Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 May 1929, p. 68

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68 WILMETTE 17 LIFE. INTERIOR DECORATING May 17, 1929 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ClassUled advertlsement8 will be General Notice-to resldent8 of the district from charged only Evanston to Glencoe lacluslve whose names appear In the teJephone directory, or who are ~Jar eubscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLJDNCOE NEWS. HOUSEKEEPER-GOOD HOME FOR middle aged · woman. of good education who can look after boy nine years old. "JUST A SHADE BETTER" Two in family and maid. Must furnish best of references. Phone Saturday afUniversity 2211 943 Chicago Ave. ternoon or Sunday, or after 6 p. m. 27LTN32-4tc next week. Wilmette 2027. 56L34-ltc ·· HELP WANTED-FEMALE WINDOW SHADES H. E. TENGWALL LOANS 30 Rates-ao 16 cents a llne to one paper. 26 cent8 a Une In any two papers. cent8 a line In all three papers. 11INI11U11 CBA.BGE 50 eeah. Average of ftve words to the llne. No black face type used. 10% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our otnce at 123% Central Ave., Wilmette, or 664 Lincoln Ave ·· Winnetka.. for Jnsertions-Ciasslft~ advertisements wlll be accepted up to Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the Friday TALK 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. and WINNETKA Telephones : Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. Charles H. Brethold 1st and 2nd mortgages Insurance Tel. 65 Wilmette St., 545 Main 30L17-tfc MUST BE HOUSEMAID. WHITE good cook and accustomed to children. 1028 Dinsmore Rd., Winnetka. 56LT34-1tp GIRL, WHITE, EXP. GEN. 'HSWK. Cooking, small fam., loves children, private rm., good home. Winnetka 56LTN34-ltc 2464. WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork. Only 2 in family, father and daughter. Phone Glencoe 1646. 56L34-ltp ~EAT Deadline ' 4 FOR SALE-AUTOS II BUILDING & CONTRACTING THE.'l BOUGHT l\ NASH and We HaYe 'fheir PETS !19 W16 CENTRAL ST. GREENLEAF 2930 PED. GERMAN POLlf'B P'CPS. D.·nDI (Nursery at Deerfield, Ill.) ]1 ~ hlks. North of J)aviR "L" Stat ion Pauline Von . Imp. Ger. Sire, Son of 20LTN27-tfc Cor. Benson Ave. and Clark- Gr. 5500 Ajax, Armour's $10,000 dll~ . Hi~hl a nrl 4L:H -ltc 3!lLTN34-1tp Pk. 716 R. SUBURBAN HOME SERVICE co. LANDSCAPE GARDENING BEAUTIFUL LITTER RUSSI.-\~ ·woLFBLACK DIRT - FERTILIZER Sire, international prizt> winhounds SHRUBS - PERENNIALS ner. r. wks. priY. hom e, 917 Ve rnon CONCRETE AND STONE WORK 39LT~34-: tc AYe. Glencoe 1205. PH. WIL. 570 1 [1 ~8 Bukk 4 j)i\ ~S. COUPl' ..... ..... . $995 l101 CENTRAL AVE. 20LTN32-tfc 1!l:?i Bukk 2 pasK eoupe ........... $675 HED f'HOW, 4 ~TONTHS OLD. CALL . .............. $695 l!l:?ti 4 door :-<·dan K \V. ~filler, \\'innetka 3076 aftt>r 6. 