Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 May 1929, p. 29

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May 17, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE Conference ·Track ·Teams fainting for N. U. Stadium Meet \\'estern conference track coaches · began pointing their athletes this week for the annual Big Ten track and field meet t o he held at Dyche ·stadium, ~orthwe s tern university, May 24 and 25. Yost of the teams wilt tune up in 'dual meets thi week end t o 'get irt readine s for the champion ship affair a week later. I Austin, I' For the first time in vear:; even: school is expected to plac~ heavily in the point column. Illin oi·.; , an easv victor in the outdoor games la st ye-ar, is expected to encounter trouble from Jo\,·a. Chicago. ~fichi gan and Ohio. The Hawkeves nosed out Coach H arn· Cill's athletes in the indoor games bu.t the Illini t r ounced the Io,ra team in a recent dual meet. Team:; expected tn :-;ho,,· a decided · · ltn~rovemen.t over prevtous year · are I ' · Ch1cago, Mmnesota. Indiana and Purdue. Chicago. with o ne of it;; hest 1 Former New Trier Girls t<: am . i~1 years. will cut heavily into Win Honors at Carlet the ~conng column and ha · a chance to . . ~n pr0ve a threat fo r top honor". rorme r s tude~1t s at .New Tn~::. . . . _ . H1gh · chnnl are takmg active part m Among the star ~[ld\\ a_;. pert or mer c·an 1pu · t; 1 ·e at Carl eto 11 L G· 1 r· · \ ..11 ' n co ege. aura a.re _'1. t at:f .tvmg:;ton. quarter: \ - : Richards. now o f Oberlin. Ohio recenthan_h. hair: Hay(~ 011 · hurdle:': R?ot, h- ha · been elected secretary of thl:! ~prtnts: L ett.;, m!le . and Frey htgh I Y. \\·. for the coming- year. JUmp. :\11 of t.he:-e men can be Jane :\ ~hman of Deerfield has been r~u~ted _ up?n to gtYe a w>ocl acrt1unt gi,·en a !earl in "El Picaron," a gypsy ot t.ltm..,ehe-.,. 1 romance. t·. he staged in the open at \"orthwe.;tern \\ill enter a number oi t 1 H : ).fa ,· Fete on 11a,· 18.· She take.; .-urr point ,,·inner;; in \\'alter. quarter: thl' part oi the ..;oMh~aHr. CMhy. hali: \\-arne. pok ,·ault: Bro\n1. Both girl.; ha,·e Ji,·ed. in \\'innetka ja\·elin. and Portme . :'. broad jump. and were graduated from ~ew Tri er Ceorge: nttl:rtJl'..;:' \\ill lead the ).fin- Ill 102R nesota hope .:; in the pole \·ault and may compete in the hurdles and high jump. GUIDE LECTU RE T OURS H <· and \\.arne of X orth we . . tern and "Primitive \\·eapons " at 11 o'clock Canby of Io,,·a \\·ill fight it out in the and ·'fnclu:;tries of the Chicago Region" pole valllt. at 3 o'clock are th e subject of the The Tllini \viii h w :-tn:ngth in all guide-lecture · tours at Field Mu se um e\'(:nt . . especially in the track di,·i~i o n oi \" atural History. ).londay, May 20. ,,·here thev han; :\hb::>tt. cnnierence On othe r da\·s next week at the same t \\'o mile -champi o.n : Timm. ~prints: hnurs :.;uhject.s ,rill be: Tuesdav-"Plant Ca,·e. hurdle..;: \\.hite. half mile: Har- Families" and "Ancient Burial Cusper and ~ldJerm ott. pole vault: Robert ' tom:.;": \\-~dne sda,·-"Sk e l eton:;" and Carr. hi .Q'h jump and Simon. broad ".\frica··: Thursday:.__tn·n synnp tic tour:t jump. c·i the departments of anthropo1ogy, lo\\·a " ·ill . end a strotH! tean: com- hntat;,'·· g o l og~· and zo?l?_.g-y: at~d Fr~ po. eel of Pape and Stamat.; m the day. Glass and P orce latn and ~[ext sprints; Allison aml Saling, hurdles; I ~~n. Art.' ' These to_u rs of n~useum exBaird and Stephenson. quarter; ).f oul- j n thtb under the gutda1:ce or staff l~c ton. half: Can by. pole vault; Craig. : t~1rers ar~ free. Part1es as . m hie Illhigh jump; Forwald. shot put and Cor- stele th e north entrance. don. broad jump. . I Amon!! the \Yisconsin hope · are Phtl CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT Lar. on, · prints; Davidson and Ram3ey, "Mortal s and Imm?rtals:· will be ~he quarter; ~Ioe. miter; Bohr, discus and subject at th~ sen:1ce: t~ the. Ftrst· shot put. ~Iichigan will enter Capt. Church of Chnst, Sctenttst. 111 \Vtlmette Ketz in the hammer; Tolan and Grod- j Sunday morning. May 19. at 1! o:clock. sky. sprints; Potter and Tarbill, hur- , un9ay chool com·enes at 9 :·b o clock. dies; Seymour, quarter; Lomont, half: mile ; \Vuerfel. two miles and Chapman. broad jump. George Siinps,o n of Ohio State i·3 expec.te.d to shm.v the way to the other sprmters. The Buckeye star runs the 100 consistently under 10 seconds. Other Buckeye stars include Rasmus, rli·-cus: Rockawa\· and Pierce hurdles· ~jhelyi, hamme;, and Crooks. bro:ui Jl\nlp. Coach Frank Haves has a much improved track tea~ at Indiana ,\.·hich r ecently defeated Chicago and Purdue in a triangular meet. The Crimson squad has some fine distance men in Fields. Banks, Clapham and Leas available for either th e mile or two mile . . \\"ilr:1er ~in.ehart, conference champ in tl!e Jave.lm 1 ex~ected .to place high in I h1s spec1alty agam. .Orval Martin. brilliant Purrlue miler wdl carry the hope3 of tlte Boilmakers. I Other Purdue luminarie s are Hutton, ; lhl~trldl~s: Sindd~a. l n: )avehlin; Simpson. .., etgnt s ot put 1 1g 1 JUmp an REST' AT CLOSE.OF DAY WITH DUO-.ART --- WHEN evening comes, step to the corner oF your home made radiant by the gleaming presence oF this priceless treasure. With a Jew delt movements unloose eager unseen Angers in a waltz, a cascade or a tender song. Then sit back and as the spell of glorious music ebbs and Rows, look into the future or dream into the past !"·o c. :\. The greatest oF the world's great pian. i~ts are Duo-Art recording artists · · · --- Paderewski, Hofmann, Horowitz, Bauer, Elly Ney. You hear their interpretations with the color emphasis of every note their own hands stri~e. The atmosphere their genius creates _ will be a cultural inspiration in the home y~u live in, to the children you love 1 Duo-Art Music comes in combination with such names as Steinway, Weber, · Steck and Stroud from $1295. Why not give yourself and Family the advantage of music sucn as this? W.~f!t~rOOn~ilr~·~· ~nformation , :' ·ng this community helps ma&nta'n a free bureau to aid the publU:; in planning vacation outin gs, trips, pic· nic excursions and ' educational tour· throughout the Chicago Metropolitan A reo LyonAHealy 615 Davis Street tAnsUJer on Page 4 2) Evanston ·

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