Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Apr 1929, p. 46

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l!c: : : := =Sc: r= = =-~JsewI s JUN I 0 Publilbed wnltly by th1 lchool childttn of Wilmette under R LIFE 1 Told by the Pup, ils upetvilion of Wilmette ·Playground and Recreation Board VOL. 2 NO.9 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, APRIL 12, 1929 'Twas a Great Day; Movies, Fires, Zoo, Flat Tire, and Home Fairbanks in the "Iron Mask." The boys won the basketball championship for the eighth grade third teams. We met at Mrs. Stalling's hou se. a little before 10 o'clock and left the house a little later. We drove down in her new Ford. We got down to Chicago about 11 o'clock. Mrs. Stalling parked her car In "Gang Land Alley" on North State street. We heard sirens and bells. We got out of the car and saw the fire. It was at North Clark street. A tower on top of the bridge was afire. We then went to the show. It ~urely was a peach. Then we went to meet Mr. Stalllng who took us to lunch at thn Bar association. We surely had a good lunch. It took us about an hour to eat. We then went to the zoo. W e went all ..-ound to see the animals and fi:-;h . When we went to the car, we said, "a ttat tire." Mrs. StalJlng didn't bell ve us but she ftnaJiy did. We, the boy~. changed the tire and started for home. We stopped at Davis street and got some batteries for her radio and we also bought some cream puffs and again started for home.- Marshall Doose. SB Howard. HELP WANTED . "Johnnie! I told you that I wanted these papers written in Ink. " "My pen point is getting rusty." "Can anybody think of a remed y for Johnnie's pen point?" "Sure," said Charlie, "Write something up for the Wilmette Junior Life and it will get shiny enough." "Hooray!" Fhouted Johnnie, "I won't have to buy another pen-point and I might get a ticket. Thanks, Charlie." Don't forget. We want more article:;;. -Janet Wright, 7A Howard. Jack;s Vacation Days Crowded With Interest to the United Artists theater to see Doug Recently Mrs. Stalling took five boys Stolp SA Wins Initial Baseball Game of Year Tue~day, April 2, the ·boys of the 8.A group won from the boys of the SB group in a baseball game at the Stolp :-;ehool by a score of 12 to 7. It was the first game in the ba!-ieba ll ~eason. 8B played in the field first and SA was at bat. 'l'he game was quite exciting in the beginning but calmed down about the fourth inning. Along nbout the seventh inning things began to pick up a little. The eighth and ninth innings were very exci ting. 8B was up to bat la~t and when Don C: mpbell, 8B captain, came up to bat there were already two outs. He kno ked the ball into center field for what lool{ ed to be a home run. The game ended in an argument, SB saying Don was safe at home and SA saying he wa.:;; out. W e thought that the best way to find our wa~ to ask Don. He said h P wa:-; out. The 8A lineup was as follows: catcher, Charles Leonard; pitcher, Bob White, (captain); first base, Cedi William:-;: :-:econd hase, Roger PalPnske ; third base, Hubert Pelott; · right field, Don Briggs: center field, Charles Knapp; left field, Allen Ro:-;sman; left :-hortstop, Frank Ea.ger; right ~hort~top, Gt.>orp;l' Waidner. 'l'he RB lineup waa: catcher, Howard Wilkins; pitt-hPr, Don f'amphcll (captain) ; fir:-;t ha:-;e, Ed. Solomon; se<·nnd b:lse, John Cutler: third ba:-;e, Hf'rbert Naper; right fi e ld , (;)en Roht>rt:-; ; (·enh·r field, Jarett Lake; left field, Selim Tid~> man ; left shortstop, JoP Hayr:-;; right l:lhortstop, La wrenee Buekmaster.