Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 May 1929, p. 62

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WILMETTE LIFE May 10, 1929 News of Interest to the Church-(']oers of Qur Village There will be a brief and evening, May 19. A definite an- tween the hours of 9 :30 and 11 :30 a. m. nouncement on this matter will be made on Sunday morning at the church. Greenleaf n,·enue at Seventh Street .T he musical progr.l!,m for Mother's Day, "May 12, will be : Carl I. Empson, paRtor A w ·orld Outlook conference will be SUNDAY, MAY 1! · A · Birthday dinner will be given at Organ Prelude, "Meditation" held at the church next Wednesday night. (Thais) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Massent>t )lothu's Day Several of the laymen will participate in the Sunday school rooms on Thursday 9:45 a . m. . . . ...... . . . .. Sunday school the program ' that is being prepared. In evening next at 7 o'clock. Special tables Anthem, "Mother, l\Iy Dear" .. Treharne Jo~eph Johnson, superintendent one of his plays Shakespeare nutk t>s a will be prepared for the various month~ Anthem, "1\Iother Mine" Dvo~k-O'Hare I l a. m . .. . ... ... .. . . . .. . M0_91ing wors hip character say, "I'll put a girdle about of the year and the guests will be seated Offertory Solo, "I Ha Ye a Prayer" ........................... 'Austin ·'ermon: "Mother" ttte earth in forty minut·~..;." \Ve will do at the table of their birth month. Mrs. Gannon that in les13 than fortv minute~; at this Organ Postlude, "Postlude in · The Sunday school is gtnng an un\Y e:tr a flower for Mothe r. - lt is the meeting. F" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cappelen usually interesting and edifying service f!Ustom in mnny com munities to rem mQuartet on Children's Day on June 9 next. It has her motht:-r o n Mothe r's day by the w earE\·e,·y woman having a mite box beCatherine Bushouse, soprano been specially t)rf'pared in commemoraing of a flower. l f mothe r· has passed longing to the W. H. ~I. S. is r eq uested John B. Miller, tenor to her e terna l reward, she is rt-membered to have h e r mite box at the home of tion of the fourth centennial of Luther's Rose Lutiger Gannon, contralto Small Catechh;m. hy thP w t>a ring of a white flower. If MI·::-. F. I... Millington, 126 Oxford road, Edward Otis, bas:-; she is living, it is c ustomary to wear a Thursday, M:-ty 16, at 2 o'clock. Till' mite Erma Rounds, organist and. director Th e regular monthly meeting of the t:olored flmwr. lt is a fitting tribute to box es are t o have a pow wow at this voting member ~'.! of St. John's will he moth e r ·~ memory. m eet ing. held on Tuesday ~ v e ning next at 7 : ~5 o'clock at th e church. E\·ery member A :M othe r's Sunday school program will 'f'he Men's dinner held at th e Shawnee ~hould attend. Sunday, May 12, will be the Sunday he in order next Sunday during the Sun- club las t Monday night was an ex('eedaftn Ascension. There will be Hoi\· day school hour. The childre n have bee n ingly succPssful affair. The attendance Communion at 8 a. m., Church schoot's told to hwite their· mothers to Sunday surpa!-ll'ed all expeetations. Th e spirit of and Bible classes at 9 :4ii and monting school. "'e want th e moth ers to sit in fellow!-' hip a bounded e \'erywh e r e. F'ollowpnwer with address at 11 a. m . the class with their children. The closing ing a bri e f progr·am in the banquet hall Yere Y. Loper, minister program will be a joint session of both the rnen broke up into groups. Hom. of \Villinm E. ::\I<:Cormack, assoc·iate department!' in honor of mother. The them played billiards and bridg-e, a n<J. The Associated Guilds will meet Friday, Jlastot· will preach a Mother'.