Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 May 1929, p. 42

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WILMETTE LIFE May 10, 1929 &l~t ·North Shore .Committees for Ravinia ~avinia BY JEAN TEN BROECK Opera Club Opera Club Card Party Tonight Is Opens Home for Musicale Arden Shore Passes by Talent~d Musicians . School Band Benefit · Chairmen !tnnounce Another Milestone . St_. ~eorge High school of Evanston One of the ·c harming affairs of the Village ·C. ommittees Is. gtvmg a benefit card party the eve:. spring season took place Wednesday . in Its Homecomings nmg of May 10, at 8 o'clock, in its gymnasium. Proceeds from the affair wi_ll pay for the new uniforl11'3 for the H1gh school band in which two Witri1ette boys, Vincent and Gerald Seng, are "t op note h" per f ormers. . Mrs. William Mooney is chairman of the. patro1~esses who inc.lude " t he followmg res1dent_s from W1lmette: Mesdames Wendehn P. Seng, Charles F. Bunte, A. H. Rohol, Bernard J. Fallon, Edward F. Kelley, James .W . Krafthefer, B. W. Lynch, John Boylston, Robert F. Procknow. Charles A. Barton, A. F. Reichmann, George Pett' J F O'Nr . J mger, · · e1 1 , oseph Kolb. Arden Shore was at its spring best last Sunday for its homecoming. T!le freshness of infant leaves and the cheer of bright sunshine enhanced at the Administration building and the Assembly hall where indoor festivities were held. The day was given over to the bovs graduates of past years and those of this season, who shared their afternoon with their guests, interested I friends of the encampment and memAria Cigue .. . ....... . ... .Albert Stoessel bers of town committees of the Arden Love's Greeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elgar Shore association. . II With zeal the New Trier ?igh Midnight Seren~de . . . . . ........ Go~ard The Old Hefram .............. . . Kreisler School band, seventy-two p1eces Ernau Akely, \Vilmette pianist, strong, 1n . gray-blue uniforms, conrendered: tributed their spirited, rhythmical Concert Etude ........ ....... MacFayden selections during the program for Improvisation . . . . .. .. . ..... MacDowell MaideP.'s Wish .............. Chopin-Liszt Arden Shore boys and their guests Carolyn Fuermann, soprano, accom- that commenced at 3 o'clock. panied by Mrs. Akely, sang: An accordian and violin · duet \vas What's in the Ait Today ........ by Edt=>n played by Roy Stock, an Arden Shore In Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. .. Jeane Boyd \Vhite Clouds . ...... Kathleen Manning graduate, and Ray Schuett. Floods of Spring . . ....... .. Rachmaninoff Mrs. Marcus D. Richards of \VinMrs. Fuermann, with Mrs. Akely ac- netka. president of the Arden Shore companying her, and Ruth Breytspraak association, in an informal greeting playing the obligato, sang: welcomed the homecomers before the LHh e ......... ... .. .. ....... . .. Boote Spring Song .................. Oscat· Wei! camp boys and graduates sang their Punch and cake was served from the Arden Shore songs. larg-e table graced with spring flowers The Rev. Harold C. Case of Glencoe arranged in the studio and from small minister of the North Shore Methodist tables in adjoining rooms, which were church, gave the address of the aftercharmingly arrayed "-·ith spring noon. Coached in phraseologv and flowers. simile that appeals to a boy, he· ga \'e them his message, sug-gestions for win . . ning in the game of life. Give Farewell Parties Miss Anna Belle Ferrier, camp s uperfor European Travelers intendent since 1920, agai11 at her post ~frs. \\'illiam ] . O'Brien, 1144 Chest- after an extended leave of absence, nut avenue, and h ·· r mother, Mrs. Ida gave an informal talk. demonstrating Lawson, and her two children, Jean to her audience the success of bovs and Rilly, left Ia t Saturday for Que- in the business "·orld after their gradbec, where they sailed on Tuesday on uating froil1 camp. Alumni of everv · the S. S. Empress of Scotland for a class since 1920 were present. six months' trip abroad. ~frs. Richard Gambrill. Jr., of EvSeveral farewell parties were given anston announced the poster contest for :M rs. o:Brien before her departure, for children in the