Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 May 1929, p. 34

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34 WILMETTE LIFE May 10, 1929 BOY SCOUT . NEWS of the NORTH SHORE TROOPS A regular feature page pttpat.ed each week by membtti of . the Boy Scout Preu club, North Shore Area Council You Can't Keep Away From Camp After This Tale \\'ell iellmn, here's warm weather come around again, the lake is warmHIKE FOR TRQOP AWARD ing up for swimming, the woods are In an effort to get another advanceturning green and are already filled ment banner, Troop 18 had a hike with birds up from tht: south, and Saturday. April 27. Eleven Scouts atwe're all thinking about school being' tended. \ Ve hiked out to the end of over . soon and two months Yacation \Villow road, past the Holy Ghost ahead. Acadenn· on \\"aukegan road and You're lucky. \\'e Scoutmasters cross-country for about two miles to generally ha,·e l~ut. two. weeks ~· aca a railroad !)ridge. \ \ ' e camped there tion and we don t feel ltke wastmg a and spent the afternoon, till about da:v of it, so we go where we can 2:30, doing various things around the crowd the most fun into this short bridge. Then we went home in a time. hurn· so as not to miss seeing Bob Tonight. as I am \\Titing this. I Liml)ert that night.-Phily s\,·abachcr; think of my two weeks last year and \\'inn etka. the wonderful time I had at Spring Lake. I can sec the camp ground on PLAN FOR COMING EVENTS which we pitched our t.cnts-a flat, Troop 13 of the Kenilworth school soft, grassy plain that couldn't have is planning for many events in the been made anY better for haseball, months of ~lay and June. On May 6, track and field · meets. I can just see we holrl our monthly Court of Revou fellows racing d.nd jumping all Yiew and have a baseball game. Court (n·er it. Then across the lake are the of Review cotr s the 14th when many cabins on hills jutting out into the of our troop will get our advancelake with tool breezes irom any direc- ment badges. For May 20, \\'e ha\·e tion and not a mosquito in sight. 0\·cr planned to attend the Camp Rally and in the south end of the lake is "Turtle on the following night have initiation Back Hork" \\·hich " ·e discovered at at our troop meeting. The Big Interthe water\, edge one day, and thinking Companv contest in our troop is slated it a slt'eping turtle, paddled ever so for the - 28. Of course on June 4. <1uietly up to it and discovered. a Troop 13 will be at the \Vilmette.mooth flat rock. can hold swim- Kenilworth Scout Rally.- Scribe Paul min!! races to it or perhaps canoe Cilbert, Tro<'P 13. race~ arnund it and down to the north end-to the water lily beds. SCOUTS STUDY AVIATION :\nd then at twilight, when the lake At the la:t Scout meeting of Troop is a sheet oi hlue gla. s. what fun to get up pc d in a canoe and coast 12, Club \ "i. ta del Lago, Scouts Jim through t llr lily bed~ watching your Donahue and R<)bert Kid werr wa\'es sprea<l out behind you irom a\\ard<.:<l nc-ckerchids. The troop had shc,re tn shore and JWt a ouncl but the a short drill and then we had a talk soit swishing oi th~: lily pads parting 1111 model airplanes hy .I ohn \\'ilkin s and Dick Ogles!~·- They told how to to let Your cano go through . Or. let's go fishing, getting up at 4 get a merit hadgl' inr a,·iatil n. Then in the morning after a cold rain he - theY told us ho\,. tl) build an R. 0. G. came fish arc ~l1PPL1 scd to bite before, Tht~ \. next fiew the planes and told us durii]g or aitn a rain- our fishing ex - l'O\\: to regulate t ht \Yings so it \\·ottlcl pert wasn't sure which it was. Per- fly straight.- Troop rrportcr, Harry haps \H' sit all day still fishing with ).1innr, Troop 12. only a hite enTY now and then, just to -encourage u~ as we ha\·e about MANY EVENTS FOR TROOP 5 decided to gin· up and come in. Or Last :\fonday night at i :30. Tro~p 5 el ·e Jlulling tht·m into the boat as fa t had a good meeting-. \ \' e had the as we can rehait. Or we can cast from Ppening- CL-remonics and then the troop the shore or canoe into the weedy practiced drilling. :\ ftcr that Scoutholes here and there. master Frank Reynolds made the an Toda ,. we hi ~.;:e hack from the lake notmcements. The troop then had a for m~lts through woods, .perhaps peanut scramble. Scoutmaster Fran~ neH·r walked through before, picking ReYnolds had brought two bag ot fruit as we go which tastes better peanuts which he threw tlp in the air. than an\· You can bu\· at anv . tore. The Scouts \\'ould then scramb le after Let's blaze a trail for those - ~couts them and the Scouts ate them. The coming aiter us cn-er to Hindoo lake- troop went to thr Stolp school then to Rolling. ton lakt·-to Yarious ponds and played baseball until dark. -to P{·ar ~on, that lumber camp with The troop is going to han~ a trac,< its one store and two or three houses, meet at the Xorthwe. tern stadium on ·practic'ally deserted no\\·, hut (rom SaturdaY. ~fay 4. \\' e " ·ill meet at 1 where millions ni i~er of lumber wrre o'clock -and then go to Xorthwcstern. shipped rYer~· ,,·inter. Or we p-o This track meet. will he run off just to the huckleberry patch or to the like a regular one. grO\·e of Yirgin spruce or to a hundred Troop 5 is going to have its meetdiffereot place which our friends will ing down at the lake after thi . ~he want to find n ·xt Ytar. There' a :tn:am- from the north end troop will meet at the Presbytcnan of the lake down which we hauled, church at 7 :15. and then \\'l' will march floated and guided our· canoe for a down to the lak e. To get credit for couple oi miles only to give up a we were getting . o hungry. Then tug I-<csenation C0111<' up and tell us some the canoe hack onr iallen tree and stories and legends of this region of shaJiow spots to a fine fresh pike din- lake s. Then a couple of real stories, ner, with potatol·s. bean. ancl peas all the oath and to bed because tomorrow freshly picked at nearby farms and we have to build a camp kitchen, or milk from "contented co.