32 WILMETTE LIFE : .May 3, 1929 Bo·y SCOUT NEWS of the NORTH SHORE TRo·o~S Pr111 A ttgW.t ftatru, page pttpartd ·Hth WHi by mtmbttl of the Boy Scout club. North Shore Area Council Scouts Build and Sell Bird Houses to Aid Camp Give Some Ideas for Observance of Mothers, Day It is time that plans for Mother's Day on May 12, are pretty well comEMBERS of Troop 23, Glencoe Boy Scouts, have been working ·diligently during the pleted. What is your troop and patrol winter building bird houses. This was done at the suggestion of Mr. Kohl, the planning to do? What can it do? ·well let's hear what other troops have assistant scoutmaster. The bird house5 have been sold and at a recent meeting of the to say. troop the proceeds, amounting to twenty-five dollars, _ were presented to Harry Stannard for Out in Seattle the Scouts of a certain the benefit of the new north shore Scout camp in Wisconsin, for which the Scouts themtroop tells of things they have done selve5 have ,~~.· orked. Charles Steele told the boys about the fine features of the camp. on Mothers Day from year to year. PHOTO BY STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Probably your troop could profit by these experiences. "In 1924 we had a Scout Mother's Night meeting. There was a brief ceremony at the end with three appropriate poems read by sons who ·were notably loyal to their mothers. At the conclusion of the last poem the lights were dimmed and each boy took from his Patrol Chest a single rose which he presented to his mother." "The next year home greeting cards with a flower were put at every mother's place at the breakfast table. The cards were made at troop meeting by the Scouts." "In 1926 we printed cards, with a little cut of a mother and child at the top, a trim figure of a Boy S'cout at salute at the bottom, in between there was an appropriate verse. These cards were delivered with a flower ·by scouts to the mother of some other scout in the troop." "The following year we had a hike for mothers with a program put on entirely by the boys. They even cooked served the food." and Fox and Ea_gle patrols had only two New Scouts of Past Week absent. Morton Potter was admitted Bring Area Total to 956 as a tenderfoot scout to the troop and each patrol acted as a patient at the was assigned to the Panther patrol. other end of the gym. When the Adding on the list of sixteen new There were eleven Scouts and two \\'histle blew one Scout from each Scouts below and taking off .a few officers present on the overnight hike patrol ran down to the patient, with dropped Scouts brings the total number of Scouts for the North Shore Area .SEA SCOUTS TO BUILD BOAT and we all had a great time although a wig-wag flag ~nd received a message the cabin verv nearlv floated awa\'. to send back to his patrol, which when council to 956, ten more than last week. The Sea Scout Ship, No. 7, of the Hello! new Scouts. It's great to have \Vilmette Congregational church, is While we were out .there a Winter received was acted upon accordingly. you in thi· 5 World \Vide Brotherhood. now working on repairing the sailing Wren flew into the cabin and it took It was done in the following order : us half an hour to catch it and let lt \Vig-wag, first aid, semaphore, comWe're expecting real Scouts in .you. boat and will have it in the water soon. New Scouts admitted during the The Sea Scouts are also going to build go. Vernon Brown too.k test passing pass; fire by flint, wig-wag, first aid, honors out at the cabin by passing nine week ending April 27 are: a rowboat for this summer's Scout of his second class tests. He is in the semaphore, knot-tying, and fire by friction. The Moose patrol wonTroop 7, Sea Scout Troop, \Vilmette Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan. At our meet- Wolf pat:-ol. Defrees Holmes, Reporter, Troop )3 .. --John S. Shank, Royal Martin, John ing last Tuesdav, under the leadership Charles Leanard of the Panther M. Warren. of Skipper R. Casterline and R. \Vilpatrol had the neatest bunk and reWORK FOR AWARD Troop 10, \\T ilmette-Harold Borre, kins, we