Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 May 1929, p. 70

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iO WILMETTE LIFE May 17, 1929 Classified Advertisements (Continued from page REAL ESTATE AT NORTHBROOK 7 RM. FRAME DWELLING WITH ALL modern improvements, hot water heat, with %. of an acre on paved street. Two blocks to stores and depot. An excellent purchase at $8,500. 10 acres with % mile frontage on two roads with farmhous e and outbuildings · in good condition. Strategically located at intersection of two paved roads. Land le vel and w e ll drained with good hlac k soil. P1·iced at $45,000. Reasonable t e rms. Call Sam M.' Campbell. Northbrook 155-193 Boys Gather Around World's Smallest Plane 69) H FOR ,SALE-HOUSES ------------------------ 10 Rootn Bungalo\Y J:"J GLEXCOE'S l\IOST EXCLUSIVE residential section on beautiful land~caped 1 OOx200 foot lot. 7 b droom :-;, 3 baths, 2 car garage. J;>rlced for hnmediate sale at $26,000, with terms to . uit. AT GLENVIE\\1 Old ·brick farmhou. e completely r e modeled and with nll impro\'1?111 nts , on qui et road fronting gfJ!f course and adjacent to private estates. Shade trPes, an apple orchard nnd many p e rennials, with one and one-half acn' S of lawn eombine to · make an attracti\·e country hom e. Steam and electri c tt·ansportation easily accessibh·. Priced for imnwdiatp sale at $21,000. Business corner vacant on main road lt>ading to JWW Curtis Fl~·ing Field. Adjoining- prop P t't~· impt'O\'t>fl. ·' n P Xc·tllent in\·Ps tnwnt at $34,000 cw will gi n:· long- term leaf-it>. H. & R. i\NSP ACT-I REALTORS 386 Central Ave. Highland Pn rk 1212 7iLTN34-ltc WILL SELL BELOW COST EASY terms-\\"innetka: Red brick Col. . 2 yrs., 4 bedrm~.. 2 baths, $:?:!,000. Clapb. Col. 6 bedrms, 3 baths, $2 1.000. Both modern. sun rm!':., 1s t n. lav .. H. \V. ht.. 2 ar gar. 't;TTER. \Vinn . 545 or 1729. 77L:\4-ltt· NORTHEAST WJLMETTE. 7 ROOM brick house, garage, extra Ia\'. Sp cia! $16,500. T 1 I \VY.-\TtJ' & COO:\-S rtt·:...\ LTOTIS < . 'hicag-fJ GlenYi w , 1 421 4th St., Phones Wilnwtte 26il or ,to Xorthbrook ]!\:: 77L:14-1 tt·, 'fiGHE H.EAL'f\'" CO.- 127 X. Dt arborn St. Ct>ntral ~fl:2l ,' iLT.X:1 ·1-1t e Photo by Toloff Baby Bullet, the s1~1allest ·airplane in the world which re~lly flies, is the center of interest of these boys who gathered at Rosenberg s Saturday for the formation of Rosenberg's Boys' Flying club. The plane has a wing spread of onlv 18 feet and weighs 235 pounds, but despite its smallness is capable ot a speed of 140 miles per hour. It recently won the Los Angeles <\ir races. It will be on exhibition on the third floor of Rosenberg's all this week, and officials of the store invite all Evanston and north shore boys to see it and to join their airplane club. Trips to flying fields and talks by pilots are on the program of the club promi · ed by its directors. INSPECT THB JVOR¥ 7 R00:\1 llOl; ~·n:; 1220 Lal<e (bPst E. l>uy, lease or trade on the X. K ). Make offt>r to (J\\'IIl'l'. J;;rlgewater 00~ , nr :\fr. Bradly, \\'ilmette Stntt> Bank. 77U4-1 tp DELlGIITFUL XE\\" E:-.:UL.\:-.: I> llU:\11~, :l n1il es fnm1 HatTing-tc.n. ;) t ' nom~. t\\'0 FOI: SAI...l~-C'IIl~AP---OH FOit lU~:'\Tnice porclwf-i, !i acres. 11t·asonahl' at ti nn. hriU:<:f> nt JO , :~ Oak St., \\'innetl\a . $20,000. Fint> lot. Tel. \\"inn. 168~. 77I:rxa-t-ltp 6 acn's ra\'in e tJroJ>t·rty, o\'t:'t'lonl<s !niH·. JH·ar narringtOJII ('ounu·y Cluh, a:-: tlI FOR S.ALE-V ACANT :-,j1·a hi·· lw:-~ , ·ily \\·notlt·ll prnpert~· as :tllY in Hanington . t'all · ~li~~-: Hard- 10:! ing- at l'ni\·t'rs ity 14:11. :-;.JLT:\':~4-ltc 'fi'OH. SALE-UPRIGHT l'IA~O. BEAUtiful tone, sacrificed for quiet' sale. t'HOTCE OXE-1-L\LF .