Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 May 1929, p. 32

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WILMETTE LIFE May 17, 1929 BOY SCOUT ·NEWS I of the NORTH SHORE Be/ore-Camp Rally Comes Next Monday and You're Invited :Mondav. Mav 20. is the date of the biggest Public Scout event of the year for the !\orth Shore :\rea council. The Before-Camp Rally that evening wiil open at 7 :30 o'clock at DeerfieldShields school in Highland Park with a program that will be of great intere.;t to everybody-Scouts. parents, brother · sisters, friends, and all. ~ot a minute later than · 7 :30 the curtain will ri e to pr_esent to the public a new moving picture "Old Glory.' ' This wa obtained through the National American Legion · Film senice and i described a·- an .. erl.ucational clas ic that everv American should :ee. Her e i · y -ur o pportunity, and without co t. Following the mo\.'ie will be an outtanding Fir t .\id meet among the three team - representing the be s t in North Shore area. Evan~ton co unctl and De.sp laine council. ~fan y a\\'ard s . have been earned hy the troop- in thi council and will be pre·ented at thi - rallv. The a ward · are of five type . -·ad \o·ancemen . ctvtc service. Boy' Life. ·tandard roop. and camp enrollment. One troop at least expects to get all five award s. ~everal troops will get more than one and nearly every troop expects to recei \ e at lea · t one of these awards. Thi - being- a Camp Rally, stre ss will be laid on the plans, programs. organizations and re!?istration for the new ~orth "hore :\rea Scout Camp ~fa Ka-] a- \Van. Come and find out the thing you have been wantino- for so long to know! Every troop i expected to rep o rr in full unif orm and as a group .. ,_-, TROOPS I A rtgullat ftdturt ptlgt pttptUt d H ch Wttlc by mtmbna of t he Boy Scout Pttu club, North Short Aretl Council 1'1orth Shore A rea Passes 1,000 Mark, Registration Shows GET MANY AWARDS Tue:-day. ~fay. 14. the Scout . parent:; and friends of Troop 13 of the Kenilworth scho ::>l met for the monthtv Court of Honor . A large number awards ,n re presented. The li t of ~cout.., and awards follows: · I Sec o nd-clas - Scout::-R::>bert Berger. · Don Cooke. :\f erritt Cox . H enrv Eggart. Jean FitzGerald. Bob Fulton, Shope Knite. John ~[athieson . F ir ;;t-class Scouts-George Bens::>n, R oger Crowe. ~f urray :McLe o d. Life Scout-Jack Sinding. ~f erit badges-] oel Dickin . o n : radio, a\·iation: Paul T. f7ilhert: bird 3tudy; J oe Harri . on: personal health. public health: ] ack H ::>\ve: camping, pioneering-. a\·iation, cooking: Howard D. ] ordan: ba sketry. swimming: Cy :\[acKinn on: cooking. public health: Ben \fatthe"'·s: public hea lth: Jack Sinding : cooking: Tom Sinding: camping pionee ri ng: Jack Stebbins: aut::>mobiling. cooking. fir · t a id. path finding; Harry \\'ee::e: fir · aid to animals, public health: GeorQe \\'oodland: automobilin . ' l . first aid to· animal-.. ,ch ,> lar hip. The North Shore Area council is now over the 1000 mark in Scout registration. By the time camp starts there \\'ill be close to eleven hundred. Tv. ·o new troop·s have helped boost this total; Tro::>p 44 of Arden Shore, under the leadership of Mr. Lewis and Troop jQ of \Vilmote school, Deerfield with Mr. George F. Church a s Scoutmaster. The latest list of ne\v Scouts is as follows: Troop 7. \Vilmette - P. A. Born. Troop 17, \Vinnetka-:\. Camerun, B . Denham, C. John son , R. O~ten, A. Schuman. Troop 18, \Vinnctka- Rl>b<:rt Bucher, \\'illiam Bucher, Harry Hein. Jack Hopkin . . Fred Kurz, Harry Le\·ine, Henr v \\'ilder. Troop 30. Highland Park-F. Karger. Troop 31, Highland Park-] . L. Haa.'