had compass drill, life boat Frank Cristy, Vincent \Veis, Fred Herr, drill and studied some sea historv. The ceived points for it. Vernon Brown A few weeks ago when Mr. Stannard Henry Hoffmeyer. ship or troop is growing in ·size: Four was initiated into the Snipe Club hav- talked to Troop 22 of the Glencoe Troop 13, Kenilworth - \Villiam new fellow~ have joined lately, Philip ing gone on the hunt last Saturday. Union church about the new scout Blades, Jack Byrne, Jim McArthur, Barn, John Warren, David Hicks, an<~ His luck was bad and he did not catch camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan and asked about Shope Kriete, David Ehngren, William Sterling Harper-Scribe Grenfell Older, any snioe though he heard a lot of how many scouts were going, about them. The new bunks are very com- three-fourths of the troop said they Holmes, Robert Fulton. Sea Scout, Ship 7. fortable and we all enjoyed tl;e hike Troop 61, Northbrook-William C. planned to go. Probably our Scoutvery much-.Robert Fletcher, Troop 2 master, Mr. Budd, and the assistant Gray. GETS ANNUAL CHARTER Friday, April 19, Troop 12 secured reporter. Scoutmaster, Mr. Ellis, will go with us. its registration cards from Scoutmaster We are working for one of the Camp Scouts to Present DEAF AND DUMB COURSE R. J. \Vilkins, and Senior P~_trol Leader Enrollment Awards for our troop. Gift to Baden-Powell Fackt was awarded the charter for the Thursday, April 25, Troop 4 of \Vil- There are three awards, one for 50%t The Boy Scouts throughout the troop. The troop had a short O'Grady mette had a signaling contest. After one for 75%, and one for 90% enro)lUnited States are collecting two cents drill. The Fathers' and Sons' banquet the signalers got started they got con- ment at camp-Scout Bill Fischer, apiece from the Scouts and Scout will be held soon. Assistant Scout fused and forgot the signs. A few of Troop 22. leaders with which to buy a present for Executive McManus visited our meet- the fellows started signaling the deaf the Founder of the Movement, Sir ing and brought the awards-Troop and dumb signs, when they found they APPOINT FIRST AID TEAM Rohert Baden-Powell. didn't know those signs. So the conreporter, H. B. Minor, Troop 12. At the last few Scout meeting of Thh gift will be presented personalJy test ended there. We also had a blow- Troop 23 of the Episcopal church, at the coming Jambouree by the coning contest. Each patrol had a feather. Glencoe, a picked group of S<;outs have FROLIC AT CABIN tingent of Boy Scouts of America who Troop 2, had its meeting last week :.t Each man had to blow the patrol's been practising on first aid with Mr. will be in attendance. the Wilmette Conp-regational church at feather to the end of the room and W. B. Baehr. Some time in May; we Each troop in the North Shore Area 7 :30. We had help in first aid and h::tck The meeting- was closed with are going to have a contest in first council is requested to arrange for this other tests. The Eagle pa~rol won the the. benediction-Reporter Bill Lehle. aid with Troop 22 of the Union church. and bring their share to the Before- knot-tyinR" test and the Panther was Toop 4. Then on May 20, we will probably Camp Rally an May 20. Opportunity second. the Wolf, third. and the Silver enter the North Shore Area contest will be given on the program for the Fox. four~h. The Panther patrol won HOLDS MEDLEY CONTEST at Deerfield Shields school. Our troops to present their coJlections. the treasure hunt held out at the CabinTuesdav. April 23. Troop 13 of Kenil- team is made up of Don Andrews, in-the-Woods last Saturday, the Wolf worth held a Medley ~ontest between Ralph Potter, Meston Postle, John Competent men are so scarce that was second and the Eagle. third. The oatrols in the followini:! wav: The Dickson, Louis Klein, Edmond Sweeney there are not enough to go around- Wolf and Panther oatrols had perfect oatrols each took their respective and Davis Jasper-Scout Chas. DosEdison. attendan<;e last meeting and the Silver places in line, while one member from tal, Troop 23. M ,.... .. I Boy .t ..