Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 May 1929, p. 56

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56 WILMETTE LIFE · May 17, 1929 Sports and Other Wilmette Recreation ·Board News .i4 nnounce Schedule Horsefeather Team 42 Boys Will Repr~sent Wilmette in Track Meet , Horseshoe League Wins Championship; of Playground Ball Forty-twr, Wilmette grammar school Beats Roughnecks boys will present the village schools ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' for Summer Season The Horsefeather team of the Wilmette · Playground . and Recreation board added the' sixth championship to its record last eevning when its members defeated the Roughneck team for" the championship of the women's volleyball league ~fonday evening at the Howard school. The winners took four out of the six g<,Lmes played to determine the championship while · the Roughnecks, un.d er the leadership of captain Lorraine Jannes. fought ,valiantly to uphold a record of no defeats during the entire season . Gertrude Koerper is captain of the Horsefcather team. Monday evening's game ended the volleyball league conducted . by the recreation board and the next sport to occuQy the league members will be playground hall which opens next Tuesday en·ning at the Village Green. PracticallY the same teams which competed · in - the volleyball league will form the playground ball league with the possible addition of the Pony team and an All Star group. Standings of the various teams at the end of the volleyball season were: 'Von ......... ;i Lost 1 I in the fourth annual North Shore Grammar School Track meet which will begin at 9:30 tomorrow morning at Dyche stadium. The boys will be accompanied by Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation and his two men assistants, Dudley C. Stone and Glen ·W. Gathercoal. Boltwood and Haven schools of Evanston and Joseph Sears school of Kenilworth will be the opponents for the Wilmette contestants, and the points wilt be divided among winners in the events for the three groups of participants. The heavyweight group comvrises boys weighing more than 100 pounds, the lightweight group boys between 85 and 100 pounds, and the peewee group under 85 pounds. Professor Leon G. Kranz' class in Methods of Teaching Physical Education C}nd Coaching, will officiate at the meet. each class member being assigned a definite division to judge. W_ilmette contestants in the meet \\'ill be: Hf'a l'YW<'ights 50 ynrd dash . . : . . Williamf', Keil 1110 yard da12h .. .. .. .. . Williams, Nl' \·ins Games start at 7:30 p. m. Each team plays two other teams every night. A match consists of two out of three games. If only one man of a team is present, he must substitute with the consent of his opponents. One man may not play alone . . The first round will consist first of playing each te~Jil twice. Then the four winners will be put with the four winners of the other league and the four losers ,put with the four losers of the other league and with the new leagues a second round will be played. The second round only will count for points. Thursday ~igllt Sehedule Thursday, May 23-Ridge Electric vs. Schultz and Nord; C'ongr('gational vs. }:len's Gym class III; Riclge Conff'ctionery vs. Schneid r's Bootery; Men's Gym class I vs. J. 0. 0. F., I; Ridge Electric v:-;. Men's Gym ela:-;s III; Schultz and Nord v~. :Ridge Confectionery; Congregational v~. Men's Gym class I ; I. 0. 0. F., I vs. Schneider's Bootery. Thursday, June 6- Ridge Eh· ·tric vs. Ridge . Confectionery ; Meu' s Gym cia ss I vs. Men's Gym class III; Schultz and Nord vs. I. 0. 0. F., I; Congregational vs. Schneider's Rootery: Tiidg-<· Electric \'!". Men's Gym class T: l~idg-e Confectionei·y \'!". I. 0. 