Wilmette residents who moved recently from their home at were present were Dr. and Mrs. Fer1055 Linden a venue, Wilmette to 71 nando W. Fuermann, Mr. and Mrs. Warwick avenue, Winnetka, were given William C. Buethe, Mr. and Mrs. John a surprise house warming party by a W. Brashears, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin group of their friends at their new Knudtson, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pattison home last Sunday. Among the Wil- Kline, Mr. and Mrs. William F. mette guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wil- English, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. W. \V. liam A. Kendrick, Mr. and Mrs. Ever- Hawkins, and Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt King. ett L. Kennedv. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Burnside. Wellesley Circle Elects Its Four New 01/icers The next meeting of the Kenilworth Home and Garden club will be held Monday, May 27, with Mrs. Henry Taylor of 431 Essex road, Kenilworth.· Mrs. Burcky will speak on Tu1ips." Monday will be the occa'5ion for the exchange of plants and members are asked to bring their garden surplus to share with each other. The club met Monday, May 13, with Mrs. ]. S. Cline, 304 Cummor road, The program consisted Kenilworth. mainly in a delightful talk by Mrs. Maud Jacob-3 of the Garfield Park conservatory who used for her subject, uThe Best Perennials and Annuals for Both Cutting and Effect." Mrs. Jacobs is always helpful and practical as well a·3 enjoyable, and the Garfield Park conservatory authorities are doing a great deal to aid amateur gardeners in allowing her to speak to clubs and other groups of garden lovers. After Mrs. Jacob's talk, Miss Isabel Cline added greatly to the pleasure of the afternoon by ·3inging a group of three lovely songs. During the business session of the meeting, Mrs. Frank W. Cherry anti'ounced that Mr-s. Theodore Moritz. of 226 Warwick road, Kenilworth, had been made a director of the Garden Club of Illinois. 40 pl. bt hi re he: br th m nll 01 C: blJ 0 A nt fir to sc of w P' he fa at D t~ eJ a! s~ Shawnee CouQtry Club Lists Special Events Koehne Studio ·One of the most beautiful weddings ever ·3olemnized in Wilmette took place April 27, when Miss Virginia Krafthefer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Krafthefer of 901 Oakwood avenue, became the bride of Eugene Raymond Schwartz of N a p e r v i II e. The Schwartzes, upon returning from their wedding trip to Washington and New York, will reside in N ape.rville. Goucher Alumnae Meet Mrs. Gertrude Knipp of Baltimore, an alumna and a member of the executive committee of the trustees of Goucher college, will be guest of honor and speaker at the annual meeting of the Chic,ago chapter of Goucher College alumnae Saturday, May 25, at the home of Mrs. Robert S. DeGolyer, 850 Auburn road, Hubbard Woods. Mrs. DeGolyer is a trustee of the college. Shawnee Country club this week makes several announcements of particular interest. Saturday evening, May 25, with its dinner bridge, brings to · a close that phase of regular club activity for thi.s season. The dinner. hour is from 6 until 8, and the game of pivot bridge will commence at 8 :30 o'clock. Prizes will be given at each table, and members are urged to makt> up their own parties. Sunday will havtt no hour of music. Monday, May 27, brings the May bridge luncheon. Luncheon will be served at 1, and pivot bridge will be played at 2 :30 o'clock. The annual sp.r ing party, with sports clothes the order of the evening, takes place June 1. The hour for dining is 7. o'clock, with the installation of new officen following immediately after- · wards, and that event in turn, followed by dancing in the ballroom at 9. si fe L a1 p4 a h s~ Sets Wedding Day Miss Cleona Udell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Udell of Highland Park, has announced that Saturday evening, June 22, will be the date of her marriage to J ame:s Jay Gather('oal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Gathercoal of Wilmette. cl a h Made Alumnae President Miss Edna Dean Baker and Miss Clara Belle ·Baker were hostesses to the north shore alumnae of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college at their home in Evanston on Saturday, May 18. A luncheon was followed bv the annual reports and election of officers. Mrs. Fred S. Kingore of Evanston has accepted the presidency of the association for another year. tc: Breakfast on Empire Day h is Sorority Alumnae Meet The north shore alumnae group of Gamma Phi Beta had its monthly luncheor1 and bridge meeting Monday afternoon at Mrs. Omer B. Dahm's ·home, 731 Virginia avenue, Kenilworth . Mrs. Ernest Barbour of Evanston, grand president of the sorority, was present and presented · plans .for the coming convention to be held in Kansas City beginning Jun <" 24. On June To Be June Bride 14. the annual banquet will be held at June 24 is the day chosen by Miss the Sorority house on the .Northwest- Betty Older, daughter of Mr. and Mrs . ern univer sity campus. Clifford Older. 1026 Elmwood avenue. \Vilmette, for her marriage to Lloyd R. Quayle. ~ on of Mr. and 1f rs. Fred Giving Dance Frances Elli . Katherine Thompson Quayle. 38 Crescent place, \Vilmette. and Janey Mc~ulty have issued invitations to a graduation dance at Club Hostess to Oberlin Club Vista del Lago Friday evening, May The North Shore Oberlin Woman's 31, from 8 to 11 o'clock. Their guests club will rneet Monday at 2:30 o'clock, will be members of the eighth grade at the home of Mrs. Arthur ]. Boynof the Byron Stolp school. ton, 620 Ash street, Winnetka. There will be an Empire day breakfast given by a large group of Britishers at the Hotel La Salle Saturday, May 25, at 12:30 o'clock. Tickets may he obtained at the door. There will be a choice repast followed bv a very excellent musical program. For further information, call \Vilmette 772. 1f rs. W. H . Lawton. f~ cl f Treasure Hunt Tomorrow Alison Burge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Burge, 924 Forest avenue, will entertain at a treasure hunt for thirty of her friends of the eighth grade of Central school tomorrow evening at her home. Guest of Honor at Dinner Mrs. 'Charles L. Mohr, 101 Sixth str l· et. had as her house guests last ·week. Mrs. \V. E. Clinton and Miss Ida Gibson of Janesville, \Vis. Mr. and Mrs. Mohr entertained at a dinner party for their guests on Saturday evening. Made League Treasurer Mrs. Carl H. Van Sinclen of 1320 Ashland avenue was elected treasurer of the Sunbeam League of Chicago at a luncheon meeting held last week at the Stevens hotel. Flower Show in August Bannockburn announces its initial flower and garden show to be held at. the Bannockburn club house August 3 and 4. Luncheon Hostess Mrs. Walter S. Campbell, 829 Elmwood avenue. entertained the members 6f the executive board of the Wilmette Baptist church at luncheon Wednesday at the Ro]ljng Green Country club.

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