May 10, 1929 · .. SITUATION WA!Ii'TED-FEMALE LAUNDRY WORK WEDNESDAY AND Friday, ref. $3.50 day. Greenleaf 2378. 60LT33-ltp WANTED-WASHING, IRONING AND cleaning, by the day. Swedish woman. Phone Wilmette 1987. 60LT33-ltp \VOMAN, HALF DAY WORK, CLEANing or laundry by day or week, experienced. University 8679. 60L33-ltp W ANTED.:._WASHING AND IRONING, will call and deliver. Wilmette 3599. 60LT33-ltc COLORED GIRL AS COOK AND DOWN stairs work or will cook where a butler is kept. Glencoe 1015. 60LT~33-ltp COLORED GIRL WANTS "'WORK AS · mother's helper by the w'eek, stay nights. University 3844R. 60L33-ltp COLORED GIRL WANTS PART TIME work mornings, by the week. University 3844R. 60L33-ltp COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS CARE of children in her own home. Winnetka 1433. 60LTN30-tfc WASHING WANTED. 'VILL CALL for and deliver. Ph. Uninr::-;ity 6778. 60L~2-2tp . - - WILMETTE LIFE . .. , -'if ... 77 FOB 8ALE-BOU8E8 ·ADDBD SBRVICB I'OB ·CLASSII'IBD USBBS WILMETTE LII'E wUI DOW ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \VYATT & COONS OFFER ' At Northbrook 2 acres, on 36 foot paved street, 3 blocks. to depot and stores. This tract ~s Improved with a 7 room frame realdence with bath and all modern Improvements. This Is being offered at the presont time at a decided sacrifice. Price $11,950. 7 room frame dwelling with bath and all modern Improvements on about % of an acre of ground. Street paved. Hot water heat. Two blocks to depot and stores. An excellent purchase at $8,500 Call Sam 1\1. Campbell-Northbrook 155 or 193. 0 ~ ~ .. .. ~ aeeept elasslllecl adve·· tisemeatslo· pubUeatloa in tbe eUII·eat lssae aadl 9 P. M. WEDNESDAYS ·Just 'lelepboae .. ~ ~ At Glenview 7 room frame dwe111ng with bath, ho water heat, modern throughout, on cor 11er lot 100xl75, with both streets paved Two blocks to depot and stores. This can be purchased for $13,000 with all assessments paid. Common brick veneer home with 4 bedrooms and 2 baths, hot water heat under construction. We would be pleased to have you Inspect this attractive home which we can sell for $11,500. REALTORS Glenview 81 127 N. Dearborn St. Northbrook 193 Central 3921 77LTN33-1tc . .. . ~ 1 \VYATT & COONS .. .. ~ tl SITUATIONS WANTED-)lALE WILMETTE 4~00 \\'ORK BY THE HOUR OR D.\ Y, GE~ eral housecleaning, washing windows and woodwork. Garden and land scape work a specialty. Ph. "rinnetka 1657. 61LT32-2tp 38 ~ ~ }'OR RENT-R0011S FOR RENT-HOUSES .... ' EXPERIENCED GARDENER WANTS FOR RENT-FURK. FROXT Rl\1. SUIT- FOR RENT--619 5TH ST. NEW HOME work by the day or week; good referable for 1 or 2-418 Park A\'e., Ph. Wilnear Central. 4 bedrooms, extra 1st ences. Tel. Wilmette 570. mette 2269. 66L33-ltc floor lavatory, gas water heat. Living 61LTN2!l-tfc room 14x26 with natural fireplace. ~un Owner must sell 7 rm. home, 4 bedrms., room, with or without garage. HOUSE OR GARDEN WORK BY HOUR, 87 FOR RENT-APAR'JMENTS choice section, corner lot. Good condiday or contract. Drainage. Phone tion. Oil burner, garage. $18,000. Winnetka 1288 after 5 p. m. REALTORS 513 4th St. Ph. ·wilmette 192 61LTX31-tfc 69L33-ltc EXPERIENCED MAN FOR PAINTING 2, 3, t, 5 and 6 ROOMS INC. screens, window washing and general Here In Wilmette's most convenient and SUMMER COTTAGE FOR RENT. ON REALTORS work about home. Tel. Wilmette 570. exclusive location, you will ftnd well-ar· bluff, overlooking Lake Michigan. 