W.ILMETTE LIFE April 19, 1929 Sports and Other Wilmette Recreation Board News Play Leaders. Will Attend Convention During Next Week Next week is convention week for the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board. .The Midwest Physical Education convention starts W ednesday at the Morrison hotel, Chicago, and the District convention of the Playground and Recreation association of America at Oak Park. The Oak Park Recreation board, under the direction of Miss ] osephine Blackstock, will be host to the latter convention. The Physical Education staff, Mrs. Harry Fanckboner and Mrs. Lester . Ball, accompanied by the men instructors, Glen W. Gathercoal and Dudley C. Stone, and Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation, expect to attend the first convention at the Morrison hotel. In the playground convention, the playground staff including Miss ] oe Skidmore, · assistant in charge of women's activities, Mr. Gathercoal, and Mr. Stone, with Mr. Davis, expect to spend considerable time at Oak Park. Work in Wilmette will be suspended for the four days Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, so that the staff can spend all their time picking up new ideas at the two conventions. LOSES NET VETERANS Coach Nethercot Groom· New Men for Northwe.tern Var·ity Team Facing the spring tennis campaign without four veterans of last year, Coach Arthur Nethercot of Northwestern is grooming several of his last season's second string players and some promising sophomores. The team will open its scbedule April 23, meeting Loyola university at Evanston. From last year's varsity the follow!ng men are seeking regular positions : Ed Martin, Art Rooney, Herb Weld and Rus Bergherm. Some of the best candidates among the sophomores are Bert Reil, At Perrin and Cliff Nelson. In addition Don Nelson, John Curtiss and At Bagge are trying out. The schedule includes: May 2, Michif;an at Evanston; May 4, Minnesota at Minneapolis; May 10, Purdue at Lafayette; May 11, Indiana at Bloom:ngton: May 20, Wisconsin at Evanston; May 23-24, conference meet at Ohio. L.---------I On ·flay Board All Stars Defeat Presbyterians in · Cage Engagement The All Stars beat the Presbyterians" last Thursday evening, April 11, at · the Howard gymnasium by the score of 31 to 19. The game was the feature event at the semi-annual banq-uet conducted by the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board. The game was close and the outcome was in doubt until the half. After the beginning of the last half, the All Stars' superior condition began to tell and the game was soon "on ice" as far as they were concerned. The Presbyterians made several rallies but they were short lived. The star of the game ·was Charles, "Chuck" Lauer, captain of the Presbyterians, who made all but two of his team's points during the first half and kept his team fighting during the second half. For the All Stars, Manning Powers and Bob McLean showed some snappy team work. The Presbyterians were the champions of the Recreation Board league and up until this exhibition game hac\ dropped just one game and that one by one point to the Terminal Athletic club team. The All Stars were picked players from the rest of the league, chosen and managed by Bat Robinson of the Wilmt:tte State Bank team. · The lineup was: All Stars Presbyterians Eugene Hardt, F. Herbert "Teld Terminals Bob McLean, P.alph Whitsett F. Terminals .Jack Cullen, c. Ted Stone State Bank Tom Varney, G. Frank Arnnlcl Methodist Wesley Considine, G. Charles Lauer K. of C II Manning Powers G. Ed Hill Harry Stone C. Frank Reynolds Referee~. Clyde Hamilton and Charles Hoover. Evanston Golf Club Has New Type of Membership Special memberships in the Evanston Golf club which allow the holders certain privileges of the club without the use of the golf course or interest in the property of the club, are announced by the board of director·3. This new form of membership entitles those elected, to use the words of the directors, "to the privileges of the club except Lhat they witt not have the right to use the golf course, nor the right to attend members' meetings nor to hold any position a'3 officer or director of the club, nor to obtain any interrst in the assets · or property of the club." Special memhers will be permitted use of the tennis courts, a privilege which will extend to wives and children under 18 vears of age, and to children over 18 for a small extra fee. (l\Iatzene Photo) Marble Tourney on Deck at Green Tom orrow Morning (By Glen \V. Gathercoal) The third annual marble tournament of the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board will be held tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock on the Village Green. A big entry Jist has been compiled with boys from Howard, Logan, ~entral, and Stolp schools participatmg. Henry Fowler was appointed a member of the Recreation board in July, 1928, as representative of the Park board to fill the unexpired term of Henry Haack, resigned. Mr. Fowler has long been identified with Wilmette's civic welfare, having served as a member of the School board and Park board, and has been identified at various times as a member of the Boy Soout council, the Community