Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 May 1929, p. 67

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May 17, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE in Town and Suburbs 4i Mystery Crook PictUre, Adapted FrC:m Successful Stage Play now on Screen at Community House ------------------------······ ·········-----···---~----------------------------. -----------------------------------·-····--·····---------------·---------------SHOW "THE TERROR" r---_;.. ·----Bill-o-Fare Those lpng distance travelers, the "The Terror," mystery picture adaptCohens and Kellys , discover new gags ed from th e ph~nomenalty successful Lo.ndon play ·by Edgar \Vallace, is to pull at Atlantic City in their latest bemg presented at th e Communitv picture "The Cohen's and Kellys in House in Winnetka this Friday and Atlantic City ," which is t o be the VarSaturday, May 17 and 18, with a si t~.. theater attraction thi s Saturday, matinee only on Saturday at 2 :30 p. m. Mar 18. They go to jail, quarrel with "The Terror" presents a foreign Yersion of the intrusion of the lawle ss each other, and have troubles with into soc iety. which. both in se tting and murderers and money. George Sidney, action. is di s tinctlY unlike th e Ameri Vera Gordon, Mack Swain , and Kate ca n crook play. is played by an allPrice are th e Cohens and the Kellvs . star cast including ~.fay ~fcAvoY. The all-talking picture, '"Hole in t-h e Loui se Fazenda, Ed ward E-verett Ho~ \ Vall," with , an all-star ~as t, wi ll open ton. Alec R. Francis, and others. a three day eng_ agcment at the Varsity Rin- Tin -T in. the famous dog. has an :M onday, May 20. ent irely ne'" cast to aid him in "The "His Captive Woman." sound and ~lillion D o llar Collar." which comes t o talking picture ieaturing :Milton Si lls th e ComriHmit,· House TuesdaY. 1Lw and Dorothv Mackaill. will be at the 21. There is ~fa tty K emp. th e- likable Varsity Thursday and Friday, May 23 and hu s ky young star who . e :.tee wa s and 24. Here is the plo.t. A cafe ~ n known to <·veryhody in collar ads long tertainer kills her "sugar daddy" and hdore he " ·e nt on the screen . Th e skips to the South Seas. A New York r oma ntic int<:r b t is seco nd ed h,, th e policeman is sent after her. They clrc presence <,f beautiful En·h ·n Pierre. shipwrecked on a desert island for a "\\'am pas Rail\· Star." Rin- Tin -T ii1 NEW ROLE FOR "BUDDY" seven vears. Event ualh· a steamer appears fir . t as · the companion of a Charles "Buddy" Roger s will . play takes them off and ret-urn s them to hlind beggar. who. after r obbing a X e'" York. The cop tells a sob story jt\\'eln· ~ t ore. hides th e loo t in Rint,·'s the romantic lead in Paramount's on the witness stand, the girl is con co llar . and i. whisked awa\· to t.h e forthcoming talking- film \'ersion of victed. but the sentimental judge sent·ountry h:'- -· accomplices in -t h e d cecl. Booth Tarkington's "~fagno li a," the tences her t o life on the desert island Th<> YOllrH! hero r escues Rinh- irom colo rful stor.v of plantati o n day s abng with her cop. the ~fi s i s~ ippi in pre-Ci\·il \\rar day5. the ca r which ha s hc·en CrltapuJted 0\'l' r The sa me picture was filmed se\·en thr edge of a cliff. Dress ing him - ~1ary Brian will be his leading woman. ,·ear s ag-o under the name of "The :-eli in clothes fo und in th e luggage. and \Y allace Beerr will play the pic- \\'oman · ~od Changed.' ' Bob Vign o la Dill (~fattv Kemp) and the clog- trudg e ture sq ue role of General Orlando filmed is at the Cosmopolitan studio in .I ackso.n. (111. and at Pine Tr ce Lodge find the New York with E. K. Lincoln and uir l. who is to he the c<>nter of th,, Scena 0\\·en in the principal role s. AS NEW YORK TAKES IT ~tlln· . a.:. ,·o u "'ill di . cnn: r \\'hen ,·ou "Marry the ~fan." ~ tag e play which ,·ic::it Cnmmunit:'-· House next Tuesda:'-'· GIVE PLAY AT GOODMAN "F!lur Sons." ,,·hich opens a hnl - drt ·: had its world premiere in Evanston as "The Fire King," the play for chil"Companionate ~[arriage." is report ed engageme nt at Cnmmunif\· hntt<;e Fri da,· and Saturcla,·. Ma,· 2-l and 2.i. is bv Xe\\' York theate r critics tu he dren which was given in Evanston early in the spring by students of the a deep ly movin . l.! sto r~· of Ynuth ful "one of those hopel ess ly artificial National Kindergarten and E lementary r om anc e and motherlY de,·otinn. The comedies that arc also mea surably college, will be r eproduced at the Goodweakened by beingmi .;cas t. " st o rv d ea ls with the "·hitc -hairt'd· man theat e r, Chicago, Saturday mornmother , ...