. Troop 44. :\rdcn Shore: assoctation.:_ H. ~IcGiffin, ~f. Kri ·p. ]. Graham, :\. Sharkey, \\'. \\"itkie \\·i tz, \V. Ludwick. G Smith, P . .Rapata, R. F o ter, L. \\' ojozyn ki . Troop 61. :\'o rthhr ::>ok-Lewi-, L. C(~o b.y. Billy Schick. .of A WARM WELCOME AWAITS '(OU AT CAMP Shifting Patrol Leaders Found to Work Out Fine In our troop \\'e ha,·e a monthly meeting of the patrol leaders, at which they are trained in leadership. These meeting - also giYe the patrol leaders a chance to bring up their problems, and get advice and help from the others. I ga,·e out a suggestion at o ne of these meetings, not lo ng ago hat has helped the patrols very much. One leader wa·3 having difficulty with on e oi the bovs. \\·h o did not ,,·ant to c::>operate '"ith he rest of the patrol, ·o I sut;ge:-teJ that that hoy be give n char ge oi t he patrol for a night and :-ee huw he could manage it. The !Jlan appealed to the leaders so that now all the patrol leaders assign a dirf~.:rent boy each night to take charge Jt the patrol. It ha:: w,orked out w onderiulh·, ir,m1 both the standpoint of the Scouts and the . . . coutma·.5 ter. It make-. it intere.;tinQ for the boys, to ~ee "hich one can plan the most inrere.;rmg meeting. This brings out T. R.'s ADVICE Oi cour·e what we hare a r igh to their leadership ability and aids in expect from the .-\merican bo\· is that ptcking out ne'" leader , " ·hen they are he shall turn out to he a go -d .-\mer- required .-Pat Role. ican man . ~ ow the chance· are strong that he won't be much of a man unless he is a good deal of a ON HIKE bov. He must not be a coward o r a B y R. Glenwood Bunn · we-akling. a bully or a prig. He must < .ee. it'~ g-reat t~) he out ·· on hike,' ' work hard and play hard . He mu t l" nder ~ deep blue skybe clean -minded and clean-livecl. and Far awa,· from the n oi e and like able to hold hi: own under all cirThat cnmcs tl) a city guy~ cumstances and again::t all comers. It is onlv on the e condition that he (Jut "here the air i- clean and pur e. will gro\~' into the kind of a man ~f Out " ·here children ing, whom America can really be proud. Out "here r oaming becom e- a lure: The (~YP'Y liie': the thing~ In Hfe as in a fo tball game the principle to follow i ·: "Hit the line hard; don 't foul and don't shirk. but Tl' pitch nur tent beside a · tream, hit the line hard."-Theodore RooseTo wander throu~h the \\·ood. velt. To lie a wake. and vet to dreamThat'~ lif e where- life is good! PLAN HEAVY PROGRAM The program f o r Troop 13 o i K ·nil\\ o.r th ha·., many intere -ting f'\·ents on its prog ram. Our weekly meetin!!:' com e even· Tuesdav nig-ht. ~fav 7 we h ad a- B oard ot Re,~iew for -u ur troop. (Jn \[av 14 we held our C::>urt oi H ono r \vhere a large number of ~ couL rtcei ,·ed award . Mav 21 our Tenderinn t Inve titure ceremonies br ne\\' Scout:: . ~[a v 28 is the date of our In er-Compan)· Stunt Rally. And, of cour.-e. o ur troop i baking forward t n ta king a big part in the \\'ilmettt·- Kenihvorth Rally on June 4.Defre e.