Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 May 1929, p. 24

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~==~============~~~~======~==========: · n. aie Allisoa, 75, Mr·T=~~~~;~ ~! !...--G...;...a_~_d_e_n_T_a_lk_' ____, ET T E LIF£ l May 3, 1929 ·Your Mother will know yo ·. are ding her your _ben if it is a box o ·B. & G. Hornem.ade Candies for Mothers' Day ( ay 12 ) 1633 On-iqton Ave. Evanston 56 i Lincoln Ave. W i1111etka Sht .t Lab Park Cllicago 558 Central A ve. HitJU.rul Pt~r It ROSE 8 ERG'S DAVIS STRI:fT- EVA STO James .o\llison, caretaker ~t the ~tlmette Baptist church, died F r rday, (Contributed by the Wilmette April 26. at her hom~. ~ ~welfth Ga rden Club) :'ltreet. \iVilmet e. iotlowmg InJUrie» 5U!Do you k now tha t the children of the tained when she fell recently. Yr. and Central ~chool have been caring for a .1frs. Allison wen known in the \Vii- wild flower garrlen ~ince la st spring? me te Baptist church a.i "dad" · an_d They have aho a grai~ garden, a rock ·'mother· and t:he1r \IVilrnette and Chx- qarden. and a perenmal garden. cago frien_d.7 crowded the church for 1 The<;e garden~ are hut a few o f the .Mrs. Alliso~ ':t funeral, wh~ch wa:; held 1 ad v anta~es that have come to t?e chitMonday arter;Joon, Aprtl 29. a t 2 1 dren through the interest whtch the ' o'clock. w':h he Rev. Geor~e . D.; Central-Laurel Parent-Teacher asso.1\,llison. pa;;tor oi the ·h urch. offic1a t:ng . ' ciation with its school heautifut com! )if n. A llison wa.:; the m o ther o f en ' mit ee, has taken in rna kin{{ the 5chooi : child en. :5 even of whom survi .,e I beautiful. her. They are : :Mari:Jn G. Alli~o': )Jfiqs Parks. the secretary o r ' the ~? ~Irs . Geo;ge ~- B o~d, or 1School hoa:d .. ha~. hee~ a great help I \1\r tlmette . M s. v\ :\. Chn k. 1-{r · .\. C. to the a-HoctatJOn tn thi'3 work. ~{ rs Beck. Hugh ~L .\ l1i.5on. a nd James H. ' \V. A. Kendrick, pre~ident of the P a r. llisnn. oi Chica~o. and 1!n. C. R. j ent- Teacher a-qsociation and her predeCrary, :Jr vVitten 'J erg, \V is. · .1{ r . and ces~or. ~r n Ernest H . Freeman. both ~[ r<5. .-\ llit.;on cetebra eri their ~~den ' ci vic minrierl ·Nomen , have heen workwerlrlin!{ anniver -.; ary in \Viime:te !our ing since 1926 to make the school y~ an ago. '!round-; a '{'arden spot. In .1frs. Jame· 1 F. \Veerirm t h ey founri the ideal chair1f i:;'l 1f yrJe Lun is: of .Linrle:1 1 rr.an ior heir school beautiful crJm' aven-:1e is a ~em .:r oi . he .\rt S u- mt tee-a lover oi nature. a lover o f chitdent.:; ' :ea~e wh ich 5PI)03·)rcri t '1e an - ren. an inspirer! gardener, a woman so 1 r. ua ! 1Ia<"" i Gra.s a ::d )a l1 g-ive:1 at the ~ener ou.; with her time and her ener~y C)ngre-_;s hotel \Vedr:esday e'· enin~. hat ~ e ~ives them all away. I is no j,fis;; Lund .ui;;t. w ·) ha ;; been a ctive wonder ha with these leaden that he :n t:le league. :!3 a mem ber : the Kap pa wr;rk o ro~re;seri so rapirily. :\lpha Zeta :iOrori y which has been Tn no ime at all. grass took the place I taking active part in arra n~Scmcnts ior )t qra vel. he newly landscaperl ~ound~ the ven . 1fi.,;; L nd ui,: ·.; a lso a he came a thing of beauty with tulip· , member oi he ~ n·· :3cure .\r:: Icague . and flowering shrubs in bloom. T his year many annua L s are be1ng added. \Vhen the children marie :, eir Q"rain garden· . the perennial· were fn O Ved anrj placprj_ 1'~arer tO he iron: 1 where hey form a lans-e perennial ; ~arden .. At the Laurel school t:,e jani:.x enI joy:; garr1ening and keeps ~h e gr::>Undiresh and trim looking. T he schoo ' b ea~ti fu committee has planted pink and white flowering ·hrubs and tulips and o her fl o wer· . ~Ir·. Butz ahvays \vanted the children o have a perennia JIAKI',S garden a:1d not.v t:te perennia garde n at the Laurel sc!-lo:>l is a realitv. \Ve I wil' speak o i the gardens a: ou~ _:h er sc: . oo ~- in ana her article. Ca ·e; oi na ivc birds have ju.; been p:-e:;ented .. ,) the Central - -hool y he Parer,: -Teacher a5 ·ociation. Th is !liit will stimu a e the interes .Ji the hi!! dren in bird study. I .: 1 i DRIVEWAYS WEAR LOMGER TUFrREAD COIII'ORATION 1M ort& Mic&i·aa A ·e. C!Ucaco Phone Franklin 8557 Road Oiling Too CBakou and CJJallibuntl In our S15 millinery collection. these supple :traws are moulded in a number oi interesting \vays to interpret and emphasize the off-the-face and down-in-back movemFnf. Large and ·mall brim models. each charmingly fashioned for the individual. For the Spring ensemble . ROSENBER·':r'$-MiUhtwry- 8ecnnd Floo r 1£ rs . Fred F. :Skee I. vvho has· een i!1 Tucson . .\riz .. iL1r the pa ·t two years. ts v:sitin.r , er home in Ker.:lwo ,..t ~ i o ~ a :ew \.veeks. Her dau)!?:hter. 1farj'- rie . ·s :-::1uc~ imoroved in healt . bu t 1.v::l rer:a:n · n .\r1zon'a. -o1fr. and ~Irs. Harrv \\'. 1hns. 157 \\'vod:5tock avenue. h·ave rdurned t ·J · Kenilworth aiter· a tw 1..1 and L:Ie- : a.: , ·veeks' stav at Grove Park Inn ..\~he1 vi e. X. C~ IRED ALE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES For absolute pr otection this summer against moths, tire and theft- let Iredale's store your fun and heavy winter garmenu.. Before being placed in our huge concrete vaulu. all garments ar e treated with a deadly gas that kills all moths and larvae. Our rates are decidedly moderate. 1723 BE~SO~ .-\\"E~UE, EV.;\NSTON PHO.VE JJ"JL .llETTE 1332 FUR STORAGE

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