Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 May 1929, p. 18

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ll· WILMETTE L If·E May J, 1929 : of Interest to the Church-Goers of Our Village First Cong'l Church Vere V. Loper. minister ' lVUllam E. lfcC(J nnack, ru srJCiate TIIU Friday the CP.ntraJ A venue Circle b meetln« at the church. LuncheQn will be rved at 12 :30. Mrs. C. A. Carpenter i· e ho8'tea8, aNristed by )ln. A. J. Taylor and Mrs. J. )1. T. Btl yd. On Sunday the f(JlJowing departments ()f the Church fiChOf.·l wPl meet: 9 :31> a. m., Bealnners, Primary, Junior and Intermecllate departments; 10 :45 a . m., Cradlt: · The doors of this church are QJ)en and RoU department; 12 nr>fJO, !o;(:nlor depart- the gospel of Jesus Christ beckon!! to me>nt. The morning WQrshlp service will you. The cross of Christ which gives be held at 10 :45. Mr. U>J>f!t will preach light and life to all who seek, bids you ()n -rhe Seco~d ~lie." enter and abide-not merely as a casual visitor, but as a member-as one ww, hag Tb· North End Circle will meet on lion- found the "way o! life," a member o! day at th~ home of :Mra. W. D. Lawrence, the body of Christ. Come for worship, 520 Lake avenue. Aul!-!tlng hoBtE:Sfl(:S are: come tor !ellow8hip, come for peace of Mrs. L. E. :Mee, lfr,.. G. W . Hall and heart and mind, come for an oppr,rtunity :Mra. J. \\'. G(1ugh. Lunchf!rm will be u, 5'erve tht: chosen o! the Lord, come ~~ed at 12 :30. · fr,r your S'JUl's sake. "And ht: that comHb unto me, I will in no wise cast out." Frederick E. CIPrk will be the apeaker at the annual Ladles' Night of the Men's "Thou art wt:lcome to this house o! dub, held at i p. m . Special features Go<l. LeaH It not without a prayer to have been pro\·lded In the program trJ Him, for thy!-ielf, frJr thy ftllow-wormake this final meeting fJ! the lien's club shippt:rs, and f r, r him whr, ministers one of the most attractive and enjQyabl~> here." nt the year. ""'(JR.'HIP I:.; WILMETTE" Monday alw. datf>s the opening of th .. annual meeting of the Congregational Conference of Jlllnr,i s which will be ht:lrl In thf' F1rflt f;ongr.-g_atirJnal church of Wilmette and Park av ~ nues, Wilmt tte Downer's Grove, IlL, cr,nt 1 uing through HE:rman \V. l1 yt r , pastor Tuesday and W~dn~Hrlay . }fany notablr· TelE:phrJnf:: 13~6 speakent ar on the program, am(Jng them 41Jt) Prairi>: avenu~ Church tE=lephrJne 3111 Dean W. L. ~perry, o! Han·ard unlverllity. Miss Lillian Picken, whrJ r;pf!aks on ~E R\~ ICES "SOme ThlngH Mis~ Mayo Failrrl trJ .Find Fifth Sunda y aftt:r Easttr in Jndla," Mrs. Catherinf: \Vaugh !\le~~ ::~(J A . )1. · 'unday ~chrJr,l and Bible CuUoch, and Dr. Carl R Pattrm, of Chldasse. ·. aco. S(Jveral autf,mobilf: partif·S are ~ :3IJ A . lf. Cr.~nf - ~s ion a l s~::rvico: frJr complanning to go trr,m the church. municant~ . !:1 · 1;; A . ~1 . First H:rvict: and HrJly Com· On Tuesday the Crescent Circle will muni()n. hold Its last all-day meeting at the hr,me ll : fJfJ _\_ lL · ·f.:cond strvict: and st:rmon: of Mrs. F. L . Rice. 404 Lee fltreet, Evans"Doers of the \Yord." ton. MrR ..J. S. Dolg is chairman of the (·atH:hism Addrf:ss: luncheon cnmmittef', assisted by Mrs. S. .:Auth(Jrity and ULedience." H. Vowell and .Mrs. F. C. Hoerber. . \SCf:~SIO~ OF CHRIST SER\"ICE. Wekeacaftla Cam p Fire Girls will meet Thur~day tvt:ning, llay fl, at 7 :45 o'clock. at the church at 4 :30 p, m. Tht Lord's SuppE=r will be celebrated in the firHt s~::rvic:e 'Jil Sunday morning next. R<:.o~': velt Troop );o. 2 Boy SctJUt. will All thr,se who are to receive tht: SacramHt at headquarters at 7 :~0 P- m. ment will attend the confessional ur preparat11ry scrvict: at ~ :30 o'clock. The Sea Scout Ship No. 7 will meet in the c·1~mmunkants art: als(J requested to forecastle at 7 :30 p. m. registtr thf; lr narn~::s at the parsonage on On Thursday the Boya' club will meet r'riday, )lay 3. at the church at 3 :30 p. m., under the The .:\(.