April 19, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE . New Trier High school was packed Real. ln~tans, memb~rs of th.e Grand to capacity last Friday night when the Co~nctl Ft~d of A~~ncan dlndtanls,d~re d~monstration of indoor physical educaus.e as gut es .on e roa s to n ~an tton activities at the school was held. Htll Estates each Sunday, accordmg Marching tactt'cs calt'sthe · · , w B'll 'd f B'll R me exerctses, to F . · 1 s, prest ent o. 1 s ea1 ty, swimming drills, dancing, exercises on In~. The. Ind~ans are m charge . of heavy apparatus and various other Chtef Whtte Eagle, a full-blooded Wtn- eyents were on the program. The ennebago. . .. ~1re New Trier student body took part The group last Sunday m addthon m the demonstration. to Chief White Eagle, consisted of Whirling Thunder, Flaming Arrow, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Brailsford, 916 Green Rainbow, Yellow Bank and Lone Chestnut avenue, left Thursday for Eagle, the last a 3ioux and the others French Lick Springs, Ind., to be gone Winnebagos. The same group will act only a few days. as guides next Sunday. All of the Indians are dressed in native costume. Whirling Thund~r, for instance~ has a . vest of doeskin covered with beads which took his sister eighteen months during her spare time to make. Whirling Thunder is also a chief of the Winnebagos and one of the outstanding young men of the Indian race. He is a direct descendant of the old Winnebago head chiefs: Hi s uncle-named Bird-fought in a num ber of Indian battles and was a veteran of the Civil war and historian of the tribe. Whirling Thunder is an expert in woodcraft. having been an instructor with the Boy Scouts for several years and is instructor in woodcraft in the summer months at Culver Military Academy. Bills Realty Inc., plan to use Indian guides throughout the summer as an effective means of indicating the direction .to Indian Hill Estates as welt as that of sti~lUlating the public interest in the old customs, usages and traditions of the Indian race as preserved bv the Grand Council Fire of Ameri cin Indians. Genuine Indians Villagers Throng to View 1.--------~------------Gym Exhibit at New Trier Serve as Guides to Esta!es Section The L~lie F. Gates gymnasium uf .... 59 MELSON LAUNDRY and --r~ Cleaaia1 &~stem ~lotbes We use soft water and Ivory soap. It's so gentle to Llbea-al Dlseouat oa Blllag aad CaD CENTRAL AT MAIN ST., WILMETTE Phone 1800 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS SKOKIE RIDGE IS RECOGNIZED cAs a Most Complete ·Development New Trier Boys Attend Suburban League Session Alan Hoagland, president of the Suburban League Boys' council, and George Cogswell, president of the TriShip club, will head a delegation of twenty-five New Trier High school boys Fho will attend the first annual dinner of the boys' council this Saturday, at Deerfield-Shields High school. Donald Frisbie, faculty advisor for the Tri-Ship club, also will be a member of the New Trier delegation. · Last fall the Tri-Ship club at New Trier invited representatives from five other suburban high schools-Evaiiston, Deerfield, Oak Park, Proviso, and Morton-to a conference which proved to be the inception of the Suburban League Boys' counciL Alan Hoagland, of Winnetka, a New Trier student, was elected president. The dinner this Saturday, which will he followed by a program, is to be the culmination of the first year of work for the boys' council. Each of the six schools which is a member of the Suburban league will send representatives. GIRL SCOUTS HIKE Twenty-five Girl Scouts of Troop 2, Kenilworth, with their leader, Miss Gertrude Herrick, hiked along the lake shore to Winnetka and back Monday after school. They were accompanied ·by Miss Juliet Hanford and Miss Edith Stryker, two of the Kenilworth teachers. The girls cooked their ·.suppers at the beach. STARTING GARDEN COURSE Mrs. Maud Jacobs commences her course in practical garden study next Tuersday morning at the Village hall. The series of lectures is open to anyone interested in gardening.