Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 May 1929, p. 6

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May 17, 1929 M~STorTHt:BESTroRTHtLEAST , 9118 ' M~T MARKET CO. 11/.~ All Telephone and C. 0. D. Ordera Carefully and Quickly Delivered Charge accounts solicited from reliable people I IIOR'lR SHORE MARKETS WiDnetka 711 Elm St. Wianetka 4 A 333 Hubbard Woods 910Yz Linden Ave. Winnetka 417 A: 418 I Wilmette 1145 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette Zl14 A 731 Glencoe· 352 Park Ave. Glencoe 172 I EVAIISTOM MARKETS I 1559 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 1868-6867 705 Main Street Greenleaf 2989 1941 Central St. Greenleaf 4355 1407 Greenleaf St. U niveraity 3700 Back of this organization-is the idealthe plan to buy right and to sell right. Buy right we must-else we cannot hope to serve well. The highest in QUALITY sold at the L 0 W E S T pnce. \Vilmette Boy S<,;outs are completing arrangements for a great Scout rally By AI Schaefer scheduled to take place ·Saturday, June Cap. uBal" Robinson will lead the 8, 011 the Village Green \\'est of the 1929 edition of the Chamb~r of ComHoward school. merce baseball team on the Howard field Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, Several meetings , have been held at to open the home schedule. The Edgewhich every troop in the village wa s water Athletic club will oppose the represented by Scoutmasters and tr~op locals. committeemen, and Scout Executive The festivities will begin about an Myron Rybold of the North Shore area hour early. The Drum and Bugle corps is lending his assistance. S. C. Ben- of Wilmette post, American Legion, nett, 1321 Greenwood avenue, has been will officiate musically from the sidenamed general chairman of the event lines during the afternoon. and has proceeded with the appointRobinson, who was recently apment of publicity, program and refresh- pointed field leader by Manager ment committees. Rennolds, will catch the offerings of It has been some time since Wil.mette Phillips, last year's mound ace. The B~y ~cout s have att.empted anythmg of probable startine: line-up follows : !hts km? !1~1d t~ose 111ter~sted 111 Scout - ! Janetz, center field; Porterfield, right mg acttytttes m the vtllage hope. to field; Smith, left field; Borre, third make thts a memorable demonstratJOn . base; Liepe, shortstop; T~gtmeier or Melick, first base; Baker, second base; Mrs. George H. Duncan of 701 Cen- Robinson, catcher; Phillips, pitcher. tral avenue, returned la st Saturday The above aggregation, w!th one or from a two weeks' visit with h<'r son two exceptions, has already played and his family in Elberton, Ga. three seasons as a unit. The squa.d ..-···········-············r has been practicing often and seems to he in good shape for a successful season. The players will be seen sporting new jackets at the opening tus sle. Solid We are prepared to render the best red with bright blue trim, the jackets personal service with your palntlnJC will make the team one of the best and decorating problems. looking outfits in and around Chicago. The regular uniform will be the same as was worn last year. Anoth er hurler will soon b e added to the team. He is Gore, an effective right-hander with the Glencoe team Painter and Decorator of last vear. \Vilm-e tte was t o have played at Park Ridge last Sunday but rain prevented the contest. PLAY BALL SUNDAY· Scouts AMake Plans for Great Rally at Wilmette Chamber of Commerce Nine Take Field Against Edgewater J?illage Green S·oon to Team; Legion Corps to Perform DECORATING M. ·Portenhauser 1030 Greenleaf Phone 2764 ------------------------- · · LACTO-DEXTRIN A FOOD REMEDY for driving disease germs out of the body -Removes Constipation Here's the greatest food discovery of all time for intestinal ailments. Taken as directed, it overcomes putrefaction and purifies the entire intestinal tract. Lac to-Dextrin makes a refreshing beverage with a pleasing lemon flavor. It is a pure food of the highest order. mels, · etc. Lacto-Dextrin strikes at the roots of constipation-removing the cause. There is nothing better for coated tongue, foul breath, stomach and bowel troubles. Used with remarkable success at the Battle {' reek Sanitarium for years. Ask for literature. We are headquarters for Battle Creek Sanita rium Health Foods including "Zo", Bran Biscuit, Laxa, Para- 1929 FRESH DRESSED BROILERS EVERY DAY FRESH DRESSED SQUABS EVERY DAY Fresh Little P~g Hams ·.~~~·~...~·JtE~H.. 21 'he 49c Wapsie Valley Butter 29c Prime Pot Roast Beef Fresh Cut Lamb Steaks 49c · · None more pure and none better for freslmess and taste. Lb · ....... ... .... . Choice cuts, only. Try this for 3 our Sunday Dinner, lb. Try one of these flteaks-broll It! Fresh select cuts. Lb ·.. .. .. · Anrage 8 to 8 Jbs. Young and tender, strittly B)' Speeial· Appointment and · 3~c we are headquarters lor Fr. Lit. Pig Pork Loins ·~~~].:~~~Ig ~7~ 29c bPatties · :.ee~t, t':!:!· ~~:.~~· 32c Fr. M adeL ~m Not seraps, but Lb · ...... .... . ... ·' BATTLE CREEK SANITARIUM FOODS · .. Wiltnette Grocery & Market For Better Things to Eat 1146 Central Avenue Phones 420-423-425 REDKE BROS., Props.

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