1926 :! door ~~·dan .. . . . . ...... $395 I A:\I DOIXG LA~DSCAPE WORK AND :~!11..'1'~34-1 tp PLA:'\TTXG . T HAVE OWN PERENDodge l'OUpe, 2 ])as ~. . . . . .. ... $290 :'\TAL (L\RDEXS \VITH SHRUBR. Rl~ l·AJRI:SG & REFI~ISHTNGWHO WAXTS GOOD \VORK AT REA- u SON ABLE PRICE!:l'? C'ALL WI~N. Any used car tnk t> n as cash 329. 20LT34-ltp Gold Seal guarantee on all Bui<'ks l~PHOLS1~ERTXG 1027 lJAVIS ST. V\'IL:\IETTE 37:i0 ALSO REMODELIXG. l t P.PAJ TilNG. Open Evenings and Sunday!; work in yout· homes, bfst serYie f. 426 n . . ~4-1 tc Linden Ave., vVilmette, Bt·anch 9!14 LinCLEANING AND UPKEEP OF GARPhont:'!< rlen AYe., Hubbard V\rm1cb. dens by expert. R easonable prices. \Yil. 2!16 and \Vinn e tka 2%. 43L'1'~34-1tp F. Koeberl. Phone Northbrook 241-J. 20LTN25-tfc \\-ATC'H REPAIRIXG DOXE P.Y EX.'\Ye. \\.,.at ehes C'lt>a nf'd an<l a dj ust erl . Jkrt. LOOK - LOOK '26 Hudson Brougham $::!25 .. l'aul Dn \'(?y, .JE>we J, ·r, 11fi:i \.Yilm ett t> . $1 !)5 :-\1 1\\. is tlw tinw to ha\·e your lawns cared Dodge Business coupE> 43L34-tf,· A Yenue. Phont> \Vilm ette 6. for nnd r esc·l'dt><l whe t't' n ect·S!<ary. Ph. .. $250 '27 C'hevrol t coupe .. Wilnwttl' 1ii i'!l after :; ]). m . ':!8 E!:ls X sedan .. . .. .. . . .. . . $425 20LTN34-3tp ('A RPE~TER WORK. ALL KrXDS. RE':?8 Whip))et COU))e . . . . . . . . . . ... $350 p:1iring anrl remodeling- done hy reliahl '26 Ford Tudor . . . . .. . $150 PI~R8XXJ..\ LS 1nan. Cnll Mr. Ruttar , \Yinnetka 24Sl. I·'OR S.\LE. LARGE ('h(' \TOJ e t f'redit-ldg- discount h t'a lthy plants, al~o pansil·s. 43L'J'X34-~tn Nals :\fAXY OTHEH~ FH0::\1 $25 l' p Knud sC' n, 424 Prairit· AYe., Wilme tte. 4LTN;H-1tc SILVER PLA. TI~G 20LT34-1tc 4:i· .· 19!!8 Studebaker Sedan 1927 Buick-5 Pas:-;. Coupe 1927 Gardner Sport Roadster ·. 1927 Whippet Coach . .. .... ... 1928 Whippe t Coaeh 1927 Willys Knight St'dan . . . , 1928 Essex 5 REAL NASH VAL"CES ~ . .... 1927 Standard Sedan 1927 Convertible C"oupe .. ... 1927 Victoria Coupe. . $f\OO 4 Pass.-AdY. Six 1926 Brougham-de )UX E> ~48:i Adv. Six $550 1926 Sedan-Ad,·. Six WM. OTTEN, MASON CONTRACTOR. New and repair work. Get our estimate. Ph. Highland Park 3012. 11LTN6-tfc :'~ I $750 ]; DRF.SS:\JAKJNG $885 $650 WTD.-SE\VJXG OF ALL KINDS, AL. $265 tf>ring a!'Jd r epairing. 336 Ivy C t., Ken$350 il w orth 45i6. 17LT~34-ltc $685 . $450 '20 GARDENING . $450 $775 1~0 ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, confidential service. EVANSHORE REALTY FINANCE co. Suite 403-State Bank & Trust Bldg. Orrington Ave. at Davis St. Univ. 83R:l l\10NEY LOAN WHITE MAID, RESPONSIBLE. Permanent pos. Gen. hswk. :\nd assist with care of c}lildren. 933 Tower Rd., 56LTN341tc Tel. Winnetka 1394. ........ ~OLTN16-tfc -PAI'S'TIXG & DECORATING - 2ND MAID TO ASSIST WITH BOY 6 yrs. old. Ref. Priv. ·r m. and bath. 725 Greenleaf. Ph. Glencoe 1051. . 