~rth Sh11rt z(,nf:: of the \Valther direction of Mr. McCormack. Ltague will have i~ quarttrly meeting on aftt:rn(>r>n a~1 d evening, ltay 12, The JuniQr choir will meet for rehear- . 'unday Liberty\·ilJf:, Illinois. Tt.~.t representasal at 4 p. m .. and the Senior choir at at ti\·es (>f the varifJilS societies will give i :30 p. m. th ir r1ratit,ns r1n this uccasion and tht: winnet·s will be sent to the District conOn Frid_ ay, lJay 10, the \Vomen's guild test. . subjects of these orations are will meet at the church. Luncheon will all on The som r· phasf; of church work. be served at 1 o'clock, following which a very interesting program will be given 0n Thursda:r evt:ning, llay fl, a special by students from the Sch(J()l of Spte<·h scrvke will Le ht:ld in commtmuration and School of Music of Northwestern uni- of the A~cension of Christ. The S{'rmon versity. The board will meet at 12 o'clock. will be dtlivt:red },y the past1Jr, Herman W . Meyer. important an!)iversary of the congregations' history. ' · The doors of this church are open to all who have no church home in wnmeUe, all who should pray but do not, to all who should worship God and do not, to all who are burd.e ned with the cares of this life and seek relief, to all who find ll!e a burden and know not where to turn for re.t. Worship with us. Enjoy that "at home" feeling. It you are a stranger here after your first visit, it is because you have given us nr.~ opportuptfy to make your acquaintance. to day oi daylight time we count on seeing a ttne attendance. Come and visit . this Ninth ~treet at Greenleaf avenue school and make yourself known to Supt. Earl Carlson. We also maintain a Rev. Clyde Randolph Wheeland, B. D. 534 Sheridan road, Evanston junior choir, which rehearses ~n Thurs: days at i . . The Young Peoples societ) meets at 5:30 Sunday afternoon, with ~unday, May 5, morning. worship ~t Elizabeth Blaylock as leader, and the 11 o'clock. Dr. Wheeland's sermon top1c topic, "Playing the Game." will be "God , a:_t Work." First Presb1terian c. E I d 0 s n I1 St. John's Lutheran Sunday school at 9 :30 a. m. A Sunday schofJl of high efficiency in the work of Christian education. If your children are not in· any Sunday RChool this Is an ·nvltation to bring them n_f!xt Sunday and enroll them in our school. Beginners to Adult departments, inclusive, with classes );ext Wednf:srlay en:: ning in our build- tor all ages. ing, there will be a joint meeting of local Thf- Christian Endeavor will meet at church~s on tht: prohibition situation. :> :30 p. m. for the devotional hour which There will be a speaker of national repu- include~ a study In "How We Got Our tation and a frank consideration of the Bible," by the Rev. Mr. Wheeland. Tea (JUtlr,rJk. Those Jnterestt:d are most wel- follows the service to afford development come. of Christian fell owship among the young people. The dof, r of this church stands open bt:for-:: you. Its worship, service and conThe \Vom an's Auxiliary of Olivet In:;t:c ration invite your cooperation. Here stitu te, 1441 Cleveland avenue, will hold is preached the ~0od news of the love their annual Guest Day luncheon !\[onrJ f God revealed in Jesus Christ our Lord. day, May 6. Program at · 12 o'cl?ck. Lof_,k for the lighted cross on the corner LunchE:on, 12:45. Telephone reser;ataons (,f \VIlmette and Forf:st ~venues. to )Jrs. \Villlam H. Ellis, \Vilmette 1328. Boy Scouts, Troop 5, will meet at the church lionday at 7 :30 p. m. Frank ReyThe Senior High league will meet Sun- nolds, scoutmaster. day evening at 5 :30 in the church chapel. Rebecca Spoke, regular meeting TuesThe new officers for next year were elected last Sunday evening. Their names day, llay 7, at the church. 