· day sermon. others bowled. The evening do1Sed with The Wom~tn' s Guild is meeting in the with luncheon at noon and a bu si nef's Moth er~! come to ehun·h nt>xt Sunday. a gr·eat many men feeling that th ey had c hurc h today. Luncheon will be serYed m ee ting after lunch. established new friendships and found at 1 o'clock. l\1iss Ethel Swift, instrucfine fello\vship. The Church club of Chicago is gi\'iug tor in the School of Speech of NorthwestA Father and Son banquet will be e rn univer::-ity, has been secured to give a dinner tomorrow eYening at 7, at th t' served in the church basement Monday a program of readings, and Miss Ethel Edgewater Beach hote l, to the delegate ~-: night, May 13, at 6 :30 p. m. A splendid Heide will sing. The board will m eet at to the twenty-eighth confer<'uce of the program for men an(l boys will be giYen 12 o'clock. National Federation of Church c·lubs in under the n uspi<:es of th e Men's BrotherWilmette and Forest a Yenues the United States. hood immediat ly after th e dinnt>r. N. RH. George D. .Allison, pa1:itor J. Gould \\'i c key, Ph. D., president of Mother's Day will be observed in the .,arthage college will be the speaker of A Diocesan conference of clergy and We f'Xtend a cordial invitation to all service of worship at 10:45 Sunday mornthe evening. He will speak on the :subjt>ct, ~o participate in our ::\lother's Day serv- ing. The musical program includes an laymen will be held at St . .James Cathe"The Building of Boyhood." Arthur Stark Ices. 'l'here will be spec·ial intere::;t in anthem, "Mothe r, My Dear," by Tre- dr-al Friday, May 17, with ses::;ions at will be the toastmaster of th evening. the Bible school se~~don_ at !l :30 and an harne, and a solo, "Mother 0' Mine," by 10:30, 2 :30 and i :30. Vestries and finance Men who ha \'e no sons to I.> ring to the unusual program .o f morning worship Tour·s, sung by Oscar Heather. "Behold ! committees are specially urged to attend. banquet will be supplied with a .·on for at ll. o'clo('k. There will be baptisms, Thy Mother" Is the subject of the sermon It is hoped to ha \'e the United Thank the evening if they notify th pastor a .hrldr<·n's Story of Home, and an- by Mr. I..oper. A children's story, "Brad- Offering of the women of the parish or the n ew pre::old en t Arthur .J. Wernecke. other sermon in the series from ::\1of- le:> Owes Mother," will also be gin·n by presented in church on Whit Sunday, fatt's New Testament. entitled, "His Mr. Lopt'l'. May 1!1. Collections are now being ma<\e throughout the parish. The Luth e r lf'agu e will hold its bi- Mother-and ::\Tine!" Thf' Junior c hoir will sing in honor of their mothers and weekly Ten and Devotional meeting SunTh e L eague of 'Vome n Votf'rs is m eetday e\·ening n t 6 :30 p. m. A young man Uw senior choir will offer selt>cted num- ing in the auditorium of this church on bers. from ~Ioody Bible Institutt> will present Monday e\·ening. the work of the Institute to th e young A kindt>rgartener is providf·d durino· THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY people at thi l' nkt'ling. On Tut>::;day \:Vect'a fila C'amp Fire Girls st>rmon time to tak e care of little chi!: CO)JFORTER will meet at the c·hurch at 4 :30 P. 1\l. dre n up to sev n ~:ea rs of age. Wt· want The Re\·. Leland H obart Danforth, rector The Young men of the ehurch are )JI'ac- all to come out and to bring the little An unusual]}· inte r·es ting- progr·am is . . ticing diligently fot· the Indoor Bas ball ones to Jesus. plannt:-d for the annual · l \'fother and 0~ Ascemaon Day, l\fay 9, a special leagu~ this summel'. Th e re is plenty nf matenal to H·lect from this year. It Our annual meeting will be h eld \V,· d- naughtt>r banquet which will be lield in serYlce of Holy Communion was h eld at This is one of the great should be a g-ood yt:>ar for our baseball IH'sday f'\'ening, beginning with a con- the church Tuesday evening. Th e hour f 10 o'dock. team. grega tional dinner. Report::- mu~t ht' in st>t for th e dinner is 6 :30. It is hopPd Feast Days on the Church's calendar. hand Sunday as they are to be JH'int t·d that eve r~- mother nnd daughter will The 1\Ien's club will meet at 8 o'clock, Nel\' ~J em ht-rs will be recein~d into th t> and not .read. There will ht- singing and eon1('. May 10, for a celebration of the Holy c·hurch Trinity Runday, May 26. H you ft'llo~sh1p. Let no one miss this happy Hoosen·lt Tmop Ko. 2, Boy Scouts, f'ommunion, in collaboration with the Officers will b t> choser, and rlo not nttt·!Hl an~· <:hur<:h in \\'ilmt>tte ~>ccaswn. we invitt' Y(t\1 t1· worship with us. V\' il~ Interesting. (·hallenging sugge:-:tions for \\'ill mt>et at h e:t(lquarte rs at 7:30 P. M. National Federation of Church Clubs of J>rogre:-;::; will be offer.,\l. the United States, whose general theme mette'~ younge~t churl'h is a pmg-ressh·e f'pa R<·out ~hip :\'{·. 