Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 May 1929, p. 42

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W I.L M E T T E LIFE May 3, 1929 News of the North·Shore Clubs Club Holds Spring Garden Market to · Be Colorful Spot Luncheonon~~y8~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Breaks Ground for New Club Irving Gielow, Tina Mae Haines, Charlotte Dakin on Program for Woman's Club One by one the various phases of activity that go into the making of a club year hav~ ceased at the Woman's club of Wilmette, ending their busy seasons and concluding for all time their '"ork in the present building. Now only one event remains on the club calendar, and that, one of the largest events of the year, one a little more festive, a little more social than many others, the spring luncheon on \¥edne dav, M av 8. Its locale is to be the Lake Shore Athletic club, that attractive new club building on Lake Shore driye with its dignified, artistic· beauty, and its unobstructed viev\' of the lake. A program appropriate, and of appeal, has been arranged for this finale of the club year. It will be presented by Irving 'vV. Gielow, talented young haritone, with Miss Tina ~fae Haines. (who needs · no introduction to members of the club), at the piano, and bv Miss Charlotte Dakin, a graduate of Northwestern universitv and now an instructor there, will give a group of readings. Their program follows: Two Garden Clubs Combine for Annual Event Whose Proceeds Are for Civic Improvement Saturday, May 11 , will be a gala occasion in Wilmette. It is to be garden market c;lay. On the Green, opposite the North Shore Electric station at Wilmette avenue, booths wilt display proudly their garden wares, their plants, their shrubs, their flowers. and the latest modes in garden and porch accessories, in fact everything that goes with a modern, well appointed garden. Especially attractive will be the flowers and plants selected for those in search of gifts for Mother's day on May 12. During morning, afternoon, and evening, all of these things will be on sale and proceeds from th eir purchase will he devoted to a purpose that is civic, the beautifying of \Vilmette. The market is held under the joint auspices of the Wilmette Garden club and the Evening Garden club of Wilmette. The public is invited to do its share and is urged to save its buying of all things pertaining to a garden until that time. . The Public Service company is donating all the lighting to be used on the market place, and various florists will have their booths. Garden furniture, bird houses, trellises, plants, shrubs, flowers, candy, pottery, awnings, baskets, garden hats, flower pots, bakery goods, garden tools, oilcloth kneeling pads, and paintings will all be displayed to tempt the visiting public. The affair has been in charge of Mrs. C. D. Ewer, with Mrs. Ralph T. Huff and Mrs. Herbert ]. Naper, vicechairmen, and those at work for the following booths, Mrs. John F. Weedon, Mrs. Frank Eager, plant and shrub donations; Mrs. A. ]. Stinson, Colonial. bouquets; Mrs. T. E. McElroy, Mrs. Herman Reilling, delicatessen; Mrs. C. R. Bixby, Mrs. J. B. Schaub, candy; Mrs. John Clark Raker, Mrs. Robert Dameier, Mrs. Earle D. Lyon, of the sewing, which includes, aprons and garden smocks; Mrs. Gordon Wilson, art; Mrs. John F. Weedon, posters. Mrs. Charles N. Hurlbut is the purchasing advisor, and Earle D. Lyon is chairman of grounds. A poster competition has been conducted in the Wilmette schools, and the work of the children will be on display on the grounds and in the village PH~O BY STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER .............. . . Martha Has kell lark Balloons ....... Abbie Farwell Gm.hanw (from "Ceremonials of Common Days") Eleanor H. Abbott A Song of Sherwood .. Alfred H. Noyes Poems of Lew Sarett Miss Charlotte Dakin Hostesses at luncheon and dinner at The Last Song . . . . . . Rogers the Vassar House. 153 East Erie Blmba, Bimbetta .... . ......... Sibella street, Chicago, for the month of May Sound Argument (Flora' s Holiday) . . . . . ..... H. Lane 'Vilson have be en announced In· Mrs. FerdTally-Ho . . . . . . . Leoni inand M. Bartelme, 862 Greenwood Irving W. Gielow One of the most significant e\·ents in the history of the Woman's club of ~'i lmette took place Wednesday of last week with the breaking of ground for the addition to the clubhouse. With a ceremony simple and · impressive the spadeful of ground was turned by the president, Mrs. Hayes McKinney, after an openmg address by Mrs. Frank J. Scheidenhelm, · chairman of the building committee. The Two Grenadiers . Schumann Pictured above at the rear from left to right, are four of the club's charter Pilgrim's Song ... , ....... Tschaikowsl<y Aria "Dio Possente" (Faust) .... Gounod member s who were gur~;ts of honor upon this occasion: Mrs. William Panushka ~ Mrs. Edwin Drury, Mrs. Henry B. Gates, and Mrs. Frank L. Joy. ~Irs. Irving W. Gielow Hurdy Gurdy Days ~1cKinn ey ~nd ~[rs. Scheidenhelm are in the center of the group. Announce Vassar House Cambridge D. B. E. Meets Hostesses During May The Cambridge chapter of D. B. E. held its ·regular monthly social meeting Friday afternoon, April 19, at the residence of Mrs. Thomas Thursby, 1716 Highland avenue. After bridge the members were served refreshments by the hostess. Last Friday the chapter held a business meeting at the home of Mrs. David Crabb, 925 Greenleaf avenue. The meetin" was followed by a towel shower for th~ bazaar that the chapter will give next fall. At Shawnee Club Dinner and dancing Saturdav evening, May 4, is on the social calendar for Shawnee Country club. The dinner hour is from 6 until 8, with dancing at 9. Friday and Saturday of next week will be .xoung people's time at the club. An informal dance for juniors is planned for Friday evening at 9 o'clock, and children up to the sixth grade will hold swav Saturdav afternoon, May 11, at 2. ·That sam-e evening adult members of the club and their guests will have a dinner bridge, with pivot bridge at 8 :30, probably in the lounge. League Luncheon May 2 2 Mrs. Leo Hillman. house chairman of the Korth Shore Catholic vVoman's league, is recei\'ing the resen·ations for the annual luncheon and card party of the league. The meeting will be held at the Columbian Country club at 1 o'clock, on \Vednesday, May 22, not May 21, as announced last week. Reservations are to reach ·M rs. Hillman by Saturday, ~fay 18. Installation of the new officers will follow the luncheon and precede the card playing. This is the league's last meeting of the season. WELFARE LUNCHEON Wednesday, May 8. is the occasion of the semi-annual luncheon of the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago. The affair will take place in the Francis I room of the Congress hotel. The North Shore MacDowell society will hold its next meeting at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo C. Dilks, 227 Sheridan road, Kenilworth, Monday evening, May 6, at 8 :15 o'clock. A very excellent program is to be presented. Eunice Tietjens will read some of her own poems. Tennessee Anderson, the sculptor, will speak, and Pauline To Close Season Manchester will give a group of piano The last department meeting of the solos. Neighbors will be held on Tuesday, May 7, at th~ home of Mrs. F. G. Ely, 305 Kenilworth avenue, at 10 :15 Last Circle Meeting o'clock. William Bagnall will talk on The last all day meeting of the "The Landscape Development of the Crescent circle of the First Congre- New Country Home by Modern gational church of Wilmette will be Methods" and will illustrate his lecheld at the residence of Mrs. Frank L. ture with motion pictures. It is hoped Rice, 404 Lee street, Evanston, Tues- to have this a large and enthusiastic day, May 7. The chairman of the meeting and all members are urged luncheon committee is Mrs. James S. to attend. · Doig, who is assisted by Mrs. S. H. Members are asked to consider the Counctl Meets May 10 Vowell and Mrs. F. C. Hoeber. new by-laws relating to dues. · The ani1Ual meeting o,f the Friends in Council of Evanston will take place GARDEN CLUB MEETING WELLESLEY LUNCHEON Friday, May 10, at the Orrington hotel. The Wilmette Garden club will The W edgwood room of Marshall The business s~ssion will be held in meet at the home of Mrs. Ralph Huff, Field's will be the setting for the anthe morning with the election of of- 706 Washington avenue, Friday, May nual spring luncheon of the Chicago ficers at 11 :30 o'clock. Luncheon will 3, at 2:30 o'clock. · Mrs. E. L. Wellesley club Saturday, May 4. The be served at 12:30, and the program Scheidenhelm will b<~ the speaker of hour is 1. The names of nominees for of th " afternoon will be devoted to the afternoon. Her subject will be office will be presented at . that time Victor Herbert music. "Evergreens." by the nominating committee. avenue, Glencoe, who is in charge of the tea room, the proceeds of which go towards the Vassar scholarship iund. Everr \V cdnesday. beginning May 1, Miss Mary Ott oi \Vinnetka, is host e:-;s at luncheon, while Miss Janet Sheldon of Chicago is hostess at dinner. Thursdav hostesses will be Mrs. William Bennett of Evanston at noon, and Miss Susan Plummer of Chicago at dinner. However, Mrs. Philip P. Mcrrill of Evanston will be dinner hostess on May 16-30. On Fridays Mrs. Harry Lord \Vells of Hubbard \Voocls. will ha,·e charge of luncheons and :\[rs. Paul Schacht of Chicago will be hostess at dinner. Ot1 Saturdays Mrs. Charles Kelley of Chicago will be hostess at noon. And on Mondays, Mrs. Frank E. Rice of Evanston is in charge at luncheon, and Miss Janet Sheldon at dinner. Mrs. Ferdinand M. Bartelme is hostess at luncheon on Tuesday, May 9, Elizabeth Browning of E,·anston at dinner. Mrs. Harold M. Pulsifer is hostess at luncheon on the following three Tuesdays, and Mrs. Vernon David of EYanston is hostess at dinner. At MacDowell Society

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