Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 May 1929, p. 44

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WILMETTE LIFE May 17. 1929 ESl'HER. GOULD~S TRA.VEL. .. ~___;.,_,_.;,...--==:.C-=-O_::..._RN.=::.....:...::E:..::..R.....:::..-... OH! FEZ \Ve have left .Morocco. Already we are regretting its primiti,veness, and bewailing the returning signs, here ; 11 Algeria, of European civilization. Our last night in Morocco we spent in "terrible Taza" center of revolt ·- ' I Ie d b y b ot I1 S u I tans and French (rca( go~~rnment. The tall stately Arabs oi Fez, to whom one felt as if one should apologize for intruding, were n·placed by the stocky Berbers. helonging to the untamed Riff tribes. \Ve r~ally shivered a littl e there in the square \\'here a foaming dervish and a man selling bright nursery pictures at traded <.' qual crowds, attesting equally to. the rhildlikeucss of the peoph:s' n 11 nds. \Ve wet:e glad to rdrcat to our saie flo\\'er-surround.ed hotel where \\~e wen: lulled to sleep by "taps" from )\. the Yarious sold in encampments 1 which we were surrounded. · In Fez " ·c " ·ere housed in a beautiful M uorish Palarl' " ·hich the Transatlantique Company - each of whose hotels l1as. Jikt· eHry ~I or1m·can town, it:-;elf, an individual · charm-has turned into one oi the loveliest and certainly one of th;, From 11111 st uniqul' hotels in the world. the roof, with the . a tis faction of stage lllanagcrs (ln a surccssful first night, ht.-causl' it all came off as we had told <Hlrselves it would- we watched the gnrgTousl~· rohc<i ladies oi the harem f · · ronlt' out 1111 t I h' lr ro\l s to ellJO\' the sunset air. grouped abou.t as far literally as the eye could reach-splashes of color everywhere-and formed a scene operatic in effect. There were large £amily parties on some roofs, perhaps some guests, as it was their Sunday. They sat on cushions and slaves brought out trays. probably of the du men the. Beyond the city which is a labyrinth oi greyish white buildings, now and then a spot of green indicated the hills and far away were the now covered Riff mountai-ns with their savage untallled tribe·. Could anything more full~· satisfy the eye and the imagination? At sunset, b,- the time we had all the ladies and -their likes and dislikes sortt.:d out. "·c saw the little prayer flags go up on the Mosques and heard the wierd long call of the Muezzins ring out and hang undissolved like a second flag unfurled o,·er each graceful tower. To our pained surprise very few of tlH· ladies stopped their chatting to pray, n ·idcntly feeling their hour of freedom too preciom to be used that \\'ay; though some got uut their prayer rugs and salaamed. But the men down in the street hurried-but no, hurried is too undignified a word-went majesticalh·. rather. into the Mosques, leaving theit slippers outside the door. All oi it going on precisely as it has gone on for ten centuries or more. it made 111e feel more than anything else could do the solemn dicmitv of Fez, the holv cit,·. the thing ":hicl1 makes evervon.e ' 1 · \\'1. 10 1 1as eYer >een t 1 1ere · catc 1. 1 1 11s breath a little when vou mention it JIHl _ a~· "Oh -Fe·z ." ~ 0 ": with that picture in 11 " . mind T llan· jnined that hrother hood. Fort Sheridan Is in Midst of Big Spring Renovation Under the energetic dnve of Gen. 'C . H. Conrad, Jr., commanding the ar111v post, Fort Sheridan is taking on ne~'" life in many aspects. The oeautificatiofl: of the post is rapidly being carried out under the personal direction oi Lieut. Col. C. R. Mayo; the beach is being cleaned up; new installations are being made ; rifle range practice is un in full swing; and many summer camp plans are swiftly maturing. Trees and shrubs are being planted along roads and walks, adding a great deal to the natural beauty of the p lace. In addition, officers and men occupying quarters are planting individual flO\n'r gardens. A month's policing of lawns, roads, walks, parade grounds, and barracks Has given the entire post a ne\\' appearance. New concrete garbage stands are being erected which will do away with the hitherto unsightly screened racks. Even the corrals have been improved by new drainage installations. The cantonment area is practicall~· ready for occupation by the R. 0. T . C. and the C. M. T. C. students. The former are due June 16 for a six weeks' camp. the latter