Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 May 1929, p. 71

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May 17, 1929 WILMETTE I LIFE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE PROPOSALS 71 centum of the aggregate of the proposal. a nd no proposal will be considered unless accompanied by such check or cash. The contractor wll.l be paid in bond s a nd vouchers payable solely out of the assessment for said improvement, when collected in accordance with the provis ions of the ordinance therefor, and in the manner prescribed by law, which bonds will bear interest at the rate of six (6) per centum per annum. The contractor to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to furni!';l} a bond to the satisfaction and approval of said Board of Local Improvemf:'nts, in a sum equal to fifty (50) per ·entum of the contract price, conditioned tor the faithful p erformance of the contract. Proposals w ill be received for the construction of said improvement as a whole ; a nd said Board of Local Improvements reserves the right to reject any and all bids. · EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL C. MILES McDONALD STANTON VAN INWAGEN HANS von REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. L34-ltc Their Big Day Near at Hand ~-------------------------~-------~ I ,.. l These beaming countenances will be multiplied several fold Saturday, June 8. when \Yilmette' s army of Boy Scout3 hold forth at a big Rally on the Village (~reen. Plans for the e\·ent are going forward apace, with S. C. Bennett act. ing in the capacity of general chairman . You're invited to join the Scouts in thi =- ~rca t \' i!!age-wide fro li e, so don't fai l to tab the date. to be up and about needs physical If You're Not Fit exercise but a lot of folks need less ·than i·3 required for eighteen holes of Physically, Don't golf." Try 18-Hole Golf Eighteen holes o f golf r eq uire an ~[is s Kathryn Jan1es ni Oshkosh, energy outp ut equi,·aknt to that ,,·hich \\.is., is the guest ni ~[ rs. Julius H. a player would l·xpencl lifting hinncli Kiel. 911 GreemYoocl ave nue. fi,-e times to the tnp of the world' s high est . ky::;crape r and that's to::> much for numerou.; persons according to a statement made here today by Dr. 1 And,· Hall. state health director, in a golf~season int erview. Th e fact that heart di . ease kills 16,000 and nephritis 9.000 peop le annually in Illinois was cited a::; C\·idence of the prevalence of heart and kidnc,· disorders and both condition·..; are lfkely to make seH·re exercise distinc;th· harmful. I "Physica l exercise is a \VOncierful a.set to health" Dr. Hall declared. "b ut it can he overdone hv the piH·s ically most perfect and it m·ay be a j)::>s itivc dangt:r to individuals with abnorma l condition·.~. particularly impaired heart s and kidne,·s. Recent studies ln· an in surance c"ompany show. for examp le that among the graduates of a dozen uni,·er=-ities the individuals \vho partic ipated in milder exercises ha,·e enjoyed a much more fa,·orable mortalit,· experience than the athletes. · I "Golf is popularly regarded a·.; a mild form of exercise and it ma,· be made }·cs, Safety is our middle name mild. bnt the editor of the .Journal of 1 : . c.~ · ~/.c'il' H'C H:on ow· storage the .\merican ~f ed ica l association refJIIi ( . mind s that a trip around a It' vel 6.000-vard course at fou r miles an h our Cy 'rcating our patrons fa~rly, r equires an energy output eq uival ent Lv o·iving their gooth the n ght to that \vhich the player would expend c;ree. and by charging fair fees in li fti ng himself five times to the top we've won public con fidcncc. of a Xew York skyscraper. Energy requirement'.' van· \\·ith the rate nf PHONES·WILHEITE 32. UHIVERSITY1317 " ·a!ki11g a nd the character nf the OtAIRS & TA6LES....., FOR.. R.ENT course. "People in poor p,hy sical C!)tHlition shou ld not und ertake golf or any other c:tre nu ous exercise without medical adSTORAGE \·ice. The fact that 25,000 persons suc521 MAIN cumb a nnuallv in IJlinois to heart and MOVING STR.E'ET kidne,· di sor.dcrs. considerably over PAC.IC.ING WILMETTE,IU.. one -fourth of all mortality, i'3 evi dence SHIPPING enough that