Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 May 1929, p. 69

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;May 17, 1929 80 ·SITUATION WANTED-FEI\IALE CLEANING BY DAY OR HOUR PH Wilmette 964. 60L3 4-lt~ WIL¥ETTE ~ ~ LIFE 'Z7 FOR SALE-HOUSES 69 Sl SITUATION WANTED-~IALE ~ ~ SIT. WANTED BY GARDENER, THORoughly experienced, or a s ch a uffeur License d. Single. Refs. E. F . Miller . 811 State St., Chicago. T el. H a rrison' 6013. 61LTN34-ltp WORK RY THE HOUR OR DAY, GE~ era l housecleaning, washing windows a nd woodwork. Garden and la nd scape work rt s p ecia lity, Ph. Winne tka 1657. 61LT34-2t p EXPERIENCED GARDENER WANTS work by the day or week ; good references. T el. Wilmette 570. 61LTN2!l- tfc HOUSE OR GARDEN WORK BY HOUR day or contract. Draina g e. Pho ne \Vinnetka 1288 after 5 p. m. 61LTN31-tfc EXPERIENCED MAN FOR PAINTING screens, window wa s hing and ge neral work about home. T el. Wilmette 570. 61LTN29-tfc BUTLER, VALET, 'WILL TAKE charge of Bach elo r 's h o m e 0 r with ~ mall fa mily. High1 t r e fe re n ce~. \Vdte \Vilm e tte Life B- 93. 61 LT~ 34- lt p R EFI~ED ~ ~ ~ ADDED SERVICE I'OR CLA.SSII'IED USERS WILMETTE LIFE ~ . . . .. .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ will .·n ow aeeept elassilied adve·tisemeats lo· publieatioa in the eu··eat issue until 9 P.M. WEDNESDAYS Just Telephone -·· ATTRACTIVE MODERN 9 RM., 3 BATH stucco residence in Sple ndid condition and located in exceptionally flne oldestabli&hed neighborhood with large grounds 85x160. 2 car garage and oil burner. Truly remarkable value at $35,000. lE~lt WiiiTllml®ttlk~ Eng lis h 7 rm., 3 bedrms ., 2 tile baths, s h1. p ch., m a id's rm. and bath. Exce llent c ondition. Oil burn er. 1 car attac hed garage. Land scaped lot. Nr. school a n dtransp. $29,000. INC. 746 Elm Stre et REALTORS Winnetka Winn. 1617 77LTN34-ltc NORTHEAST GLENCOE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WILMETTE FOR RE:NT-AP ART)IENTS 69 4~00 C' O"G PLE ·woU LD LIKE fl a t o t· bungalo w in e x ch a nge f or ma n 's ~e n· i<- t>s. Write T a lk B-72. 61LTX 34-ltc nin g-s. p. m . - .. WE HAVE A COMFORTABLE AND attractive all newly decorated house of 7 rooms available for immediate occupancy. It is on a lot 75x169 with park oppos ite and is convenient to school and transportation. Set well back on a private street in an exclusive east n e ighborho(l(l. Lot naturally landscaped with vines and trees which are in bloom now. <:A rtl>EX AXD LA \VK \VO RK EYEPhon e \\'inn e tka 1560 a fte t· 6 6i . 61LTX34 - lk $19,000 FOR RE~T-HOUSES \\ALTER P. SMI1'H & CO. REALTORS 337 Park Ave. Glencoe 702 77LTN34- ltc 62 SIT. W '. rD.-JI AJ,E & F'EJIALE LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE 7 RMS. H. W. HEAT. GAR. GOOD trans. $75 a month. Glencoe 235. 69-LTN-31 - tf<. WRITE BLACKB U RX C 0 L L E G E . Carlinvill e, Illinois , fo r compe te nt maid s , cook~ . and go Y e rn e~ses for the ~ umm e r . ~tat e wa g el-5 a nd co ndition~. 62LTN33-3 tp DOA RD & ROO-:\I ~ FFRX. Rl\rS. \\. ITH PHIV. BATH IN pr i\'. re~ i<l e n ct'. 1d<·al h o m e f or 2 pC'oJJif'. ::\f a ls optio na l. Good tran s p. Ph. Wilm r· tte I i1 08. 63LTN' 34-ltc G6 FOlt RENT-ROOJIS LARGE FROXT FVRX. RM. C'ON'necting bath , twin b ed s. Pri\'. fa mily, g ood tra n ~ p. Ph. \Vinn e tka 637. 66LT34-ltc DESJ HARLE FURX. ROOl\1 WITH hath , ~uitabl e for 1 o r 2. Near tr::~nsp. and golf grounds. Call b e for e 9 or a ft E-r 4, Winn e tka 1189. 66LT.X34-ltc FOn RE~T --LARGE DELE. ROOM, twin beds. $8. Singl e room $5. Conv. tr1 l>ath. '\'rite Wilm ett e Life B -92. 