Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 May 1929, p. 46

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Latest . I School News ~==============~ JUNIOR LIFE ~ehool ·~=To=ld=by:::::z::== the Pupils · l ~ Publubtd uJHitlfl bfl tb1 children of Wilmette undtt · uperviaion of Wilmette Plavground Gnd Recreation Board VOL. 2 NO. 12 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, MAY 3, 1929 ThE' ~ewnt h and eighth grades of Stolp ht>ld their annual poetry contest Thur~dar and Friday, April 25-26, at 11 o'clock In thE' ~ymnasium. Bob Fletcher won first phH·e for the eighth grade. Therf' WE're four pupil~ <·hosen from Pach eighth grade room and three pupiiR l'hosen from each seventh grade room. Tht> JlUpils hn \'e been working on tht' IX~ems for three weeks under the super\'ll'llon of ~1i8s Davis, literature teacher at Stolp. The prize~ were donated by the Wilmette Woman'g club. For the eighth grade contest Thursday thE' following people read: First, Billy Youngquist- Keep A-goin'. Second, Ruth Wilkins--Chums. Third, Hubert Pelott- How Did He Die? Fourth, Helen Booz- Seeln' Things. Fifth, Marjorie Houlton-The Twin~. Sixth, Robert Fletcher-The House by the Side of the Road. Seventh, Joe Hay<'s- The Giant. Eighth, Selma Wax-Little Or11han Annie. Ninth, Ruth Seymore-The Little Roy Blue. Tenth, Richard Pickard- The Re!':urrectlon of Godfrt'E' Gordon . Eleventh, Rogf'r Frldma n- f'l\·11 Engineers. Twelfth, Ned f'h:-tpkPr- Ned wns siek . The winners wert' Robert Flet('hE'r, first place, Ruth Seymnrt>. ~f>«' onrl pl::t r·". MarJorie Houlton. third pla('f'. Mrs. Stallings, Litendure fE'achPr :tt the Howard school wa~ thP judge. The following pupil~ re:=td In t hP :-oeventh grade conte:;;t Friday : First, Allee Eberlin~ . Second. Katherine Hallowg-. Third, Billy BowE>n. Fourth. Ruth William~ . Fifth, Ruth Soloman. Sixth, Laverne Papp, Seventh, Ardeline Conrad. Eighth. Paul Leach. Ninth, John BartholmPw . Tenth, Harriet Taylor. ElE-venth, Katherine JdlE'r. Twelfth, Marie AldE-r. . The winners In thf' Se\·e nth grade contest were: first, Alice Eberling; ~N·ond, Ruth William~. nnd third, .John Bartholomew. The SE-nnth gradt> contt-st had the :-;ame prizt-s as the · eighth ~rade contest .-Laurt-nce Buckma~tE'r, 8.t~ Stolp. WIN GAME Sl TO ! Thursday afternoon at Stolp school, Hnward 7B played St. Francis 7. In the first Inning 713 got 14 runs putting us Into the l<::ad 14 to 0. Then St. Francis came up and scored 6 run~. making the ~core 14 to 6. The game was very slow on account of the teams hitting well and getting runs across the plate. Mr. Ryan ~o~tarted to umpire the game but quit about the third inning so we had Dick PrE'ston to be tht> umpire. WP played slowly to the end making the final score 31 to 2 in our favor.-Walter Foslund, 7B Howard. READ TENN'Y SON WORK The 8B class of Howard Is rE'ading nne of thE' "Idylls of the King," by 'renn:v~m . It is "Gareth and Lynette." Jt ll'l about a boy who wants to be one "' Arthur'~'~ Knights of the Round Table. He has a long hard time but finally succeeds. It is very tnteresting.-Bettye K. Kirwan, 8B Howard. HEARS INVESTIGATION Mrs. Stalling, tE>acher of Howard 8B, dlsa«rees with the April Safety poster. For up at thP top of it. it savs: "April Showen~" and April Is not capitalized ,:;o Mrs. Stalling who is an English teachPr ought to l{now. Maybe we bE>tter look into this.