Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 May 1929, p. 40

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,. WILMETTE LIFE M ay 17, 1929 Golf Clubs NoW Awaiting Opening of New Social Season ·Golf Club· Embark Upon Social Events in Next Two Weeks Opening parties for the various north shore golf clubs are scheduled to be held within the next few weeks. North. moor will have a dinner-dance on \Vednesriay evening, May 29, and Sunset Ridge has one planned for 4hat s-.ame evening. Skokie~3 first party will be held June 8. The Illinois Golf dub is to have three parties in the near future·, the first, a get-together golf and bridge !)arty for women on May 22. On Saturday evening, May 25, the club will have a dinner-dance, anti the fir st \Vednesday in June it will have the firs t regular " Ladie day" party. Indian Hill's first party this seas on will be a dinner-tian.ce on May 30. \Ve.;tmoreland opened its social season with a formal dinner-dance Wednesday evening, May 15. 1fay 30 will occasion the first of the bridge game for women member:; and their guests, and from that time on, pivot anti progressive games . .,..·ill be played throughout the summe r. T ea will be served at 4:30 o'cbck. Mn. B. D. Stevens heads the bridge committee. She is ac;sisted by ~Irs . A, ] . Linrltrorn, Mrs . ]. A. Manley, :\{ r s. H . E. Brookhy, and ~f rs. H . I. :\ lien . North Shore Golf club inau"urates its '3oc ial se ason probably \.,ith a dinner-dan ce on Decoration dav. ~fr . George D. y..,· olff is chairman of the women ' bridge game., and :\f rs. George C. Richards of their golf. \Vilmette Golf club officially opened its season with a dinner \Vedn brlay evening, May 8, but an informal affair Saturday evening, :\fay 25, commences the dinner-dance events. The fir~t bridge luncheon v.:il take place Satu rrlay, Ju ne I. under he chai rman ,hip of Mrs. ]. H. :\lillikan of Evanston . Golf <:vents for women arc hcld each Tue . day, and great effort i:. hein~ made tD make th em attractive to members. :\[ r s. Thoma . . :;..r c La ren c1f \\in netka i:. chai rman for the season. I In Charge ·o f Benefit Program Announce Program for Building Fund Benefit on May 2 5 One of the festive, large affairs of pringtime occurs Saturday evening, :;..r av 25, \vhen, at the Evanston. Country· club. the \_Vom_a n's Catholtc club of \Vilmette ·:til gtve a party whose proceeds will ~ene~ t ~he b~il~ing fund for St. Francts Xavter pan sh. The program to be given during the evening now is an ounced by ~Irs. Charles A. Bartrm and ~f r s. Frank Oel erich. who have its arrangement in charge. :\ sketch <:ntitled, "Six Cups oi Ch ocol ate " by Edith ~[atthew s. will be given by the following ca~t: .\ c~e line von Linden, a German gtrl. :;..r tss Estelle Englehardt; ~laria n Lee. a tran splant ed so uth <: rn [irl, :\{is.;; Marian Husting; Dorothy Gr~'en. a Xev..· Englander, ~fi ss Doroth y t~ichl; Pe ste r Beacon, a Bostoni~ 1, :;..ri:..;; Olive Oelerich; Beatrice van h.ortlandt. a ):ew Yorker, ).f arjorie Kn -·nig: Jeanette Durand, a Fr ench girl. :\[ r-. R o-amond Barton Kullman. .-\ rran~ emen t s for the eveni ng includ e music, \vhich will ht given by :;..r r. anrl :;..r rs. Eugene S\'.:ei ?.cr. he latter kn own prote:>-ionally as :-;uzann a Fran ce Sweitzer. ).f r. . · weitzer v;ill sing t\VO ">c lection.:;, "The Road to :;..Iandalay" by Ol ev .'peaks, and "For . You .-\ l11ne .. hv - Geehl. ~[ rs. ~· weitzer \·ill ~ing .. i Bacia" bv :\rbeti, and then the · talented two. will be heard in a duet. "The Barcarolle" from "The Tal6 or H offman ." Dancing. too. is part · of the evening' s program. and reireshmenb will he se rved. In additi o'n to ).