- H olmPs and Paul Gilbert, Troop 13. Cabin-in-the-Woods Popular Spring Camp Troops are taking advantaQ'e or "prine- camping oppo rtunitie;; and are training them.,elve . at the Cabin-inthe- \\" oods for th eir . ummer camping at \[a- Ka-J a-\\' an . The cabin i re. en·erl. far in advance. There are -till a few open days. Here are the re- er\·ations to date: ~[ay 17 and 18-Trnop 35. RaYinia: ~fay 24-Troop 61. ~o rth hrook: May 25-::>pen; ~fay 29 and 30- Troop-; 51 and 52, Deerfield: ~fay 31 and June 1-Troop 4. \Vi! me! e: .Tune 7-open: June 8-Troop ?t7. Highwood. A FOREST PROTECTION POEM SCOUTS HIKE TO WOODS "Traveler. please hefore yoq go. On ~[ a'y 7. Troop 12 of \Vilmette went o n a hike. \\"e arri\·ed at the F nre"t Pre;erve at 1 o'clock. \\' e oh-en·erl bird .~ while hiking and "·hen we arrived \\'e cooked and ate our lunch. Sc o ut Bnrn passed second clas cooking and ~ couts F. Gilgis and R. Link pa.-~ed their first cia '-' cooking. As.-i,tant Sc utmaster R. T. \Vilkin ~hn\\· eJ the fellows how to ·build a sod fireplace. The tr::>op is thinking of ha\·icg a hiking club. The object is tc1 take a 20 mile hike in order to be a m e Ill htr-Troop Reporter. Harrv \lin en·. . Douse vour fire with H20: Pour on more if vou're in doubtCampfires are -the best thing' OCT !"-Cedar chip.; "George," asked the teacher. "\\'hat is the 'difference between electricity and lightning?" "You d::>n't ha\·e to pay for light ning."-Foothill Scouting taps in the gathering dusk. The meetin~ was a great success and the troop is going to haive all ther meeting:: there hereafter. On Saturday. :\lay 11. Troop 5 i" ~oing 't::> meet at 1 o'cl~)ck at the church and then we are gomg to go to the .outdoor expo ition at the Coli~eum. ~-I't ck Hall · --1 ORDER OF THE ARROW Thursday, May 2. the Order oi the Arrow of the ~orth Shore .-\r <'a council, met to di sc u~.'} plans for o rganization. Heretofore the north sh n re Scouts who were in the o rder were under the jurisdiction of the Chica~t) council, ina much a the \" nrth ~h o rc Area council has not had it own camp. \\'ith the purchase of the camp Ma-Ka-Ja- \\'an we have the priYilet!e of organizing our own lodge. ~'cout Executive Goodman oi the Chicago council, who was one oi the founders of th~ order, wa- there to speak to u · on tht.. formation of uur own lodge . M any points were discu ed and after having decided so many uncertainti~s w~ should be able to go right. ahead and have the best lodge anywhere. {l! J "on hike" ,,·hene'er I can. It st m . tn make me feel That ·when I g-row t o he a man I'll li \·e a liie that's real~ CONTEST ON . BEACH .~ron day night. >fay 6. Troop j of \\ tlmette met for the first time down on the lake front. The troop met at the Pre;hyterian church at 7:15 and then \\'e ma rc hed down to the lake for drilling. \\"hen we reached there the tronp divided up into t~;vo parts and had a tu!:('-of-~var. :\iter the tug-of\\ ar t he !roop was divi~ed up into pairs. Each pair wa- than gwen a pup tent and ,,·hen ,Scoutma:ter Frank Reynold: b lew his \\'histle the pair- raced to :;ee who could put up their pup tent fir t. These pup tents are owne d by Troop .:::. After all the pup t ents were up the bugler blew to break camp. The troop than had the cla3ing ceremonie · of the oath, la w, salute and FEATURE BALL GAME The ~Ioonbeams w::>n a ball game from the Starlets at \ Yilmette T r oop 4 meeti :, g la-.;t week. The troop adiourned to the indoor meeting where inspection and the announcements were made. Thu r sdav was the night for stunts and the stages walked a way \'\-·ith the honors with their stunt entit led the "House of Fear." A d iscussion on camp fo llowed and the meeting- wa.; dismissed wi t h the Benediction.-Scou t Le hl e, R eporter, Troo p 4. ·

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