-Bettye K. Kirwan, 8B Howard. Laurence Watches N. U. Train Outdistances Auto This Is a Story Announce Winners in Howard School Debate Ball Team Trim Illinois A bout Skylights of Poetry Contest Tuesday, April 23, 6B Howard had a Northwestern university's baseball The debate was on which is team won the second game making a at Stolp School debate. and Fleecy Clouds more useful an automobile or a train. clean sweep over Illinois at Roycemore Each side had fl ve people. The captain of the automobile side was George Green and the captain of the train side was Virginia Green. Both sides did very wPII and I suppose it was quite Ju:trd t'or the judges, who were Miss SchE'idler, thE' :=trt teacher, Miss Gayton, the lihrnrian, to decide. However, when it was ovt>r the judges decided th e train side had won hy a few points.- Virginia <~reen, 6B Howard. Field Wednesday afternoon, April 24. The score was 3 to 1. The g~,me was scheduled to begin at 4 o'clock but on account of the rain it did not start until 4 :30. It rained on a nd off all during the game but the game had to be called in the first of the sixth when a downpour . halted pro('eE'dings. George Panosch pitched for Nort }lwes tPrn and Rojan caught. For Illinois Bower pitched and Williams caught. George Panosch was a little wild at the beginning of the game but he SE'ttled down and only gave one hit which was in th_e flrs t inning. A single l:>;v Lymperopoulos accounted for the lone tally for Illinois when Pan0s<'11 threw wild to th e plate. 1'he line up is aR follows: Northwestern Illinois Jacobs cf Dorn Wanista If O'Grady Schwartz ss Rosenthal Prange rf Walker Oliphant 1b Eng vall Kadison ~ b Brown Rojan c Williams Izard 3b L:rmtH~ropoulos Panosch p Bower - LaurencE' Buekmaster, 8B. Wade and Bort·e Are Winnet·s in Marble Tourney LOTS OF FUN We have had lots of fun toda:r. We ran races and we jumped rope, too, and then we played Jacks. We all had lot:of tun.-Barbara A. Ripley, Laure· .school, Grade Two. GOOD-NOT SO GOOn 8A Howard has started "Les Miserable&" or "Jean Valjean" by VIctor Hugo for LiteraturE> C'la~... The pupilR think that It It< quite the bf.rrlefll but Walter Hau thinks dlft'er(mtly.- Lee Blaylock, 88 Howard. Saturdny afternoon, April 27, at 2 :3 0 o'clock on the Howard school ground Wilmette hPld itfl third nnnunl mnrhl e tourney. The juniors played first. They played !-;ix games, ihree preliminaries :=tnd three finals. The winners in the junior finals were William Wade, first place : and Harold Borre, second place. The seniors, boys in the sixth, se\'enth, and E'ighth grades, played only three games. The winners were Henry Borre, fir:--t pla<'e, and Paul Hoffman, second pla<'e. After the games wf're over Harold and HE>nry Borre who are brothers, w f' r e ench given an agatE'. Among thosE' whn entered and placE'd under sixth in the ('Ontest were: Bruce Borre, Benson, NorThe 7C baseball victory over St. H.e<'e ntly Mr. Harppr and Mr. Todd moyle, Andf'J'son, Rhank. Kaumeyer. M('that th ey needed snmt> practice in Francis was a victory and no other word Uuire, B:=tll, Ruff. and MetE'r.-Rn~Pr decided pitching hm·seshoes. Mr. Hnrper re- for it. In the flrst inning St. Francis Pa lensk··, 8A Stolp. mm·ked to "Hap" that it would be funny- did not get any runs but 7C got 5. The if the . first shoe he pitched would be a game went on iaappily for Stolp but sad "ringer." Mr. Harper pitrhert hi~ shoe for St. Francis. The score at the end of and-well, it was a "ringer." Mr. Todd the flfth inning was 7C 21, St. Francis 2. had rather a foolish look on his faee and The fifth inning St. Francis pulled out of a rked that they hadn:t started to play the slump and gQt two runs. That was Friday, April 5, at the }loward school, l'Pm the real game as yet. Hap said it wasn' t ·nothing to 7C,. They came back with ten 6A gave a debate. The mothers of the the man, it was the shoe. Mr. Harper.