May 10, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 51 NORTH SHORE 9 YEARS SHOW DRASTIC I ROAD BUILDING CHANGE Tripled Registration and Car Improvements Force Wider Highway Policy, H~yes ~""' 1111'//~4 ~ _.) VIRGINIA TRAFFIC GROWS FAST Schneider Lake Village Morocco Ade Kentland Earl Park J ct. U. S. No. 52 57.6 61.1 76.5 Going to Derby? Here's Best Auto Rtplte ----------------------~~------~--------------· 82.4 89.7 ·96.4 98.5 103.6 115.5 117.6 129.5 138.6 1742 185.2 188.6 201.1 Says I* Tripled registration and mechanical improvements incorporated in motor vehicles in the last nine vears have U. S. 52-Fowler . caused some drastic change~ in federal Oxford road-building practices, according to Templeton Charles M. Hayes of Winnetka, presiMontmorenci dent of the Chicago Motor cluh. Lafayette . Government highway engineer.; toLebanon day are deeply concerned over adeRoyalton quate widths of rights of way and the Trader's Point roads proper, not only with respect to Indianapolis present but future traffic, and of the U. S. 31-Southport banking and radius of curves. pointed Greenwood out Mr. Hayes, who is also the chairWhiteland man of the road widening and grade Franklin separations committee of the AmeriAmity can Automobile association. Edinburg "In 1920 there were approximately Taylorsville 8.000,000 motor vehicle's in the country, Columbus whereas today there are more than Seymour 24,000,000," the statement continued. Uniontown "Furthermore, the a,·erage speed of Crothersville cars in the open country has increased Scottsburg twenty miles per hour in that period, Underwood as a result of improved motors, fourHenryville wheel brakes and other ·features that Memphis make for speed and safety. r;l 1918 Speed's ROUTE TO only three ·states permitted car:; to be Hamburg KENTUCKY DERBY driven from 35 to 40 miles per hour. New Albany, Ind. AT Twenty-five miles was the average Louisville, Ky. LOUJSVIU..E. KY. maximum. In 1928 thirty-six states TOTAL 327.3 MILES permitted 35 to 45 mile$, -while three states prescribed no limits. Wider Roads Sought Sixteen-foot roads were regarded as ICKED · 3-\·ear olds will match fairly adequate a decade ago: road shoulders, or the space adjoining the _speed in the Kentucky Derby to be edge of the road surface where cars held .at Chttrchhill Down's, Louisville, may stop for repairs, recei\·cd little on Saturday, one week from tomorrow. or no consideration. ~ Thou·3ands of autoists from all sec"Today the policy of the fed raJ tions of the country \Yill motor to bureau of public roads is to sec ure LouisYille to see this yearly classic of wide rights of way, which are the th e turf. primary basis of adequate road For those north shore motorists who EVER.VTHING widths. Although many state'3 still ac- desire to drive to the Derby the tour./()i.·t!Je quire less than 100 feet for some of ing bureau of the Automobile Club of AUTOMOBIL.~ their radial routes, such a width. and Illinois, in cooperation with this newseven up to 200 feet, especially \\·here paper ha·3 prepared the accompanying 11\ain roads intersect, is not uncommon map and log sho\\'ing the best route to when the national government is con- iollow. The entire stretch is in excerned. The extra width at intersec- cellent condition and should proye an t;ons permits grade separations as the extrcmel~' popular trip for this time of traffic increases. the season. 4 ' The extra width of the rights of Detailed guides, including- high\\·ay · NEVER. \vay in general not only permit \\·iden- numbers, towns and mileages ·from CLOSED ing of the routes from time to tim e. but Chicago follow: also for spacious shoulders on which car owners can park for the purpose of CHICAGO TO LOL"IS\.fLLE, KY. (327.3 :Miles) changing tires and other reason·3 withThe out peril to themselves or those on the ~1iles Town'3 road. Largest 0.0 Ill. 42-Chicago from .. ~o federal highway builder would Jackson Blvd. & Mich. Motor think of creating a road, even in the 14.3 South Chicago most remote sections of the country; Repair ' 16.3 Ill.-Incl. Line that would be less than 20 feet in 22.8 Ind. Shop width. Researches made by the bureau U. S. 41-Hammond, 26.6 Mun ter indicate conclusively that the old 16 m 27.6 M~ynard anrl 18-foot strip3 are too narrow for 31.7 Dyer Wilmette cars to pass each other with a due · 35.6' Schcreville (Outskirts) margin of safety. When cars are to 38.6 St. John he parked parallel with the curb the 43.5 Hanover Center bureau recommends that the minimum 52.6 Belshaw (Outskirts) width of a highway be 36 feet. Thus. allowing 12 feet for cars parked at each curb, a driving width of 24 feet Chevrolet is setting a rapid pace remains. "Those are the minimum measure- in production at the various plants, ments. Obviously, there can be no making approximately 6,500 cars a day. This is the greatest record ever made maximum widths. \ "Ten years ago one rarely saw a in the six-cylinder field and is evi~ the wide-spread popularity dence of banked curve, unless it was on a race\ J C.SIOWit of this car. (Continued on page 52) Traffic over the highways of Virginia averaged more than a 15 per cent increase during 1928 over 1927, the Virginia state chamber of commerce announces after a study of the 1928 traffic census. This ·shows that 17,836 automobiles entered Virginia every day from Washington during 1928, a total for the year of 6,510,140 cars. In 1927 the daily average from Washington was only 10,386 automobiles per day, or a total for the year of 3,790,890 automobiles. WB MAKE·· I 208.5 212.3 216.8 I I Auto·bile L.aas Refinance Auto·biles boy 222.0 ?27.3 233.0 237.8 245.9' 264.9 276.8 280.6 291.5 297.3 302.6 307.1 312.3 314 5 · 321.8 327.3 I Aato·bile Paper immediate SERVICE confidential BROADWAY INVESTMENT CO. 4753 BROADWAY CHICAGO PHONE LONG BEACH 6317 P MOTORS SERVICE Incorporqeet/ A Braad· New Motor You'll swear that's what we've put in your car after we've reconditioned your engine. The reasonable price we ask for reboring your cylinders to original factory precision will su rprise you. And so will your reduced upkeep bills and sweetrunning power plant. Now is the time to have this done. · . ·--- -----