0. F., I; 1\Ten's Gym c la~s HI vs. Schneider's Bootery; ongregational vs. Schultz and Nord. Thursday, June 13-Ridg' El ctri c vs. J. 0. 0. F'., I ; 1\Ien's Gym clnss I vs . Schneider's Bootery; Ring-e C'onfec·timwry vs. Cong-regationnl; Men's Gym cla~s III "~· Schultz and Nord; Riug EI P<:trk vs. Schneider's Bootet·y: I. 0. 0. F., T \'S. C'ongTegational; 1\Ien's Gym cia. s I vs. Schultz & Nord; Ridge Confl·ctic,nery vs. ~fpn's Gym class III. Thursday, June 20-Ridg-f' Elec·tric vs. f'ongregn tional; Schneider's Ho!ltl'ry vs. Schultz and Nord; I. 0. 0 . F., I vs. Men's Gym dass III; Men's Gym clnsfi I vs. Ridge Confectionery; Ridg-e El el'tric vs. Schultz and Xonl; Congregntional \'S. Men'::; Gym class III; Ridg~.: Confectionery \'S. Schneirler's Bootery; ::\len'::; Gym cla~s I vs. I. 0. 0. F., I. Thursday, June 27-Ridge ElPctric vs. Men's Gym clnss HI; Schultz ancl Xonl vs. Ridg-e C(;)nfectionery; Con~Tt>~· ationa 1 \'S. M<'n·s Gym dass I; J. 0. 0. F., I n. Schneider's Bootery; . Ridg·e Electrie \'!'. Ridg·e C'onfl ctionery; ~h·n's Gym class I vs. 1\I n's Gym cla!"s ITT; Schultz and Nord vs. I. 0. 0. F., I; CongTeg·ational vs. Schneider's Bootery. .Thursday, .July ll.....,...Ridge Electric \'S. l\fpn's Gym class I ; Ridge Confectionery n:. l. 0. 0. F., I ; Men's Gym class Ill vs. S.c hneider's Bootery; Congreg-ational Ys. Schultz nncl Nord; , Ridge Electt·ic vs. I. 0. 0. F., I; Men's Gym clnss I vs. Schneider's Rootery; Ridg·e Confectionery vs. Congregational; Men':-; Gym (')as!' Ill \'S. Schultz and Nord. 'fhursday, July -18 -Ridge Electric vs. Schneider's Bootery; I. 0. 0. F., I vs. Congregational; Men's Gym class I vs. Schultz and Nord; Ridge Confeetionery Ys. Men's Gym class III; Ridge Electric vs. Co,ngreg·ntional~ Schneider's Bootery vs. Schultz and Nord; I. 0. 0. F., I vs. Men's Gym elasS' JII; Men's Gym class I vs. Ridge Confectionery. Tuf'tHlny Night Sdtf'dul<' Tuesday, May 21-I. 0. 0. F., IT \'S. Wilmette Life; St. John's vs. l\Ien's <Jym class II; Wilmette Caf<' \'1'. Presbyterians; Rotary C' lttb YS. TPrminnl A. c.; I. 0. 0. F., II \'S, Men';.; Gym dnl5s 1I; \Vilmette Life n. Presbyterians; St. John's \'S. notary Club; Terminal A. C. \'S. Wilmette Cafe. Tuesday, May 28-I. 0. 0. F., II v~. Presbyterian; Men':-; Gym class · II vs. Hotnry Club; "'ilmette Life vs. Tenninal A. C.; St. John's v~. Wilmette Cnfe · I. 0. 0. F., II vs. Rotary Club; Presby~ ~eJ~'ln vs. Terminal A. C.; Wilmette Cafe vs. Men's Gym clas~ 11; St. John's vs. Wilmette Lift:>. Tu sclay, June 4-J. 0. 0. F'., II vs. Terminal A. C. ; Rotary Club vs. Wilmette Cafe; Presbyterian vs. St. John's· Wilmette Life vs. Men's Gym class II; I. 0. 0. F., II vs. Wilmette Cafe; Terminal A. C. vs. St. John's; \Vilmette Life vs. Rotary Club; Presbyterian vs. Men's Gym class II. Tuesday, June 11-I. 0. 0. F'., II vs. s~. John's; Wilmette Cafe VS. Wilmette Life; Terminal A. C. vs. Men's Gym class II ; Rotary Club vs. Presbyterian ; I. 0. The Wilmette Playground and Recreation Board playground ball schedule for this summer was announced this week. All games are to be played at the Village Green. Games are called at 7:30 o'clock and shall consist of five innings. A team whose opponents do not appear within 15 minutes of the scheduled time may call a forfeit. Following is the schedule: May 20-\Vilmette Life YS. Junior A. C.: Hidge ElectriC' vs. Schultz and Nord; Wilmette Ice vs. Baptist. May 22-Schneider Bootery vs. Ridge Confectionery; English Lutheran vs. Terminal A. C.; Men's Gym cla~s vs. Presbyterian. May 24-Terminal A. C. vs. Ridge Confectionery ; Schneider Boote ry vs. Presbyterian; Engli~h Luthemn vs. Junior A. c. May 27- 1\:len'R Gym cla!:;s vs. Schultz and Nord; Wilmette Life v~. Baptist: Ridge