Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 May 1929, p. 22

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f Latest School News -====-=!II JUNIOR LIFE bf1 tht tthool WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, MAY 17, 1929 beginning of June. The boys and girl~ have to sign up for one of the following things for which they wlll be responsible. The class history, the class poem, the class prophecy, the class will and the hatchet oration. The class history starts with the first grade and goes up through all the grades telling the teachers that the graduating cla.ss had. The class poem is dedicated to the teachers and it tells about the school. The class prophecy is the funniest of the themes. It is written in story form telling of fifteen or twenty years later and what each one of th~ graduating class is doing. The class will bequeathes different things to the lower classmen from gum under the del";ks · to somebody's high heels. The hatchet oration is a speech that is made when the hatchet is presented to ·the ~e,·Pnth graders. Another theme that only eighth graders can qualify for is a theme on Memorial Day called, Memorial Day and. Our Deb! to the VE-terans. The Optimi~ts club is sponsoring it and is offer·ing three prizes -first, fifteen dollars; second, 'n dollars, and third, fiw dollars.-Laurence Bu(·kmaster, 8B. The two teams being called Jelly Beans and Baseball Boobs. The Baseball Boobs' team is: Janet McNulty, captain; Marjorie Seibold, Al· lison Burge, Eileen Burke, Rosie Russo, Eleanor Moulding, Francis Ellis and Selma Wax. The Jelly Beans: Beth Mcllraith, captain; June Kehl, Helen Winslow, Katherine Thomson, Lucy Clagett, Annabelle Brown, Ann Marie Wilson, Margaret McIntosh and Dorothy Neal. The Jelly Bean team had a game with 8B Cubs Junior. The players of the Cubs were: Helen Booz, captain; Jane Moore, Dorothy Jane Orr, Mary Finlayson, Marguerite Mockler, Marjorie Houghton, Margaret Hughes, Esthel' McKeighan and Sylvia. SB won by one point. The next game was between SA 'Baseball Boobs and 8B Cubs Junior. Baseball Boob:s won by a score of 36 to 27. The Baseball Boobs played the Jelly Beans. Jelly Beans won with a score of 50 to 34. Each team has won one game. We play each othf'r again.-Selma Wax, 8C Stolp. Told by the Pupils PublUMd WHilfl child11n ol Wilmtttl under 1 U/HtViJion ol W ilmttt~ Pl4fJgrountl IIIHl Rtalllfion Board VOL. 2 NO. 14 Friday, May 3, SA Stolp's first team defeated the second team of SA Stolp in boys' baseball, with a score of 19 to 11. The game started at 3 :30 and was a seven-inning affair. The first team was up first and the second team out in the field. Two runs werE> scored for the first team while the second team scored five before three outs were made. The first team had more runs In the second inning totaling four and two runs for the second team. In the third inning both teams scored two points making the score at that time 9 to 8 in favor of the second team. The next three innings went by without a single score for the second team and nine more points for the first. In the seventh and last each team scored two points and the game ended with a score of 19 to 11. The lineup was as follows: First Team Second Team Cecil Willlams p. George Fackt, capt. Charles Leonard c. Frank Eager Bob White, capt. lb. Bob Werden Roger Palenske 2b. Edward Whitman Hubert Pelott 3b. Walter Merril Roger Fridman If. Dick Pickard Charles Knapp cf. Robert Fletcher Allan Rossman rf. Angus Steven ss. Tom Allison The following eighth grade pupils re- Don Briggs -Beth Mcllraith, SA Stolp. eei,·ed th~ir diplomas in writing at Howard la:-;t week: l~uth Bersch, Jane Carol Sundlof, The girls of thE> Howard l'Choo\ sixth, st-venth, and eighth grades tried to pass Agnes Anderson, E\'elyn Haugsn.