se\'enth and eighth among which w:.ts a luncheon a1Hl grades of public schools in north shore bridge given by Urs. H. G. Kemper ,·ill_ages and shmYcd the attractive gold recently at her home, 1120 Chestnut and sih·er medals donated as first and avenue. second prizes. \Vith the ensemble singing of "America," the program closed with Opens Garden May 1 1-19 an im·itation to visitors to partake of An interesting ill\·itation to all gar- the tea and coffee. sandwiches and den devotees is extended In· ~Irs. ,._ cakes. " ·hich mcn1bers of the associaK. Spicer of 312 Essex · ro-ad, Kenii- tion sen·ccl 111 the Adminstration \YOrth. ,,·ho announces that bctwern building. 1Iay 11 and 19 any members of local The morning program consisted of garden clubs or others espe(:ialh· mthe \Yeighing of the , g -raduates. a basetcrcsted in gardens are ill\·ited to hall game between Korth and South come and sec her garden, Side .f! raclnates. which the South side There is no formalitY and visitors " ·on. dinner. and aiumni reunion in the simp ly may open the gate and go Elinoi=" Hamill cottage. whether or not the ~.frs. Spicer is there. Fi\·e buses \\·e re donated for con;-Jo trlcphone appointments arc to br Ycying the graduates and the memmade. bers o.f the hand to Arden Shore. Among the member~ of the Arclen Postpones Wedding Shore association present ""ere 1'f rs. ?\!iss Ethel Lois \Vray. daughter of Hihharcl Casselhern· and Mrs. Fred~fr. and ~Irs . James G. \\'ray of 625 crick G. \\racker of Lake Forest: Mrs . \\'ashington a\·enuc, Glencoe, ~vho was .Tohn Kreutzherg of Lake Bluff: Mrs. to ha \'(' he en married on M a\' 11 to .Ta,· Glidden of Highland Park: ?\frs. Stanley D. Grace. son of ~f rs. ) oh1~ H. Harrv Sellen· of Ravinia; Mrs. MarGrace of Oak Park, has postponed her rus Rirhards. of \Yinnetka; Mrs. Leswedding until Saturday, June 29. lie F. ~Tillar and Mrs. Frederick Tilt of \Yilmette: ~f rs. Richard Gambrill. .T r .. of E\'anston and Mrs. Herbert S. Garden Club to Picnic The \\'ilmettc Garden club will have !\ock <~nd ~frs. Llo\'cla Smith Sha,\· of · · a pic1_1ic lt11~cheon. Friday, May 17. The Chic::~go. v The sparl<: that ignites the spirit of the Ravinia Opera club and stirs it into acti'o n all along the north shore always is kindled at the annual luncheon Louis Eckstein gives to town chairmen and members of their committees at the Moraine hotel. Wednesday was the time of this year's event when plans were formulated for the new season. The luncheon, too, was the signal for the inauguration of the campaign for selling books of admission tickets to the summer opera and concerts. Among those present at the luncheon were the chairmen of the town committees: Mrs. Lester E. Mce Opens Home for Sale Wilmette; · Miss Isabel Cline, Kenil~ to Benefit u Shut-Ins" worth; Mrs. Donald McPherson, WinAn exhibition and sale of knitted netka; Mrs. John \Villiams Macy, Hubbard \Voods; Mrs. Arthur G. suits, sweaters, tenn.is dresses, and Cable, Glencoe; Mrs. Frank J. Horn peasant .dresses for women and chilR~vinia; Mrs. George Allen ~Jason: dren from shops in New Bedford H1ghland Park; Mrs. Charles Edward Mass., will be held Tuesdav afternoon' Brown, Jr., Lake Forest: Miss Juliet May 14, from 2 until 6 o'clock, at th~ Bowes, Lake Bluff: Mrs. Edwin Seipp home of Mrs. Walter Strong, 1377 Jr., Barrington; Mrs. John A. Skene: Tower road, Hubbard Woods. A per'Vaukegan, and Mrs. Martin Kent centage of the sales will go to the Vovation;J-1 Society for Shut-Ins. Northam, £yanston. The models will be shown lH· ~~ rs . Village chairmen have chosen their committees, and some have made Frederick \V. Copeland, Mrs. · Albert plans for their meeting at luncheon or Gardner, and Mrs. Leonard Larrabee. tea, to discuss the campaigning in each Mrs. Laird Bell and Mrs. Charles B. Officer will pour at the tea table. The town. Mrs. Mee will entertain the mem- public is cordially invited to attend. bers of her \\7 ilmette committee at a luncheon at her home \VednesdaY Catholic League Members May 15. Her guests will be Mesdames' to Have Guest Privilege _Tphn )a.rlor Booz. Kathan P. Colwell. \Villiam Harridge, R. E. Pattison Members of the Korth Shore Cath o ·· Kline, Joseph