56LTN34-ltc WTD. - MAID, WHITE, FOR . GEN. Best of wages. No laundry. hswk. Ph. Wilmette Must haYe r eferences. 56L34 lte 1556. For Springtin1e J)ecorating and Painting CALL G&~~ ~IIDcdl JJ (Q)Ifcdi&IDl J. _ -\, llOLl\IGREX & (l<;~tnlJii ~ht> d sox \Y A~TED- YOUKG GIRL AS ~IOTH t·r's helper. Ph. 'Wilmette 2821. 56LTK34-ltc WTD.-.W HITE LA.U)JDRESS FOR ALL day Tuesda y. Ph. Wilmette 3353. 56LT34-ltc WHI'l'E GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork, temporary. $20-$25 peor weelc 56LTN34-ltc Call Winnetka 2260. \\-TD.-WHITE l\lATD FOR GEXEl.AT, hswk. Four adults. Winnetka 1057. 56LT~34-lt<· in .1R!l2) E\T ANSTON 1'\A.SH CO. DECOR:\'fJOX DA\'" SPECL'\LS Landscape Planners and Con tractors l-n iv . 8536 S18 Lake !-;t. EYan~ton H es. Greenleaf 225~ 38L34-ltc WANTED-A LTBRATJON ASSISTAX'T. N. A. Hanna Co. Ph. Wilmette 467. 561..34-1 tl · WHITE c;rnL, HOUSEWORK, SMALL family. Good wages. \Vinn. 1725. 56LTN34-ltc GIRL FOR GE~ERAL X orw eg ian pr'fe rred . Phont> Wilmt'tt e 181 !1. HOUSEWORK Small family. 56L34-ltc Xorth Shore Buick Co. Landscaping, Planting \" L \ITRESSES FOR XEW TEA-ROO:\[ in ··xo :\Tan' s Land." Call ·winnetka . 56LTN34-ltJ) 2430. Lake Shore Motor Sales 1017 Ch.icago · · · 0 · · · · ;jfool - lll=J, P WTD.-JL\LE & FEJL\.LE '. " ' WAXTED - LADY OR GEXTLE:\IAX haYing wid e local acquaintance for pleasant personal publicity v:o.k . ExCt> ll t-nt r en umeration. 801 Locm;t after 5 p . m. 58LTN34-ltp 60 SITUATION WANTED-FEl\IALF. ' ~ :!:t lU, l:CTltH .\1, REPAIRING \\-.E HAVE A VARIETY OF LOW BY RXPERT. priced cars which w P n re clen ring out <'LO('KS REPAilU;;n C'Jock!': called for and d'livered. Paul The y will r e nder at 20% di~count. DaYPY, .TE>w ele r. 1165 \Vilmette Aveeconomical and satisfactory transpornut·. Phone \\' i Inwtte 6. 23L34-tfc tation. We will g-ladly d C' monstrn te without obligation to huy. _, IXSTUl'("l' It>X ~ CLEARA1\CE SALE JANE TRIGGS, H. A . WELLESLEY. MARMON-ROOSEVELT DEALERS Tutoring- in grammar and high school 562 Lincoln A\·e. \Yimwtka 165 su l>jects. Ph. Wilmette 3588. 4LTX:H-1t<' 25LTN34-ltc FOR SALF ..-IH'RA~'l' f'OACH, :\TILE- ·l_, INTERIOR DECORATING age 6,500. $350. Ph. \Yilnwtte !l!l5. r--- \\ ERSTED l\'IO'fOR CO. .,- POSI'T'IOX AS SPECIAL SUMMER GOVe rnt'sS .June 15 to Sept. 1st. By r e fin e<! young- womnn teacher of physi cal e(Ju: catir,n all grades. Willing to assumt> HAVE YOU I-'! STLVER PLATING complfte care of two or three children . good old pit>C 'S renew ed at a r easonFref> t(! travel. Reference. Write 0 . nble pricf. Paul DaYey, Jt>weler. 111l:i ~I. J. \Vilme tte Life. 60L34-ltc ,,~ilm e tt t> A.Yenue. Phone \Vilmettt> G. 45-aL34-tf<' Sr'l'. \\· ~\XTED COMPANION OR t===Con·rncsf'. Three years University -!R TIRES training, t,··o y ears teaching exp. :Mar~ g-ueritf· Poole, Polo, Illinois. Ph . DOES YOUR CAR NEED NEW TIRE~. 