-Rogcr Palenske, SA Stolp Euter Egg Hunt Proves the Usual Great Success The annual Eal'ter etrg hunt wa:-; held near the Howard school last Wednesday. There were two sections where the rabbit was busy. One was over on Seventeenth street opposite Howard school. ThlR was for the pre-srhool and fir:-;t grade children. The other .section was up on the VIllage Green. Thi!'l was for the second, thircl, and fourth grader~. The eighth grade boys got otf that afternoon to play "Bunny" and he policemen. A few children brought wagons as If they expected a lot of eggs. They were lucky to get two. Many shared their eggs If they had more than one with le::.::-; fortunate children. In all they had a lot of fun. So did the boy~ who missed school. -.James Kraft, 8B Howard. Sixth Graders Observe South American Pictures 1 Here We Have a Story Offer Prizes to Boys · That Includes a Moral in Bird House Contest Once upon a time there was two silver foxes who quite admired them~elves . They would go outside of their den in the moonlight and let the animals admire them. One night as the)' were admiring them8elves along came a big black bear. As they were his worst enemies, they Jumped at him. But as soon a~ he got hiH bearings he hit one fox and killed him. The other fox seeing the odds wen· against him ran away. At In~t tired of running he lay down and went to sleep. In his dreams a fairy came to him and said, "He that admire~ him:;;elf comes out on the wrong end of the rope."- Stanley Cochran, 6B Howard. l'ISIT HIRDLAND Lllllan Hoar, Betty Hoar and Virginia JoneR took their bicycles and rode Into the forest preserve looking for birds. We had a lovely ride as Saturday w:u1 bright and shiny. We saw many birds such as robins, wrens, l':pa rrows, flickers. and woodpeckers and many others. Ther~ were also many little green shoots an<l buds peering out 9f the ground here and there. We hiked over the trolley car ralls that spans the rinr. That was very Rcarey because ~·ou <·ould see the river under you. For a. good time let me ad,·lse you to go to the forest preBef\'e t10me Hunny day and there see nature't~ wonders.-VIrglnla Jones, 7A Howard. In Ml~s McPartlin's room, fifth gradt> of the entral school, the boys are going to have a contest to see which one ca n get a prize for making the best bird house. Frank Staah is the only ho~· :-:o far who has made one. His is whitt' an<l can be opened if it has to be cleaned. It has a round hole for the bir·ds to gf· in and a piece of wood sticking out for the birds to perch on. :Mi,Rs Brown and a few other nature teachers will h e asked to pick out the best one.-Janice Guthridge, 5C Central. Spring vacation was a very grand time for me. This is what I did at vacation time. Saturday I saw Simba, the show 'l'he Wilmette Playground and Recreathat took four years to t a ke, a two hour tion board will stage it:;; third annual show. It showed all lcinds of animals In roller-skating meet, April 13, at Third it. Sunday I went to church and :Mac :-;treet and Laurel aven u e. The meet told us a story about the big goat. :Mon- will start at 9 :30 in the morning. day J went to the Korshore and saw Last year'. winnt>rs were: "Abie's Irish Rose," a funny funny Class A girls' 50-yard dal:lh, Virginia show about Able. Tue:-;day I went to Todd ; clafo;s A boyR' 50-yard dash, Bill.v the Uptown and saw "Wild o:chids:" Normoyle: clasR B girls' 50-yard dash, It was about a la~y and a prmce m Elizabeth Todd; dass B boys' 50-yard !o,·e. .He was he p~m ce of ~ava, a place 1 dash, Arthur Flood; clags c girls' 100 m Chma. 