~ss, the tirst bjlllg' test. Tht- fh·:4 thin~ we Arthur l'ramer, Betty Kinnm, l\Iarshall had to do was to walk tlw halanl·t- lwam. Doose, Spencer Xorrington, Fleeta FreeSaturday, May 4, the Girl Scouts of The ~t-eontl wn~ to make two out of five man, Helt>n Miller, Marjorie Paterson, Troops I, JI, and IV went on a hike to bnskt" ts with the basketball. The third .Jerome Xe\'ins and Marjorie \Varble. The following received certificates of the Glenview Forest Preserve. We met was to thmw the ba~kt>tball 3:J feet. The 0 P C 00 Upl I last was to run 50 ynnls in eight seconds. exet>llt"n<.:e: Jame:-- DeWar, Oli\·e Billi- at the Methodist church at 9 o'clock in the morning and left at 9 :15, going up Tht>r·e was Olle girl in tht· Se\·enth grade m:ll'k, Alfred Bartnick, Martin Herber·- Wilmette a venue, taking the Glenview who passE-d it. ShP was Katherine I I off- h<·lz. This week, the r·eport of the (.;,uden nwv~>r. Thf>re are :o-t·\·eral girl:-; fmrn the Tht> sB clas~ have more than that of road. We f01 .ed our units with a patrol Postt>r winners eame in to l\Irs. Jones, eighth gnule who pas:-:t>d. They ar·e: SA. ~e\'enteen out of 26 is pretty good. leader and a Junior staff leader with our art teacher at Stolp. All pr·ize~ thi~ 01!\·e Billimaek, :\l:ujorie lw·rson, :\Iuriel - :\lar~hall Doose, SB Howard. eight girl~ in each patrol. Each patrol year were giYen to Stolp. . .\[Pyt>r, :\Tarjorie \\·ar·ble , and .\lice Xord . had to make their own fire and cook their Beth Mcllraith of 8A won first prize' Tht· girls who did not pas::; will h;we a own dinner·s. So 'most of the girls were nn·l Lucy Clagett of SA won ~econd l'hann· again n0xt \\.t><lnt-~day. Tht" ~irls busy gathering wood. priZE'. Honorable mention \\ : l~ giY~n to who did pass will try for the ~econd After lunch we had rest hour then we Marjorie Seubold qL SA and Carrie l\lay hadg-t> tPst Wednt-::;d:ty.-Katht>rint> Floffwent to the island and played tag. W~ Dilk(.s of 8C. meyt>r, iB Howard. The Logan-Howard P. T. A. were \'ery played around and looked for bird's nests Beth's poHter was a bunch of tulips in ni(·t.· td the patJ·ol hoy:-: of f.A,gan and and, about 4 o'clock we left for home.different shades of \'iolet, the ('OmpleHoward sehool~ for they presented them Margery Taylor, 7B Howard. mentary eolor of the yellow l':trdhuard, S with fine leather belts at their meeting which ·she used. Lucy's poster was on ~lay i. The belts had our initial!' cnblack cardboard. It was a girl in overgra ved on them. Tht' P. T. A. were planalls standing in the garden looking up ThE' Stolp scho(,J girb h:-t w snmt>thing ning to put upnn tht"m. "Junior Poliee to see what an airplane had written. to work for in sport:-;. One year a loYing l!t2S-2~1," but that cu:-t too much :-;o th ·~ Marjorie's was a garden scene and Carrie eup wa~ left to the girl~ and the team plan was disbanded. :\Irs. von der Hoff The seventh .and eighth grades of HowMay's was a fence with climbing roses. that won championship in a certain :-;port presented the belts to the boys. "Hap" They were all lo\'ely.-Frances Ellis and got the cup. At the bE-ginning of the Gathercoal was to present the b<:lts 1Jut ard · school have been practicing for Zane Writing certificates and about two, June Kehl, 8A Stolp. year SC had it fwrn la~t year's cla::;s. he wa!-; bashful. I am sure the patrol weeks ago, we sent in for them. The 8A girls got it for kickball and for hoy~ want to thank the P. T. A. ~or the The children who got the diplomas volleyball. SB had it in basketball. Now belts.-John Brumbaugh, 7!3 Howard. from 7B were as follows: Helen Perry, that SA and 8C are together· \W hope Allen Roth, Enid · Henderson, Alfred that 8B does not keep it. If 8A-SC' wins WIX HOXORS Brown, Katherine Hoffmeyer, Nancy it we will haYe to take turns at keeping The people who received writing May, and Myrtle Koll. Some children got The Howard eighth graders have been it.