Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 May 1929, p. 65

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May 17, 1929 WILMETTE · ·LIFE Quinlan and Tyson, Inc., announce ptpe organs in both his e'3tablishment ·the following sales within the last two at 1022 Davis street and the one in Wilmette. . weeks: John H. Davies sold to A. P. Bradl~v the vacant property 225x200 on Lin~ coln street west of Valley overlookin g the Skokie Golf club in Glencoe. ~f r. Bradley will build three hou ses o11 th e property. 0. H. Armstrong of the Evanston office repre se nted the pur chaser and P. V. Jewell of the \\'i nnetka office of Quinlan and Tyso n rep resented the seller. Sadie Cowan sold to J. L. o· Brien t li l' 8-room English brick house at 735 Grove street, Glencoe, on a lot 55x210. 1\f r. O'Brien is connected \\"ith the Jntcrnational Han·ester company. C. A. Gurshin of the Winnetka office of Quiulan and Tyson ,,-as th e 011lv broker. · Frank F. and Ruth H. Soule sold to A. P. and E. F. Hates the nine rOl)lll ·tucco house on a lot 45xl84 at ()28 Central street, Evan ·ton. R obert S. Crane of the Evanston office oi Ouin lan and Tyson \\'as the broker . .. . A. R . & E. F. Bates sold to Stat e ~ank_ and Trust company, tru s t c~.., tak Ing t1tle for an undisclosed purchasl'r, the 9-room stucco house at 617 l\on~ s - treet. E\·an ston, on a lot 6-txi 50. R_oher~ S. Crane of the E\·anston offic\: ot Qumlan and Tyson \\'as the broker . Lntra Ream sold to \Vilhelmina J.. S\\ ans~_n the six room stucco hous~ 0:1 a lot J0xl90 at 2227 Colfax st., E,· _ anston. Roland H. Peterson of the EY an st o n office of Quinlan and T\·son represented both parties. · . These organs are of the latest destgn .and are the first of their kind to b.e installed in undertaking parlors outSJ_de the loop. They are combination ptpe organs and pianos and may either b_e played by hand ·or operated by mu3tc rolls. Quinlan and Tyson ~· H. · Scott, Undertaker, Announce Sales ol Installs Pipe Organs William H. Scott, Evanston and WilNorth Shore Sites ~ette undertaker, has just installed 65 Highest Grade UPBOLSTBBIMG Cabinet Work Drapery and U pholstetg Fabrica Mr. Scott has also assembled a library of rolls which comprise the standard music of all the various deno.minations and also the music appro. Highest Grade Upholatering . pnate to lodge services. 808 Oak Street Established 1895 Ph. Vlianetka --------------------~~----------- ANTIQUES We specialize in Antique Furniture Repairing and Refinishing Hair Mattresses and Springs Ma<te to Order H. G. LINDW ALL 145 ~JVVUV\IVUVV\J\1\I\I\I\I\1\1\nllN\N\/Uli\I\I\III\1\I\I\I\IU\IU UV\f\1\f :::a ::;:. :::::a 5 1N c E I\NAI\1\1\MMI\1\ni\1\MnnMI\1\MMMI\~ ;::: $ 5 ::::a 5: s: ::a == ~ 2 c::: c:= :§ ·Veere Park Deep Ravines and Quiet Charm ~ c::: c::: c:::::: ~I c::::: == c:: c::: c::: c:::: c:::::: c:::: c:::::: R. P. and Gertrude Chandler so ld to L. \\'. & \V. A. Heap the frame t\\'( apartment building at 2019 Lincoln t.. Evanston, on a lot 50x200. One apart lllent contains 5 rooms and the other six rooms. D. 1f. Boone of the E,·anston office of Quinlan and TYSon ,,.~:-; the only broker. . · _ I ~f. Levnon sold to \\-. L. and 1~.. R McKay the Yacant propert\·, 55xl50 o,; the east side of Broacl,,:a ,. bet\H'CIJ Chancellor and Livingston s.treets, EY -1 anston. 0. H. Armstrong of the E\' anston office of Quinlan and T,·son \\'a ~ the broker. 1 c::::: c::: ~ ::: 2: c:::: ::::::: c:::: 2 = = 2 $ :::: s; Joh_ n and Certrude Schneider sold u M. S. and \\'. D. Langtn· the \'acant property 70xl(i5 on the 1;orth side oi Payne street, \H'S t of Central Park a\·enue. E,·anston. ~fr . and Mrs. LantZ try \\"ill build a home on the propcrt~·. P1erre G. Beach of the EYanst(Jn office of Quinlan and Tnon represented hoth parties. · s; 2 s; 5 2 c:::: c::::: 2 2 2 c:::::: := :::: The unmistakable note of distinction in the surroundings makes possible a background for most attractive homes. Speak at Annual Meet of Delta Gamma Mothers Dean Florence Schce Robnett of Northwestern university, Mrs. Joseph Hapsted, nat ional pre'.,ident of Delta Gamma, Mrs. Annie Rand, Mrs. W. L. Childs, Mrs. Raymond A. Kent and Mrs. Irving S. Cutter were speakers at the annual meeting of the Delta Gamma Mothers' association held vesterday at· the North Shore hotel.Mrs. Edward S. Kimbark has been prflsident of the association during the last year. There was a short "Who's Who" program conducted by Mrs. ]. ~alph Wilbur following the installation of officers and annual reports. 5 -== c::::: c::: oe:::: c:::= == ;;;:: c::: c:::::::: c::::: ~ 0:::::: c=::: r::::: c:::::: c:: c::::= Representative Always on the Property c:::::: s 2 $ ~ 0:::::: · 2 BAIRD WARNER : == I ~ c:: c::: c::: 2 Office: Deere Park, Corner Sheridan Rd. and County Line Rd. HIGHLAND PARK Phones: Highl~nd Park 3040-Briargate 1855 2:: Sth~ MONEY Have funds to loan on choice improved North Shore Suburban residence property at 5 '-h% interest. See us on renewals. E. G. Pauling & Co. 10 S. LaSalle SL Franklin 7740 ~UUUUIIUIIUUII\I\MlU\lll\lllllll\l\l\llllllll:\lll\1\/\lil\lil\I~IIUU UIIUUIIIIUVUIIIIUIIU\1\NUINIIUWU\MIUUUVWUUIIW\I\IIIUU\Miuifti.-W\-.....

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