Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 May 1929, p. 50

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WILMETTE LIFE May 17, 1929 I Motor Briefs . It is hinted that 12 and 16 cylinder California has the most automobiles cars are being tested but tha.se in poin proportion to population, with one Automotive freight carried by rail car for every two and sev.en-eighths sition to produce such cars are noncommittal on the subject. Others are lines during 1928 amounted to more persons. than 3,500,000 carloads, according t.o of the · belief that no such automobile th.e Chicago Motor Club. · engines are being considered, unless Seventy steam railroads are using they_be for heavy truck or motor bus motor trucks for short hauls and ter- servrce. Automotive products ranked first in minal service. Harry Miller, the La.s Angeles build- , 1928 in expo.r t of manufactured articles, er of racing cars, is expected to astonwith a total value of $500,174,431. There are 92,000 motor busf!s in the ish the visitors at the annual 500 mile races in Indianapolis Memorial day, nation. Motor vehicle taxes in 1928 amountand it is not improbable that his new ed to $808,000,000. creation will be powered with either a Seventy-two of the railroads in the 12 or 16 cylinder motor. Arizona Jed all states in increase of United States are operating 2,115 buses. motor vehicles in 1928, with a gain Pierce-Arrow sales to dealers in of 16%. There were 36,000 miles of surfaced April amounted · to 1,366 compared roads built in 1928. with 624 for the same month in 1928. This is an increase of 742 cars, or 119 Motor truck registration in the United States totals 3,113,999. PasThere are 4,341,000 persons employed percent. The company entered May senger car registration is 21,379,125. in motor transportation. with 1,144 unfilled orders from dealers. ---------------· I Total registration of' motor vehicles is 24,493,124. Twelve, or Sixteen Cylinder Motor Cars Now Hinted Chevrolet Truck ·Reaches Sumatra; Carried by Hand NA~H 00" 3 Cabriolets IT.AltDAI\D SIX D~litJn-eJ, SPECIAL· SIX Fally Equipped Delivered, Fully Equipped ADVANCED SIX Delivered, Fally EquipptJJ $998 f $1398 $1715 Lower. Delivered, Completely Equipped Rices OR those who like to be out and It became necessary, a few days ago. for the first time in the history of Chevrolet Motor Company, to dismantle a car after sale in order to deliver it to its purchaser. This interestiog incident occurred in Acheen. northern Sumatra, an outpost. typical of numerous forsaken corners which Chevrolet has been pioneering for years. One of the last provinces of the Dutch East Indies to submit to Dutch rule, Acheen has . never been totally free from recurring outbursts of trouble. As a result, progress ha.s Jagged. Because it is rich in oil and endowed with fertile soil, steps have been taken by the government to penetrate it with roads. Not long ago, the Chevrolet dealer at Langsa received an order from the Depa.rtment of Public Works for a Chevrolet truck to be delivered to a point where the authorities were busy with road which is to run from Sigli on the north coast of Sumatra to Meulaboh on the west coast, a distance of about 220 miles. From Meulaboh a road already existed up to a point about 50 miles inland. It was 'from here that the road was to be cut through the jungle to link up with a similarly short ro~d running inland from Sigli. Sl)ips do not call at Meulaboh so that it was impossible to transport th e Chevrolet truck by this means. There wa s only one solution-the truck had to be di'smantled and carried overland bY coolies t o the scene of operation. Th e ·w ork of dismantling was carried out bv the dealer and the weary ta sk of transporting the parts started. A cooli e. lugging a wheel, marched a The cylind er ]?lock littl e in advance. wa s in the custodv of a particulari~ husky p<\ir. The heavier part s were carried in shift s to divide the work equally. The rout e led through almost impen etrable jun.~le, along narrow mountain paths and over ravines and rivers. On one occasion in the trek, a stream. spanned only by a cable line, block er! the route. Nothing daunted, the ex pedition chiefs di spatched the coolie s with the parts for which they we:·e responsible across the stream "on th e wire." Nearly a month was required to complete the jaunt. a ._., I I. l I going-top down-nothing but e skies above-Nash designers built three smart "400" Cabriolets. With the top up and windows raised, they are luxurious closed cars-with the top down and windows either down or up, they are smart open cars. All have a big, comfortable, roomy rumble seat. · The Standard Six Cabriolet is one of the most popular cars in its price field, because 1t combines the smart openenclosed motoring vogue with Standard Six performance superiority. It has a big, high compression, 7· bearing motor for power and speed"400" steerin~ for the world's easiest driving-LoveJOY hydraulic shock ab- sorbers, for cushioned smoothness over all kinds of roads. The Special and Advanced Six Cabrl· olets are distinguished by such "400" features as the new Twin-lgni· tion motor, Bijur Cent.ralized Chassis Lubrication-press a pedal, yo11r car h oiled-Lovejoy and Houdaille hydrau· lie shock absorbers. And, every "400" model comes from the factory equipped with bumpers, hy· draulic shock absorbers, spare tire lock and tire cover, at no extra cost. Some dealers, charge as much as $50 or $60 extra for bumpers alone. · Compare these Cabri<;>lets to others, then compare their fully equipped, de· livered prices. You'll see the advan· tage in buying a Nash! Los Angeles Boasts Car for Every 2.25 Persons Detroit now boa!,;ts one automobile · for every 3.5 persons, and the r~aso.n 1 1 for this high rate of ownershtp. ts · found in the first class pavement mtleage, not only in the city itself, but throug-hout the surrounding .country, where hundreds of miles of super highways, 200 feet wide with eight lane-,;, have been, and are still being built. Los Angeles, however, is ahead of Detroit with the astonishing ratio of one car for each 2.25 persons. In Boston the ratio is one to 7, and in Phi)adelphia and Chicago the ratio is one to nine. Based on Detroit's ratio, New York with its vast population, should have 1,500,000 automobiles, instead of 560,000 now registered in the metropolis. AUTOS AID STEEL PRODUCTION The production capacity for automobile body sheets at the Massillon. Rolling Mills of the United AHoy Steel Corporation will be increased to 150,000 tons annually1 or nearly 40 percent, before the close of the year, according to announcement. · Officials declare they will then be in position to accept larger automotive orders. Delivered, Fully Equipped, Price Range on 23 Nash "400, Models, $930 to $2245 SUBURBAN NASH CO. Phone Winnetka 2707 54 7 Lincoln Ave. WINNETKA

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