· 70 W .J.L ·M B T T E .·L IF.E April 19, 1929 101 FOB SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Classified Advertisements. (Continued from Page 69) 77 HOUSES FOR SAIJE 18 FOR SALE-VACANT 88 WTD. TO RENT-HOUSES HUBBARD WOODS FOR SALE BY OWNER - BEST 100 foot lot remaining in this section. Very deep. Close to transp. Address Talk B-52. 78T30-ltc i'9 FOR SALE-A'CREAG E R<e&ll Wiillmmce1ttt® IB3My G ROOM STUCCO, LARGE LIVING room, breakfast nook, H. W. heat, near schools and transp. Reduced to $13,000. HOME-SITE HILL & STONE 1M!(Q) Till ~it & JFll <ID.Iffi®lfity REALTORS 1177 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 273 77L30-ltc ----------------- · Gorgeous Residence 11 RMS. WITH MARBLE FLOORS and mah. trim, on large corner Jot with riparian rights. Will sell for small cash payment or trade for improved business property. CROSBY REALTY CO. REALTORS 566 Center St. · Ph. Winnetka 2033 77LTN3P-ltc ----------------------------~ CHOICE WOODED LOT WITH AN area of approx. 1h acre at the extremely low price of $15,000. Among 100 FOR SALE-HSEHLD. · GDS. fine homes and well located. SELL OR RENT REASONABLE-1220 Lake Ave. Must sell at once, book rack, $3 ; dining set, $25 ; 1ibrary table, REALTORS $15; parlor table & chair, $10; bedWinnetka 1544 room set, $25 ; ice box, $5 ; 2 complete 79LTN30-1tc windows, 5~~ ft. by 32 in. ; 6 letter files, $6 ; kitchen table and chairs, $4. 10 ACRES BEAUTIFULLY . WOODED Act quick. Holmes, Sunnyside 1267. corner, Winnetka Ave., and Sun Set 100L30-ltp Ridge Rd. Tel. F. H. Ward, Wilmette 3012. 79LTN30-ltp FOR SALE-DRESSER AND CHIFFOrobe, child's bed and mattress, fire 81 FOR SALE-CEMETERY LOTS screen, reed furniture, canvas porch ----------------shades, gas stove, carved Console VicBARGAIN-S GRAVE LOT IN MEMtrola, very reasonable. Wilmette 3972. orial Park cemetery, east of chapel. 100LT30-ltc Section C, No. 364. Value $800, will sell for $595. Call Winnetka 3240 after STICKLEY DAVENPORT, DESK, 7 p. m. 81LTN30-ltp swivel chair, Victrola, with radio speaker attachment. Complete dining Sf REAL ESTATE room set. Tel. Winnetka 1868. 100LTN30-ltc ---------------- SAL&-RED STAR DETROIT WANTED TO RENT - BY MAY 1ST FOR Oil stove, $25 ; famous rainbo mixture strictly modern home or apartment ; Gladiola bu1bs, 25c, 50c and 75c dozen. completely furnished ; prefer owner Ford light delivery truck, $30. 1817 leaving city who is more interested Elmwood Ave., Wilmette. in having his place well taken care 102L30-ltp of than to make profit in rent ; only strictly modern well furnished place FOR SALE-BABY BUGGY, LARGE considered. Will guarantee property size, wire wheels ; Baby's Stork Line as well taken care of as by owner play pen · both used one season. himself ; will furnish best of referHumphrey:s Gas Radiant Fire. All exences. Write Wilmette Life B-66. cellent condition. Wilmete 2544. 89LTN30-ltc , 102LTN30-ltc FOR SALE-BEA UTIF.U LL Y. HANDcarved high back chatr, Oriental rug 9xl2; also gasoline power Ideal lawn mower Kelvinator, large box. 271 Hawthorne' Ave., Glencoe. 102LTN30-ltc FOR SALE - A GOOD REFRIGERATOR 150 LB. CAP. ON ACCOUNT OF PUTTING IN NEW ELECTRIC MACHINE. PH. KENILWORTH 323. 102LTN30-ltc 1· v~t :SAL~-MISSES' SPRING COAT grey with light fur, in good condition, · reasonable price, Ph. Wilmette 67. 102L29-2tc CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, WANTED 10c per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wil103LTN 48-tfp mette. SET OF BOOK OF WANTED Knowledge, r easonable. Call Winnetka 103LTN30-1 tp 1661. lOt EXCHANGE ------------~.......