[r s. Oelerich and ).f rs. Barton, the foll owing member s of the club compose the committee planning ior the affair. ).Irs. Tohn Bodston, general chairman: iirs. Arthur Boy) ton, ).[rs. Frank Daegling. ).Irs. Frank Barry. printing and adverti sing; :\[rs. Geo rge Ludwig. ).(rs. Danid :=oyne, .:\[rs. James Tarlet on, ).[rs . Harry Bake:-. :;..Irs. \\'illiam \\' otff. refre sh men t.:,: ~fr ·. J. D. Pahlman. junior committee; ).[r s. John Boylqon. ).[r s. Henry Sd1midt, ).Irs. Jam es T. Burns, J.Irs . Charles Bunte. ).[rs. \\'illiam ).{oo ne v. ).f rs. John Fi she r. ~Irs. Frank \\'idge.r. ).[rs. ):, P. Zcck, J.[rs. John Janette. ).[r:,. ~fax K elling, ).frs. Fore::,t ).[iller, and ).[rs. J. P. Budinger, tickets. :\Irs. Charles A. Bar~on (right) and Mrs. Frank ]. Oelerich, (left) have heen making the arran ge ments for the program to be given Saturday evenin~. May 25, as a part of the benefit ponsored by the \\'oman's Catholic club of \Vilmette for the benefit of the St. Franc i.:; Xavier parish building fun1.. ----·---------- - - - - - -·-- Rain Fails to Retard Shawnee Country Club Garden Market Sales Lists Week -End E vents By F. B. :;..r. And again it rain ed during the Garden marktt. And again nobcJdy ca red. The sal ts \vent nH:r rilv fJil between tLle ..,hO\\e r s, and the rai ~1 and the \\ ind mt rtl v added to the iun. Rai~1 could not hurt the ;>tanh nor the ~arden iurniture, the bird tlfJU.,L· .... the pott<:ry, and the windmill.... Tilt po ... ters and :;..[r ~. CrJrd rJn \\.il-.on·.., lovely flower pai nti n~.., were in .,i(k a large van. The dt"licatt-... en ;11Hl candy booth;;; wer(' proterted Ly hc·an: tarpaulin, and a ~mall t<:nt enclu--t·d h:· br1oth when· the pain kd IJa.., ket.... t1l1' kne<.,ing pad.;;. {£an! ·n hat;; , and apronwere on 'ialc . \;o rain could affect the opt imi m ni th · member.., ni the two garden clubs who ncre in chargt·. the \Vilmettt- Garden cluh and thc Evening Garclf.n club of \\'ilmdte . T :. ; triangle of t he \."orth ~hor£· line whe re the market \\a h ·ld wa., like ;t bu . . tling market pbct·. all movcmetlt and co lo r. T he colon·d lil{hh . . trutH.! ac ro.;;s th e lawn \\rr turnt:d on when it began to grr,w dark as new -aorm At time.., th "'inrl cloud.;; formed. bl ....,. uch a ~alt that the f1appin~ tar paulin ha d to he held ·d,,wn 1)1.: f,lrCt· . likr a ail. \;e:,..;hhor mrt nei~hhor at tlw hnoth.; . 1t ctmed a.:; if even·nnc wa.:; there at one time or ano her -durin~ the da v. -t \.\·ac; a mattrr oi r l'q rc to all that \fr ;;;. Charl c<; D . F.·wcr. rha irman oi thi.:; vrar\ market. wa;;; ill and could nnt he prrsen t to en jm· the -;ucre;; f u1 .:; ale which she and her comm itte \·.., had planned. Each vcar the Garden market ~rr-nn in val11e a-; a communitv affair . Each ve ar it i~ a little larger anrl each year it bring.;; in a little more mon ey to hr "'0 nt in adding to the beauty of \Vilmettc. ~fil!cr of 7RI) avenue. entertained thirtv members of the Service guild of the Fir t M<:thodist church of Evanston at a tea and business meeting at her home last wee k. Holy Land Proves Locale of Romance and Marriage From i ar-uff Palbt ine come~ a letter frcJm t ha t intere~ting family nr)w on its world t()ur, the A 1ircd ~ . Burnhams of Hubbard \\'oo(h, ""h ich bri ngs with it an announcem ·nt oi {Jarttcular interc...t and surprr_;;e, that of the marriage c)i one of its daughters. ~~i ~ Florence becam t the br~de ">r Edward De Loach April 2(J, at hil{h noon in the Episcopal cathe dral :n Jcru-,alem. The romance ha d ib beginning in Palestine while "The Tribe" was concerning itself with ··antinuity and excavations," and met :\f r. :1eLoach who was one of th e Chicago University men excavating with the Megidd s expedition, Haifa. The bride and groom are remaining in Pale stine while the Burnham s "onlv five in number" journey to Con stan-tinople and on. :;..ra ..