-ho sacrifices her son~ to her ing, May 25. The two Evanston percountry, who fares on through . orSILENT VERSION? WHAT! formances of the play, which is an ro'" and dt>spair. until sh e finally at The silent ver.; ion of "You Can't adaptations of Ouida's story of the tains happine ss. Buy Love," by Beatric<: Van, has been "Nur_emberg Stove," were given before The picture was nroducc:d for F ox completed at Cni,·crsa l City by Arch capacity audiences in the auditorium Films !)\· John Ford. of "Mother Heath. of Harrison hall. ~fachrec" and "Iron Horse" fame . Tn the cast are Margaret ~f ann. the +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + sixt,· Year old screen "find" who gh·es + : Chicago North Shore Festival Association : a hrilliant nerformance as the moth t' r . + Tames Hall. Charles ~.f orton. Geonre + ~f eekc r. and Franci s X . Rusl,man . .T r .. who plav the sons. June Coll~· er and Earle Foxc. + + Saturday, lUay 18 "The Terror" . . Community Houl'e "C leat· the Deckl-i" ..... . T ea tro "The Pagan" .... Norshore "Cohens and K lly f.: in Atlantic City" . ..... Varsity SmHlny, Jlny l!t "Close Harmony" . . . Teatro "Tht Pagan" . .. ~orshore . 2\Ionday, Jfny 20 "Hole in the Wall " . Yars itv "The Pagan" . . . .. ~orshore "Chinatown Nights" . . T eatro Tut·!Hiay, )Jay 21 "Th e Million Dollar Collar" . .. Com munity Hou!'e "f'hinntown Kights" T eatro "Hole in th " rn 11" . Ya r s ity ' 'Thf' Pagan" . ::\"nrshore · W.-dnf'sday, )lay 22 "In Old Arizona" . Teatro "Thf' Pagan" Xor~ hor e "Hole in the " 'a ll" Ynt'!o:ity Thursthn·. )Jay 2!l "The Pag·an" · Xot·s hror p "Hil' f'apti\·e "\\'r,man" Yn rsity "In Old Arizona" . Tt ·at r;, }' ridn)·, )lay 2.& "Four Son~" . f'ntnnlUIIit \' Hou~ .. "Tn Old Arizr,na" · · T atrn "His Capti \'e "\V oman" "\ ·n n:;i t~· "The Pagan" Xnr!'hon· Cohens and Kell:vs Pull New Gags in 1 Movie at V arsit:v -N~w Playing- DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS "The Iron Mask" .LOU KOSLOFF and the Jazz Collegiana in "PARIS NIGHTS" .J · S QtUraay and all Next Week It RAMON NOVARRO with RENEE ADOREE, DOROTHY JANIS in "THE PAGAN" Hear Novarro Sing in This Langorous South Sea Romance EVERY MONDAY NIGHT IS "RADIO NIG.HT" Satul'day Only May 18 "Cohens and Kellys in Atlantic City" with George Sidney and Mack Swain Mon., Tues., Wed. May 20-21-22 AU T alkinr Picture i 21st MUSIC FESTIVAL i : MAY 27, 28, 30, JUNE I Northwest.ern University Gymnasium Chicago Symphony Orchestra Superb Artists - Splendid Programs . 1st Concert-Samson and Delilah. Saint Saens. 2nd Concert- Miscellaneous. Soloists- Gina Pinnera, sopran o; F.fr.-m ZlmbaJi st, ,·lolfnlst. ANOTHER WESTERN TALKIE : \Varner Brothers are filming "Song of the \ i\T es t ," a talkie c ::m'3 tructed frnm the stage presentation "Rainbow." with all kinds of dance hall girls. gamblers, Indians in r egalia, scoug in buckskin, : and optla"· types. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + SCREEN TO STAGE Roy D'Arcy, formerl y of the sc r een. + : . Soloists-Cyrena Van Gordon, Chnrles Mar~hall , Richard Bonelli and Herbert Gould; Chorul", A Cappella Choir. + + + : : "Hole ln ·The Wall" with an All Star Caat has been hired to sing, dance, and otherwi'3e entertain in a new piece for the stage called " Ju st Off the Boat." + 3 rd Concert- B Minor Mass. Bach. Soloists-Anna. BurmE>i'Rter, Marie MoriRsey, Tuclot· DaYies, Herbert Gould and Josf'f Hofmann, plnnlr-;t. + CONCERNING THE DEVIL Karl Brown and Leonard Fields are writing an orig inal story at Un ive r sal City, as a Joseph Schildkraut s tarring vehicle, entitled "The Devil's Prayer Book." Phones: University 01 an(l 62-Brlargate 6~00-No toll. + + Ernest Torrence, famous character Season Prices-Sr6.oo, $14.00, St 1.00, $7.00 and Ss.oo. + actor, is now playing Dr. Ballou in : Single Ticket Prices-$J.50, $J.OO, $2.00, 1.50 and 1.00. : "The G-reen Ghost" at the Metro+ ' + Goldwyn-Mayer studios. ···········++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + : + + + + 4th Concert- Matinee Children's Chorus of 1500. Soloists- Alice Mock, soprano, and Barre-Hill, bnritcm e. srh Concert- Miscelbneous- Chorus- A Cappella Choir. Soloists-Ed ith Mason, Richard Bonelli and Arne Oldb PJ'g, Tickets on Sale ot + + + + + + + + + + Thurs., Fri. May 23-24 Room 202 Hahn Bldg., 1609 Sherman Ave., Evanston : "His CaptiveWoman" Milton Sills and Dorothy Mackaill

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