WILME'TTE LIFE April 19, 1929 Theatre Guild to Present "Lilies of the Field" tn May Guild Will End Year With Light Pleasant Comedy Weds Tomorrow ------------~ · ' . Bride Wears G , own of Own Formal Party, Play, Design at Recent Wedding Music, on Shawnee · Miss Dorothea Tarnow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Tarnow, 126 Fourth street, was married last Saturday morning to James Egg art Costello, son of Mrs. Margaret Costello of Ottawa. Ill.. at 9 :30 o'clock, at St. Francis Xavier church. The Rev. James E. Sherlin officiated at the ceremony. The wedding breakfast and reception which was atte11ded by fifty relatives and intimate friends, was held at the Rogers Park hotel immediately after the ceremony. In the evening a wedding supper and dancing took place at the bride's home. · Miss Tarnow had as her only bridesmaid her sister, Miss Vivianna Tar-· now, who wore a gown of peach colored chiffon and lace and a garden hat of the same material. She carried a bouquet of pink roses and , colored sweet peas. Ruth Enger, small cousin of the bride who was flower girl, wore a dress which was of pale green chiffon. She carried a white basket of pink roses and colored sweet peas. The bride, who had designed her own wedding dress, wore ivory satin anrt chiffon. Her veil of ivorv tulle was caught with a wreath of pearls and crystals. She carried a bouquet of white roses and lilies of the vallev. Ray Groh of Chicago served Mr. Costello as best man. The altar of the church "'as decorated \vith baskets of red rose s, while the bride's home . ,,·as adorned with vase~ and baskets of butterfly roses and, colored sweet peas. After a wedding trip in the East, Mr. and Mrs. Costello will make their home at 5152 N. Mansfield avenue, Chicago. Week-End Calendar Social activity at the Shawnee Country club keeps up the same enthusiastic pace upon which it embarked at the instant the club opened its doors to members and their guests. It has settled into its regular regime with many of its old customs becoming popular institutions in the new club. Thursc;lay evenings with their buffet dinners and bridge games are in great favor, as are the Monday bridge luncheons or bridge teas. , This evening the club is dedicating its new stage with the popular three act comedy "Pigs," which will be presented by a clever band of actors, the Evanston Masque Players. A "homefried" chicken dinner will be served prior to the performance, for which numerous reservations have been made. Tomorrow occasions the club's formal party, a dinner at 7, with dancing at 9, to Cope Harvey music furni shed by Dick Ede's orchestra. More than 150 reservations had been made for the affair early this week, and many are entertaining groups at dinner tomorrow evening. About two hundred persons are partaking of the Sunday dinners between the hours o·f 1 to 8, and hundreds enjoy the mu sic hour at 4. Tomorrow's artist is to be Lorna Doone Jackson, prima donna w i:h the Chicago Civic Opera comp<tlly, a young woman of gracious personality, vivacity, and charm. with an exceedingly beautiful voice. Her forte is her role of Carmen in Bizet's popular opera, and those who have heard her know of ·her talent and ability. Mondav afternoon women members of Shaw;1ee will have their game of prog-r ess ive bridge at 2, with tea served at 4. The North Shore Theatre guild is announcing, through its production department, that its fourth and last production of the ·s eason will be "Lilies of the Field," to be presented early in May. The play will be produced by the regular Guild staff, David Owen, director, Richard Woellhaf, technical director, and John Allen Stewart, busi- . ness manager. "Lilies of the Field" was written by John Hastings Turner, an Englishman of whom little information is at hand. The play, which is English comedy in three acts, 'light and near-farcical in treatment, had its premiere in London and has had American production by Pasadena's energetic Community Playhouse. There is no record of its having been played elsewhere in the United States. The play opens in the Vicar's home, in a village not too f;u from London. Immediately a situation arise'5 , because a birthday is at hand in the household and the selection of gifts is in every Photo by Bloom mind. More than the usual compliSaturday, April 20, is the wedding cations are encountered, however, because there is not one celebrant but day of Mis·s Ethel Florence Colwell. two-twin daugl)ters. up-to-the-minute Her marriage to Robert Bernard Carlyoung ladies whO'se delight in the son, son of Professor and Mrs. Anton pleasures of society is equaled only by their loyalty and love toward each ]. Carlson of Chicago, wilt take place other. When Grandmother announces ~t 5 o'clock, in the home of her parten yards of best crepe de chine for ents, Dr. and Mrs. Nathan P. Colwell, one and a mopth in London for the of 520 Gregory avenue. · Dr. Henry other twin, .the question of which to which assumes major importance, and Hepburn of the Buena Park Presbyit is the mode of choice, with its at- terian church will officiate at the simple tendant complications and implications ceremony. which makes the play interesting and Mr. Carlson and his bride will leave funny to the final curtain. imme~iately after the wedding on a "Lilies of the Feld" will be presented short motor trip and upon their reaccording to the regular Guild sched- turn will reside in Oak Park. ule. Opening in Highland Park on Among the affairs for Miss Colwell May 7. it wi11 be played in Lake Forest and her fiance were the dinner given and Glencoe on the consecutive nights, at the Quadrangle club last Saturday leading to the usual week-end stand in evening by Profe·ssor and Mrs. Anton Winnetka. The Wilmette performance Carlson, and the luncheon and linen will be on May 14, and then Evan·ston