Electric Ys. Wilmette Ice. May 29-Presbyterian \'S. IUdge Confectionery; Terminal A. C. \ ' S. Junior A. C.; Schneider Bootery vs. Schultz and Nord. May 31-Men's Gym class vs. Wilmette Life; Junior A. C. vs. H.idg-e Confectionery; Presbyterian vs. Schultz and Nord. June 3-Engli!'h Lutheran vs. Baptist; Men's Gym class vs. ·wilmette Ice; \Vilmette Life vs. Ridge Electric. June i'i-T rminal A. C. \'S. Baptist; Schneider Bootery vs. Wilmette Ice · English Lutheran v~. lUdge Electric. ' J 'u ne 7-Junior A. C. vs. Bapti~t ; Schultz and Nord vs. Ridge Confectionery; Presbyterian \ ' s. \Vilmette Ice. June 10-Terminal A. C. vs. Ridge Electric ; Schneider Bootery vs. Wilmette Life; English Lutheran vs. Men's Gym class. .June 12- Schultz and Nord vs. Wilmette Ice : Baptist vs. Hidge Confectionery; Juni11r A. C. \'S. Ridge Electric. .June 14-~res_byt~·ian vs. Wilmette ~lfe,;._~erminal A. C. vs. Men's Gym class ; Schnetder Bootery vs. English Lutheran. June 17-,Vilmette Life vs. Schultz and Nord ; ~aptist Vs. H.idge Electric ; Ridge ConfectiOnery vs. \Vilmette Ice. June 19-Junior A. C. vs. Men's Gym class: Presbyterian vs. English Lutheran; Schneider's Bootery vs. Terminal A. Jun~ 21-Ridge Confectionery vs. Ridge Electnc; Bapti.t vs. Men's Gym class; Schultz ~tnd ~ord v::;. Engli~h Lutheran. _.June 24-WIImette Ice vs. Wilmette L1fe; Jun~or A. C. vs. Schneider Bootery; Presbytenan vs. Terminal A. C. Jun~ 26-Wilmette Ice vs. Terminal A. C .. ; Rtdge Electric vs. Schneider Bootery; Ridge Confection ry vs. Men's Gym cla!'is. June 28-Wilmette Life vs. English Lutheran ; Baptist vs. Presbyterian ; Schultz and Nord vs. Junior A. C. July !-Wilmette Ice vs. English Luthe:r:an; R}dge E~ectrie vs. Men's Gym class; Rtdge ConfectiOnery v::;. Wilmette Life. July 3-Baptist vs. Schneider Bootery; Sch~1ltz and Nord vs. Terminal A. C. ; Jumor A. C. vs. Presbyterian. July 5-Ridge C,onfectionery vs. English Lutheran; Men's Gym cla::;s vs. Schneider Bootery; Ri~ge Electric vs. Presbyterian. July. 8-Wilmette Life vs. Terminal A. Wllmette Ice vs. Junior A. C.; Baptist vs. Schultz and Nord. . NeYins, Knapp, or White Pet. II urdles Slwtput . .. .......... Cramer, White Horsefea thi.'n; 3:1 ltunning bi'Oa<l jump .... Williams, Knapp Roughne<"ks .4 666 Hunning- hig-h jump . . . . Knapp, \\'hite .... Preston, v\'aidner o) Gym Cia~:. ........ . 2 400 Pole Yault O'Kays . ... .... . . .1 4 200 J.i~-t"hhn·i~hts "'ildcats .1 4 200 50 ya nl dash . . . . ......... . ......... . . . \'pt·ha.len nrH1 Dt>nholm or .·\llworth XYZ .1 4 200 7:) yard dash . Denholm. Fuermann 60 :n1rd hurdh' s ' . Verhalen, J<'acht Scor<'~ of thr· indh'idual games were: Shot )nit .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... Gooch, Haves Roughnt>ck~ Horsefea thcrs !tunning- hroad jumJ) Albwnrth F'inlny~on (5, 16, 7) (15, 14, 15) llunning· hig-h jump . . Dt' nholm, F"neht Jane Kril-r Btttv Hversnn l'nlt> ,·nult . . .... Soule, Hayes Lois 11ilh.·I· Gertrude K·o erper l't'I'W('('S Geraldilll' \\. (' bt>r Roberta l\Iuther Hita '\'ebH Alma .Jones .)0 yard <la:-;11 Bartholt~mew, \'on T:.l·ill~-'P<'rg Lonaine .Tnnnt-~ Gladys F'ehlen i:l vard dash ..... Hartholonww, (~ullen Vera. John1-<on Elizabeth Nl·l15on lltu·(lk~ .. Hermanson, Koena.n G. \\' . :a thercoal, referee Shotput .. . .... Skog, Henna nson llunning- hi'Ond jump .. Heid, Ra rtholoml·W l{unning· high jump . . Reid, Skog Championsbip g-nme: . l\lee, Ander~-'Oll Roughnt>l'l\~ 1 for:-;efeathers Pole vault (8, 1~. 