66L:~4-1t c 2 PLEASANT RMS. FOR LIGHT h s kpg ., al so furni sh e d front rm. Garage if wanted. Ph. Wilnwtte 3l' 04. 66L34-1 tc CO::'viF'ORT ABLE ROOM FOR RESPECtabl e g entleman . 1240 Ce ntral A\·e. c all (JJ' pho n P eve nings. Wilme tte :348G . . 66L34-1 tp FOR RENT LARGE P LEASA~T room . D oubl e bedR. N ear tranl'porta · tion . Phone Winnetka 22fl~ . 66LTX34 -! tp FURNISHED RO OM FOR 2 ADULTS employed; light and pleasant; hot and cold running water. Ph. Wil. 4207. 66L28- tfc FOR RENT- ROOMS AND GARAGE, Phon e Winne tka 1468. r easo nable. 66LTN34-ltp FOR HENT- NIC ELY FURNISHED l:nge h P,droom, ne w home , bath adjoining. Wilmette 1126. 66L34-ltc LARGE PLEASAKT N . E. ROOl\I. Tl'ipl e bay window, 2 close ts, nr. station. Winn. 415. 66LTN34-ltp FOR RE~T-FURN . FRONT Rl\f. SUITnble for 1 or 2-418 Park Ave. , Ph. Wil mette 2269. 66L33-ltc 67 FOR RENT-APARTMENTS NEW KITCHENET'J,'E APT., 1 BEDroom and roll-a-way bed. Schell building. $75 per month furn. ; $65 unfurn. ('all Winnetka 1011, 367, or at apt. t;, 2nd floor. 67LT~34-ltc FOR RENT-FOUR ROOM APARTment excell ent transportation. Apply 735 Elm St., or Phone Winn etka 843. 67LTN34-l tC' FOR RENT - MODERN 4 ROOM APT. Ph. Wilmette 2399. 67LTN24-tfc 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ROOMS FOR REXT-FURS. HOL"SES Her e in Wilmette's most convenient and 70 exelusive location, you will fnd well-ar- ----------------~ NEW BRICK RESIDENCE OF ENGra nged apartments. All apartments lish Type on large wooded lot. Large ha ve outside rooms which provide an liv. rm. with open fireplace and adjoinab undance of light and air. Ample ing sun rm. Breakfast rm. Dining cl oset space. Schools, churches, and OI"'E OF EYA~~TON ' S LOVELIEST rm. Built-in cupboards and Vent fan sh opping facilities within ImmediatE' in kitchen. Four large bedrooms. Two home s on Onington Avenue. Exac cess. See these apartments today. tile baths with showers. Extra Javaqui Rite ly furni~h e d, Frigida.ir , 2-c.ar A gent on premises. tory on 1st ft. Tastily decorated. Exgarage , 11 rm!'., ~ ba ths, po rch e ~ . .Jun e quisite lighting fixtures. Two car 15th to S ept. 15th . $1,000 for e ntire garage. Priced for quick sale at pe riod. REALTORS $29,000. EXCELLENT LIST OF FURNISHED 424 Linden Ave. wu. 460 HOMES l~ EVANSTO~ AND NORTH. 67LTN2-tfc REAL ESTATE-INSURANCE REALTORS SU B LEASE uNTIL ocToBER AND . 9 566 Cente r St. Winnetka 2033 th en opportunity for long lease. Large 77LTN34-1tc Gn.,enl eaf 7220 at tractive 3 room apt. in Indian Hill 1618 Chicago AYe. ap artments, fa cing east. 458 Winnetka 70LTN34-1 tc avenue, tel. Winnetka 1596. 67LTN34-ltc 1 FOR RENT-JUNE 17 TO SEPT. 17. house, de!'irable location, 3 maste r b ed- YOU WOULD BE PROUD TO 0\VN 2 A PARTMENTS .FOR RENT IN NEW . this beautiful 7 room brick Colonial m;, 2 baths, ,2 large. porch e s, ~2 car s mith building-1, one-room, other 2- roo_ with tile roof and attached garage on a gat a~ · Ph. O\\ ner, Wtlmette 30:J5. ro om. Mrs. Smith, 819 Oak St., or call clev~rly landscaped corner lot conven67LT32-tfc 70LT~34-ltp w innetka 112. it>nt to school and transportation. The l~t floor has a large living room, dinin~?: FOR RENT-4 NEAT ROOMS AND 5 ROOM BOUSE, F U RNISHED OR UNroom , solarium and kitchen. The 2nd ba th ; H. W . h eat, rent. $43. 515 Oakfurnished, $75 per month . CaB Winfloor has fo11r corner bedrooms, two tile da Je Ave., Glencoe. n ~t keys on secnetka 1202 for appointment. haths and plenty of closets. Reduce<r on d floor. Diverse y 613 ~:. 