6:30 p. m . will appear in next week's WILMETTE Prayer meeting \Vednesday at 8 p. rn. LIFE. "The Book of Matthew." The Genealogical probl~m and the Virgin birth come The Junior High league will meet Sun- under consideration. You are invited to day evemng at 5 :30 in the Junior room. this devotional and study h our. A time A story will be told by one of the mem- of spiritual refreshment gives temper and bers of the group. Vivial). Grigsby wlll tone to life. furnish the special music. AH boys and girl<; In the seventh, eighth and ninth The musical program, Sunday, May 5, grades are cordially im·ited to attend . is as follows : Organ Prelude, "Adagio" (Sonata in C minor) ......... . . Guilmant The men of the church and congregation will gather at the Shawnee club Anthem, "Rise, Crowned \Vith Light" .. .. .... . ... .................... Harling llonday night for dinner and fellowship. A brief program of varied interest has Anthem, "Consider and Hear :Me" . . . . ........ . . ..... ..... ....... Pfluege>r bef'n planned at:OJlDd the dinner table. Early in the evening the group will break Offertory Duet, "The Lord Is My Shepherd" .... ... ...... ........ .... .. Smart up into sections and the men will parMiss Bushouse and Mrs. Gannon ticipate in whatever one of the many acOrgan Postlude, "Postlude in D" ..... . tivities around the club they choose: .................. . ... . ...... Volckmar Quartet The Philathea class will hold its reguCatherine Bushouse, soprano; John B. lar monthly meeting Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. H. E. Her- Mlller, tenor; Rose Lutiger Gannon, contralto; Edward Otis, bass; Erma Rounds, manson, 1633 Highland avenue . organist and director. The ChlcagQ Baptist association holds its annual meetings on Tuesday a:nd Wednesday :May 7 and 8 at Oak Park church, one of the finest equipped of all Chicago churches. Dr. Allison glvf:s the four devotional addresses. The Woman's Mission l:nion meets Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock, and again at 1 :30. The Young People's banquet \\"ill be held at 6 :30. On \\o-ednesday morning, there will be a great address by James H. Franklin, ".Aftt-r the Stonn in China." We Invite strangers and newcomers to Wilmette and all living in our midst who have not a church home, to worship with us. You are always welcome at the Presbyterian church. I Methodist Church Children's Day at St. John's v.·m be Sunday, )fay i featured this year by a special children's The Fifth Sunday after EalitE:r prr>gram r,n the catechism for which the Sunday school 9 :45 A. lf. Sunday school is about to begin preparaJoseph Johnsnn , superlntendf·nt tion. Children'l:i Day is on June ~. ~loming worHhip 11 A. M. Sermon : "Pray Y e." A Birthday Dinner and Party will be gi\·t:n under th e auspices of the Ladies' Fi.~hen' and Sons' Banquet Aid and )1isswnary society on Thursday A Fathers' and Sons' banquet will be evening, May 16, at 7 o'clock. ht'ld In the batwment o! the chapel Monday evening, May 13. This banquet is under thf:' auspiceH of the Men's Brotherhood. Every man of the church Is re\Vilmette and Forest avenues quested to hold thiR date open. It you Rev. George D. Allison, pastor have no boy old enough to bring to the banqu~t. adopt a boy for that one eveOur minister continues his sermons sugning. Bring him to the church for dinner and have him hear the addref!s of gested by James Moffatt's translation of Dr. J. Gould Wickey, preHident of Carth- the New Te~tament with tne picture in age ~ollf-gP, who has been obtained as Acts 18 :24 of "a man of culture who our speaker tor the evening. Among preached and taught about Jesus with other features of the evening wlll be the ardor and accuracy." These studies have Installation of the new president elect aroused deep Interest and we invite you of th<: Brotherhood, Arthur \Vernecke. to be with us on Sunday morning at 11 Wallace Stark wlll give some Swedish o'clock to hear Dr. Allison's message enimpersonations. Arthur Stark will be titled "Ardor and Accuracy." t()aHtmast r of the ev ning. The rtotlrln~ Many grown-ups enjoy the pastor's preMident, Paul Kier, will relinquish the chair and gavel to Mr. Wernecke aH