746 Elm Street Winnetka Winn. 161'/ 61LTN29-tfc ranged apartments. All apartments About ~ 25 mties from Chicago. Com77LTN33-ltc have outside rooms which provide an pletely furnished-3 rooms, 2 larg<! t ·H..\UFFEUR AND ALL .A.ROL'XD abundance of light and air. Ample porcheR, running water. For all or man. Competent and exp., will also part of summer. Call Dorchester 4629 closet space. Schools, churches, and do work by day. Uni\·ersity 2851. or write Mrs. M. Pearce, 5706 Blackshgpplng facilities within Immediate 61LT~:33-1 tp WHY PAY stone Ave., Chicago. 69LTN31-ltp access. See these apartments today. NEW £ R00l\[ BRICK, TILE ,B ATH, Agent on premises. CHAUFFEUR WITH 8 YEARS EXPER. attached garage, large lot. Your own FOR RENT-8 ROOM HOUSE WITH Fine references. R. L. Harris, Drexel terms. sleeping and dining porches, attached 6869. 61LTX33-ltp REALTORS garage, on burner, near transportation 5 room stucco bungalow. 60 ft. lot, 2 car garag·e. $8,500. WIJ. 460 and schools. Call Wilmette 1468. HOl"SE CLEANING, YARD 'VORK, 424 Linden Ave. 67LTN2-tfc 69LTN31-tf~ We will build you a 6 room brick home and gardening. Call University !1451-R. with tile bath on second floor, lava61LT~3 :l-ltp 18T FL., 3 RMS. AND BATH. KITCHENtory on first floor, garage, for $9,500 -1.J-C_E_N_S_E_D __C_H_A_U_F_F_E_U_R-,--B-U_T_L_E-R, t'tte apt. furnlRhed or unfurnished. Gar- FOR RENT OR SALE-6 RM. HSE. IN including the lot. All the cash you Northbrook. H. W. heat; sunporch ; need is $750.00--$75 per mo., including . age optional. Ea~t Ride com·en., all gar. ; $8,900. 1937 Wilmette Ave., Ph. and houseman. N. S. refe rences. Kentransp. References. \'Tilmette 204. interest. Wilmette 4424. 69LTN33-ltc Drive out Sunday and look over plans wood 3587. 61LTN33-ltp 67LTN33-ltp in our office. ::\IOR~I~GS HOPSECI...EA~ING OR FOR RENT OR SALE-6 RM. HSE. IN 61 L 33 _ltp I<~on RENT-3 ROOll APARTMENT, work. University 3531-R. Northbrook. .. H. W. heat; sunporch; furni~hed or unfurnished, $45 per gar. ; $8,900. 1937 Wilmette Ave., Ph. Shermer Ave. at Waukegan Rd. ~ --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ month including gas and light. Call Wilmette 4425. 69LTN33-ltp Northbrook 181-156 6~ SIT. WTD.-MAJ,}~ & FE)JALE Rat. A. M. or Monday. Wilmette 3723. 77LTN33-ltc 67LTN33-lte' FOR RENT-6 ROOM BRICK BUNGAHELP OF ALL NATIONALITIES -low, sun and sleeping porches and gacooks, maids, couples, chauffeurs, but- FOR RENT - APARTMENT 3 RMS. rage. Phone Wil. 2168 or 588 for appt. lers, housemen, nurl;es, porters, launand bath, \vith heat. poss. immediately, 69LTN31-ltc NEW BRICK RESIDENCE OF ENGdre!·H;;es. Male and female hell? for applv at 6:14 Park ..\w. , Wilmette. lish Type on large wooded lot. Large :-;}>ring cleaning. Reference~ furmshed. . 67L33-ltp FOR RENT OR SALE, ON 66x200 FOOT liv. rm. with open fireplace and adjoinGnin~ rsity 4889. 62LT~33-ltp lot. 6 room frame house in Glencoe. ing sun rm. Breakfast rm. Dining 2 APART:L\lENTS FOR RENT IN NEW 3 bedrooms, furnace heat. Ph.' Wilrm. Built-in cupboards and Vent fan \\"RITE BLACKBURN C 0 L L E G E. Smith building- 1, one-room, other 2mette 889-Y-4. 69LTN33-ltc in kitchen. Four large bedrooms. Two ('arlinville, Illinois, for competent room. Mr~. Smith, 819 Oak St., or call tile baths with showers. Extra lavamaids, cooks, and governeRseR f~r. th~ Winn etka 112. 67LT32-tfe tory on 1st · fl. Tastily decorated. ExFOR RENT OR SALE-6-:-RM. HOUSE summer State wages and cond1t10ns. quisite lighting fixtures. Two car at 1083 Oak, Winn. Inq. 877 Elm St .. ' . 