( runs. The next inning St. Francis did debaters were invited to ' hear the debate. told Hap to try it. When Hap tried it not get any runs but 7C got flve more. The proposition was: "Resolved: Girls' it didn't even r each the box. Hap said So the game ended in favor of Stolp by games are more fun than boys' games." it was the man and not the shM. - Diek a score of 36 to 4.-Howard Herbon, 7C There were five children on each. team, Stet>n, Rtolp. 8A Howard. five girls a.,nd flve boys. The girls had the affirmative and the boys the negative. Alice Dernehl was the captain ot th e affirmative and I:.Ierbert Jones the captaiu of the negative. Mr. Harper and Mi:-:l' Moore decided the girls, or the affirmaAbout two weeks ago the 7B Howard Howard 7B baseball squad, which contive, won the debate.-Geraldine Bunch, started to read "Treasure Island," by sists of Frank Christy, third base ; 6A Howard. Robert Louis Stevenson. There are six Philip Hoelz, catcher ; Thorne E<Jward~ . parts in this book: first base; Alfred Brown, second base; Part 1-"The Old Buccaneer" Walter Foslund, pitcher; Jack Stein, Part II-"The Sea Cook" ~hortstop: Leonard Prochnow, )eft field: Part 111-"My Shore Adventure" Daniel Cassie, center field : Marshall Part IV- "The Stockade" Peterson, shortstop; Allen Roth, right Tuesday, April 23, Howard 8B played Part V-"My Sea Adventure" field, hope:-- to get some place In th~ Stolp 8A. The coin was flipped. 8B got Part VI- "Captain Silver" pennant race. We havE' played four· it so we took outK The game was slow We !::ave finished part I already and games, winning two, losing two. -Walat first but soon got spry. The Stolp find it very interesting. The 7A room ter Foslund, 7B Howard. field was what you would call, "punk." is reading it a.lso.-Margery Taylor, 7B I1. is gravel and if you slip, goodbye. Howard. STAGE PLAYS There was a little arguing but not We are having plays in our room. much. The game ended in favor of 8B They come out of "Child Lore, Dramatic ~IAGif'IA ~ ENTER'fAINS Howard, 19 to 3.-Marshall Doose, 8B , On Friday afternoon at 3 :30 o'elod< R eader." The last play I was in wa>~ Howard. "The Seasons." There was Nancy Ami :1 t the Howard gymnasium, an enthusinstic crowd saw Eugene Lamant, a Arms, Dorothy Ann Henderson,..... YvonnE' TOO MUCH TEMPERATURE George Teryzakes, and I. There The 8B room of Howard has too much magician , do many mystifying tric}<s. Woerner, was a loud applause after we got temperature in the back wall as we Last Friday he gave his same show at through. - Rosamond McMillan, 2nd have to have the temperature each day Stolp and on Friday morning at Oak grade, Laurel. recorded in our General Science book. Park. Everyone . who saw his show Helen Miller volunteered to clip the thoroughly enjoyE'd it.-Jane Weber, FINAL BOOK REVIEWS weather reports from the paper and post Howard 7B. The sixth and eighth grades of Howthem on the wall so we can read them. ard will have their last book reviews of -Lee Blaylock, 8B Howard. GARDEN CLUB MEETS season. The sixth grade wlll have The Garden club at Howard school the theirs on May 4, 8B, May 6, and SA, held it: third meeting recently. Mrs. May 26. This will be the seventh and HOWARD 7B WINS Last Thursday afternoon, just for · Ewer gives in instructions about how last one.