April 26, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE IN LEAGUE PAGEANT . Goose" stories and the costumes designed at the Art institute are most unusual, artistic, and colorful. The annual home-coming of the winter boys of Arden Shore will be h~ld May 5, at the camp. The program at 3 o'clock will be followed by tea. Students Compete Charlie Paddock Speaks to Sears School Pupils for MacLean Cup Charlie Paddock, "we :ld's fastest hu.in Oratory Meet man," spoke to pupils' of the Joswh Ray Ringson, Jeanette Wald, and 1ohn Betak, chosen from a field of fifty in an elimination contest held recently, competed in the finals of the New Trier High school oratorical contest Thursday morning for the MacLean trophy. This large silver loving cup was given in 1924 by Chester E. MacLean, New Trier debate coach in memory of his brother, Alexander' R. MacLean, former coach of debate at the Beloit, Wis., high school, to stimulate interest in oratory at New Trier. The MacLean oratory contest is for students of New Trier only, and the winner has his rtame engraved on the cup, together with the year in which Mrs. Roy C. Osgood, 423 Essex road, he won the contest. Any member of Kenilworth entertained her needle club the public speaking classes or any at luncheon and for the afternoon, last student not taking part in one of the Monday. other major oratorical contests at New Trier is eligible to compete for the ~facLean trophy. Students who have won the trophy up to this year are: Elizabeth Nelson, 1925; Henry Heineman, 1926: Symon Bows, 1927, and Stephen Harwood Miss Phebe Hedrick of Kenilworth is · to be "Mrs. Peter-PumpkinEater" in the pageant of the Ar Students League mardi-gras and . annual ball in the Gold room of the ConSears school in Kenilworth Tuesday gress Wednesday evening, May 1. The morning. Mr. Paddock, after telling pageant is based upon the "Mother numerous incidents of the Olympic games and other athletic contests, explained to the pupils that gameness, courage, sportmanship, and training are to be strived for in life a's well as on the athletic field. He was introduced by Robert W. Townley, ·athletic director at the Joseph Sears school. Following his talk the pupils led by Perry Shortridge, gave a "Yea, Paddock" yell, and the famous runner was then beseiged with requests for autographs. 1928. , Heart Attack Fatal to Edwin A. Wegner, 59 Edwin A. Wegner, secretary of the Cracker 1ack company, died suddenly of h~art attack early Saturday morning, Apnl 20, at his home, 421 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette. Mr. Wegner was 59 years pld. Three years ago Mr. \Vegner moved to Wilmette from Chicago. He was born at Watertown, \Vis., but had. spent practically his entire life in this vicinity.:. Surviving him are his widow, Mrs. \Yegner, a daughter, 11argaret. of Wilmette. and two son . Dr. Edwin A. Wegner, of Chicago, and Harold l-I. \Vegner, of Wilrnette. Funeral services were held at l1is late residence, 421 Elmwood avenue, Tuesday afternoon at 2 :30 o'clock. with the Hev. Horace G. Smith, of the Wilmette Parish Methodist church. and the Rev. Harlan V. Holt. of Grace Methodist Episcopal church. Chicago, officiating. Rurial took place at Graceland. Menihan's .,Nu-Mode" in Beige Water Snake, and Beach Tan Kid. High and Low Heels. $10.50 Reptilians in "Nu-Mode" . Shoes Fashion's Decree-Reptilian Leathers for spring and summer pictured-two smart combinations of reptile and harmonizing kid. We are also featuring this material tn our ARCH-AID shoes. Wilmette Youth Comuetes in Ohio Oratorv Contest Francis ~f. Hughes. son of Bishop and Mrs. Edwin Holt Hughes, 941 Sheridan road. Wilmette, wa'3 scheduled to represent Ohio Wesleyan university this Friday in the state peace oratorical contest at Wittenberg college, Springfield, Ohio. The winner of the contest is to participate in a suho3equent c::mtest to· determine the champion college orator of Ohio. j'The Treaty of Ghent and the Modern Peace Movement" is the subject of Mr. Hughes' oration. He i.; a sophomore at Wesleyan. ' ENTERTAINS FOR VISITORS :Mrs. 'Villiam H. Muschlet, 119 Maple ayenue, entertained at a luncheon at the Orrington and cards at her home Wednesday, in honor of Mrs. Frank Sayre and Miss Edith Fell of Philadelphia, who are the house guests of Mrs. Charles W. 'vVrigley. TO GIVE BRIDGE-LUNCHEON Mrs. William Clark of Evanston will entertain at luncheon and bridge tomorrow for her sister, Mrs. Frank Savre, and Miss Edith Fell, who are guests of Mrs. Charles W. Wrigley, Canterbury court. Edmond M. Simmonds of 834 Sixteenth street left last week on a trip to Washington, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and New York. At present he is in Boston visiting his son, Roland, at Harvard. Menihan's "Nu-Mode" in Suntaft Lizard and Beige Kid. $10.50 7!:Jfr,i;JidShoeShop 529 Davis Street Evanston Formerly the North Shore Bootery