Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 May 1929, p. 24

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'W ILMETTE LIFE May 17, 1929 Betrothed .{A)JDe N omes Kenilworth Entries .. in ·· Track Event at Stadium Kenilworth's entries in the North Shore Grammar School Track meet to be held at Dyche stadi um, Evanston, this Saturday, have heen announced by Robert \V. Townley, athletic director of the Joseph Sears school as follows: and inspeet this modern way to eraekless walls and ceilings Architects, contractors and home owners are urged to inspect the Standard X Plastering Syst 7... being used in the home now under construction by Christy Brown, at Kenilworth Avenue and Locust Road, Wilmette. This perfected plastering system has enjoyed unqualified success in various parts of the country where it has been used extensively during the past eight years. 1: is the most satisfactory type of wall and ceiling construction possible to put into a home. It pr.ovides walls and ceilings that are more resistant to fire, tern perature and the passage of sound than ordinary lath and plaster construction. It assures crackless walls and ceilings. The Standard X Plastering System is formed of Standard X Lath, Standard X Metal Fabrics, Standard X Base Coat Plaster and USG Finish Plaster. See for yourself, by studying a job in progress, why the Standard X Plastering System makes better walls. Come out Saturday, Sunday or any week day and go over the job with Mr. James Hennecke, special Standard X representative. Drive west on Hill Road, Winnetka to Locust Road, then south about 4 blocks on Locust Road- you' 11 see the Standard X sign. UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY General Offices: 300 W. Adams St., Chicago, Ill. · Architect: B. Fairclough, Locust Road, Wilmette Plastering Contractor: Paul Phillips Lathing Contractor: Louis M. Hansen R eic k Stu(li·J Fifty Yard Dash , Pee-Wee claRs (boys under 85 pounds) ·-Fred Workman, .Jack Fyfe and Bob Fulton; lightweight class (boy~ under 100 pounds)-Cy MacKinnon and Alexander Newton; h eavyweight claRs fboyR ovt:r 100 pounds) - Henry Eggert, Bill Blades and Jack StebbinR. Seventy-Five Yard DaAh Pee-Wees- Robert Berger, Robert Fulton and Fred Workman : lightwei ghts-AIPxander Newton, Cy MacKinnr>n and Don Vail. Sixty Yard J,ow Hurdle!<! Pee-Wees--Fred ·workman and Jim Fitzgerald; lightweights-Buford Hancock and Laury Bf>tthM; heavywf:ight.tJHenry Eggert, Bill Blades and Woodrow \ViJqon. Pole Vault Pee-Wees-Cliff Hancock, .Jimmy Kingsley and Nick Simons; lightweightsPerry Shortricl~e and Buforrl Hancock ; heavyweights - I1obHt Robertsf1n and Henry Egge rt. Ronnlnst" Rroad Jump Kathryn ~[errill, daughter of 1[r. and 11 r ·. Freel erick G. ~[errill of Evanston, formerlv of Kenihvorth, is. to become the bride of \\'illiam C. Havelaar. ·on of 1[r. and ~{rs . James R. Havelaar of Paterson. ~. J. Her engagement \vas announced recently by her parents. :\fi s~ PPe-WeeR-Robert Fulton and Fre<l Workman: lightweights-Don Vail , Laury Botthof and Carleton RoRs; h eavyweights -\\"oodrow \Vilson, Bill Blades and Henry Eggert. Rnnnln~ Hl~rh .lump Pee-Wees-Grant Ehrlich, Billy RobertRon and P..obert Berger; light weigh-:::-: -Alexander :-;ewton ;~ nd Cy :\:lac Kinnon : h eavywE: ights-Bill Blades and .'tanley Hillman. Shot Pot Pee-WeeR- Tom Hildt-brandt , R ob;:.rt BergE:r and John Hawley; Jightwt-ightsLaury Botthof, Howard Jordan and Ben ),fatthews; heavyweights-Allen Tuft s. Bill Blades and Woodrow Wilson. .... AT G. C. OF A. CONVENTION Bentlev ~fcCioud. ~fr -. Guv LittetlJ. ~Irs. .Grant Ridgway, ~{r -. Ruius Stolp, and ~[rs . Dou({la-; Flood. of Kenilworth. and ~[rs . Sidnev Batr of Indian Hill, left Sundav for -Philadelphia to be present at he convention of the Garden Club of .-\merica being held there this week. Thc:y will be joined by ~[rs. _-\!fred ~IcDougal and ~[rs . Edwin Hedrick, who motored east a week ago. ~{rs. BOOKS ON ROCK GARDENS :\ number of new books on rock garden ha ..·e · been orde red for the \Vilmette Public librarv, ~[i s· .-\nne L. \Vhitmack, librarian, -announced this 'vveek. The boo ks are expected to ar1 rive the latter part of the 'vveek. 1( r . ancl 1[rs. John Barenbrugge, 307 Ridge: avenue, have announced the ~[rs. Sanford Holden, 527 \Vanvick birth of a daughter, Joan, on April 21, road. Kenilworth, entertained at lunchat St. Francis hospital. eon yesterday. STANDARD Ji. Plastering System Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. · Summer playgrounds calli The thinking vacationist will keep an enduring .record of happy days, and haunting places.Why not select a Filmo Camera today at Home Movie Headquarten to make your playtime more complete? See the filmo "70" priced S180 . MADE ONLY BY THE UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY ..

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