70LT34-1tc price $28,500, including Frigidaire and 67L34-ltp gas rapgt'. ATTRACTIVE MODERN FURNISHED 5 R OOM FLAT AND SUNRM., BATH, home for rent for the summer. Shown ho t water heat, adults only. Thornby appointment only. Call Winnetka REALTORS wo od and 23rd St., Wilmette. Call 542. 70LTN34-lt c 714 Elm Street Winnetka 2198 Gl enview 37-M-2. 67L34-ltp 77LTN34-1tc ARTIST'S HO::\IE FOR RENT FOR THE SUMMER. 68 FOR RENT-FURN. APTS. INQUIRE WINNETKA 1873. 70LTN34-ltc FOR RENT-AT GREATLY REDUCED 7 ROOM STUCCO, 4 BEDROOMS, 2' rate very comfortable and convenient baths, sunroom, 2 car attached heated FOR RENT-GARAGES 0 rrington Hotel apartment, Evanston. 72 garage, oil heat. Ravine lot 75x215. Co nsists of two unusually large rooms Attractive ly landscaped. Priced for lll wi th electric kitchenette, bathroom, FOR REN'f- 2 CAR GARAGE. quick sale $31,000. Terms. 106:l an d three very l~rge closets. Excellent Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 3744. Meadow Road. ho tel service. Electricity free. Furn72L34-ltc is hed or unfurnished. Occupation now EXCLUSIVE AGENTS or for summer. Fifth floor. Vl."est ex- ':'3 FOR RENT-STORES & OFFICES po sure. Phone evenings Greenleaf 4660. REALTORS OR OFFICE, EXCELLENT !'186 Central Ave. Highland Park 1212' 68LTN32-tfp STORE ground location in Winnetka. Will 77LTN34-ltc decorate to suit. Ph. Winnetka 165. ATT RACTIVELY FURNISHED 2 RM. . 73LTN34-tfp ap t. reasonable. Ph. Wilmette 4040. 68LT34-ltc 1 2 NEW STORES-ONE CORNER 241h FOR RENT-HOUSES by 42; one 16 by 44: basements: reas. 69 ' Phone Winnetka 112. 73LTN28-tfc IN 6 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW; electric refrigeration, oil heat: recreaFOR RENT - NEWLY DECORATED STORE OR OFFICE MAIN FLOOR, 1H)7 tion room; priced low at $17,000. bri ck-~ton e house. 524 Provident Ave., Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 2399. Wi nne tka. Sleeping porch, garage , lot 73LTN29-tfc S2 x150 fe e t. Pos:,;ession now. Owne r FOR SALE-HOUSES Pa vlik, Phone Kenilworth 2016 or see i7 REALTORS yo ur broker. 69LTN34-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wilmette 273· FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL 7 ROOM 1177 Wilmette Ave. FOR RENT-S ROOM HOUSE ~TH 77L34-ltc F.nglish Colonial residence, brick veneer, sle eping and dining porches, attached insulated, rcceu.tion hall, solarium, ga rage, Oil burner, near transportation natural flrt"place, bookcases, · guest an d schools. Call Wilmette 1468. closets, china cases In dining room, 69LTN31-tfc cupboard and pantry in kitchen, lava- 4 RM. RESIDENCE, VERY WELL LOcated, conv. to schools and transp. H. tory 1st floor, 3 chambers upstairs, 7 FOR REN'l' OR SALF ~6 RM. HSE. I~ W. heat with thermostat, garage, 50x1SO· clothes closets, tile bath and shower. H . W. heat; sunporch ; N orthbrook. ft. lot. Price $12,500. Oak floor throughout, birch trim, cement ga r.; $8,900. 1937 W'ilmette Ave., Ph. basement, fruit storage, 100 barrel cisWi lmette 4424. 69LTN34-ltp tern, electric pump, 2 car garage, lot REALTORS 100xl40, Jlh blocks from C. B. and Q. Ph. WilmPtte 374() FOR RENT-8 ROOM HSE., NEWLY station, price $24,000 by owner. Apply 960 Spanish Ct. 77LTN34-1 tc de corated, 524 Provident, Winnetka. eves. and all day Saturday and SunPh . Kenilworth 2016 for information. days. 4604 South Grand Avenue. West69L34-ltp ern Springs, Ill. 77L34-ltp MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 7t Hubbard Woods Bargain QUINLAN & TYSON, TNC. Crosby Realty Co. JMlir~o IF1illllll®If IHI©mm®~ HUBBARD WOODS QUINLAN & TYSON, Il\C. EAS'I' SIDE GLENCOE I-L & R. ANSPACH l~©illl&tt & IFll~Ihl®Irtty WINNETKA BILLS REAL 'rY CO.

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