'Yedne :-;da~ r stayed. home. vard dash, Gernldine Bunch: class C Jn. the mornmg all t~e boys m ~~e hoys' 100-yard dash, Tom Finlayson; neighborhood cam:- O \ .er and w,e pla~.tdJ dass D girls' 100-yard dash, J ean Munro; baseball. In the afh·Inoon I \\ent .o'er class D boys' 100-ntrd dash Colin Finto a boy's house. and ":'e .Piaye~ differ- Iayson. · ' t nt g~mes. At mtrht I In\ ·ted ~1m over Entries .are pouring- into the recreafor dmner and he :-:tayed. awhtl~ after. tion office. Thursday I went on a h1~e w1th · the Th ~ program in detail i:-; as follows: Boys' club of the Cong-regatiOnal chu··ch. t: 9 ·30 One hoy fell . ~n the river an~ he had .to Class .A Girls go h r,me. Fnday the r est ot· the famtl~' 1. 5 u-ya rd dash and I went to tlw Stockyard.·. ~aturda~· Cla ss A Boys T went to see "All at Sea," anothv1· 2. 50-yard dash · · funny ~how. Karl Dane and George K . Cla~s B Girls Arthur were the playt·r:-;. Sunday I w ent ~. 5o-yard da s h ~ · to church and .l\1 ac told us 3: story about 4. One-legg-ed race :t . boy who d1:;;euvered Sp_rmg. In tlw ;, Double race afternoon I went to a recital and som~ · Class B Boys peo}ll ~ cnme over. This e nded my good 6. 50-yard dash vacatwn.-Jack Randall, .JA Central. 7. One-legged ra ce ~ . Double race 10 O'clock Class C Girls 100-yard dash 1~: One-legged race Hoth s ixth grades of Howa··d school 11. Double race <'la~s C Boys oh.·t·rved some slides o n South America. There were slides from eYery country in 12. 100-yard dash this eontinent. :.rhc first pictures wen~ 1:L One-IPgged race taken in Bra :til. Tlwrc were viet ures of 14. Double nH'<' C la ~s ll (;ids people packing rubbl-'r, harbors, some huilding:-;, and statue:-; in differt·nt dtie:-;. 1:!. 100-yard dash I was interested in a ltUet·r '(J\'t'n in which lfi. Double race race :-:ome of the natives bak(·. A well was 17. Ra ck yard f'la~s J) Rnys in the di :;;tan ce. There wt"rc also pic- 1R. J(Hl- yard il ash tul·e:-; of dryinp; of coffpe !wan~ . Th·~ 1!1. One-lt>gtr~'d r.:u·e nPxl series of s lides were takl'n in Arg·t·n- ~0. B :tdnvard rae<· tina. There were pictures of cattk. - Laur<·nC'e Rudona:-;t,, r· , ~tolp Rt; . statues, a river with snow-capped m ountain:-: in the distance and a railroad going· over some mountains . The next coulltr.r we saw pictures of was Chile. \\'c :-;aw some cities, people in their 'nati\·c drt>:-::-:, Home boats, a man on a horl:>e comHoward 7.\ base hall team played their ing up the road selling mats. We also :-:aw lJit:tures of boats passing through first game with Howard 7B, April ?. the Strait of Magellan and some Indians. ~ot many hoy~ showf'd up so <"Ould only Howard 7A was In Peru we saw a bea utiful cath,.:dral, play three inning:-:. :;;ome ,Chinese laborers picking cotton. first bat and sco r ed fi\·e run:;; . 7B scorE>d Their mills we re like the ones the United two run s the first inning. The second ~tat es used in the olden day s. Next we inniug 7.\ scored two runs which madP 7B mad e onP run which saw r)eople harvesting sugar cane, a vol- :-:even run:-;. cano, house s on stilts, and de livering n1ade their sco r e thr~e runs. 'l'he third mille in a narrow s treet. All of these inning wa:-: the t>Xciting onP-; 7A made pictures were interest ing and wr all en- one run whicl1 madt' their score t>ight joyt>d them very much.-J ean Perrill, 6A runs. Then 7B g·ot up to hat and kept on making runs. ThPy b<.>n t 7 A by on e Howard. point. 9 to R was tlw final s('ore.