Kutten, Ed ware\ Lilien- lie \\'oman 's league are invited to bring field . .Charles ~~ cCoy, Herbert B. M ul- guests with them to the bridge part\· ford. Harold R. Sherman. \\'i lli s L . heing given by the league on \Vedncs-Strong, T. E. Thompson, Gordon \Vii- day, May 22, at the Columbian Country son. club. The players are to pivot, and prizes as well as one other ~fis Cline announces · her Kenil- table worth committee in whose honor she are offeree\. Those who ""ish further wilt be hostess at a lunch eon within information or are without means of the next week or so. Assisting her arc transporatio·n to the club arc asked to Mesdames Arthur B. Adair, Fred cal} Mrs. Leo ]. Hillman, chaitman of Bulley, Frank Cherry, Percy B. Eck- the house committee, at Glencoe 5-15, hart, Ernest Fleischmann, Craig or Mrs. \V. B. Pavey, the program Ketcham. \\'illiam L. Page, James chairman, at \Vinnetka 2-l98. Prentiss. Grant Ridgway. John Roberts, E. F. Snydacker, \V. \V. \\' beeHostess to Girls' Club Jock. On Saturda,- afternoon. ~1a\· 11. the Next ,,·eek ~(rs . John \Villiams Macy will call a meeting of her Hub- Cirls' club oi ·about forty mcn.Jbers. of bard \\roods' committee whose mem- the Fourth Presb,·terian church of Chibers are : ~~ esdames L. Sherman Ald - cago, will he ent.ertai;Jed at the home rich, Charles Burkhardt, Robert B. of ~frs. ,._ K. Spicer. in .Kenil\\'orth. Brown, J. Pre . ton Burlingham, I. V. The guests \Yill \icw the garden and Connor. John ]. Desmond. Dcnoe he served with a picnic supper. The Getman. Robert S. Hammond. Carroll Yi sit is an annual affair. C. Kendrick. Edward R. Lewi s. John Hansel, Charles Pearce, \Varner H. Sorority Tea May 12 Robin on. and ~liss Marion ~1ont The active chapter of Alpha Xi gomen·. Delta sororitv of X ortln\resten'l uniYersity will gi,·e a tea Sunday, U ay 12. from 4 until G o'clock, in the soi·To Wed in Wilmette ority house, 710 Emer on street. Ev. The home of Mrs . Roger E . \Vil - anston. for the mothers and fathers uf ltam at 410 Forest aYenue. ,dl\ be the the members. sc~ne of the wedding of Miss Margaret Eltzabeth Bu h and Edward HarveY· Alling of Los Angeles the evening o.f Gives Faretvell Luncheon ~Irs. Adam \Y. Crawford of 710 C~n June 1. ·The bride to he is the daughter of ~f rs. Edwin S. Bush of tral avenue - entertained about fifty Evanston and the sister of Mrs \Vii - ~uc ts at luncheon and bridge at Sha\\;_ nl'e club \\' ednesda,- as a farewell Hams. · party to her friends l)eforc lea,·in o· on M.ay 18, for a three months' Euro~ean Made Sewing Chairman tnp. At a mt:eting on ~fay 1, of the Korth Shore group of the \\omen of Dinner Dance Opens Club Rotary, M r . J arne . F. Rowley, 1128 \Vestmoorland Countrv club has sent Greenwood ave nue, \Vilmette, '"as out its ~ards announci1~g the opening (" 1Pcted chairman of the sewjng com- part~· ot. the 1929 season. \\'ednesclav mittee for the coming year, while ~Irs. enning. May IS. The affair ,,·ill he ~renee C. Tern·, 1519 Hinman aH- forn~al ~inner dan~e with music by Joe £,·an ton, \~·as elected secretary Galllcch10 and h1s nationall\' known n::r. radio dance orchestra. · of last week when Mrs. Albert H. Ullrich opened her home at 925 Lake· avenue for a May Day musicale given as a benefit for the Associated Guilds of St. Augustine's Episcopal church. Entirely delightful was the program given by a talented group of musicians. A trio co.mposed of Wally Heymar and Ruth Brey.tspraak, violinists, with Arthur Becker at the piano, ·p layed: :n a The North Shore Vassar club will meet Monday, May 27, at the home of Mrs. Duane Peterson, 1014 ·starr Entertains Welfare Board road. \Vinnetka. This meeting will be ~fhe Sen~or board of the Infam held the fourth Monday of the month \\ elfare w1ll meet Mondav morning instead of the third. At that time the May 13, at the home of 1frs. ]. ~r: annual election \1\'ill be held and a dis\ullen, 1226 Ashland a venue, at 11 cussion of the boo~<, "Dark Hester," o clock. will be gi_yen. occasiOn \nil he the Yi -it of the members to the \Yild flower ravines of Mrs. J. R. \\'armington's home in Highland, Park. T n Elect Officers

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