14) (15, 16, 16) J ave Krkr Betty H.yerson Lois Millt·r G rtrude Koerper Geraldine \\'d>l·l' Hoberta l\luther Hita \Yl'lll'r Alma .Jones Lonaint> ,Janm·:; Glndys Fehlen Yera Johmwn Elizabeth Nelson A triangular track meet between G. \\". Gnthercoal, referee .. ·) · 0 ······· ·· Wilmette and Kenilworth to Hold Dual Track Meet c. XYZ (15) Fr:lnc :-; Kt·ll<· Y Edith 1\lnrquai·dt Marion Ru!':-;t·ll ViYian Quigley J. O'Ka.ys (13) Emma Hicks ::\In rga ret De Marco ::\larcella Kummer. Betty Barry Dorothy Smith Eleanor Phillips Skidmore. referee Gym Class (15, 15) Mrs. Jennie \Ynde Mrs. C: rl ~Ikhadson Mrs. M. .J. Keil Mrs. Hel n Schlt:'ir Frances Kelley ·w ildcats (4, 8) Marjorie Miller Blanche Keil Leona Hoffman Hay Pe~t rson Isabel Reimer Eleanor Phillips J. Skidmore, referee Grammar School Children Start League Season Soon The first game of the t\orth Shore Playground league for grammar school children \rill be played ~fay 22 whrn the \\'ilmette team will meet Haven at the \-illage Green at 3:30 o'clock. Each of the school which are members of the leagues will enter three teams in the leagues to compete in the following dirisions: Featherweights, under 90 pounds; middleweights, under 110 pounds, and heavyweights, over 110 pounds. The chedule for the \Vilmette teams \\;11 be as follows: \\Tilmette at Nichols Friday. May 24, all weights; Nichol; at \\'ilmette, \Vednesday, May 29 all weights; \\'ilmette at Haven, Monday, .May 27, all weights; and Haven at W!lmette, \\'ednesday, May 22, all we1a-hts. the Stolp and Howard schools of \VIlmettc and )ost:ph Sears sehoul oi Kenilworth has heen arranged by Rohert Townley, Kenilworth physical training instructor and Daniel ~1. Davis, director of recreation for \Vilmt.:tte. The meet will be held in .\ \'ilmette on the \'illage Green ~fay 23 at 3:30 o'clock. Although the V..' ilmette and Kenilworth schools have competed against each other in the north shore leagues when · other schools were also in the race, the track meet will be the first dual affair ever conducted between the two schouls. Both department heads hope to make it a permanent activity and thus cement the spirit of friendshiv already existing between the two systems. Contestants will be divided into three groups simi lar to those competing in the north shore meet: heavyweights, over 100 pounds; lightweights, under 100 pounds, and peewees, under 85 pounds. The C\'cnts will also be identical with the larger meet and will be run in the following order: q.; Running bmnd jump . ... . . . ... All classes 50 yard rlash . . All cla~ses 8-lb. shotput . . . ..... .. . All classes 60 yat·d hurdles ....... .. .... .. . All classes Rurming high jump .... . .. . .... All classes 75 yanl da~·h Peewees and Lightweights 100 ynrd da~h ... . . . .. . . .. . . Heavyweights Pole "ault . ... .. . . . . .... .... . All classes ~h~ officials will include the physical trammg staffs of the Kenilworth and Wilmette schools. F., I,I "S. Wilmette Lif ; St. John's 's. Mens Gym class II; Wilmette Cafe vs. ~resbyterians; Rotary Club Tenmnal A. c. vs. T~esday, June 18-I. 0. 0. F., II vs. Mens Gy.m class II; Wilmette Life ..-s. PrE>sb.ytenan; St. John's vs. Rotary CluL; Termi!)al A. C. vs. Wilmette Cafe ; I. 0. 0. F., II v.s. Presbyterian: Men's Gym clas II -ys. Rotary Club; Wilmette Life vs. Termm!ll A. C.; St. John's vs. Wilmette Cafe. Tuesday, June 25-I. 0. 0. F., II vs. Rotary Club; Presbyterian vs. Terminal A. C.; Wilmette Cafe vs. Men's Gym class II; St. John's v~. Wilmette Life; I. 0. 0. F., .IJ vs. Terminal A. C. ; Rotary Clllb vs. Wilmette Cafe; Presbyterian vs. St. John's; W.ilmette Life vs. Men's Gym class II. ':f'uesday, July 2-I. 0. 0. F., II vs. W1Imette Cafe; T~rminal A. C. vs. St. John's; Wilmette Life vs. Rotary Club;· Presbnerian vs. Men's Gym class II ; I. 0. 0. F., II vs. St. John's; Wilmette Cafe vs. Wilmette Life; Terminal A. C. vs. Men's Gym class II; Rotary Club vs. Presbyterian. f?·

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