July 18 for a four " ·eeks' period. It is estimated that 500 R. 0. T. C. students will atend and ahot1t 2000 C. M. T. C. students. Two RAYMOND-WHITCOMB NORTH CAPE-BALTIC SUMM~R CRUISES S.S. "Carinthia"-- June !6 S.S. "Franconia"--June !9 Raymond-Whitcomb North Cape Cruises for almost ten years have been the most popular Summer Cruises to sail from America. This year there will be TWO Raymond -Whitcomb Summer Cruises to the Land of the Midnight Sun. The cruise-ships will be sister-ships-the newest Cunarders- specially designed for cruising. Sailing just after the close of schools and colleges, these cruises have consistently attracted younger people and families bound for a vacation together. They may be taken as a complete holiday in themselves (generous shore excursions characterize the programs) or as a delightful new way to Paris. The routes include Iceland, the North Cape and Hammerfest, Trondhjein, the most beautiful of the Norwegian Fjords and the cities of Scandinavia and the BalticBergen, Oslo, Stockholm, Visby, Tallinn (Esthonian capital), Helsing· fors (capital of Finland) and Copenhagen. The rates- $800 upinclude assured homeward accommodations by such noted Cunard liners as tl&e "Aqui· tania", uBerengaria" and "Mauretania" as well as the "Carinthia" ·a nd "Franconia". FRATERNITY PLEDGE Tom Sellen· of \Vilmette, has been pledged to Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity at Beloit college. ~frs. ~fahcl La\ncnce and son. Lionel. who have been house guest. <lf '. ,\ fr. at1cl Mr s. \Villiatll S. \Vhite. 1120 Sheridan road. for the past t\\'O week.. have returned home, taking with them ~'liss 1\aomi \Vhite, who " ·ill make an extended sojourn in eastern "t ll':-. ' · 't' · d S. C1 Y1SI Ill~ f nell \\' omen who spend their lives in the harems. ncnr going out except when lu.';l\·il_ ,. veiled to the Mosque once a \H't'k. or. rarl'ly to visit other harems. can~t· up on C\'t'ry root -top dressed in their glorious colors- greens. rose wisI teria. purple. blue. all of the most deli cate ancl sub tl e shades of these color:'\fr. ancl \ t[ rs. A . \\'. Gage of Clear- 1 -o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ - - - - - - water. Fla .. are making an indefinitr ~fiss \'"ettie Garrigus of Forest Park, ,·isit with ?\Ir. Gage's ·mother, Mrs . Ill.. who was the house guest of Mrs . :\ . G. "\f eh·ille. 1022 Grecmvood aveHelen S . Gage oi 113-l F.lnnrood a,._ nne. for . severa l clavs last week. reenne ~nrnrrJ to h er home ~on Monday. 111 111 1111 11111 11111 1111 111111 1111 1 111111111111 11111 11111 11111111 111111111 111 1111111111111111111 111 11111 1111111 11 11 111 111 11 1111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 11111 1 11 1111111111111 ' 1' 1' 11 1 CAMP KNOLLSLE·A FOR BOYS Stony Lake-Michigan WlloOU~ lErnm~o~§§(E:§ to the Orient .... Cosmopolltan hotelt at eea, these, known for their gav in· temational crowd. Wonderful Filipino orchestra. Gymna.. 1ium and swimming pool. Cafe off the sports deck. Suites and rooms with bath. Only 10 days from Vancouver to Yokohama, thence to China ~d Manila. First class fares as low as $300. Phone or write your local agent, or Hikinp rrips to Places of lnttrest W oodcraft Tc·nnis Organi n .! Game s Archer y Boxing R!'st Period < Stunt r\'ights }.i anua( -Arts Sature Study Scout Work SLL'immina and DiL· i~g Boarina and Fishing ; de Sa~·ing Tr,·as.urc 1-/ur.ts 0l'uni~ht H·kcs .i!h/,·tirs C<Imp Ban qu t Elwnrthy. ~tt'nmshlp Gt>nual At.rrnt. · 1 1-.··Jnt·lit'OU 1Hnl ·· fhieugo. Ill ·· 'fele· 11hont- Wnllllt'h 190... }'nr frt-lflht apply !'· s: ttl I ,.~ RA~OND & ltonlit·r~. ( · h lt·ngo. W · .\. Klttt>rmn ~tt·r, G. W. }', _\ ., Th~ WHITCOMB COMPANY 176 No. Michigan ·Avenue Chie~go Tel. State 8615 : Canadian EPacific C."' CGnaclican Pcad/ic Exf)raa Trcaudlen Clae4ua- Good dac WorLI Owr. A lin1ited nulnber of desirable boys can still be enrolled For Additional Information---Phone the Directors · JACK C. ANDERSON Director of Athletics Xorth Shore Country Day School Res. Phone \Vinnrtha 1929 Qllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllil llllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllll HARRY P. CLARKE Supu. Physical Education Public Schools of Winnetka R£·s. Phone Winnetka 624 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'llllllllllllli -....

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