Chest board of directors, as well as an active member of the original Recreation board, which paved the way for the recreation program in Wilmette. Green, w1ll be entered m tomorrow's contest and will compete as a senior. · Harold Borre, junior winner of two rea!S ago is stil~ competing. in the JUmor class and 1s out to wm back his honors lost to George Green last year. A course has been marked off at the Village Green for the play and packed hard with damp clay. A group of workmen have Jeye)cd it off to make the course. L ast ye~r s umor cha~pton, George . ] · . Women's Volley Ball Gtrls Athletic Club Closes Season April 30 · , · 14 Out for Places on University Golf Team Coach Leon Kranz' first call for golfers at Northwestern brought out fourteen candidates, the largest num~er bidding for team places in history of the sport at Northwestern. Indication is seen of an increasing interest in golf as an intercoll~giate sport. Four veterans who are out again arc vouglas McKay, a senior and a veteran of three years, who is captain; Bill Miller, John Whitaker and Connie Savikus. Seven conference contests have been arranged; the first being with Jhio at Columbus May 4. ium has been postponed from next Tuesday evening to a week from Tuesday. or April 30, when the class will meet for the last ·time this season, Miss Joe Skidmore assistant in charge of women's activities announces. The Howard gymnasium will be in use that evening for other purposes. O'Kays (12, 15, 7) Marcella Kummer Alice Nord The weekly meeting of the Girls' Dorothy Rmith Athletic club and Tuesd11y evening gym- Clementine Antoniono nasium class at Howard school gymnas- Emma Hicks Gladys Engels SPORTS CALENDAR Friday, April 19-=-D p. m. Women's swimming class-Sovereign hotel. Saturday, April 20-9 a. m. Third annual marble tournament. Viltage Green. Monda~· . April 22-7:30 p. m. Volley ball league for women. Howard gymnasium. Tuesday, April 23-7 :30 p. m. Men's gymnasiun.1 class. Stolp gymnasium. y..,r ednesday, April 24-9 a . m. Women's swimming class. Evanston Y. M. C. A. Friday, April 26-6 p. m. \ \ , Tomen's swimming class. Sovereign hotel. Tuesday, April 30-7 :30 p. m. Last girls' gvmnasium class. Howani gvmnasium. \\' ednesdav, ~f av 1-9 a. m. \\ramen's sv.·-imming- ch s. Evanston Y. M. C. A. Marjorie Miller Eleanor Phillip~ Jane Krier Lorraine Jannes Isabel Reimer Alma Jones, referee XYZ (3, 7) Horsefeathers (15, 15) Dorothy Kummer Alma Jones Frances Kelly GladyH Fehlen Marion Russell Elizabeth Nelson Elizabeth Hoffman Gertrude Koerper Marjorie Warble Roberta Muther Emma Hicks Peggy Betts Betty Ryerl'ion Alice Nord, referee Houg·hnecks \Vomen'l'i Gym Class (15. 15) (2, 12) Last year's Peewees took the measure of this year's champion Peewee team by. a score of 14 to 2 between halves of the big game. The Peewees fought their hardest but were outfought and outplayed by their heaYier Wil<lcats (15, 7, 15), Leona Hoffman opponents. Blanehe Keil The line-up was: 1928 Peewees AI McLean Paul Williams Vance Soule Otis Gooch Donald Campbell .Tack Stackhouse ~ F. F. C G. G. G. 1929 Peewees Dick Steen Marshall Douse Paul Soulf' George Maxwell Georg~.: Green N. U. Track Men Compete in Kansas This Weekend Northwestern's track men will re.mme competition after the lapse between the indoor and outdoor seasons by participating in the Kansas relays at Lawrence Friday and Saturday. Coach Frank Hill will enter about ten of his best men in the events, with a fair chance of taking several first places . Tom Warne, the sophomore pole vaulter who ha·s made world's records indoors this winter, will make a bid for outdoor honors. Bill Portness is one of the leadin.g entrants in the broad jump event. Portness. who is the Central A. A. U. champion, won the broad jump in both Southern Methodist and Texas university relays two weeks ago. Jane j{rier :\lrs. Carl Michelson Lois Mill<>r :\fn:. Clara Kroschel Vern. Johnson Mr!:'. Agnes Puetz Lorraine .Janne~ :;\Irs. .Jennie Wade Blanche Keil l\lrs. Helen Schleier Leona Hoffman :Mrs. M . .T. Kt-il .Joe Skidmore, referee League Standings "Ton Hor ·efeathen: O'Kays Wildcat~ Lol:lt 1 1 l 1 1 \Vomen's Gym Clasl' Hon~hne{'ks l 1 1 1 1 XYZ 0 2 Per Cent 500 500 500 500 500 000 · PARK FOR DANVILLE John H. Harrison, publisher of the Danville Commerce News. has announced the purchase of 233 acres of scenic ground near the city, including the country club property, which he has donated to the city as a public park. The only condition imposed is that the park be used forever as a public playground and that it be known as Harrison park. CHANGE GYM NIGHT The men's g-ymnasium class meeting time has been changed from Thursday to Tuesday evening at 7 :30 o'clock at the Stolp gymnasium. Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation, announces. The change of da1e is due to the fact that · the recreation staff will attend the n\id-west Playgrouud and Recreation convf'ntion at Oak Park, April 25, 26 and 27. CLOSE GYM SCHEDULE The last meeting of the Thursday evening gymnasium class for women. meeting at Howard school, was held last evening, according to announcement from the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board, which sponsors the class.