~ {~x_ 10, 1929 WIL 'M ETTE LIFE Our New Organ . We have recently installed a new reproducing PIPE ORGAN . in our Funeral home. We are now prepared to render ORGAN MUSIC that has been especially selected to be used at Masonic. Catholic or Christian Science Funera1 services, as well as other sacred or popular selections. ~lf'he Jt.ouse of Cf>ersonal Se1'~ice" II 06 CENTRAL AVE. WILMETTE 654 5 54 CENTER ST. WINNETKA 404 ctOrrt· . g[cf~ uNDERTAKER Superior Ambulance Service The Oldest Established Undertakers on the Immediate North Shore Licensed Lady Assistan' "A Correct Grade for Each Burner" FUEL OIL Two Bulk Plants-Eleven Trucks operated on the north shore to assure PROMPT, ·EFFICIENT SERVICE Ttltphonea : Winnetka )Ol0 - :11 - 21 ; Highland Park . 3:190 - 91 Whole sale Distributor~ . SUPERIOR NAVY ~ HI- TEST GASOLINES - QUAKER STATE ~ MOBILOIL MOTOR OILS KEROSENE - ALCOHOL - GREASES BRAUN BROS. OIL CO. "For Fuel-U se·o il" ·it glides without ellort ·it thoroly eleans · · · · *62.50 f'll WAS ' This sensationaL price t·eductio" is made by eliminating the tremendous expense of factol'y-t,.ained agent st4f'ervisors and agents. .MOW $39.50 Easy to operate- it glides without effort over the heaviest rugs. Its "triple action"- rapid sweeping, thoro beating, powerful suctionloosens and gets the embedded dirt, sweeps up the lint, threads and hair, thoroly cleaning long or short nap rugs. Two Year Guarantee 1131 CENTRAL AVE. ·PH. WILMETTE 81