-\CUE EAST Owner lea\'ing town. \Vhite desk, Cfl tl;, .A~I FORTL~XA'J'E Northwestern university's oldest liv\\.iurwtka honwsitt·, ht·autifully wo 1rlt·d kikh Pn utensil~. china, etc. Porch ing "N" man, former Judge Loren C. and su rrou ndt·d I)~' wondt'rf ul lw 1o~es, l ~ HI·:l:--;t; PEI!~IlTTED TO OFFER lt·ss t ha 11 $160 JH' I' foot. furniturf'. Phon e \Vinnetl<a l 158. fnt· th first timt> XO a ·res of woodland Collin3 of the Superior c::>urt, who is 10:?LT~34 - ltc in Lakt> Fon .. ~t distl'ict, in center of 80 years old, was guest of honor at the 80 foot lot in Kenilworth's ltt·autiful t:'Xclusin! estates. nt a price $1,000 pe r F O L{ SALE - FINE YOSE UPRIGHT ( 'ommunity l>t·\·elopnwnt for t h p I'Pannual "N" club banquet last week. acre under market on easy terms. Unimarka!Jiy low f]J..:·urt' of $7,000. playe r piano, mahogany. Ex. fine Seventy undergraduate lettermen were ver:::;ity 873. i!lLTN3-t-ltc quality. Handsome bench . ~Jmdc t·ablOOxt , 7 ·rc·t:t in \\'imwtl<a )fallor, th' iuet, 114 roles finest mu~i<:. \Yill sell recei\'ed to membership at that · time. 9 WANTED TO RENT-HOUSES suhdiYision that is going to s!.lrprisp at a sacrifice. Phon e \\·in11. 262-J. Judge Collins won his first letter as YOU . , S.(l0() will huy a Jot SOOIJ to be 102LTX:H-ltp a pitcher on th.e baseball team of 1869, 6 R00::\·1 HOUSE A~D CARAGE. GOOD worth $10,000. location. Prefer east of tracks. Xot ~IISSES DRESSES, 1 FORi\IAL. 2 and received a second "N" the · ·fol1owover $ '5. No brol<ers. \Vrite Talk coat~. 1 ensemble. 5 sweaters. Sizes 14 ing year. Sid Meyer, president of the REALTOHS B-88. 89LT34-ltp and 16. All in good (·ondition. Al:-:t) "N" club, presided. 720 Elm St., \Vinnetka Ph. \\'inn. :!:;·1 washing machine and mangle, perfec t · i , LTX::-t-lll: llll .\NTIQt:'F.S cond. VE-ry r.:asonahlt>. 'rf'l. WinBAHA'I LECTURE ---------------------netka 1967. 102LTX34-ltc: SAL F. E. -TR.\OilDIX ATIY "A Scientific Explanation of Bible Bt·ils, ~}wt'ial $.) & $10. \\·alnut chests, 1:<~ >H. SALE-GIRL'S Sl'fUX(; <'OAT, Miracles." is the subject ior the next 80 acres of park for your FRONT YARD. n·fin., $~ii. LittlL' tilt-top and ht:·d~ide e\'ening clothes, size 16; ~Inn's medium lecture in the :May series given by The great open space forever protables. A!!';O prints. z-lassware and picnYt:>t'coat, size 38. J!t-asnnable. Phone tected at the end of a private drive . tUI'Ni. :'\ow is tlw tim e to S> ·lect anWinn{·tka 1158. 102LT~34-ltp Dr. Albert Vail in the Baha'i temple All the advantages of a country estate ti(!ttt>R for wedding g·ift:'\. Sheridan road and Linden avenue, \Vil with al1 the conveniences of the Vil- SOS \\'ashington St., 1 blk . ~o . of )£ain lage. The premier location lr, Win- Ph blk. E. of Hidge, E\·an~tnn. lJni\'. 9 90 F:'OR SALE - :\fUSKRAT COAT, STZL mctte, Sunday aftcmoon, ~lay 19, at . ; nl'w mah. piano bench neYer been -t o'clock. netka for the finer home. 358x165 or 9!)LTX34-ltc used , n·as. Ph. \\'ilnwtt l' ::!H1:1. will divide, at a reasonable price, to 102LH-ltt acceptable purchaser only. Write Wil- ..~~TIQUE S 0 FA, :1 RCJSJ:j\,rOOD Alfred J. Ruin· of Glencoe is on a mette Life B-32. 78LTN26-tfc chairs: early Amel'ic:an p e l'iocl . Can FOR QUICK SALE 16 H. P. EVIXRl:DE trn days' business trip to Xew York he s en by appt. l'h. Graceland 2180. motor and kidne~' mah. boat. Both and Detroit. H. \V mer, 3239 X. l lalstt>d ~t.. C'hicago. us d G weel<s only, rea~. Ph. Glencoe --o99L34-ltp 303. 