nq small number of people are out of condition. . "Exercise, like every other good thing, is something that must be governed judiciously in order to produce benefit. Nearly everybody who is able 1 J .. ····· electric street lig hting system on the east side of' Twenty-third Street between Lake Avenue and E lmwdod Avenue, and other avenues, roads and streets in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois. (Wilm ette Special Asses~ment No. 250) Wilmette, Ill., May 15th, 1929. Sealed proposa ls for the construction of a n ornamental ele<-tric !'treet lightingystf'm along the east side of Twenty· third Street between Lake Avenue and Elimvood Avenue and on the south ~ide of Elmwood Avenue from Twenty-third Street to a point two hundred and eightyfiv e feet west thereof, and on both sides ,,f Iroquois Road from Illinois Road to Tw enty-third Street, and on both side!'; nf Pontiac H.o:td, Pawnee Hoad, Ch erokee l!o<1d and Miami Road between Lal\e Avenu nnd Elmwood Avenue, all in th t· Village of ·wilmette, Cook County, Illinoi ~. in accu t·dnn c · with the ordinance a !1 rl stwd fication~ for sa id impmn~ m e n t will he received by the Board of Local Improvements of sai<l Village of Wilmette until 7 :30 o'cloek P. 1\l. (Daylight ~ a vin~ Time) on Tqesday. the 2Sth day of ~Iay , A. D. 1!129. at whi ch time ~aid propof'a ls be publicly opened, ex:imined and cl edare<l bv :oaid Board of Lol'al Impro\"f· m.f 'nts ·in the o unc il Chamber in th e \'illn~e Hall. The specifications for sa icl i mproYements and blank pt·opol'als will h e furni:-h ed at the onice nf ~ai<l Board of Local ImprovPnH·nts in ~aid \'illa~e Ha ll. Proposals mu~t be mad e out on hlanks furnishl'd by said Board of Local ImproYement s and must b e addressed to the Board of Loea l Impi'OYt> ml·nts of the Villag-e of Wilmette, \Vilme tte, lllinois, and endorl"ed "Proposnls for the construction of an ornamental electric stre t lightingl'-ystem along the east side of Twentythird Street between Lake Avenue and Elmwo0d AYenue, t' tc., in the Village of \\' ilm ette, Conk -.ounty, Illinois," and a ll proposals must be acco mpanied by cash or a certified check payable to the orde~ of the Presirlent of th e Boat·d of Local lmproYem ents of the Village of Wilmette, fot· a sum of not less than ten (10) per- F~fueoon~ru~~of~oma~~~ ""ill Rose Marion Knight Interior Decorating New spring lines of imported and rl om estic fabrics have arrived. Estimates without obligation. 606 1\lichlgan Ave. Greenleaf lilt 1--;==============;--ERMAU AKELY Affiliated Teacher SHERWOOD MUSIC SCHOOL Local Branch 615 Lake Ave. Phone Wllmette 1848 State . Accredited ANNOUNCEMENT Roy Goodwin's Bowling Alleys, Luncheonette and Recreation Parlors will be operated under the management of the new owner, Mr. Lucius Barnett who desires to make the acquaintance of all the former patrons. Mr. Barnett has set aside two weeks beginning May 17th to 1lst, inclusive as Open Weeks and will give FREE BOWLING to all former patrons. Mr. Barnett further announces that from now on the alleys will be ope.n from I o :oo A. M. to I 2 :oo P. M. and that there will be sufficient pin boys on the job always. All bowlers Jre cordially invited to attend this free bowling feat. Come and Bring Your Friends I ----------- First Church of Christ, Scientist Tenth Street and Central Avenue Wilmette, Ill. SUNDAY SERVICES 11 A. M. WEDNESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING-S P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES-9:45 A. M. us 19, 1929 Subject: MORTALS AND IMMORT.~I"'S MAY Open Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) - R:.:.~:.~.:. READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE. AVENUE 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 7:45 P. M.; Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The :Sible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading Room. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THi CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM - ftHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II III III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllii: -

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