shower Thursday at which Mrs. will have the two final performances, Thomas A. Copeland of Evanston was hostess at the Orrington hotel. May 15 and 16. Henry Kitchell Webster, chairman The bride to be attended the U niof the Guild play-readers. said in an- versity of Illinois and Mr. Carlson is nouncing the choice of his committee, a graduate of the University of Chi"Lilies of the Field" is the type of cago and a member of Alpha Tau light, pleasant comedy with which we Omega fraternity. prefer to close our season. We felt the need of a play which could follow the succes·s ful revival of "The Old Give Party Tomorrow Homestead" without deviation from Tomorrow is to be the occasion , of the Guild's standards : in "Lilies of the an afternoon party at the St. Francis Field" we have that. and a play which Xavier auditorium, the one large afwill please our audiences with its fun fair of the season given by the Junior and its plot as \Veil. We anticipate auxiliary of the 'vVoman's Catholic club that the production will close our of Wilmette. The general chairman of eighth '5 eason with great success." the event is Mrs . John D. Pahlman. :Mrs. Frank Daegling is in charge of prizes, and. Mrs. Harry Bettinghaus Set May 7 for Benefit and Mrs. Roy Hackett are planning The annual card party sponsored by the refreshments. the mothers of the Delfa Gamma sorDuring the serving of refreshments, ority girls, the alumnae, and active members of the auxiliary wilt give a members of the sorority, wil1 be held on Tuesday, May 7, at the Evanston program. Miss Dolly Belt will present Country club. Co-chairman are Mrs. a group of dances, and Miss Dorotlw William McKay and Mrs. Robert Bles- Rohol, Miss Marjorie Koenig, Mis.s sing. The prizes will be furnished bv Estelle Engelhardt. and Miss Grace Mrs. Paul Dilg of Evanston, and will Ludwig compose the cast giving the consist of paintings and hand made pantomime, "The Lighthouse Keeper." needle work done by herself. ' Social Aflairs Commence for Wilmette Bride-to-Be A number of parties are being given in honor of Miss Virginia Krafth efer. who is to be married on April 27, to Eugene Raymond Schwartz. Miss Florence M ue1Icr of Chicago will entertain at a dinner party on Saturday, April 20, at her home, in honor of Miss Krafthefer, and on Sunday. April 21, Miss Alice Hopkinson will give a ~a at her home. Wednesday of last week Mrs. N. S. Flemming of Chicago entertained at luncheon and bridge at the Midland Country club. and Mrs. Rudolph ]. Migely of Chicago entertained at a luncheon at the Lake Shore Athletic cluh \Vednesday of this "·eek, for the bride to be. Miss Helen Harlan Will Be Married on April 2 4 Miss Helen Waddell Harlan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Harlan, 430 Sheridan road, wilt be married on \Vednesday evening, April 24, to Theodore Wickman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wickman, of Chicago, at the the home of her parents. The wedding will be very informal, and will be attended bv only relatives and intimate friends. Dr. S-tephen A. Lloyd of Pontiac, Mich., formerlv of Wilmette, will perform the ceremony. A reception will follow immediately. Miss Harlan wilt have as her attendants her sisters, Miss Marv Louise and Miss Ethelbel Harlan. ~ H. Mitchell Harper of Glencoe will serve his cousin as best man. The bride and groom will make t 1wir home in Evanston. Collecting Soap Wrappers During the current month, Mrs. \Villi<; Hutson who se particular work it is, is intensifying her drive . for soap wrappers and panel· s from soap flake boxes with which the Wilmette Arden Shore board purchases table silver for the Arden Shore encampment. Anvone having such contributions to make may notify Mrs. Hutson or leave them at her home, 1112 Elnnvood avenue. Tt is in April that the final collection is made and the coupons turned in for the silverware. Young Marrieds Revel in uHard Times, Party The Young Married People's society of the Wilmette Parish Methodist church entertained at an old-fashioned and hard times party last Monday evening. · Old fashioned games were played. and old songs sung, hot ginger bread coffee, and stick candy were served for refreshments. OttQ E. 'G eppert played the violin and Mrs. Geppert accompanied o_ tt the piano. . Mr. and Mrs. Max C. Greigg were ~~ .charge of arrangements, and assistmg them were Dr. and Mrs. 0. G. Geppert, Mr. and M~s. Arthur Long, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell F. Todd, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C.. Pifer, ~Ir and Mrs. C. Rollin Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. White. , Betrothed Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Nicholson of 701 Sheridan road announce the engagement of their daughter, Marjorie Priscilla, to John Edwin Vette, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin P. Vette of Chicago. Miss Nicholson is a graduate of Northwestern university and is a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority. Mr. Vette also attended Northwestern and is a member of Sigma Chi fraternity. Tomorrow evening is significant to members of the Woman's club of Wilmette and their guests for two reasons. It brings the last of the series of subscription dances of the club year, and it will be the last affair held in the old club to benefit the building fund Today will be partner day at Club for the new club. Mrs. Earle D. Lyon Vista del Lago. Luncheon, which will is chairman of this dance series which be served at 12:30, will be folowed by has been sponsored by the club ways bridge. · ~ ~. . -. and means committee. A Mannequin tea for residents of the north shore will mark the opening of the enlarged shop of Mrs. Nellie A. Hanna in Spanish court Saturday April 27. The hours will be from· until 8. Mannequin Tea Opens Shop Club Dances. End April 20 2