\'5." tree house, or put a fireplace in the Kow Jet' wait tiJI evening and Luild main cabin before we lea\·e on our hike a big camp fire, sing our camp songs, over to the \\'olf river rapids and the or have some of the Indians 'from the big Jog jam.-Scoutmaster. Mother's Day Sunday, May 12 Every Scout Will Want to Remember -Mother's.Day Our Scout Mothers! Every Scout wi11 honor his mother on Mother's Dav ~fav 12, and give her some token of -!~is affection. Surely there is not to be found in America today a happier, more youthful, more hopeful group of mothers than the mothers of our three-quarters of a million Scouts. Happy, because a helpful son makes a happy mother, and Scouting teaches a boy to take part' in his home duties, to do his share of the little, nagging. household tasks that m.ean extra work for busy hands and ttred feet. Youthful, for the Spirit of Scouting is the spirit of youth-ageless, ·timeless, the heart neyer grO\Ys old. · The cheerfulness, the friendliness, the kindness that arc taught by the Scout La,v, shine in the smile that e\ erv Scout gives his mother. The abo{;nding joy in the out-of-door s, the savor of the simple and wholesome things of life- these are the gifts of Scouting to our Scout :\I other s. HOPEFCL-"If there i a fon,·ard looking movement in America today it is that known as the Boy Scout s of America. If there is an organization \\'hich looks primarily to the future for the realization of its iclealc;, the accomplishment of its goal, that organization is the Boy Scouts o i :\merica." Scouting is . dealing \\'it h soul-stuff, and en:ry mother's .heart, as she looks into the clear eyes of her Scout son. rejoices in the conyiction that he \Yill make all her hope come true. Sunday, :\fay 12, is ~!other's Da~· . On that day oi the year, which is peculiarly hers, the test of eycry gond Scout " ·ill he the smi le that li e on the lip s and in the heart of hi Sco ut ~1 ot her.-Scouting. "·e the meeting the Scouts must be at the church at 7: 15.-Scout Dick Hall, Scribe. FIRE CONTEST Thursda,·, :\Ta,· 2, Troop 4 oi \\'ilml'tte hac( quit e. an eventful evening. To tart the: meeting "Chick" And~.,·r son \\·as put through the rickets because he O\\'ed so much in hack dues. Then the \\'inners o[ the Efficiency contest were announced. Aiter that we hac! the ncnt ni the eyening, which \\·as a Fire ln· Friction contest. En~ ry man of eacl; patrol was in it. Each patrol had its O\\·n firemaking set and New Scouts Bring Area tinder. The patrol that got fire fir t Total to the 966 Mark \\'On. The Pine Tree patrol won. The The 1.000 mark isn't far away. Thi~ meeting \\' <"iS ended \\'ith the Scout group of new S~outs runs the tutal tu Laws and Bcncdiction.-Rcporter Bill 9fio Scouts in the ~orth Shore :\n:a Lehl. Troop 4. rouncil: Troop 2, \Vilm ette-E(hYard :\n Camp Directors' School clrews . .-\rthur Delano, Ho\\·ani Fogg, Convenes at Milwaukee Xorton Potter. Troop S. \Vilm ette-\Villiam Katz. Charles A. Steele of Glencoe, chairTroop 13, Kenilworth-Robert Berman of the Camping committee of the gC'r, Putney Clark, Tom Cruttenclcn. Korth Shore .\rea council. and Carl F. Howard Fuchs. Peter Gilbert, Robert ~Ic :\I anus, assistant Scout executiYe, ~~ er riman, Billy Hobcrtson, Robert are attending a camp director's school l{obertson . Carleton Ross, ~ick Siwhich is bemg held this week at the mons. Allan Tufts, Fred \\'orkman, :\f ilwaukce council camp under the James Fitzgerald. . auc;pice . of the regional headquarter.. Troop 15. \\"innetka- \\"i lliam Chi:\f any of the national Scout officials chester, Charles ~IcKair, John E. arc on the facultv of the school. The ~luhlke, George \V. Stokes, \Yhitlock most up-to-the-rninute practices in Duncan. operating Scout camps '"ill he set Troop 23, Glcncoe-'-Harry ' Hirst, forth and discussed. There also will \Yilliam Schramm. be a display of the most modern types Troop 37, HigJnyood Fletcher of camp equipment in connection with Stavelv. the school. Troop 52, Deerfield-Harry All.sbrow. NEW DIAMOND LAKE TROOP There \Yill be a meeting of the men · HONOR DAN BEARD composing the troop committee of the Daniel Carter Beard, national Scout ne\\' troop at the Diamond Lake commissioner of the Bpy Scouts of church Sunday aiternoon, May 12, at America and former resident of Flush2 :30 o'clock. at the church to complete ing, was the guest of honor at th~ the neces. ary arrangements for or- tenth annual father-and-son dinner ot ganizing the troop. The boys are to TrQop Xo. 1, Flushing, N. Y. Charles meet at 3:30 o'clock at the church for Dana Gibson, lifelong friend of the their initial instructions. The troop venerable Scout, headed half a score expects to register before the Before- of notables who were present to do Camp Ral1y on May 20. him honor. · · I

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