· at Sha\vnee Countrv club a<; repre~ente(l on its calendar ;hmo.;s that :-;hawnee has :-.ettled intc> more or Je· · rJi a regular pace . This \\·eek-end and next bring seve ral ·events a little ou t of the o rdina r y. Thur~day e\·ening, · rollowin~ a buffet dinner. a ~ame oi pro~re,..,ive and pivnt brid~c and the annual m-.:t.:ting (Jt nH:ml;er .. , we re the ·>rrler r)i t\·ent -. Fri;lay tnninq. .\fay I/. c h ildrtn "i he -,ixth, ,even h. and eighth g ra rlo \\·ill hr1ld 5\\a\· at K rJ'clr-,ck. at 1d :)aturday e ..·eninQ'- r1 iormal 11ar y is . ched uled. with di:1n<:r at 7. dancing at 9. Dinner \dll be :,ern:r! . · unda . .- from 1 until 8, with the .\"cw Trier :-;;·mph rJ!ly orchestra playinl{ during · the mu:,ic hour which cummenct, at 4. ).f onday oc ca'iiJn.., an ait~.:rnoon bridge r.famc ior w Jtllt:n member; oi ~ha wnee and thei r f rit:n(k rt j.., to be Partner day. \\ ith each member brin~ ing her own partnt:r o join her in the progre..,..,i,·e gamt'. Tea will be ~erved at 4 o'clock. Announce Engagement ).[r. and .:\[rs. \\.illiam \\·. .:\1.::\\'hinn ey o f \·alparai ·o, Ind. ann ounce the engag<:ment of their daughtr::r. \\'ilma. to George G. Hannah, son of ).[ r. and J.[rs. Gordon Hannah, ll.:W Elmwood avenue, \Vilrnette. Both .:\!iss .:\Ic\\'hinney and \fr. Hannah attended the Universitv of Illinois, where the former is a ~ember of the Pi Beta Phi sororitv and the latter a member of Phi Kappa Sigma fraternitL X o date has been se t for the w-edding. Open Gardens May 18 A'i ha . . been cu~tomary ior t he pa,t :-,e\·t.:ra l }.tar-. under the direction or the Lake Fr1re . t Garden club, certain ~arden.:; along the north hore will be ·>IH.:n to visi tors e.,·ery Saturday, startin~ wi th .\lay 18. and continuing thmugh July. The following \Vinn ·tka and Glencoe women are openin~{ t he ir garclens on ~[ay 18: ).[rs . Jnhn \\'. Can·. ~[rs. Howard C. Phillip<; . .\f r!:). F-rederick H. Scott, :;..'Irs. James ~imp on. and ~[r:,. John Stuart. Entertains Ravinia Group Mr .. Lester E. ~fee, in her home at 1337 Chestnut avenue r,n \V ('()nesdav la-.r, was hostes s t o her \Vilmette Rci'vinia Opera club committee. Durmg the luncheon and afternoon hours plans were formulated for the distribution and sale of Ravinia Park a(lmission tic~cts. Guests of :\f rs. ~[ ce on this occa ion were: ~f csdames John T aylor Booz, !\athan P. Colwell, \Vil liam Harridge, R. E. Pattison Kline, Joseph Kutten, Edward Li lienficlci, Earle D. Lyon, Charles McCoy, Herbert B. Mulfor d, H arold R. Sher man, Willis L. Strong. T. E. Thomps.on, Gordon W il.-n. Hostess to Welfare Group The Junior auxi liary of the Infant \\'elfare socie'ty will meet ~[onday, ~fa\· .20, at the home of J.[rs. L. C. Pelott. 1103 .-\sh land avenue. ).Irs. R. \I. Long, .:\I rs . George E. \Valk. and ).f rs. \Y ..\. Richardson will be as:-.i ·ting hostesses. League .L uncheon May 2 2 \fr;;;. \\'. B. Pave\· of \\'innetka and ).f r". Leo J. Hillman of Glencoe have made the arrangements for the bridge party to be given next \ Vednesday ·a fternoon at the Columbian Coun t ry club by the North Shore Catholic \Voman's league. Insta ll at ion of the new officers wi ll fo liO\v the luncheon and wi ll precede the card playing. W ellesleyites to Meet The Nort h Shore \Ve lles ley circle will close its season with a meeting Tuesday, May 21, a t the horne of Mrs. Ralph BrO\vn, 722 Prospect avenue, \ Vinne tka, at 2 :30 .o 'clock. The aft er noon program will consist of election of offi cer s, di scus sion of p rograms for next year, a nd m usic. \f rs . \\'illiam Kix ~ ichigan

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