-Donald Rahn, 7A Howard. Hold Roller Skate Meet Here Saturday at Laurel-Third St. Howard 7B Noses Out 7A in Baseball Tilt Pupils Are Anxious to Have Jerry Born Get Well Children Demonstrate a Lesson l·n True Courtesy Miss Larson, the 6A teacher at Howard, saw something sh didn't ·expect to see April 1. It happened in the morning after our English clas~. In our lesRon that morning we had had sentencPs to write using the words li{', lay, ~et, sit, rise, raiRe, and so on. One was, "You should rise when a lady enters a room." Later In the morning Miss Larson was called to the telephone and while :-;he was out, one boy Ruggested that f'Vf>ryone stand up when Miss Larson entered the room. When she came in the room everyon<' stood up. At first she didn't. know what it ·w as all about but finally she caught on. We · all enjoyed it.Charles Moreau, 6A Howard. I "HOT" UNIFORMS START NATURE CLUB The proposed baseball uniform for the The children of Miss McPartlin's room 8B Howard team Is a red shirt and a fttth grade are ~;tartlng a Nature and colored crusher. We expect them to be Science club. Jack Freeman Is the presl- "hot" uniforms. The shirts are dyed by ctent and Dfnlel Kaumeyer Is his assis- the players themselves.-James Kraft, tant. We are having a bird house con- 8B Howard. test for the boys. A prize wlll be given to the boy who constructs the best bird FASHION SHOW llouae. At the meetings we discuss the Tuesday, April 2, the 8A girls of Howblrda and flowers that the clas!'! have ard gave a fashion :;;how in thf' trYmMen. It Ia very interesting and we hopt- nasium. They wore their dresses which tt will be a auccess.-Betty McCollum, they made in Mise lVoodley':-; sewing Grade 6 Central. cla~:~s.-Anna Bebas, Howard 6B. .\'1' 'l' Jl E HAJ,L G ,\ .'U }; s<'n·nth grades playing ha:-;Phall in the gym) 6.A Howard wrote letters to J e rry Hail: \\'hich do you takt·, heads or Born who has been Rick and out of school tails? for several mnnthR Last Monday Jerry Horne : Heads. was anowed to get up ror the first ume Maxwell: Tails. in thrt>e month::.:. We all thou l{ht that Hap: Tails it is. .Jerry would be back to school before 7A: Yay. thi:-;. His mothe r thinks h e will be ahle 7B: Boo. Look at th e vitl'her, h t's to come :-;onu:;time in Apr!!. \Ve "':'ill he wild. glad to :-;ee h1m back agam a:-; h e IS one Referee: Three strikes, you'r out. of our good :-;tud nb;.-Walter Robinson, 7A: Yay. 6A Howard. Referee : Home run. 7B : . Yay. PEARL DIVING Hap: Will you stop talldng'! v~·t, shall now imagine two pearl divers Bell rings. out on the sea. One dives h eadlong to 7 B's yell: We won. Boo, 7A, Boo. the slimy bottom in ~ea for pearls and -Elmer Erickson, 7B Howard. he i:-: expo:-;ed to many dangers. First, he i:-: in dang-f'r of being injured by large BIG TDIE AT CIRCUS fish or having his foot caught in some My sister's girl friend took Virginia shell. Secondly, the difference of pres:o;ure and me to the circus. There were many out of water and below is perilous to things to see. 'fhere were three big rings the diver's life becaus.e bursting veins all at once to watch with many interestoccur in this way. Nevertheless, his ing things in them. We sat in the best Joyal partner is ever watchful and eag~r seats so we could :-;ee everything very to help his mate. He will risk his own well. There were tigers, horses, tight life and play with · death to save his rope walkers, and trapeze performers.fellow man. Any man who will give up LoiH Cote, 7A Howard. his life for bravery is very unselfish. Anna Beba:-;, Howard 6B. ~EARl.. Y J'IXISHED The new audito:·ium which is being ~AKE BIRD NOTEBOOK uuilt for 'the Howard school has come to ~n Miss Steven's room, our General a near finish. Before the new one was Sc1ence teacher, some of the children are built the gymna~ium wa!'l always used making a bird book. We are not required for play:;; and assemblies but · now since to do It but it will accomplish a much the new one i:-; being built, assemblies and better grade on our report cards for plays will take place there.-Walter Fos.Aprll.-Paul Mo~n·e, 7B Stolp. lund, 7B Howard. (The ----

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