102LTN34-ltC' ~f rs. J. A. Nourse of 1137 GreenHERE IS ONE OF THE MOST BEAU- 100 FOR SALE - 2 OIL TANKS, 1 HOT \\'OOd avenue is COll\'alescing from a watt·r heatC'r. 1 f;ink and 1 ice hox, tiful Jots left of the few remaining In re a~on[tble. Phone \\T ilmette Ul ~. very serious illness. Winnetka. Building restriction. On a ~fCST SELL AT 0:\'('E .AKn l'£1EAPoal\ round <lining- set, lihrary tahlC's, 102I.:r~:{4-lf<' quiet drive-no trees but a beautiful :l·l white bt><l, !-!pl'iJJg·, mattrt--ss, table TIOO~l Y outlook at a price at least $30 a foot W ,\RDROBE 'I'RUXK I.:\' and bt'nch, lt~tt(·r fiJto~. windo\\'8 , etc. under anything comparable. Addre:::s g-ood tondition. C'all ~' inrwtka 2:~05. <'all and buy the bargains. Rent or Talk A-221. 78LTN13-tfc 102LTN34-ltc buy thf' housp lil\ rent, 1:!20 Lake DARK BTXE BOY'S SUIT. ALSO A w .. E<1gt-'wa t t-1' 002S. 1OOL34-ltp 1 bo:·'s jacli et for graduation, and winter \ ('O:lt. Size 14. Tt>l. K enilworth 1307. rH J ' RE ARE STILL AVAILABLE TWO FOH SALE-BED DA YEXPOHT LIKE 102L34-1tc beautifully wooded half acre plots for new, dt·aperies, puffed shade for dofJr, FOR SALJ~DJX~En COAT, TROU~: those wtlO prefer trees, in Westmoor si II' t·urta ins on frE-n<:h de tors, pon·h t·rs and \'ef:t, f;iz{' 42, <·xcellent condiTrail. Permanently protected, unusual rugs, porch shacle:::; and <·hairs, washtion. Phone Glencoe 121. privacy, highly restricted, the right ing mad1in e. Ph. \\-innl'tl\n Hfll. 102LT~34-1 tc kind of Winnf'tka neighbors. Prict>d 100LTX3.J-lt<.: much less than anything of comparHOH~ SYPHO~ RE- 103 W ·ANTED TO BUY-~HSC. able desirability. Phone 'V!nnetka 1016. FOH. SALF. _ Gloo C. Bull. 78LTN26-tfc frig-erator, porcelain tini~h. likt· new. \VANTED _ CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, Bargain at $35. Ph. "\Yilnwtte 111. 10c per lb. 1232 Central Ave., WillOOLTX:~-1-ltc mf'tt{'. 103LTN48-tfp I Oldest 'N' Man Honored at Annual Club Banquet HEIXSEX RE.\LTY CC). Vacant-vVinnetka VACANT-125x160 vVIl'-:NETKA acan t-\Vinnetka I THE FIXEST PIECE OF RIP.\l{L\X PH()PERTv· ():\" 'riTE XOR'l'fT SHORE lJluff; n·t·y n·asonal)lt' llig-hlnnd Park ~;)~~~. ---------------------------------BPIUtOWES BlLLIAitD .-\XD J'OOL tnhle, 7x4, mek. <'Uf'!-l, bnlls, hottle, tc., :t,:~n. l'hone Winnc·tlm 52S. 100LTX:H-1tp lOt l:X(' H .\ X(H~ pri<-e. Phon > POll SALE-OAK JJI~l:'\(1 l~~L SET anrl oak <'Upbonnl. Heas. Ph. \Yin7SLTX3i-1t 11t'tl'a 2102. 100LTX::-t-lte LOT 60 X l 60 AT FLOnA PLACE, RA· vinia terra<·e, e:a.·t of Green Bay Rd. l<~OH SALE POf!t' H FCHXITUHE. $60 a ft. Easy terms. \Vinnetka 1334. ('all Glencoe 1020. 100LTN34-ltc lO:J ~IlSCELL.\NEOUS 78 LTN33-3tp ---------------------------~f~~~~~~~~--~~==~ 101 WTD. TO BUY-HSF.HLD. GUS, HOROSCOPES 84 JtF. ,\1, l:STATl: Send the date nf your lJirth. Year, month, WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND-HAND place and the hour if possible. IndividBEST OFFEH TAKES BEAUTIFUL furniture and other household goods. ual attention. :Money back if not acre estate with tennis court, facing- on Highest prices for same. Crost Furnis:tti~ficd. Two dollars the r eading. Onwentsia Club. WritP. Wilm lte Life ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evansl\Iatha Y. Phelps, 319 Webster Ave., B- 7. 84L34-ltp ton, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN48-tfc Chicago. 105LTN34-ltp BPtWt->e n (;l(·nC'(J · anrl lta\'inin: contains 90 ft.; lanus(·aJ)ed; ~ituate<l r n SO ft. Bt·n utiful home right on thE) lake, situa tNl at Tnclian Grm·t>, Routh HaYen, ..\lkh. \\'ill tnl;;e impmYNl property or lor in t·xchnng·t- up to $10,000 around X"orth Shore; \Vinnetka preferred. .-\dllt'PS!' 1t 02 Ash ~t.. \Vinnetka, l' 1 0 ('has. Kri!'tnt'. 104LT:H-ltp TRUST CO. Ineorporated In 1111 Third Floor, Otia Builclina Phone Franklin 2400 IDTIIAN 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago

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