7. \\'ill ntt:"et at 7:30 is "Inspiring th l\Ianpower of the eongregatinn. Ground will be brokt>n for A large number of ,,-ilmett Ba.pti~-;t~ in thf' For·f:'cnstl e. Church to Serve." Immediately followour new {'hun·h t'<lifkt> within a fp ·w · davs. On Thursday tlw non..;' <' lull will meet ing the :::;ervice, brealdast will be served \\'t> will Ll' ('(f\lij))>t'd to sei'Yt> the corn- n_tteng~d tht' Chic·ago Baptist ~tssocia · at the Kenilworth club, at 8 :30 o'clock. munity in a ~pl~ndid wav befm·t> man·· ~ton I u es da~· and V{ednesday, nwetiug- at 3::30 P . l\I. rn the Oak Park chur('h. Dr. A llis.m All m e n of the parish are irwited. Breakmonth~. Our d(·nrs are open to all l'Omer~ . pre::;ented four half-hour d e Yotion:tl Tlw .Juni!Jr choir will m et't for rt-fast i:::; being served by the Rector's Aid 1f you haYt' he~itated because you were me:-;sageK The r e were o\·er seYen hunlwarsal nt ·I T'. )f. and th <· Senior dHJir socie-ty. a bit timid to make new association~. Yisit dr.ed. wo~ f'!l ))rese nt for th e Women·:-: at i :;30 P . 1\T. our ~en·kt:·s of worship. You \\'ill ft>el ~J 11-;SIOil 1 Ill On ~W!<SiOn . at home from tht> n·ry start. The United Thank Offering of the women of the church will be presented Tht> B. Y. P. P. nwe-ts SundaY nfter"\\'()R:-;HlP 1:-\ 'W ILMETTE" at the altar Sunday, l\Iay 12, at the 11 noon at 5 :30 in < hildren's hall.· · o'clock senice, at whieh time there will Look 'for the f'hurt'h of thf' LighteiJ :'\inth stred at (ireenleaf a\·enue be a ser·vice of the Holy Communion. <:ross at the corne-r of \Vilmette and Hev ..f~lydt' R.andolph 'Vheeland, B. D. Other services for that day will be at S l· o~e:"t a Yt>nues. There is a wt>ll·om,· <>·J4 Shendan road, EYanston o'clock, an Eucharistic service, and the · Plans fot· the Honw-C'om ing next Sun- w:uttng· tor you. <lay IIHH'n!ng nre working- out with hope. Sunday,. ~lay 12, ~Tother's Da~·. morn- C'hildren's sen·ice and Church school at ful PI'Omtse. A :\lotht>l' nnd Daughter· Ing worsh1p at 11 o'clock. Dr. Wheeland's 9 :30 o'clock. t'~(li'US will )H{H'i < l e sp,·cial muf-iic. There st·rmon topi c will he "Shepherds of life." On May 23, tlie \Voman's Auxiliary will \\'Ill he added ft>ature to th e :-;en·ice. \Vilme tte and Park aYenues, Wilml"tt f' hold its ~emi-annual meeting at St. ! i:n·ry dt,partment in tlw Church school \\rt:>.. invite :-;trang-en..: and n e wcomers Herman v\·. .1\l ey t> r, pastor. At this time In \\ 1lnwtte and all JiYing in our midst Mark's church, Evanston. ls ma.king JH'f·Yisil·n for a I't'<.·o rd attend406 Prairie aYt>nut>. Telt>J>hone l!l!Ht. who haY<' not a C'hurch home to wor- the Thank Offering of the entire diocese :mce o f both children and parents. .An Church t elephon e 3111. A regular business ~hip with UR. You are alwan;' welcome will be p!·esented. t>n:(JI't hns been made to bring- bal'k to session will follow luncheon, and all the at the Pr·e~byterinn church. · ~Ius serdC't> all that ha,·e bef:'n baptized SF.RYirl·: S women of the church are invited t o 11.1 tht> ))l't:-se nt l'hlll'd1 uuillliug or marSundav after Ascen§ion of C'hrist Sunday school nt !) :30 a . m. Clas~·::: attend. )'J ~fl there. )\ t: w memhen..: will he ree e iYed !) ::\() a . Sunday s:ehool and BihlP for all age~. under graded i n:-;truction. at th e close c1f th~: st:'r\'iee. dasses. !l :45 a. m . Fir~t ~en·ice and f'ermon. C'hristian End(:'a,·or will m eet at 5 ::1(1 Th P Senior lligh lt>ngue will meet 11 a. m. See<·nd spn·ke and s,'rmon. p. m . for the dt-\'otional hour which inSunday ~Yening at 5 ::W in th e C'hurch Sermon: Kenilworth a\·enue and Warwick road dudes a stud)· in "How \Ve Got Our c·hnpel. '~hi:.: will ht· a spt>cial :Mother's K e nilworth Dible." clay mt:-H111g, and it is hoped that nll ,I .R F.1'JXGS Dr. Herbert' L. 