2!1-R-12. 60LTN34-2tp Try our price and sen·ice on K elly 8prir.gfields. WTD. POSITION AS CO~lPANION BY \VERSTED :\TO TOrt co. woman of ex perience and education. 562 Lincoln Ave. Winne tka Ref. \Vrite Wilmette Life B-90. 48LTN34-1tc 60LT34-ltp --FOR SAl...E--1926 4LT~34-ltc HUDSON COACH, good condition, chea)1. 545 Yt>rnon AYe., Glenco'. 4LTN34-ltc DELIVERY Tel. Win4LTN34-ltp LTG HT f'HEVROLET truck, 1059 Chatfield rd . netka 1966. JJ BUIJ,DINf· & CONTRACTING - For Lily Pools. Rockeries, ALL KINDS OF BRT('K AND STONE work, call Hartwf'll, Glencoe 1402. 11LTN34-ltc ~ Baa ~ ~ou Want Ad Ia Evaa·toa, too JEWELRY REPAIRING AND REmodeling by a craftsman of rare ability. Paul Davey, Jewel er, 1165 Wilrdeal et'rects In home decoration can only mette Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. be realized when your lamps and 50L34-tfc shadee are in perfect harmony. Bring In your lamp bases and let us :;;, LOST & FOUND design shades that are distinctive and dit'rerent. CLARK HAMMERED We carry a large stock of Early Amer- LOST- ONE silver cigarette lighter at Wilmette N. lean and English period lamps. Alwa.ys S. station Monday between 4:30 and reasonably priced. 5 :30 with monogram W. H. C. Finder P~1. Wilmette 4300. 55L34-ltp 632 Church St. Greenleaf 810 27LTN33-ltc FOUND BLACK AND WHITE Beagle, male, about 2 or 3 years old. Ph. Kenilworth Police Department. 55LTN34-ltc LAMP SHADES TO ORDER :.o GENERAL REPAIRS EXPERIEN'CED WOMAN WANTS work by day. Tel. Winnetka 2794. 60LTN34-ltc WASHIXG AND IRONING TO TAKE home. 'Will call and del. Ph. Wilmette 904. ll0LT34-ltc WTD. - WASHING AND IRONING. Will ca}l and deliver. Ph. Wilmette 3599. 60LT34-ltc DESIRE WHOLE OR HALF DAYS work. Phone University 8119. 60LTN34-lt p EXP. COOK, A-1 REF. COLORED. PER manent pos. Ph. University 7060. 60LT34-lt p MIDDLE AGED WIDOW WILL STAy with children afternoons and evenings Ph. Wilmette 4568. 60LT34-lt p GOODRICH STUDIO - ~ - This Office will accept classified advertising to be run in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 families in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. on Tuesday. ~ 58 HELP WANTED-FEMALE ~ WTD.-MAID FOR GEN. HSWK. PLAIN cooking, no laundry, or nursemaid and EXPERIENCED ILL. UNIVERSIT y mother's helper. Ph. Kenilworth 1171. girl wishes pos. as nurse maid fo r 56LTN34-ltc summer. Wilmette 2931. 60LTN34-1t c WANTED-WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS CARE eral housework, references. Kenilworth of children In her own home. Wlnnetk a 594. 56L34-ltc 1433. 60LTN30-tfc Telephone Wilmette 4 300 or Winnetka 2000 -

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