-Selma Wax, ~C Stolp. diplomas in SA Howard were Evelyn certificates of ~xcellence. They were : very busy with cameras of all colors and Howard, \Vatter Haas, Jessie Steele, Violet Lance, Charles Hardt, Marjorie denominations ranging from vest-pocket READ "'I'RJ-: .\st·nt: ISJ,..\XJ)" Ruth Robinson. Those who received hon- Wedell, PhiliQ Hoelz and Lois Sandberg. cameras to the $60 kind. Box cameras Howard 7A b reading "Trt"a:sure orable mention and certifteates ar·e: Ronhave also been seen quite often. The Island" and it i:-; \'ery interesting. ald Fuermann, Raymond Jones, Frederick The diplomas were 30 cents and the cerpictures taken are of worms, birds, dogs, Reginald Green makes a good John Sil\'er Leason, Henry von der Hot'l', Jean Dun- tificates were 20 cents. The <'hildren who got the diplomas will teachers, C'lassmates, intimate friends, only Reginald hasn't only one leg. Jim ning, Dick Steen and Albert Ackerman. get "E" in writing for two months and and high officials. The building is also Hawkins is ,·ery acti\'e and the whole -Kathleen \Velter, SA Howard. get "V. G." in wr!ting for two months.pictured in many cases. The teachers story depends on him. Bob Herman:-;on the children who got the certifiGates will we havt! asked so far are a bit shy or is always jumping around and so makes EXJOl·s FLOWER SHOW Violet Lance, 7B Howard. · else it is too cold but we hope the rest a good Jim Hawkins. In this story the There was a flower show a<:ross the are not afraid of the cold and the girls are left out-John Bailey, 7A How- tracks from the X orth Shore station SatLIKES BIRD STUDY "blrdie."-Albert Ackermann, Howard SA. ard. urday. There were lights all over the Every Wednesday and Friday, we have lot. If you wished you could get your Miss Stevens. We study many interesting lVRITE OF MEMORIAL DAY AX INTERESTIXG TASK spring and summer flowers cheap by buyThe seventh and eighth grades of l\frs Groves, our Howard Geography ing them at the Wilmette flower show. things and one of the things I like best was the study of birds. We are now Howard are to write on "Memorial Day teacher, gave us three subjects to write These exhibits are held by the Chicago, studY,ing the new calendar which has 28 · and My Debt to the Veterans." Miss on-cork, silk, and olives. The majority Evanston and Wilmette landscapers. days to a month and the day they have Madsen, our teacher, has chosen ten of children chose cork a!-; their subje('t. -James Chambers, 7A Howard. left over from the others months they whom she knows can do it and told them ·we had one period to write about them are going to make a new month, the they are requested to do it and 1-~he also and the next day we read 'them before (; r R RKNT EVENTS said ~he would like everyone in the room the class. They were wry interesting name of it be Sol and will come in Miss Madsen, the 6B Howard English bdween June and jul j . We are going to write also but especially these ten she lind it ga \'e us an idea of the time, carE>, teacher, wanted a 11 of us to be prepared told. She said that she thinks they should and work it took to produce these thing~. to have a debate in our room to see how with current eventl-l May 10. Some of many want the new calendar a.nd how be from ~ix to eight pagt>s long and must -Howard Ball, 6B Howard. · the on~>s we gave were: balloon races be in by May 22.-Lois Sanberg, 7B want to keep the old one.-Howard the earthquake in Persia, burglar alarm~ ma.ny Howard. Ball, 6B Howard. ROllERT FRACTPRES LEG over the radio, the a via tor's fate ancl Robert \\Tillis, a member of the 7B class trying to install radios, making ~ctors ORCHESTRA ENTERTAINS COUNTING "BABIES" of Howard, had the misfortune of break- visible, and many others.