April 19, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE CLERK GETS PAY BOOST 63 NEW TRIER DEBATE~ K. of C. Council BEGIN COMPmTION Observes Annual Proviso Firat Opponent for North Shore Teams; Meet Cleveland Ne~t Month New Trier High school debaters will test their ability tonight against teams from Proviso High school of Maywood in the first inter-school clashes of the year for New Trier. "Resolved, that jury systems should be abolished" is the subject for debate. John Erickson, Dorland Davis, and Lois Goldstein will argue the . affirmative for New Trier at Maywood, while another team composed of Lowell Comee, Olin Sethness, and Albert Den ton will remain at home to uphold the negative side of the question. Both debates tonight are non-decision affairs. Parents of ~ew . Trier students and friends of· the school have been invited to attend the home debate, which is scheduled to start at 8 o'clock. There will be no admission charge. Roosevelt High school of Chicago and Cleveland High school will oppose New Trier in debates on the jury question next month. Both contests will be held at New Trier. The Cleveland debate has been moved ahead from May 10 to May 17 to allow some of the Cleveland speakers to take part in an Ohio oratorical contest. The Roosevelt debate will be on May 27. Kenosha and the MorP"an Park Military academv . prospective opponents, have been drop_ned from New Trier's debate schedule this year. The yearly salary of Village Clerk Lea J. Orr was increased from $300 to Mrs. Frank Cheeseman of the Or- $600, effective April 16, according to Ouilmette council, Knights of Colum- rington hotel, Evanston, entertained her an ordinance passed by the Village bus, will receive Holy Communion in club at luncheon today. board Tuesday night of this week. a body at the 7 o'clock Mass at St. Franci~ Xav~r church Sunday morn- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ing, April 21.. AU. members of the order whether belonging to the Ouilm.e tte ~ouncil or not, have been requested to attend this seryice. The Rev. James E. Shevlin, as·ststant pastor of St. Francis' Xavier church is also chaplain of Ouilmette r.ounc~l and in the past four years the counctl has adopted a policy of celeWise householders who are making a change of residence brating its annual Communion Sunday this Spring will call Iredale's TODAY and make moving at the church of the council's chaplain. day arrangements. Your work will be ~one quickly, with· The Parent-Teacher association of out lots or damage, and with a minimum amount of St. Francis' Xavier church wilt serve inconvenience to you. Phone today. a breakfa·3t in the school hall after services. 1723 BENSON AVENUE, EVANSTON Frank Kruesch is grand knight of Guilmette council and past Grand PHONE WILMETTE 1332 Knight Ed. Cunningham will act as toastmaster for a few short talks after breakfast. communion Sunday IRE DALE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES NO'fiCE We have this day, April 10, 1929 purchased the business known as Hubbard Woods Upholstery Company, 897 Linden A venue. Creditors please present bills on or before April 24. (signed) H. HOKE A. MATHESON MOVING One of the Attractive Gardens at iuuunrkburu Hold Funeral Services for Mrs. John Boesch Funeral services for Mrs. John Boesch, 2117 Lake avenue, Wilmette, who died Tuesday morning after a lingering illness were held yesterday at Elgin, Ill., under the auspices of the Bethel chapter of the Eastern Star. Burial took place at Elgin. Mrs. Boesch had been a resident of \Vilmette for eight years. She is survived by her husband, John Boesch: two sons, Thilo and Henry, both of \Vilmette; one daughter, Mrs. Gladys Armstrong, of Mauston, Wis.; three sisters, Mrs. William Gronemann, Mrs. Lillian Moore, and Mrs. William Rakaw, all of Elgin, and three brother'S, Edwin Brammer, of Wilmette, and Conrad and Albert Bramm~r, of Elgin. Sl/2~ MONEY Rave funds to loan on choice Improved North Shore Suburban realdence property at 5%% lntereet. See ua on renewals. E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. FrukliD 7741 T Do not overlook the fact that the garden frames your home. The requisites for beautiful gardens are proper drainage, black dirt, and sunshine, with the birds in all their glory, add· ing to the charm with their songs of s-pring. These things are here in BANNOCKBURN. WE MAKE·· . Automoblle Loans Rermance Automobiles buy. RESTRICTED COUNTRY ESTATES AT OUTSTANDING PRICES Bannockburn is a distinctive development of small country estates, within the reach of the average buyer. Is highly restricted. Situated on Waukegan Road between Deerfield and Lake Forest. you can purchase .200-ft. frontage at BANNOCKBURN for the usual cost of a 50-ft. lot on the North Shore. Water, sewers, gas, electricity; also macadam roads in and paid for. Convenient to transportation lines. Private bus service. To reach BANNOCKBURN, drive out Waukegan Road to a point one mile north of Deerfield. YOUR INSPECTION INVITED. Salesman on the property. Automobile Paper immed,iate SERVICE confidential BROADWAY INVESTMENT CO. 4753 BROADWAY CHICAGO PHONE LONG BEACH 6317 WILLIAM AITKEN Builder and Developer PHONE CENTRAL 11 S. l,a Salle Street, Chicago 1764