Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 May 1929, p. 75

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May 10, 1929 · WILMETTE LIFE 75· GREAT OPERADC STARS AWAIT RAVINIA SEASON Program of Unusual Brilliance Promised by Louis Eckstein; ·Season Starts June 22 With another notable roster of world famous artists and with a Yariety of new operas added to its repertoir-e of already established favorites, Ravinia Opera will open its eighteenth season Saturday night, June 22. t~ continue until Monday night, September 2. This statement of fact which Louis Eckstein makes known this week. mav sound prosaic when reduced to mere ·formula. but behind it there is a story that should bring a thrill to every patron Qf opera~ for the plans that have been made for the season that is ahead are so fraught with intere'3t and give prom ise of so much that is unusual, that there is everv reason to kno·w it will completely eclipse everything that has gone before it. Th repertoire is of special interest this sea·.mn, not only because of its extent, but becau'3e it is so rich in atl of those elements that go to make grand opera of major caliber. All of the standard works so much appreciated by American audiences are to be found in the list, and the standard works it rs .well known, must form a nucleus of every opera season. But Ravinia does not stop with a presentation of the standards, for this year Mr. Eckstein will exceed all p .... vious Ravinia records by the presentation of a Jitst of works which must be classed as ultra-novelties and which are representative of the best work that is being done by the composers of the present day. The season, as shown by the opening and closing dates, will extend tl- roughout the usual ten weeks and three day'3. In accordance with past custom, popular concerts will be given every Sunday afternoon and most of these witt form a part of the series of national concerts which have won high favor during the last several season'3. The regular children's concerts wilt be given on Thursday afternoon during the season and will be under the supervision of the women of the Ravini·a Opera club. The Monday nights of every Ravinia c:eason have alway.5 been designated as "concert nights," but both last season and the season before many of these Monday nights had to be given over to extra performances of opera. It is likely that the ·same will be true this year. The Chicago Symphony orchestra has been re-engaged, both for the operas and the concerts, and the Ravinia chorus will as usual, be the best singit. l g body that could possibly be brought together. Seven work.5 this season are classed as revivals and novelties, and of these, three will be absolutelv new to Ravinia. They include "La Ro;1dine." a Puccini work which was completed only a short time before the death of this great modern composer and which is still but little known even in those opera houses where Puccini is a prime fa,·orite. Mme. Lucrezia Bori will ha,·e the principal soprano part in this opera, and it is a role in which she scored tremendou'3 success when it wa s first given in Ne~ York. The tenor part will be in the hands of both EchYard Johnson and Mario Chamlee, these artists alternating in the role. But so exacting are the cast demands that there is another important ten::>r part which will be sung b)· Armand Tokaytan and a soubrette soprano part \\·hich will be interpreted by Florence ~lac beth. The late3t development in modern opera will be exemplified by "La Cam pana Sommersa," Ottorini Respighi's great opera which, with Elisabeth Reth, .Have Grand Time at.Orch~stra Party I PHOTO BY STAFF PHCTOGRAPHER. the Here we ha\·e a group of youthful \Vilmette citizens .enjoying themselves at an orchestra party held recently in "\ ~ Howard school gymnasium. The ·school orchestra ts under the direction of Miss Catherine Granquist. V .