62LTX33-3tp FOR RE~T _ MODER~ 4 ROOM APT. garage. Priced for quick sale at Tel. Winn. 1689.' 69LTN33-ltp Ph. Wilmette 2399. 67LTN24-tfc $29,000. }"'OR RENT-ItOOJI~ 66 7 RMS. H. W. HEAT. GAR. GOOD FOR BENT-FURN. APTS. ,t rans. $75 a month. Glen.coe 235. REAL ESTATE-INSURANCE 69-LTN-31-tf( FOR RENT-AT GREATLY REDUCED REALTORS 566 Center St. Winnetka 2033 rate very comfortable and convenient 70 FOR RENT-FU.RN. HOUSE~ 77LTN33-ltc Orrington Hotel apartment, Evanston. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Consists of two unusually large rooms FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT FOR FOH RENT - WELL FL'RXIS~ED with electric kitchenette, bathroom, summer. 1104 Forest Ave., WilmettP. ~rHE front room :mitable for 1 or 2, private and three very larg-e closets. Excellent !l rooms, 5 bedrooms, large yard, entrance, a' blocks to 'Vilmette station. hotel service. Electricity free. Furng-arage. Ph. Wilmette 1531. Ph. ,Wilmette 3804. 66L33-ltc ished or unfurnished. Occupation now 70LTN33-1tc IN THE R E SECTION OF WINor for summer. Fifth floor. vYest exFl"R~ISHED ROOM FOR 2 ADlJLT:-:i netka with schools and transportation posure Phone evenings Greenleaf 4660. 5 ROOM HOUSE, FUR NT SHED OR UNf'lll))loyed; light and pleasa~.t; hot and perfectly situated. The house contains G8LTN32-tfp furnished, $75 per month. Call Wincold running water. Ph. "tl. 4207. 6 rooms, 3 closed porches, attic and netka 1202 for appointment. 66L28-tf equipped with electric refrig., stove, FOR RENT - A TTR. FURX. 1 Rl\1. 70LT33-1tc automatic H. W. heater and all in exkitch. apt. excellent_ tranR. adult. Ph. cellent condition; 2-car garage. PossesWilmette 795 or :{1a5. 726 11th St., 73 FOR RENT-~TORE~ & OFFICES siC\n to :mit purchaser; terms reasonWilmette. 68T~T3~-1tc: able ; don't miss this opportunity. FOR RENT, EXCELLENT LOFOR RENT- FURNTSTIED 5 ROOMR, STORE cation in Winnetka, apply 562 Lincoln ~un porch private bath. Ph. Wilmette Ave., Phone Winnetka 165. REALTORS G85. , 68LTN33-ltr. 73LTN30-tfp 543 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 15H - -STORES-ONE ---------77LTN33-1 tc 1~ 2 ATTRACTIVELY FCR~TSHED 2 RM. NEW CORNER 24apt reasonable Ph. Wilmette 40 40. hy 42; one 16 by 44 ; basement~: rea~. · · 68LT3 3-ltc Phone Winnetka 112. 73LTN28-tfr. ATTRACTIVE MODERN 9 RM., 3 bath, resid. in one of the hest sections of Ea~t Kenilworth on lot 85x160 for sale at $35,000. Let us ~how you this outstanding Yalue. _L_I_N_D_E_N_C_R_E_S_T'--A-P_T_S_.__, WILMETTE v'Tilmette Realty Co. NORTHBROOK HOMES RENT QUINLAN &'TYSON, INC. Northbrook Realty Co. Hubbard Woods Barg-ain Crosby Realty Co. BEST THAT $20,000 CAN BUY I · HILl, & STONE FOR RENT PLEASANT FRONT :69:____:F:._:O::_:R~-R-E_N_T __ n_o_u_s_E-:: . S=-=---::: STORE OR OFFICE MAIN FLOOR, 11 !i 7 REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE, 6 RM. Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 2399 · frame Dutch Colonial. Sun rm.. breakroom reasonable, Wilmette 3206. FOR RENT-.JUNE 17 TO SEPT. 17 73LTN29-tfc fast nook, exc. east location. Ph. Wll' 66LT33-ltp house, desirable location, 3 master bed----------------mette 273. 77L33-1tc FOR RENT-ROOMS IN GARAGE, rooms, 2 baths, 2 large porche~. 2 car FOR RENT-DESK SPACE IN CONtractor's office at 1924 Lake Ave. Ph. ·eason"'ble Phone Winnetka 1468. garage Ph owner, 'Vilmette 3055. l MORE . WAN'J' ADS ON PAGE 74 Wilmette 2548. 73L:l3-1t(' ' .. ' 66LTN33-ltc . . 69LTN33-ltc