- - - : - House, Half Acre, $9,000 Northbrook Lots and Hotnes GROUND VALUE IS WORTH MORE DUE TO PRESSING NEED FOR CASH than price asked. House has 4 rms. owner offers 10 choice 50-ft. building and space on second for 2 more. In lots with improvements, well located good condition, hot air heat, garage. with r eference to transportation and Rhopping center at a sacrifice price. Will sell one or all. Excellent opporREALTORS tunity for mdividual intending to build, !160 Spanish Ct. Ph. ·Wilmette 3740 or for builders. Investigate this at 77LTN30-1 tc once if interested, for it will not last. FOR SALE- LARGE, BEAUTIFUL nearly new Mohair overstuffed tufted couch, blue, $60. Superior 2133. 1364 N. State Street, Chicago. 100LTN30-ltp BILLS REALTY. INC. CLOSING WANT 7 OR 8 ROOM MODERN HOME TN OR NEAR WILMETTE. · CLIENT HAS WONDERFUL BUSINESS CORNER ON PRATT BLVD. NEAR 4-PIECE ENAMELED BREAKFAST ~HERIDAN RD. IN: ROGERS PARK. MAKE IMMEDIA'l'E DEAL. room set. Reed desk. End table. WILL OR WRITE MR. ALLEX Oxidized silver 5-candle electric ·fix- PHONE ture. Phone Glencoe 1356. LEIBER CARE OF 100LTN30-1 tc Wm. L. \\Tallen and Sons 7 RM. STUCCO, 4 BEDRMS., H. W. heat, sun rm., near "L." $14,500. · 6-room frame hom~e on 2 acre::: at a real REALTORS bargain, $3,000 cash r e() uired. End "L" 410 Linden Ph. Wilmette 407 New G-room Colonial on 55-ft. lot. Only 77L30-ltc $750 cash required . Balance easy monthly payments. FOR SALE OR FOR RENT, 466 ADAMS, 5-room bungalow, Holland furn:H'e heat, Glencoe, 5 room studio bungalow, near 2-car gar. · 70-ft. Jot. Price, $7,!l00. Skokie Golf, wooded lawn, fireplace, Substantial caRh payme nt. screened porch, $11,500 ; terms. Owner. Ph. Delaware 6146. 77LTN29-2tp Choice acreage offering on paved road near new Sky Ha1·bor at only ~1.200 FOR SALE-NEW ENGLISH TYPE per ~ere. brick, 7 rooms, tile baths, gar. att., ready to move in, large rms. $30,000. Store on Waukegan Rd. at intersection 271 Hawthorne Ave., Glencoe. of Shern1er Ave. 16x40. Rent reason77LTN30-ltc able to responsible party. Excellent ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ location for bakery o.r drug store. iR FOR SALE-VACANT If you are interested In building a home of your own design communicate with the Northbrook Realty Co. They will help you to arrange financing and illl select suitable location. You do not need a lot of money to do this. One thousand dollars cash will permit you to build a very fine 6-rm. house. See us and ask about our building proposiTHE MOST DESIRABLE HO~IESITE tion. on the shore. 50x150 facing east to beautiful riparian right properties and Fot· further information about the above the lake. Most vacant in this location or anything in or around Northbrook is priced exceptionally high but these lots will offer the opportunity to build See or Phone a home in the best location at a reasonable figure. Further details by calling SHERMER AVE. AT WAUKEGAN RD, NORTHBROOK, ILL. Eddington & Allen, Inc. Lot 50x125 on street to be paved this summer. A r eal bargain at $1.875. Lot 50x220 backing up to large wooded park, improvements in. Price, $2,375. Rogers Park s:H)4) PRACTICALLY NEW 6-FOOT GRAND G712 N. Clark St. 104LTN30-1t<: piano, brown mahogany, satin finish. Bargain. Phone Winnetka 1192 afte r 6 p . m. 100LTN30-ltc WANT MODERN HOME OR VACANT on the North Shore for my 3 flat bldg. PAINTED DINING RM. SET, TABLE, in Rogers Park east of Clark St. W . 6 chairs, buffet and small table, at low P. Herrick, 6234 Broadway. Ph. Shelprice::~. Call 475 Cedar St. or phone drake 9100 or Hollycourt 1902. . 104L:l0-ltp 827 Winnetka. 100L30-ltp CHILD'S SIMMONS BED; ALSO REED 105 1\IISCELLANEOUS stroller. Tel. Glencoe 1379. ----------------100LTN30-ltc TO GIVE AWAY-GARAGE TO ANY----------------one who will move or tear it down . LEA VTNG TOWN-UPRIGHT PIANO TeL Glencoe 841. 105LTN30-ltc and other fur. Winnetka 1158. 100LTN30-1tc UPRIGHT PIANO, SOLID WALNUT case. $150. Call Winnetka 2565. 100LTN30-Jtp 2 METAL BEDS, COMPLETE. LA UNdry stove. Other articles. Tel. Winnetka 269. 