presi- ftne t~torles for children. This Sunday, d~nt of the Brotherhood. The dinner will the topic wlll be ·'The Winsome Voice." We provide a kindergarten period after be served promptly at 6 :30 p. m. the children's talk, so that parents may Ground will be broken tor the new give their attention to the adults' sermon. church in a few weeks. If arrangements The music rendered by our organist and can be perfected, the date will be May choir continues to delight us all. 19. Programs will be printed and dlstribut.d within a few days. Remember the The Sunday scbQol meets at 9:30 o'clock, dat. and plan to be in attendance at this with classes for all. On this second Sun- English Lutheran Wilmette Baptist A un_lon meeting in the interest of temperance and prohibition will be held at the Baptist church Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. This is being promoted by Kenilworth avenue and \Varwick road Kenilworth the various churc,lles. The speaker of the Dr. Herbert L. Willett, minister evening will be Major Frank Ebert who JS the educational director of the national Next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, Anti-Saloon league. He is a man of wide Dr. Willett's subje>ct will be, ·The Unand varied experience in many fields, and conscious Christian." has made himself a master of public presentation of this great cause. Sunday school at 9 :45. Richard P. Director of Religious Education. The pa~tpr's address on "The Genius Carter, of Prohibition" has been published by the Classes for all, and all welcome. National Woman's Uome Missionary The Church dinner for the Spring seasociety. Already there have been many son be held on Wednesday evening, rec1uests for copies of this leaflet. They May wtll 15, at the Kenilworth club. There may be secured by addressing the church will be reports from the various departoffi~e. ments of the church, the election of offleers, and other features of an interestThe Woman's Foreign Missionary ing program. ~ociety will meet Thursday at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. G. M. Culver, 910 ElmOn Thursday evening of this week, Dr. wood a venue. Mrs. H. E. Poronto will Willett speaks at the Christian Temple be the assisting hostess. The Highland in Baltimore on the subject : "The Park Auxlllary will be our guests. Church's Struggl~ for Unity." "Founder's Day" will be fittingly observed. Mrs. Bickham will review our The single-volume commentary on the study book: Special music. Every entire Bible, containing expositions of woman in the church is invited. every book in the Bible by scholars of various institutions and denominations, The women who are attendi~g the Mis- was published by the Abingdon Press sionary breakfast at the Palmer house during the past week. Dr. Willett preon Wednesday will meet at the Linden pared the material on the Book of a venue "L" at 10 :30 a. m. Daniel. Kenilworth Union Great interest is developing in the Home-Coming service which is to be held Sunday, May 12. Both the Church school and the worship service will center a..ound the meaning of this great day. Girl Scout Troops 1, 2 and 4 will have an all-day hike this Saturday. The troops' will meet at the church at 9 a. m. and will leave promptly at 9:15. The fun of cooking a good outdoor meal, a treasure hunt, and stunts will be some of the features of the program when they reach Dr. Wlllett's subject on Sunday, May 12, the Fore2t Preserve. will be, "~ew Worlds for Old." In accordance with the custom of the church to devote the offering on the ftrst Sunday . of each month to some cause, missionary, educational or philanthropic in which the members have interest, the offering for the coming Sunday will be devoted to the work of the Yenching college at Pekin, China, an interdenominational Christian school, whose influence has been widespread in that city and the surrounding provinces.

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