May 10, 1929 an WILMETTE . LIFE 63 · offering amounted to $65, five dollars of which was contributed by· the Beginners' department of the Sunday school, as their annual offering for Foreign Missions. Sunday; May 19, Dr. Willette will on "The Prophecy of Pentecost," a sermon approprlate to Whitsunday. ~peak ~~~~nom~atlon~ Christian ~~~ r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~s~ 1/;ft:;3c:ur~~~n~1~~ ;~~~~~~dT~~ l~iMMIMM!M!MM~.Y»MJM!l\JhP»l?£V.fwWAWIM!JV)MMJ--gJiM I~ ~ 1 Next Sunday evening Dr. Willett will speak at Olivet Institute, 1441 Cleveland avenue, on "Our Youth and Our Bible. " ~ ~ First Evang. Church 886 Elm street, Winnetka Roy A. Thompson, pastor 503 Chestnut Street (Winn. 2304) 10:30 a. m.-Mother's 8 ~ ~ ~ Sunday, Jloy 12 Day program in Sunday school. 5 :00 p. m.--Communion service. Heception to new members. 7 :45 p. m.-Special ~ong senice, rendered by the church choir. ~ ~ tn · It's Seedtime the Garden of Life Wednesday, Thur!-iday and Friday, 8 p. m. Rev. E. A. Halleen, RUperintendent of missions of the Evangelical Free Church of America, will speak on the following themes respectively : "What to Do and Where to Go." "The Unconquerable : Chri st. " "The Greater Vif<ion." Springtime is seedtime. We plant our gardens looking happily forward to colorful flower faces and fragrant scents. But what would be · our a.m azement if, when blossoming time comes, thistles and milkweed filled the flower beds while wild morni~g glories usurped all the trellises! ~ 8 Camp Kentuck to Add Shopcraft to Activity ~ There would be but one answer-we planted wrong. Pleading we planted would never save us from the ignorance of what . disappointment of weeds. Lifetime is always seedtime. Each day seeds are sown. day is reaped the harvest of seeds planted long ago. Each "Hundreds of north shore bovs who ~ spend the summer in camps may learn ~ .;hopcrafts as well as wo odcraft in the ·E future," says Lawrence E . Engle, director of Camp Kentuck, where mam· 1 1orth shore lads liH under out-door ~ r ' .1ditions in the big wood s of Vilas ~ county, \,Yis. A wood- working shop § has been placed at the camp to provide interest on rainY daY s when outdoor sports are crimped. This is a novel camp activity, which its sponsors believe will b_ e widely copied in ummer camps hereaiter. The appeal of shop g \vork to the creative impulse of the normal boy is very marked in the sa:ne E periods of life in which the craving for ~ out-door sport s and wilderness life is t:: dominant and by combining th e two the t:: educators who have undertak en the F experiment" helie,·e they have made ~ a valuable departure both in educati o nal methods and in summer rccrea- E tion. Now, in Spring, when the brilliant pages of a garden catalogue hold a potent lure, let us also consider the seeds we are planting in the garden of life. Are they the seeds of the wind, weed seeds dropped by careless chance? Would we enrich that garden? Then come where the finest seeds are many, more than enough for all. Next Sunday come to church and receive for your garden of life seeds from God~s Garden which will blossom into a harvest of peace and joy. Auction Bridge League to Sponsor Tournament : Bridge fans will be ahle to test their skill in a tournament to be held at the Edgewater Beach hotel from J uue 5 to 8, inclusive. The event is spon:;;ored by the Chicago directors of the Auction Bridge League of America. Contract duplicated as well as auction duplicated will he played. Section progressive, will also be featured, if called for. The directors held a meeting on "Monday at the Edgewater Beach hotel to complete arrangements for the tournament. Among thos\: attending were: ~filton C. \,York. Ralph Reed Richards, E. ]. Tobin, Mrs. ~I. K. Alexander, Miss Frances Cromer. and Helen Hyde Carter, Mrs. Carter is one of the directors and information regarding the tournament mav he obtained by telephoning her at· Winnetka 3095. E ~ E Directory St. John's Lutheran Church Wilmette and Park Avenues Rev. Hetman W. Meger of Churches: The Wilmette Baptist Church Forest and Wilmette A venues ~ ~ ~ ~ Rev. George D. Alli1on F~rst Congregational Church Rev. Vere V. Loper St. Augustine's Episcopal Church 1140 Lake and Wilmette A venues Wilmette Avenue Rev. Hubert Carleton Wdmette English Lutheran Church Grttnluf Avenue and Seventh Street GIVES LUNCHEON :\Irs. Charles Sanford Clarke. who has been in the South for four months, returned last week to her home at · 526 Washington avenue. :Mrs. Clarke had been at her winter home in Fair- ~ hope, Ala., and had been motoring through Florida. Her son. Sanford, ~ went to Alabama two weeks ago to ~ join his mother and drive her home. ~ Mr. and Mrs. William The F~rst Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues Rev. Carl I. Emp1on Rev. Horace G. Smith The Fmt Presbyterian Church Ninth Street and Greenltaf Avenue Rev. Clyde Randolph Wheeland C. Buethe, Publiabed bg the Interchurch Adverti1ing Committee, Wilmette Church Federation 1351 Greenwood circle, returned Tuesday from a ten days' sojourn at vVhite Sulphur Springs, W. Va., where they had been golfing and motoring.