Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 May 1929, p. 11

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May 10, 1929 WILMETTE laws of the association. Mrs. ]. W. Behr, first vice president, ·was then asked to take the chair during the election of officers for the coming year. The following were elected : Mrs. H. 0. von der Hoff, president, second term: Mrs. J. V. Smith, first vice president; Mrs. 0. W. Schreiber, second vice president; Mrs. R. B. De Vinny, treasurer; Miss Lois Berry, corresponding secretary, and Miss Annette Kelley, recording secretary. These officers will be introduced at the annual luncheon in June. An announcement was made that the subscriptions for the memorial for Miss Nellie Decker will close May 17. The summer kindergarten of the Howard school wm be conducted by Mrs. Hesse. Registration must be completed by June 1. Mrs. Lucy Stalling's eighth grade won the prize for having the largest attendance of mothers present at the meetil}g. The refreshments were served bv the social committee, assisted by the kindergarten mothers. LIFE 11 · Logan · Howard O::IO' 'O O' '0 P.T.A. o· 't EVANSTON ·~ The annual business meeting of the Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher association was held May 7 in the Howard gymnasium. The school orchestra under the direction of Miss Catherine Granquist played four selections, "Two Guitars" by Horlick, "Rakoczy March," "Hearts Wounds" by Grieg, and "Mignonette" by Battmann. The twenty-two junior pplice were presented with belts in recognition of the work done by them during the year. ~rs. Harper presented a beautiful oil painting to the Logan school, a gift · of the artist, Mrs. Gordon Wilson, of. \Vilmette, in memory of Miss Nellie Decker, teacher at the Logan school who passed away March 15. ~1 rs. Edmonds, of LaGrange, read a ,·ery interesting report of the meeting of the Lake Shore division of the Illinois State Teachers' association held at LaGrange last month. Mrs. · Edmonds was formerly connected with Mrs. Gertrude J. Starkel the state organization. Mrs. Clara Groves, our. delegate to Taken bv Death Wednesday the st.a te convention held at Mattoon, Mrs. Gertrude J. Starkel, wife of gave a report of the many helpful L6uis T. Starkel, passed away early thoughts given to help the school and Wednesday morning, May 8, at her organization to better the "Art of Liv- home, 925 Oakwood avenue. Services ing," which was the theme of the con- \Yilt be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock \'e ntion. from the home. Besides her husband, Reports of the work done by the dif- Mrs. Starkel is survived by a son, ferent chairmen were read a~ follows: Leonard of \Vilmette. Mrs. Starkel ~~ rs. Lucy Stalling, secretary: ).[ rs. P. was an ~ctive member of the \Voman's T. Redfern, treasurer: Mrs. P. T. club of VJilmette. Davenport, corresponding secretary; ~~ rs. F. ] . Pa \'licek, social chairman; CHAIRS & T A~LES :).,frs. 0. H. Bersch, finance: ~frs. A. \V. Hodgki ss, pre-school president, and Rented lot all occasions ~frs. T. N. Mickey, Babies Friendly. these reports were short, but the main part of their work was brought out. Univ. 7317 Phones: Wil. 32 ~1 rs. E. ~f. Simonds read the by- . IIAt .MORGAN'S DAVIS STREET 616 Ualv. 2.'750·51·52·53 Wlblaette SJ54S6 C.O.D. and .T elephone Orders Accepted-Free DeJiyery 0 D 0 0 ORANGES FLORIDAS Largest Size. Full of Juice Reg. 90c II 0 ORANGES NAVELS Lg. Size. Sunkiat. Reg. $1 doz. Dozen S9c Dozea 69c 0 GRAPEFRUIT Indian River. Large Size PINEAPPLES Jumbo Hawaiiana. Fully Ripe D 0 0 D 0 0 3 lo· 3Se Co~oa, Eaeh 2.9e Monarch lb. can 39e Premium Sodas Nat'l Bls. Co. ! packages !ic Graham Crackers Nat'l Bls. Co. ! packages !5c BUTTER Meadow Gold. Lb. brick 51e Tuna Fish, Select Light 1\Ieat 13. oz. tin 49c SARDINES, large tJn In Olive Oil 29c Sardines, Skinless and Bone· le~s, imported, large can 49e 'Mayonnaise, Old Monk. qt. Jar 7te Asparagus Tips, Monarch, Mam·. moth Whites, lb. can i5e· Ripe OUves, May· woods, Jumbos, qt. can 88e An RENSCH D 0 0, EGGS Strictly Fresh. Every one Guaranteed D o· . Olive 011 Pure Italian Imported Quart Can Dozen il - - sse $1.09 Queen Olives Lg. size, qt. jar 98e Breakfast Figs Beckwith's, can 19c Party Cookies 120 Delicious Waf· ers to lb. can iic l' Pecans, Shelled .Large Halves lb. 19c SUGAR Pure Cane Granulated 10 lbs. in white cloth sack Give Her :Marshmallowt! Fireside Brand 10 oz. tin !lc Sl1rtmps, packed In glass, jar 39c II 0 0 D 0 0 59e ' )JACARONI, Red Cross S packages !!9e 1\IACARONI or SPAGHETTI Quaker 1\lilk, lg. package 19c Wh,.. athearts, CANDY for CAMADA DRY Ginger Ale, doz. MORAND'S Ginger Ale or RoO't Beer dozen qts. $1.98 a Whole Wheat Cereal-really different Package !3c $1.49 MOTHERS' DAY Sunday, May 12th Mother will be highly pleased when you give her that box of candy on hef especial day. We have for the occasion: JOHNSTON'S - WHITMAN'S all appropriately boxed. STATIONERY too- makes an acceptable gift. D 0 0 ORANGES Flo·idas Doz. 49e RHUBARB Freah, Ripe Strawberry Rhubarb 0 0 · s lbs. Z5eWelch'a LUX 3 packages !9c PRESERVES Blackberry, Strawberry or Raapberry. 16 oz. jara, Reg. SOc Peas, Honey Sweet Large can lte Peanut B'a.der Beechn·t, laqe Jar lie L·neheon Plekles N ane')" Hanks lb. jar lte A.merlean Famlly D 0 Camay Toilet Soap Dozen Bars 90e Seminole Tollet Tissue, 4 rolls !9c II 0 Ja· sse ..... I Ridge Avenue Pharmacy C. C. Renn~ckar PlllsbUl'J FLOUR 24% lb. sadk Famous Cookies, Nat'l Dis. Co. Chocolate, Sugar or Gingers Large Can IGe Salt, Iodized Sweetheart Brand ! lb. paekage, ! for lie SOAP 10Lan59e Opposite St. Joseph School Phone Wilmette 316 $1.1'9 ' a 0 0~1':::I'O~z:==::IO' 'O~z===:IO' '01:0 ,

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