Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 May 1929, p. 45

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May 17, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE BRIDE-ELECT ENTERTAINED · Two of the last affairs given in honor .of Miss Dollie Smith of 1539 Forest avenue, before her marriage to Hector E. Pinsonnault of Chicago on May 15, took place recently. Miss Georgiena Lagen of 1511 Forest avenue entertained twelve guests at tea and bridge in her honor Sunday, May 5, and Saturday, May 11, a bridge luncheon was given for her at the Edgewater Beach hotel. New Trier Debaters Meet Clevelanders Today in Cup Event After several weeks of strenuous practice New Trier High school and Cleveland Heights High school debaters will meet this afternoon at 1 :30 o'clock in the New Trier auditorium to argue for and against the abolition of the ' jury system and to decide, temporarily at least, the debating supremacy between the two schools. New Trier, represented by John Erickson, veteran of several interscholastic debates, Albert Denton and Lowell Comee, witt defend the jury system. The Cleveland speakers. James Rice, Victor Pollak, and Milton Schlesinger, will attempt to show its · . weaknesses. A silver loving cup donated by ~ouis B. Kuppenheimer, of Winnetka. will become the property of the winning school for one year or until the other school succeeds In winning the annual New Trier-Cleveland clash. Thus far !he count is even, New Trier .having won in 1927 and Cleveland last year. Mrs. Wendell Phillips, 315 Ridge and her small daughter, Catherine, are spending seYeral weeks in Los Angeles. Cal.. as the guests of Mrs. Helen Gross. formerly of Wilmette. ·How They Field and Bat Following is a tabulation of the batting and fielding averages of the member s of New Trier's baseball team. including games played la st week-end: ll .\T'fiX(~ Audubon Society Head to Lecture in Local Schools B01·ncamt1 Munn F. ~mlth G AR R H 2B SB SH AV. 7 15 3 7 0 2 2 .467 Wolter Roos Paul:;on W. Thompson H. ThOnlP~On 21 4 8 2 I 16 1 6 1 6 9 3 3 0 2 3 1 1 0 7 7 14 7 0 1 1 2 1 ' 0 0 0 5 1 0 1 .381 .375 .333 .333 .286 . 273 Ru:;sell Kaufman Saxton Fog(!l~ong 7 6 2 22 19 !) 4 2 4 6 0 :~ ;} 7 17 2 2 I 2 0 .117 i) 6 0 0 0 0 0 . 000 2 3 'l 1 1 0 5 0 4 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .263 1 .222 0 . 200 0 0 0 Nelson MacL"e-an ,. Brown 2 3 1 2 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 .000 . OOlt .000 Orpheus M. Shantz, pres.ident of the Illinois Audubon society, will give a lecture on birds before seventh and eighth grade pupils of the Stolp ~chool Tuesday, May 21, it was announced this week py Dorothy .Stevens, general science teacher. The lecture will be illustrated with stereoptican slide-.5. It is being given in corinection with the Miss Ann Lawrence, 520 Lake averegular bird study work in the general nue, Wilmette. returned to her home science classes. on Tuesday, from the St. Francis hosThe Mothers' club .of th e Alpha Phi pital, where she underwent an operasorority of Northwestern univer sity tion for appendicitis ten days ago. -oentertained the daughters, the entire active chapter, at dinner last Monday Mr. and Mrs. Clyde P. Ross, 1321 evening at the North Shore hotel in Chestnut avenue, Kenilworth, are enEvanston. There were seventy-five tertaining a few friends at dinner Satpresent at the affair. urday evening, May 18. t·n:T . m~c; 1\lunn Hamilton Fogelsong · Borneamp H . 'T'hompsoJt PO 15 F. Smith avenu~. Vv. Th ~Jmp~on Rm;sell Paul:;;on Saxton v~·o lter A E T C AV. (i 0 21 1.000 () 0 3 1.000 ~ 2 0 0 2 1.000 511 16 3 7:>., .960 10 2 l 13 .!i2:1 26 1 4 31 -~7 1 4 !) 2 15 . .86.7 4 0 1 5 .800 5 13 6 24 . 750 f TUE ROAD OF UNUSUAL SERVICB 4 6 17 0 1 0 :~ ~rae Lean Kaufman 0 1 3 . 6 2 3 4 .64 7 .500 5 .333 .200 Come mith us to the COLORADO Ro~KIES Enjoq o lmpiring Scenery Invigorating Atmosphere Genial Companions A Fortnight of Delight A cordial invitation is extended you to visit the Rockies this summer and share in the exceptionally f~vorable arrangements we have made with highest cl888 hotels and auto companies of Colorado. Leave La Salle Street Station any Saturday night during this summer, beginning June 29, for two-weeks vacation, combining a series of hotel house-parties with a succession of motor ucul'8ions through the grandest scenery in America. Personally conducted-free from hurry,· worry or care-viewing the most noted scenic attractions-sojourning at tlt.e Broadmoor, Antlers, Brown Palace, Cosmopolitan and other luxurious hotelsevery item of expense included in one payment- Vacation de luxe "PICKWICK." You tl!flf:l' Try it ... some day this week. Those hear it on all sides. extra workouts will not only keep Chic a g o 's most en· you in fine fettle, but help to improve thusiastic golfers . . .· your form. Plan to come soon. especially those hailing Special offer for May only: $1.00 for from the north shore 18 holes on week days only (not who patronize the daily Saturdays, Sundays or holidays). fee courses ... are flock· Ladies 75c week d.ays. Simple directions for reachtng grounds ing to this big Million Do II a r playground in given below. droves. And no wonder. The "PICKWICK" management For "PICKWICK" is so es(Jecial/y solicits week-day Tour· easy of access over conc!ete n~ments, for which arrangements b.oulevards from all. dtrec· can be made at attractive rates. hons · . . so conventent by train and elech ic f r o m Pickwick Golf Oub "downtown" if necessary. GLENVIEW, ILL. Better still, there is no wait· Telephone Glenview 173 or 292 ing to tee off. Starting time reservations for Satur· days an1t Sundays may be mnde In "PICKWICK" offers you 247 Chfcngo at the Boston Store (Snenth broad acres ... a veritable gol· J:<'loor) U desired. EASY TO REACH fer~' paradise. Two distinct 18Bv auto, take Waukegan Rond to II II OIIIy fJ78!!fiieago Round Trip Rail Fare 4 Other Tours as low as $125.~ from Chicago $4305 . hole courses of 6,110 yards and 6,595 yards, respectively. Longer than most and equal to the best private courses. Flawless creeping bent greens and tees, broad fairways, shrewdly planned bunkers and traps, three water holes. o"tenvJew A Vt>., \Vhich Is dlrertly west of Wilmette. Then we~t on Glen,·tew Ave., five minutes to Shermer Ave. and north t.o Club. "PICKWICK" is just across street from the nnv Curtis Airport. ROCK ISLAND for tktt~ih. ~ or fUil ,,;, cn,_ Rock leland Vacation Travel Seniee Bu.... u .._, ~--~~Name - fJ1i,.fiiJO:r flnt!sl PUBLIC FEE Course 17'1 Weat Jac:kM»n Boulevard l'booe Wabaah 4600, Cbica·o· 10. Plf'.aae -nd me frt"e book leta deaerlptlve of C.olorado and variuua all-et.(teDae Tmare of the Roekiee. _______________________________ ~--------~--------~148 Add~----------------------------~.

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