100LTN30-ltc 1Mln~Iffin ~ <ID.IID A w® Dllce JHI©Iffill®~llte® 102 FOR SALE-}JISC. BARGAINS IN SEWING MACHINES Portable Electric Machines Davis, $22.50 Singer, $33.50 Western Electric, $24.50 Singer with light, $44.50 DROP HEAD MACHINES Eldridge, $10.00 Elgin . $12.50 Singers from $12.50 to $39.50 All Machines Guaranteed Machines Rented, $5 per Mo . We Do Repairing Korthbrook Healty Co. PHONES: NORTHBROOK 181 AND 1.56 REALTORS Northbrook is w est and adjoining Glen1108 Davis St. University 8080 78LTN30-ltc coe, but 3 miles from the lake. It has good train service to the city, cheap commutation ticket, low taxation, lake water, p;_.rks, schools and churches. Drive out n nd Ree our town. Don't forget to visit The Northbrook Realty Co. HERE IS ONE OF THE MOST BEAU84LTN30-1 tc tiful lots left of the few remaining in Winnetka. Building restriction. On a quiet drive- no trees but a beautiful outlook at a price at least $30 a foot BliSIXESS PROPER'.rY 1<-..0R SMALL under anything co mparable. Address house, 79th Street near Sears-Roebuck Talk A-221. 'i'8LTN13-tfc One store with apartm ent and two six room n.partments. Stove heat. $6,500 First mortgage. Rent, $1,140. Want 5 or 6 room small house or bungalow. 80 acres of park for your FRO~T YARD. RE r \L1~\r q"he great open space forever protected at the e nd of a private drive. REALTORS All the advantages of a country estate 421 4th St. Wil. 2ti71 "L" 'l'e>rtninal with all th <:' com· ni e nces of the '"il84LTN30-ttc 1 lage, The pre mier location in Win- ~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~ netka for the fin er home. a58x165 or R!i WANTF:D TO REXT-ROO'!\TS will divide, at a reasonable price, to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · acceptabl e pun·ha se r only. Write Wil- SEVERAL OMFORTABLE FURNmette Life B-3:?. 78LTN26-tfc i~hed rooms, )Vithout hoard, ·wnmette or Evanston, within ~j milP of 'Vilmctte "L" Sta. from 3 days to a wee>k about April 25th, for , ·i:-;iting adults THERE ARE STILI.. AVAILABLE ;rWO Addr<>ss :\frs. E. D. Stru,·en, 112 Linbeautifully wooded half a(·re plots for den AvP. Phone ev s. Wil. 1807. those w}Jo pr ·fer trees, in W estmoor 85L:J,0-1 tp Trail. P ermanently protected, unusual privacy, highly restricted, the right 99 ANTIQUES kind of ·winnetka twighbors. Priced - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - much less than anything of compar- VERY FINE OLD CHAIR-WALNUT able desirability. Phone Winnetka 1016. frame, needlepoint covE-ring, ·very reas Glen C. Bull. 78I1l'N26-tfc Call Winnetka 2115. 99LTN30-ltc PATTERSON BROS. 1565 Sherman Ave. Univ. 990 Chicago Store, l:t52 Irving Park Blvd. 102LTN30-ltc FOR SALE Store Counters, Tables, Shelving, Notion bins. National Cash Registers. 1 4-drawer, 1927 1 2-drawer, 1928 R. H. SCHELL & CO. Elm Street Winnetka 102L'. '~30-1tc FOR SALE-1\IAH. BEDRM. SET, 5 pieces, $75. Painted wood parlor set consisting of day bed, 2 chairs, table, $50. Fireplace .set, andirons and screen, $25. Kitchen cab., mah. dresser, garden hose. Thor wa::;her and mangl~". 250 Isabella St., Wilmette. 102L30-ltc FOR S.1 LE- W ALNUT BREAKFAST set, bed and dressing table ; other pieces of furniture. 2 pr. brown velour drapes, 2 pr. damask and 3 pr. English cretonnes. Very r eas. Call Wilmett<> 1868. 102L30-ltc FOR SALE 1 RRU~SWICK COMbination Pool-Billiard table, 1 white enamel 4 burner Clarke-Jewel gas stove with Lorraine Oven reg. ; norch furniture . Ph. for appointment. Wil mette 1298. 102L30-ltp FOR SALE-1 GRAY BUGGY, GOOD condition: 1 Universal 4-burner white gas stove. Ph. Wilmette 4230. 102LTN30-ltc VA.CANT-125x160 \\ INNETIZA TR.ADE Vacant-\Vinnetka Ou1· purpose Is to accommodate builders and home owners with First 1\Iortgage Real Estate Loans in any umount at current rates. For a nry moderate fee we nego· tlate without df'lay and to ·the com· plete sutistnction ot our clients. + I TIGHE CO. Call or Write \r acan t-\ r innetka ·TRUST CO. Ineorpo~ted HEITMAN tn 1911 Third Floor, Otis Building 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago Phone: Franklin 2400