---. berg and Giovanni Martinelli in its the world's outstanding dramatic so- Espagnol" and in addition witl demonprincipal roles was given its world pre- pranos, who time without ·number has strate the French method as it applies mier in New York early last winter. taken Ravinia audiences completely by to the opera's of an older regime. Miss Both Mme. Rethberg and Mr. Marti- sto~m. Mme. Rethberg has every gift Florence Macbeth, who has been at nelli will again be on the Ravinia art- whtch goes to make for greatness in Ravinia for several seasons, is to reists' roll this season and will be heard singing the dramatic role'.;, for her turn and will be cast in many of the in thi·s opera: The libretto of this work voice is almost unlimited in power and coloratura roles of the repertoire. A is the famous symbolic dramatic poem at the same time she produces a tone newcomer to the soprano section will ~f Gerhart Hauptman, with which Eng- which is of exquisite quality. She is be Mme. Lola Monti-Gorsey, a singer lish re·aders are familiar as "Thf: Sunk- able to present role after role, for she well known in European and South en Bell." So pronounced was the im- does not cpnfine herself to any one American opera houses. pression made by this opera when it school of ·singing, being equally welt The fact that Mme. Ina Bourskaya, was given in New York, that it was versed in the French, German and Ital- Mme. Julia Claussen and Gladys immediately selected for the spring ian repertoires. Mme. Rethberg will Swarthout are to return to Ravinia season in Rome, and Mme. Rethberg likewise be heard in all of her favorite this season is sufficient assurance that and Mr. Martinelli are now in the roles and there will be new interest in the mezzo-soprano and contralto roles Italian captial where they are appear- the fact that she is to appear in 11 The will be in excellent hands. · ing· in the roles created by them. A Sunken Betl" which has given her Giovanni Martinelli is to return. third outstanding novelty contemplated new glory. This is indeed good news for those for the season of 1929 is "Ariane . et s:nce she came from France as a thousands who have so thoroughly enBarbe Bleue," a modern French opera Ravinia guest artist two sea·sons ago, joyed the work of this international by Paul Dukas which will be given if Mme. Yvonne Gall has become so well tenor during the several seasons he the Ravinia studio can complete the established in the regard of her audi- has been at Ravinia. Mr. Martinelli scenery in time. ences that her return is a matter of occupies a place that is all his own iu It is always cU'stomary at Ravinia to moment. Mme. Gall will spend the the world of opera. He can sing, he present during each seas-on some operas entire season at Ravinia this year, just can act and he has a magnetic personwhich, although not forming a regular as she did last, and again will bring ality. Given the most dramatic of roles part of the repertoire, are of supreme splendid vocal and histrionic talents to he handles them with perfec~ ease, and interest vhen revived. Among such ~ear in . the i,1terpretation of a long then finds himself equally at home in works ,. .·hich Mr. Eckstein has in mind hst of tmportant roles. She is, of many of the lyric parts. Hi·s. reperfor the coming ·summer are "La Vida course, scheduled for the leading so- toire is extensive, including both the Breve" in which Lucrezia Bori won prano parts in "Marouf' and "L'Heure (Continued on page 76) new honors when it was first given at Ravinia three years ago. Mme. Bori wilt again be heard as the gypsy girl whose trusting loYe turns to tragedy. Mme. Bori ,.,.·ill likewise he heard in a revival of "Mignon," the Thomas opera in which she made a profound impresGETTING YOUR MONEY'S WORTH :-ion season before last. Attention is called to the fact that "Marouf" which FROM YOUR FURNACE was a phenomenal success last year with Mme. Gall and Mr. Chamlee in the principal parts, and "L'Heure Espagnol" which provided fine opportunity for Mme. Galt and other Ravinia artists, will form a part of the regular repertoire this season. Are you getting a just return, in A·3 for the indh·dual artists who will comfort and fuel economy, from be most prominent during the season, there is Lucrezia Bori. who is c·oming your heater? American Radiator back and will find a cordial welcume Heating Equipment, installed for awaiting her. She has long been popular with Ravinia audiences by reason less than $75 a room, repays many of her charming personality and high artistry. Mme. Bori returns with new times its cost. Liberal allowance honors added to her already well on your old furnace. blazoned crest and she will be heard in all of those works in which she has so endeared herself in the past. In ~We Guarantee All Work ..,., addition to these parts, which give her such ·splendid opportunity both for singing and acting, she will be .heard in William B. Lucke "La Rondine" which provide·s her with 514 Railroad Avenue, Wilmette another unusual role. Tel. Wilmette 2020-2021 Then there is. Mme. Rethberg, one of j ARE · YOU ., ·

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