April ·19, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE MOTOR CLUB HEAD URGES FEDERAL AID INCREASE Charles M· . Hayes Says $125,000,000 Should Be Spent for Road Building In U.S~. WHAT Road-building needs of the country have advanced to the stage where congress should increase the present annual federal aid appropriation of $75,000,000 to a possible maximum of $125,000,000, Charles M. Hayes of Winnetka, president of the. Chicago Motor club, declared yesterday. Mr. Hayes made that assertion after an analysis of a statement i c:: ~ued b y national headquarters of the Americat Automobile association, the parent body of motordom and which originally . sponsored the federal aid program and has consistently repelled assaults 011 this policy of bighway construction. . "Under the present policy of making these appropriations two years ahead," pointed out Mr. Hayes, "the regular session of the 71 st congress will turn its attention to the appropriation for 1932 and 1933. It is imperative that \ the present program should he enlarged." Conditions Now Changed IT!Snot what it Costs! With this enviable background, the new Pierce-Arrow Straight Eight came into being at a truly psychological moment. Its slender, lowswung beauty found instant favor in eyes long tired of bulk and stodginess in fine motor cars. As a consequence, there has been a wait i n g de Ill and f o r this new and ultra-modish creation that is without parallel in all the twenty-seven years of PierceArrow history. T HAT heading epitomizes Pi·erce-.A rrow. It is the phi- losophy which says that ideals 1nust be met before markets -that traditions should come. before trading. .A.s an example· To the typical Pierce-Arrow purchaser, this car is not just so many dollars' worth ·of automobile. It is something which yields a high type of personal grat- . ification-the consciousness of a possession that is recognized as the very finest thing of its kind. · .. t 11r. Hayes added that when the present federal aid· highway act was enacted in 1916, there were only 3,500,000 motor vehicles registered, while todav the number has increa se d to 2~f11.600. In support of his proposal that the federal government increase the ex tent of its participation in roadbuilding, l\fr Hayes cited tlle following facts: 1-State lnd local governments arc now expending the stupendous sum of $1.500.000,000 annualJy for construction of roads. To this amount the federal government is contrlbuting only $75,000,000 or approximately 5 per cent. 2-Under the war excise tax, which was the last hang-over war levy re!1ralcd, motorists paid into the treasury $1.100.000,000 while the federal government has expended. approximately ~(1(10,000.000 under the federal aid high'"a ,. act. This leaves a balance of tl<:~rly $500.000,000 still due the car owners of the nation. 3-The present federal aiel highway system of approximately 200,000 miles of important interstate roads has been only one-third completed, and under the present program, it will require at lea :'t ten or fiftee ;' more years to complete this important program. 4-There were 40 motor vehicles registered in 1928 to every mile of improved highway, while the ratio ten years ago was 17 motor vehicles to every mile. This clearly shows that high)Yay-building agencies are not keeping pace with the increase ttl number of motor vehicles. 5-The- federal government. through the use of the highways for r1ail and parcel post delivery, fQ.r military purposes and other governmental activities, has been one of the principal beneficiaries of improved highways. It should therefore assume a greate~ part of the . burden of building them. and this would in turn help toward the solution of the farm problem by facilitating the distribution of agricultural products. Congestion Is Increasing (/ . --::::::....:;..-~ Bod, arul E·tl·· , Pl1rC1·A ,.,..., · -a·tl Pi1rc1·Arrow ;, ,,,,.,part/ ,, - ~ 1%5 Horsepower Engine , 85 Miles per Hour , 133-inch and 143-inch Wheelbaaet Non-shatte·\·able Glass , Fender or Bracket Headlamps opcional without extra charge. THE NEW STRAIGHT EIGHT BY PlE ~CE--AR~OW t2775 TO .8200 AT BUFFALO FROM I The statement continues: "While the federal aid policy is doing much toward giving the nation an adequate system of highways, the fact cannot be ignored that our car manufacturers are crowding our road builders. Moreover, congestion is increasing at a greater rate than our roads are expanding. Thi~ means that the time has come to enlarge the present program and look even beyond t.he completion of the system already destgnated." In purchasing a car from income, the average al1owance on a good used car usually more than covers the initial Pierce-Arrow payment Chicago Pierce-Arrow.Sales Co. 2420--22 S. Michigan Ave. Tel. Michigan 2400 Chicago Benell Motor Sales 5714 Broadway