-Howard Ball, Tuesday, May 7, the P. T. A. was en- ing his leg on Saturday while returning 6B Howard. In gym, the 7A and 7B boys of Howard tertained by the Sellior orchestra under from Indian Hill Golf club where he had are practjcing jumping over the parallel the direct!~ of Miss Katherine Gran- been ading as caddy. He is improving bar. "Hap," our gym teacher, is countWIN BASEBALL GAllE quist. They played tour numbers. They and everyone hopes he will soon return ing the "babies" as he calls them. That May ~. Howard 6B had a baseball game were_: "Two Gui,!ars," Horlick; "Heart to schooL-Jane Weber, 7B Howard. is, the boys who are afraid to jump over. with St. Francis, scheduled but the game Sometimes Wounds," Grieg; "Rakoczy March," they get over but they land was forfeited. Howard 6B has had a on anonymous ; "Mignonette:· Boumann. their backs Instead of on their feet. TEST ON BOOK pretty good start in baseball. We have The program was thoroughly succeuful The first time we all jumped there were Friday, May 10, tht- seventh grades of and everybody elljoyed it.-Violet Lance, Howard school had a test on "Treasure played three games and have only lost ten "babies," but the second time there one of them, to 6A Howard.-Howard were only five "babies."-Charles Hardt. 7B Howard. Island. "-Margery Taylor, 7B Howard. Ball, 6B Howard... 7B Howard. The Grammar grade writing certificates and diplomas wlll be awarded to the following Stolp elgh'th graders: . Robert Hall, John Cotseres, Francis Ellis, Janet McNulty, Beth Mcllratth. Robert White, Annabelle Brown, Lorraine Borre, Lucy Clagett, Eileen Burke, George Fackt, Eleanor Jackson, Marjorie Seubold, Ann Marie Wilson, Roy Warshawsky, June Kehl, Mary ·Finlayson, Marjorie Houghten, Charles Knapp, Edward Solomon, Esther McKelghan, Jean G. Munro, Frank Eager, Roger Fridman, Eleanor Moulding and Elizabeth French. Six pupils out of the eight grades will receive certlfl<'ates of excellence which Is a little lower than the Grammar Grade certificate. They are: Edward Schmidt, Helen Booz, Roger Palenske, Robert HewItt, Dorothy Jane Orr and Selma N. \Vax. The seventh grade pupils who will receive Grammar Grade certificates are: Ruth Bristol, Marjorie Jane Hecht, Warren Young, Katherine ldlar, Lucy Anne Jonas, Ruth Solomon, Mary Hvid, Sophie W. Denholm, Dick Cullen, Virginia Oakley, Regina Swirles, Ruth Sanderson, Howard L. Fogg, Jane Meyer, Florentine Strube, Eleanor Shapiro, Kathlyn Holway, Francis K. Schuman, Emily Jane Gerber, Betty Palenske, Eleanor Ricks, 1\lary Alice Ha)·es, Alice Freeman, Ruth L. Anderson, Alice Ebeling, Thomas G. Antrim, Iris V. White, Betty Schmidt, Francis Riley and Rosemary Ronan. The certificates of excellence will be awarded to Jean· Burns, Lenora Kritch· ever and · Joan Guthridge. - Jean ::\lunro, 8B Steip. JeUy Beans and Boobs Stolp First Team Eighth Graders at Stolp H7in l7ertificates Join Squads for Baseball Prepare for Oua Event Defeats Seconds for Exceptional 8A girls and 8C girls at Stolp have The eighth graders at Stolp have to prepare for their annual class joined in their baseball games because by 19 to 11 Score Writing Ability 11tarted day which will be held sometime in the 8C have only three girls on the team. Girls of Howard School Take Their Badge Tests Several Howard Pupils Win Writing Certificates ... Girl Scouts Take Hike to Glenview Preserves St I S h I P ·· w· In Awards for Garden Posters P. T. A. Presents Belts to Jun.ior Police Boys c·IrI for Stolp School Award Eager to compete Seventh and Eighth Grade Pupils Get Writing Awards Howard Eighth Graders Adopt the Camera Fad will ...., .

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