Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 May 1929, p. 20

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I 1 20 APPEAR IN RECITAL Winifred Townsend Cree presented her pupils in a recital at her home in Winnetka the evening of May 9, when solo and ensemble selections were played. Her pupils will give their ·final recital for the year at the Kenilworth Assembly hall June 20: Mr. and Mrs. Nels Knudson, 424 Prairie avenue, ~!ttertained several outof-town guests last Sunday. Mrs. Knudson's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Clausen of Racine, and he.t nephew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Einar Knudson, also of Racine. ~ILMETTE LIFE May 17. 1929 A. W. Lindseya · Visit Here ~n Route to Iowa I Dr. .and Mrs. A. W. Lindsey of Denison university will spend several days next week with Mrs. Lindsey's sister, Mrs. William K.ix Miller of Wilmette, while en route to Sioux City, Iowa where they will attend the graduation of Miss Brownie Wood, sister of Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Lindsey. Miss Wood, who attends Morningside college, will present a pipe organ recital on May 26. Mrs. Kix Miller will also leave with the Lindscys the latter part of next week for Sioux City. New Books at Wilmette Library Semi-Annual Concert of New Trier Band May 29 The New Trier High sch~ol band under the direction of ). C. Schu~ macher, will present its semi-annual concert in the New Trier auditorium Wednesday, May 29, at 8:15 p. m. The following program has been announced for the concert: IJELENA DESIGN "March Slave"-No. 157 .... Tschaikowsky "Concertina Von Weber" . . .. Clarinet Solo Played by Jimmie Lyons, accompanied by Winifred Mickey 1\farch-"Militaire" ....... . .... . Schubt>rt Saxophones in charge of "Bud" Smith Selections from "The Fortune T eller" .................. Victor H<>rbert Trombone solo .................. Selected Played by Franklin deBeer~, acC'ompanied by Winifred Mi<'kt'v "O,·erture 1812" (Solonnelle) ........ ~ .. . . ......... . Tschaikowskv Finale "::\larch International Goodwill;' Rockwell-Dahlia~. . . . ......... George J. 1\IcKinn(:'y Jeanneret-Towards a New Architec- 0\"E·rture "Zampa" ..................... . ture. \Yith Gerry Schnur playing xyloph(·n e Coffin-Small French Buildings. Newcomb-Spanish House for Amt> rica. Bodkin- ApproaC'h to Painting. SAILING FOR EUROPE 1\Iunsell-Color Notation. ARhley-Fifty Orations That Have . Dr. and Mrs. Edward F. Hess and their two son s, Edward and Robert Won Prizes. Shurter-New Po<>ms That \Vill Take u~ 915 Ashland avenue, left on \\'ed~ Prizes. nesday for . New York to sail tomorrow Shurter-Winning- Declamation~. on the S. S. "St. Louis" for a t\\'O Gay-Poetical Work!3. Brown-Problems of Newspaper Publishing. Sayles-Problem Child at Home. Seabury-Unmasking Our Minds. Swift-Psychology and the Day's Work. Watson-Psychology From the Standpoint of a Behaviorist. Browne-Graphic Bible. Gault-Social P sychology. Mellor- Modern Inorganic Chemistry. l..ePage- A B C of Flight. Singleton-Dolls. Bell-Art. The Wilmette Public library has has received twenty-one new nonfiction volumes, Miss Anne L. Whitmack, librarian, anounced this week. "Flowers of Italy"-Waltz ... De 'Stefano Following is a list of the new books: T Lake Shore Conclave Is Giving Hard Times Party A hard times party will be given by the Lake Shore Conclave number 57 of Tt:ue Kindred Saturday e\'ening, May 18, at the \Vilmette ~[a~onic temple. at 8 :30 o'clock. There will be cards, bunco, dancing, and refreshments. There . will be priz.cs besides favors for the most ragged costume and the best waltzers. The public is cordially invited. Chairmen for the party arc Mrs. ~iartha Varian and Mrs. Daisv Coxon. Mrs. Roser Schultz is worth;, commander and Augu:;t Meyers is advisor. months' trip abroad. They \Yill vi. it France, Germany, Austria. and Hungary. The medical clinics will be of particular interest to Dr. He ss. ~fr. and ~Irs. E. :M. Antrim of 1136 Ashland avenue were among the many residents of Chicago and its surrounding Yillages \Yho journeyed to 1Iichigan last \\'eek to see the apple blossoms in full bloom. Mr. and ~[rs. Antrim spent the week-end at a farm near Bangor. --oMr. and M. rs. Charles A. Jones of Q29 Forest avenue returned on Sunrlav from a tw·o weeks' business and pl~acme trip to Grand Rapids, Mich. · I The w·orld's Most Beautiful China }.fore expensiYe than other chinas in the first cost, English Bone China is n1ore econotnical in the years to co1ne because of the serYicc it affords. Being n1ade to resist \Year it is otten handed . cl0\\"11 fron1 one · generation to another. 'l'here is in English China an expression of pennanence. a dig-nified finality that fe\v pieces of art possess-eyen the century old patterns are used today O\ving to their changeless beauty. Evanston has in the "House of Tatn1an's" one of the tnost beauti.f ul and outstanding collections that can be found any\vhere today. ./\ Yisit tu Yie\Y this display \Yill prove both delightful and interesting. ·········North Shore's Smartest Beauty Sbopll·······.-: re. a listia I Regular $2 o Value . The Modern Miracle of Permanent Waving Have the perfect wave that requires no setting! This new wave is acclaimed the most beautiful of all. $ Including Beautiful Natural Set or Finger Wave A deep, soft marcel effect.. with fascinating ringlet ends. It is truly a modern miracle! Will stay perfect for months and months. DOES NOT DISCOLOR " GRAY HAIR Have this beautiful wave now at this special low price . . . you will E-njoy real pleasure in having your wave done in this smart modernistic shop where the service is courteous and pleasing, Please Make an Appointment ~~~ANNOUNCEMENT-----"JOHN," famous European hairdresser has returned from the East to the Vanity Box with all the latest styles in Finger Waving and smart Contour Haircutting. He will be pleased to advise with you on the style of hafrdress particularly adaptable to your individual type. TATMAN A Recog,ized Authority o" Correct Table Setti,.gs SPECIAL REST FACIAL Regular $2.50 value for $1.50 PERSONALITY MARCEL $1.00 The Finger Wave, $1 Contour Haircut, $1 EVANSTON 517 DAVIS ST. CHICAGO 625 N. MICHIGAN AVE. 636 Church St., Evanston Suitt 222-Carlson Bldg. University 97oo . I A. M. to 7 P. M. All brancht1 of Beauty Culture

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