-Bettye K. Kirwan, 8B Howpractice, Howard 7B played Howard 6B. to take care of our gardens. There is ard. The 6B team was flrst to hat and did· (>ntered it and have a garden 9x12 feet. not scorE'. Then 7B team came up and al~o going to be a contest for those who AWAIT CERTIFICATES -Violet Lance, Howard 7B. scored six run!! making the score 6 to The eighth grades of Howard have 0 in our favor. We played six more innsent their paper in to the Zaner people ings making the final score 39 to 7, in BRI.N G HOME CHAMELEONS for their writing certificates. The paperR our tavor.--Walter Foslund, 7B Howard. When I went to the circus, I brought Miss Geiman said will be back In about home a chameleon. It ate flies and bugs. two weeks. We are all waiting for our .PASS GYl\1 TESTS He drank sugar water. My sister Both seventh grades of Howard school ~roug~t hQJne one too. · My sister's name certificates that i!'; If we get them.J>asHed gymnasium tests last Wednes- Is EI01se and mine is Richard Wagner. BettyE' K. Kirwan, 8B Howard. day, April 24. We had to pass shot put My chameleon was killed flrst.-Richard I went to see Thurston, the magician, and ball throw. In the middle of ball WagnE'r, Second grade_.. Laurel. t·n Friday. He is now supposed to be throwing it started to rain- so they thE' greatest magician in the world. He called it off until Monday, April 29. Then TOUGH ON JUIMY shot a girl out of a cannon and there we flnished ft. - Donald Rahn, 7 A HowThe boys' art class of Howard school was a box way up in the dome of the ard. made life miserable for Jimmy Dewar theater. He pulled the box down by as he seemed to be the only one with an means of a pulley. He opened the box IJIKES GIRLS' CL lTD e~aser, on his pencil. Everybody at WE> have a Girls' club. We sew at Jimmy R table had hi!'; share of Jimmy's and there was a smaller box inside. Them our Glrlfl' cluh. We havP It every 'Tues- t>ra~er. When the bell rang Jimmy gave he opened that and there was a smaller day and we ha \'e lots of fun.-Y\·onrw a sigh of relief but his eraser was too box. When he opened that box, the girl Jumped out. He did many more ama?.Woerner, 2nd grade, Laurel. ~hort to sfgh.-I.ee Blaylock, 8B Howard. ing trfcks.-Jean 1\lunro, 8B Stolp. As I gu.e ss the subject of skylights being broken have already been written on but what I have to say, hasn't. During the week-end over that rainy Saturday and that nice Sunday anit .:\1onday there ·has just been some llttl~=> piece of mischief done. Somebody ha~ made a habit of throwing house bricks through the skylight of Howard school and I myself think that the new Howard school addition which is coming along just fine furnishes a very nice brick pile for them to gather up quite an armful and toss them at the glass in the skylight. Well, Tuesday morning we came to school and as the teachers had a meeting at La Grange on Monday we did not have school. When we saw the door open we beheld quite a lot of broken glass all over the floor so right away everybody looked for broken window~ of any description and the skylight happened to be righ, over my desk and the brick lit on my desk and there it lay · peacefully with a dent in my desk half an inch deep and a crack right acros!': the top of it all the way around so that it can break right in half. But now when I haven't anything to do I can look up and watch the clouds roll br. ·A I fred Bartnick, 8B Howard. School Executives Start 7-C Baseball Team Trims Horseshoe Training Grind St. Francis Nine 36-4 Sixth Graders Debate in Program for Mothers 7-B Howard School Pupils Howard 7-8 Basebidl Enjoy "Treasure Island" Nine Has Lofty Hopes Howard 8-B Wins Game From Stohl 8-A Team

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