'Villett, minister mother·~ .11f lt· agm· r~ will bt> )JI't' St' n't. Thi's ~Jonday and Friday nt -1 : Classes for A Congregational m eting is called ehildren. g-ruup Will haYt· a JH'Cig'rt-ssi\·t' dinnt>r' on for \Vt:'dnesday, :\lay 15 at 8 p. m. at May 25. Next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, :\fonda,· and FridaY at 7:45: .-\dult the church. Dr. vYi llett' l' ~u bject will Catechumens. · be, ");ew The fnllc.wing llt'W om( en~ \\'et·e elec·ted Worlds for Old." t o le~d tht' St: nic~t· High lt:"ague next year :\Tonday at 7 ::30: Choir reh ea r~al. Boy Seout Troop 5, will meH at th,~ l'rt>sld t- nt, l!oyal !\fartin; \'ic·e -presich·nt, 'l'~e!-lday nt 7:43: :\Ieeting of Voter~. church :\Ionday at 7 :30 p. m. Frank Sunday :-:ehool at 9:45 a. m. Richa:d lfa~ e l h..fJ]l; ~ecn·tary, Hill Hoffman; "t-dnesday at Orchestra Hall: Bach con- Reynold~. Scoutmastt>r. cert. P. Carter is director of religious edu<·,ha.IrnHll . C·f. Pr~c,gTam ('01l1111ittt>e, :\farda Smtth.: ,·hatrmnn of Musk enmmittee Thursday at 7: Bii·thdaY dinner · '\ll '~omen of the congrega,tion ar~d cation. There art' clas~es for all, and 'anJlt.n1· ~c·hwarm: Clirls' ::\lt·mbershiJ; Fl'iday at 7:45: Junior .,,.alther. lt.·ag-u e>. the1r fnends are cordially irn·ited to the all are welcome. c·omm1ttt-e, 1:-annie Brown; eovs' Mt·m<~11-day, . met:-ting of the Woman's ;::n~ 'rhe Church dinner for the Spring seaThe public examination of the chil- erdy, ber:5hip ('Hllll11ittf:'<· . Bradford Fil{t:'; ~odal 'Iuesda~-. ~fay 14, at the ehur·ch son will be held Wednesday evening, drt>n who have be~>n preparing tlwm- ~ewing ehairman, Bill Sf·ll£-t-y. at 10 :~0 a. m. in chargt> , · :\fay 15, in the Kc>nilworth club. There st>h'(:'~ f~r <·onflrmation will take place> at 11 Spoke 6. Executive meeting at 11 o'clock. will be reports of the various departTh~ Jnni11r High leagut.· tllt"t:'!s Runday o!l Suna.ay morning, )fay 19, Luncheon at noon, served by Spoke 5, ments of the church, the election of ufThe confirmation sen·ic·e will '\'tiling at 5:30 in the Junior dt'J)Hrtmt'Jlt o <·lock . 1\Tr~. Guy Rt>ec~, chairman. Program and ficf'rs, and other f atures of an interef'troom. of the Church school. All nwmbers !le held on the sub:-;equPnt Sunday morn- husmes~ nwetmg at 1 :15. :\Irs. David ing program. at 11. On Sunday morning, June 2, F. Hall, chairman of Foreign :\lissionr-;, ot this group and thf'ir mothers, and al~o rng the con~rnwd will receive their fir:;t !~as ~11 other memb(;ors of the :-;ewnth, eighth, communwn cha~ge. of the program which is z>n . In accordance with the custom of the ·~nd ninth gradts of the Church school .The Missionary in India." The devo- church to de\·ote the offering on the first are cordially invited to be present. The tiOnal exercises will be conducted by Sunday of each month to some cause '\"t:- understand that the meeting of l~ader M th(;o eveuing is Ruth \\.illlams. the North Shore Zon(:' of the Walther Mrs. G. A. Nash. Please make lunch- !llissio~ary, educational or philanthropl~ eon reservations with your Spoke chairStereopticon ~lldes on "Hawaii" will be lt:-ague 111 which the members are interested scheduled for· U1e coming Sunday t-ihown. Special music will l>e fumished has bt>en postponed to Sunday afternoon man. If you do not belong to a Spoke the offering of last Sunday was giv~..; call the church office, Wilmette 1575, be- to the Yen Ching college, Peking, China, - English Lutheran by Betty Smith. social hour. St. Augttstine's First Cong'l Church Wilmette Baptist Kenilworth Episcopal First Presbyterian Methodist Church St. John's Lutheran rn. Kenilworth Union

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